Hey everyone,
IMPORTANT UPDATE! This will be the last month where I will be updating all 14 stories at the end of every month. I am just going to do the same thing everyone else does; either fully finish a story and then post the full thing or finish a chapter and then post it once it's written. However, there are stories, like to Read Into The Universe, where I will probably try to finish the whole thing and edit out the mistakes and whatnot and only then post the finished product.
I'm sorry if this upsets some of you, but I know about myself that I NEED to do this. Over the course of the last few months, I just haven't felt as if I have given these stories the attention they deserve and while I am happy with some stories and how some chapters are written, do I just feel lost and disappointed looking back on others. I'm just starting to feel like thinking: "I could have done better." when looking back at some of the chapters I wrote, so I made this decision.
Hope you understand,

PS. Inspiration comes from Leonette, check out their stories.
Shout-Out To:
The Reader Of Harry Potter
V.L. Crawford

29th of December 1976
The Reading Room, Ariador
Severus' POV

"Severus, you better read this next one. And boys, you're not going to like this." Molly Weasley says to both me and the Marauders and already I feel a little queasy. I also notice Draco wince and Hari grimace, though the latter of the two still pulls his boyfriend comfortably close as he does. And while Draco sends his mate a grateful smile as well as an apologetic one to the Granger girl, do I take a deep breath and take the book. And just the title aggravates me.

Mudblood and Murmurs

This instantly makes me send an apologetic look to Lindilwen, who smiles at me and she says: "As long as you promise to stay on this path and no longer let yourself be led by those bastards, I'll forgive you, Severus." Instantly I nod, feeling beyond grateful that the girl is finally willing to give me another chance and I notice Hari and Snuffles sharing a smile as I start to read.

Harry spent … a corridor.

"He sure didn't make it look like that in that book of his." Luna mutters in obvious annoyance and Hari tilts his head at her as she says: "In the book – sorry, I can't stand myself calling it that – he made it look as if you spent every waking minute where you weren't in classes to study under him and that you were constantly asking him for advice on everything you did." This makes Hari look so disgusted he almost looks horrified and I read on, feeling for him.

Harder to … Harry's timetable.

"You know, at first I thought that was Ginny's work, that he had gotten Ron to share his timetable with her or something. But in Sixth, we talked about this and she told me that she had never done anything of the sort." Hari says and Colin turns red as he mumbles: "I – ehm – I pestered Professor McGonagall for it." And while this makes Sirius snort and snicker, do I read on.

Nothing seemed … mad enthusiasm.

"The same happened to us a few years ago, remember?" Black asks Jaurion, who laughs and says: "Yeah, I do. It was the first team practice after we made the team and you actually used some Black family spells to curse him out of the dorm. But then the year that followed, Marie took over as Team Captain and tried the same and you just let her." At this Black shrugs and says: "I stay a gentleman, though I still didn't appreciate it." And I read on, smirking at their misfortune.

"It's part … his hand.

"Eh Colin, you do know that weekends are meant for sleeping in, right?" Pettigrew kindly asks the boy, who cringes and says: "I do, but it was my first week in the magical world and I was just constantly excited, only to crash in my bed and sleep just enough to get excited again for the rest of the next day. Though, to be honest, I haven't slept in since my Fifth." At which a lot of the others from the future cringe and I read on, feeling for them all.

"I heard … into view.

"He actually merged that with another photo that, I later discovered, he stole from a student while he was teaching and used the fused product as the front cover. It actually would have made the whole thing a bestseller – if not for the little rumor that came out when he decided to publish that – sorry – garbage truck." And while I feel intrigued that the girl would know what a garbage truck is and amazed that a Raven says such a thing about a book, do I read on.

As Harry … be brilliant.

At this Hari smiles and says: "Sorry Severus, but – I need this." And because I just know what he means, do I simply close the book and lie it on my lap. Hari smiles at me and then rushes up the staircase. Yet instead of rushing down with his broom in hand, does he actually burst through the door on his broom with a level of speed that makes the mouths of everyone from the present drop, while everyone from the future cheers.
And while he is almost nothing more than a blur of color, am I able to keep an eye on most of his movements, on how he twists, swirls, dives and shoots through the entire room, which I suddenly notice has again taken on the open sky scenery. This does worry me a little as I wonder if Harry would still be able to see where the floor is now. Yet the boy has a level of control over his broom that is beyond astounding.
The boy barely even seems to need to pull at his broom to make it turn, dive or rise as the broom itself seems to read his mind, moving even before he motions for it. And when he dives, he pushes his body so closely against it he almost seems one with the broom. And all the while, I notice that there are tears of exhilarated joy running down his face as he flies and does his crazy stunts. Then finally, after almost half an hour does the boy land.
And as crazy as he has been flying, as gentle does he land, making it look as if he just made a simple jump and came back down. "Yeah, I needed that." He says, sounding completely careless and his friends burst out laughing while the Marauders, Lindilwen, Lucius and I share a look of astonishment. The boy retakes his seat and I decide to just read on.

