KEY: Sentences that start with ~ are Moony.

Sentences that start with # are Prongs

Sentences that start with * are Padfoot

Sentences that start with + are Wormtail


"What makes you think I want anything, Ronald?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because you're in Ron's room, sitting on Ron's bed, smirking at Ron, when we all know perfectly well that you avoid this room like the plague," Harry pointed out. "The only room you avoid more is the twin's room, and EVERYONE avoids that!"

Percy frowned slightly. "Aw damn. You weren't supposed to say that, Harry! I was going to sit here and annoy you both for hours!"

"Percy, just get to the reason you're here," Harry snapped impatiently. Ron, who had been staring at his brother in silent shock (at seeming to have a sense of humour after all), managed to nod emphatically.

"Well, Fred and George have, as I'm sure you know, been using me as a test subject since the beginning of last summer. I want to get them back."

"What does this have to do with us?" Ron asked, finally regaining his voice.

Percy smirked again, unnerving his brother. "I, unlike most people, know perfectly well who has taken over Fred and George's mantle as Hogwarts pranksters. And I'd like their help in my revenge."

Ron was even more unnerved by Percy's knowledge, but Harry could see the advantage of a business agreement with Percy.

"Percy, I know that we, or at least me, would be delighted to help. On one condition," he cautioned.

"What's that Harry?" the ex-Head Boy asked, honestly curious.

"When you come to Hogwarts this year as DADA assistant for Remus, make sure that he and everyone you talk to knows that we got the better of the Great Gred and Forge Weasley."

Percy's eyes widened. "How did you know about that?" he demanded.

Harry gave a smirk rather reminiscent of Percy's. Ron gave a slight whimper and sat down on his bed, twitching slightly. "I have my sources at the school, even during summer."

"Remus told you," Percy stated.

"Yep. So Perce, did you have anything particular in mind for our dear pranksters?"

Percy nodded, and then eyed Ron, who was very pale and seemed worried. "But we'll leave that for another time. I think my brother would benefit from a bit of light reading."

"All right. I'll talk to you after Ron's calmed down, okay?"

"Sure thing Harry," he answered before opening the door, stepping out and closing it again.





"Ronald Weasley!"


Harry sighed. "D'you want to get back to our book, Ron?"


"Well, Ron?"

Ron nodded, eyes somewhat glazed over.

Harry picked up the book and flipped to chapter four, hoping that the Marauder's exploits would be enough to snap Ron out of his shock. 'Poor thing' he thought before beginning to read, 'having first Percy then me smirking must have traumatised him.'


Chapter Four – The Tale of Halloween

~The next month simply flew by. We didn't really have time for pranks, as all our teachers were piling up the homework.

+Which, of course, Padfoot and Prongs ignored until the night before it was due, before panicking and finishing it all at the last minute possible.

~Of course, that didn't stop them being the top two students in our class.

*And Moony's being modest, again!

#We'll have to cure him of that one of these days.

*What Moony isn't saying is that he too was top of the class.

+And I wasn't, of course.

*Aw, but Wormy, you weren't at the bottom either.

+Stop calling me Wormy, dammit!

~Ahem. Can we get back on track here people?


*Terribly sorry, Moony, old boy.

#We were in the Great Hall eating breakfast one Saturday, about a week before Halloween, when our beloved Headmaster decided to make an announcement.

~This announcement, of course, was that he had decided to have an annual Halloween Party. Attendance was compulsory for all students and teachers.

+I believe it was the word 'compulsory' was the one that began the process of sneaky thoughts for Moony, Padfoot and Prongs. Because if people had to attend, then they could be sure that said people, namely Malfoy and Snape of course, would be there to be pranked.

#Because we didn't have classes, we were able to leave breakfast as soon as possible (Which took a while for Padfoot to finish eating) –


~Give it up, Paddy, you know it's true.

*You guys are so meeeeeeeaaaaaan...........................

+But at least WE are honest.


~Oh grow up. Prat.


+BOYS! Prongs is Death Glaring you. So shut up.

#So where was I? Oh yes, I remember now. After finally leaving breakfast, we went straight up to the dorms to discuss things.

~Like what pranks we were going to play, how we were going to embarrass Snape and get the point.

#And so, a week later we arrived at the Halloween party, ready to prank our 'favourite' Slytherins.

*Not to mention the rest of the houses. We're not terribly picky about these sorts of things.

+Moony began festivities ten minutes into the party. And he began with Malfoy, while Prongs worked the same spell on Snape.

~It was one of Padfoot's brilliant ideas, one that he'd come up with over the summer but never found the spells to carry out.

*Prongs and Wormtail managed to find the spells for me, and so we decided to play this prank on our Slytherin rivals.

#Seconds later, Snape and Malfoy were each sporting a nice, long, orange and green tail. With a snake's head.

+That snake then began biting them on the butt.

*It didn't really hurt them, but each time they bit, Snape and Malfoy's skin got a little more orange.

~While their hair got a little more green.

+We then performed the spell on each of the Slytherins, turning them all green with orange hair.

*We did this so Snape and Malfoy would stick out.

~Then we turned on the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. The 'Puffs we gave blue and yellow snakes (yellow hair, blue skin), and the 'Claws got purple skin and red hair.

#And despite house loyalty, we also gave our fellow Gryffs tails. Gold skin, red hair.

*We ARE still being quite biased here – we stuck with house colours.

+Due to the fact that we didn't, at the time, have a death wish, we left the teachers (and each other) alone.

~We then decided that we'd shown up, and therefore we'd made our compulsory attendance. It was well and truly time to split.

+In case Moony's explanation seems a little vague, let me clarify that – we ran.

~Once out of the Great Hall, Wormtail and I went one way and Padfoot and Prongs went the other.

#Sadly, the teachers followed us and not them.

+We got away scot-free. Sadly, for the other two, it was not to be.

*Detention for a week, with Professor Snuffy and Professor Minnie (aka McGonagall) alternating days.

~On the other hand, while the tails went away after half an hour, our fellow students were still coloured very nicely for the next week.

#The Gryffs, 'Puffs and 'Claws thought it was funny, really. The Slyths swore revenge.

*I do believe that was when we really got prank-war-like with the Slytherins.


Harry closed the book, sniggering. "I like that idea. Think we could use it?"

Ron shrugged, grinning. "Maybe. Not on Fred and George though."

"No, we need something BIG for them!"

His friend nodded. "Yeah. Wanna go play Quidditch before dinner? We can read another chapter after we've eaten, and then talk business with Percy."

It seemed as though Ron had quite recovered from his smirking brother and best friend. "Sure thing. Let's go."

And so they did.


Gosh, Percy seems to have had a personality transplant! Heh heh, isn't that fun?

Yes, I DO know that I ought to be shot for taking so damn long with this chapter. I'm really sorry.

I would now like to extend heartfelt thanks to the following people:




~Evil Crazy Willow



~Deirdre of the Sorrows

~Kawaii Kitty9




~A Bit of Old Parchment


~Lady Stone


~insane werewolf luva

~Kalorna Enera

~I Love PPC

~Marauder Number 5

~Sarah Rudzin

~Julia and Malu (For one, I'm a girl. Two, an Aussie is someone from Australia. No, I don't think you're being donkeys at all.)

~sexy crookshanks

~SilverBlue Shifter

~Divine Wolf

~the full moony

Again, thanks everyone!

Please review!