I've never … the stands.

"You know, it really could have been worse." Jaurion suddenly tells his son, who gapes at him and he shrugs as he says: "At least it's only Colin here who is putting his own excitement over the notion of respecting you as a fellow student. I know that others still stare at you from time to time and all, but like I said, it could have been worse." Hari begrudgingly agrees and Colin snickers while having a bit of a red face as I read on.

The rest … to snore.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong, but – I thought he had been Captain last year. Surely he got enough practice that year to know that something like this, especially after the first week back, is going to accomplish absolutely nothing, right?" I can't help but sneer and Hari sighs as he says: "Wood is definitely great, but, when it comes to Quidditch, he goes overboard." I roll my eyes at this and return to the book in my hands.

The first … hundred years.

"You did the teachers' job and saved the damned school. What is that kid's problem? Didn't Dumbledore say that the whole school knew about what you went through down there in that corridor?" Jaurion snarls, but Hari says: "He never actually blamed me. He just chose his words wrong and I misunderstood him." The father sniffs at this and I read on.

Wood took … training program."

"Okay, no offense meant, but – how is this guy on the team when he needs glasses more badly than Hari did before he got his Rosary removed?" Pettigrew asks shocked and Hari sighs as Colin rubs the back of his head and says: "I – wasn't wearing a robe." Which shocks Pettigrew and he says: "I still stick to what I said. He's way too obsessed here." And I read on, agreeing with the teen, which is something that has been shocking me less and less this week.

"He's in … new Seeker.'"

"Wait, that doesn't even make sense. It's the first weekend. When did you guys do try-outs?" Jaurion asks shocked and while I slightly fear the worst, does Draco shock me as he says: "We had them late on Tuesday evening, several hours after dinner to make sure no one would find out I made the team. Though because try-outs are usually in the weekend, my father's connections and a few other things, everyone thought I bought my place." This makes me wince and I read on.

"You've got … with them."

"That's Cissa's work." Black sneers, actually quite resembling other members of his family that I have met over the years and he goes on: "I remember every single time aunt Druella made me go with her and her daughters for Hogwarts supply shopping, even years before I went myself. Cissa would always throw a huge tantrum if she didn't get the newest of everything." The boy moans the last word and Lucius shakes his head as I read on.

None of … going on.

"It's official, being Team Captain takes the future generation all of their bleeding intelligence." Lucius groans, yet this makes both Hari and Draco turn red with embarrassment. "You guys were Captain too?" Jaurion asks and the two nod before Hari mumbles: "I think – I did alright." And the two youngest of the Weasleys nod in agreement to this before I continue reading.

"What's happening?" … our team."

"Wait, why didn't you just admit that it was your mother who had bought those things?" Ronald asks and Draco answers: "Because I wasn't entirely lying. Father did buy me my Nimbus, but mother bought the others. And I was still a little sour over the fact that her advice had gotten me into detention, so I kept that quiet." Ronald nods in understanding and I read on.

Ron gaped … he spat.

This line I read with a strong sense of mixed feelings trying to overwhelm me and my mind goes mad, not just constantly reminding me of that mistake I made several months ago now, but also reminding myself of Lindilwen telling me that she has forgiven me. Yet then suddenly Hari moves over and mutters: "She was your friend, Hermione and Draco were enemies." And while I wonder how he knows, does this allow me to read on calmly.

Harry knew … the grass.

At this Lucius wants to glare at Ron in furious rage, but Hari steps between them and says: "We didn't learn about that for two more years. No one told us anything about it until our Fourth. Even I didn't know the incantation, regardless of my memories of that night. It wasn't the spell you think it was." And while the Weasley elders look shocked at realizing what Lucius was believing, does the blonde sigh in relief and nod before I read on.

"Ron! Ron! … Harry angrily.

"The girls actually pulled me with them to the changing rooms while you took Ron to Hagrid. And trust me, they really gave me a piece of my mind. Of how they had never seen you annoyed with someone like you were with me, how I had to respect personal space, how I should learn to observe a situation before deciding to take a picture. Though it was also that talk that made me want to become a photographer." Colin tells us and his friends grin as I read on.

He and … striding out.

"Hey wait, I just noticed something. Who is it that Hari is constantly describing, cloths, fabric colors and all?" Lindilwen asks, confusing me and the others seem not to know it either. Yet the girl lets them think this through a bit and when they just shrug at her, she says: "Dumbledore, Lockhart and the Brewer. Both books did so." This really astounds me and I think: "That can't be a coincidence." As I continue to read.

"Quick, behind … over Harry.

"Quick question, how much longer is Ron going to have to suffer under that broken wand of his?" Remus asks concerned and while this makes the Weasley elders look uncomfortable, does Ronald answer: "It saved my life at the end of the year.""How is that even possible? The fact it was broken caused you all sorts of problems all week. Did the teachers really turn a blind eye to that?" Ronald nods, Remus gapes and I read on.

"What did … 'Mudblood', Hagrid –"

I spit this word out, feeling disgusted and remembering the party that had been thrown the same night this same word ruined my friendship – and what I thought at the time, my life – and how everyone in Slytherin had been happy that Lindilwen was finally out of my life as they told me. I shake my head, silently vowing that I will talk with Lucius about a potential resort if necessary and just focus back on reading the story.

Ron dived … way up."

At this I can't help but look up at the lad, who now looks as if he could take me out with only a few wand motions and who I have no doubt is now on the same level as the future Valivial. This makes me take another look around and as I look at everyone else from the future, do I suddenly realize something. "The Brewer must have looked the same way, after that one Halloween." And while I shudder at the idea of looking like that, do I read on.

"An' they … died out."

"That is definitely true, though from time to time, large amounts of elves actually also move into the Wizarding world, pretending to be Muggleborns, and then bond with the wizarding lines that our elders believe have the best chance of leading that world into the future. Had to actually happen in Charlus' grandfather's time." The queen explains to us and her husband nods to emphasize this. And while this really intrigues me, do I read on.

He retched … small slugs.

This whole bit makes me feel a lot better and makes it easier for me to push back the memory of that blasted party, one where no matter what I did, I wasn't able to get back to my dorm as every Snake in the common room wanted to congratulate me on my accomplishment. I look up and Hari shakes his head. This makes me feel even better as it means that that damned word won't be coming back for the rest of the chapter. And with that reassurance, do I read on.

They had … of expression.

"She actually apologized for that one after September was over and promised to try and make sure I didn't have to serve detention with Lockhart anymore after that. And of course, I tried my hardest not to get into so much trouble that I'd be serving detention again, just to make sure she wouldn't be forced to deny Lockhart on another request to have me serve it with him." Hari makes us all laugh as he tells us this and I read on, smirking myself.

Harry didn't … of them.

"Sheesh, is that guy suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder or something?" Lindilwen asks, yet with this question she seems to confuse almost everyone around her. Only Hari, Hermione and I seem to think that she's not speaking another language or something, yet the other two just shrug, proving they're not sure. The girl shrugs back herself and then answers: "I wanted to be a nurse growing up." The others nod and I continue reading, smiling to myself.

Another large … remember that".

I spared a glance up while reading this part and noticed Hari's face turning incredibly sour when I read the first bit of advice. And upon taking another look, I notice that the same counts for everyone else from the future, bar the Diggory boy. Though those that are Hari's age, the Weasley mother and the elder Black seem the most furious. And because they look so furious it's obvious they will explode if I ask about their anger, do I just read on.

The candles … kill you ..."

This horrifies everyone in the room, bar those who have obviously already lived through this and then the younger Black mutters: "Okay, if that is supposed to be some kind of joke or prank – it's not funny." And while this, again, reminds me of the prank he and his friends pulled on me a few months ago, do I also find myself agreeing with the teen. Yet I also take reassurance out of the fact that some of those from the present remain calm and read on.

Harry gave … four hours!

"That's not even right!" Lindilwen snaps, her voice raised due to the fright she felt earlier, yet young Hari shrugs and mutters: "It was only the first time I went through a detention that long. My Fifth year was basically full of them.""But what about your studies? Your health?""I survived and I still did alright in my OWLs. Mostly O's and a couple of EE's and A's. I only failed the classes I didn't care for." The girl nods relieved and I read on, feeling impressed.

I'd never … it, either."

"I'm guessing this is like with the Stone last book?" Jaurion asks, a look of deep concern on his face as I lie the book down on my lap with the bookmark on the right page and Hari nods before he says: "You might as well get used to it. It's basically the story of the last seven years of my life. And for the first four years, it really began on Halloween." And while the boy makes quotation marks, does the look on his face cause me great concern.

With good reason,
So I'm going to be honest with you all, this story is not at the top of my list of stories that I want to start writing on. I would rather get through To Read And To View, To Read Into The Universe and a few others. Though at the same time is this story quite high on my list of stories that I want to edit. So even if you guys won't get a chapter update anytime soon, just know that, when you do, it will be for a completely and properly revised story - one that got revised better than To Read and To View.
Hope you understand,
