
Here is the next chapter for POW. I had to split it up so it isn't such a long chapter and I didn't want to make it seem like I'm dragging the chapter out. Thanks to the shout-out from WXK, who is almost on her second book for the WWE world. It's really not easy to write these kind of stories, you have to picture it and you have to have fun in order for your readers to get that same feeling. Like I'm having so much fun re-watching the year of 2014-2015 to see how Alana fits into things. It's fun to do and to grow.

That's why I think this re-write is going to be really great!

Princess Of WWE

RAW, 'On-screen'

Stephanie talked in the ring with her imitation of Daniel Bryan's shirt that had the words 'STEPH! STEPH! STEPH!', instead of the word 'YES!'.

"And we here at WWE, wish John Cena a fast recovery after what was one of the most brutal beat downs I have ever seen. I mean it was, what? Like, 15, 16, suplexes?" Stephanie questions. "I don't know how John Cena is ever going to recover from that. But, John Cena wasn't the only who had to recover from something. Chris Jericho had to recover in the lesson of humility as he lost to Bray Wyatt. Dean Ambrose learned that Seth Rollins was really the one who made The Shield, as he was defeated by Mr. Money in the Bank himself."

The crowd boos making her grin.

Stephanie holds up a finger with a head shake. "But by far, the biggest loser or should I say losers." She gloats with a grin. "My opponent and her sister, Nikki and Brie. The Bella twins." The crowd cheers for them. "Brie Bella learned first hand that you do not mess with the Authority. Not emotionally, not mentally, and certainly not physically, because the Authority always wins. We won in a amazing way last night and I truly can't take all the credit. The first arrival of change, my little girl-she shocked the world last night."

People in the crowd cheer as a small 'NXT, NXT, NXT!' chant broke out.

Stephanie smirks with a nod. "That's right. As the Bella's fall, my daughter rises. SummerSlam was one of the biggest PPV's because one of my four hearts graced the world with her presence and she made herself loud and clear. Me and Triple H couldn't be any more proud of Alana for what she did and will do going forward. Alana McMahon came and showed the Bella's that it is time," The crowd cheers. "And you can relieve her debut with my amazing match. On the WWE Network, for only 9.99." She laughs. "So let me-"

'You can look but you can't touch, You keep dreaming on the stars above'

The Bella's theme song hits.

Stephanie scoffs and looks to the ramp with a sly smirk.,

Nikki and Brie walk out to cheers and head down the ramp.

"Well we know how Stephanie feels, but how do you think the Bella's feel?" Cole questions.

"They should be happy somebody like Alana McMahon is up here." JBL retorts.

"Neither one of them look it." King points out.

"Can you blame them?" Cole questions. "Brie had that match won and then Alana from NXT, came out of nowhere. A clear plan setup by the Authority to embarrass the Bella's and their family once again."

"I like how neither of you point out that Brie and Nikki were about to attack Stephanie, like wild twin animals." JBL rants.

"What?" King laughs.

Stephanie takes a step back when both twins get in the ring with their mics.

"You heard me!" JBL continues. "They were about to attack a defenseless Stephanie. Alana did what any daughter would have done and handled it the way she saw best. You should be lucky that's all she did to them last night. Don't give disrespect if you can't take it."

"You should be telling Stephanie that, John." Cole mentions.

"She's the boss." JBL retorts. "Automatic respect should be given."

Their theme dies down as the crowd starts up a small 'YES!' chant.

Stephanie smirks at them with pity. "Can I help you two? I wasn't done talking at all."

"Yeah, we know you weren't. That is exactly why we came out here before you could." Brie says, to cheers from the crowd. "You are so pathetic, you know that?"

Stephanie brows quirk and puts a hand over her chest. "Me?"

"Yes, you." Brie frowns. "You couldn't beat me one on one. So you had your little rookie daughter-" People 'Ooh'ed' as Stephanie smiles. "-come up from NXT to fight for you by attacking me and my sister. I thought you and your husband couldn't sink any lower but you showed it by bringing her here. And for what huh? For what, Steph? You can't fight your own battles."

"Brie let me just dim this fire you got here." Stephanie motions to her. "First of all, it isn't Steph to you. It is Stephanie or Ms. McMahon." She frowns at them with a glare. "I would think you and your sister would at least have learned some respect after last night."

"Respect?" Nikki questions. "I'm not going to respect the fact that some little girl attacks me for no reason. We will not respect the fact that you have treated Brie, me, and Daniel like nothing. Respect works both ways. So if you want it, give it." The crowd cheers and Stephanie laughs it off. "You are the one who has no respect. You and this whole Authority thing, all of you want to act like you run the show-"

"Newsflash to you Nikki, I do run the show." Stephanie gets in her face to a reaction from the crowd. Nikki glares up at her upset. "Now I suggest you start to get real wise with your tone and get to the point."

"Our point." Nikki didn't take her glare off her. "You proved our point last night. Your little Authority family can't win without cheating. You couldn't even beat my sister in a fair match, you brought your kid to do your dirty work. Who does that?"

Stephanie backs up a little as she chuckles. "Nikki, Brie. I mean whether you two want to believe it or not. Neither myself or Hunter knew she would actually show up."

Brie gives her a look. "Do we look stupid to you?"

"Why else would she come here Stephanie?" Nikki questions, she shrugs. "If not to do your dirty work. Then why?"

Stephanie shrugs. "Well I won't answer that for you." She smirks and motions up the ramp. "But, Alana will."

The crowd cheers.

Alana theme hits. 'She's a Killa Queen'

"I didn't know she would be here tonight!" JBL was excited.

Alana walks out from the back to a huge mixed reaction from the arena.

"Wow!" King comments on her. "She looks great."

Alana held out her arms with a smile as she stood on stage and gave a slow spin.

"The woman who made SummerSlam the most talked about last night." Cole says. Alana puts a hand over her chest at the reception from everyone, and makes her way down the ramp. The Bella's glare watching her come down as Stephanie claps for her. "One of the rising talents on NXT, along with the likes of Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, and Bayley."

"Those three have been in some brawls with her and they of all people know." JBL chuckles. "Do not let this sweet look fool you. Alana will beat you down with those heels on. She's everybody's favorite princess!"

Alana goes up the steps and walks the apron, she looks out at the crowd with a smile when they got loud again.

"Bayley, on NXT even went so far as to call her the Devil who wears Prada." Cole jokes.

"I agree with that!" JBL says.

Alana gets in the ring with a slight twirl as she fixes her hair.

"I still can not believe of all the call ups, JBL." Cole shakes his head. "Talk about a game changer."

"A big one." JBL agrees. Alana and Stephanie share a smiling hug. "Beautiful moment. Never thought we would ever see this. The family back together. Triple H is proud, I'm sure."

Taking a mic from Stephanie, Alana's theme starts to die as she turns around.

With a smile, she tilts her head at Nikki and Brie.

'NXT, NXT, NXT!' The crowd chants loud.

Alana brow raised as her eyes went out to them before flickering back to the twins.

"I think this is the only time a McMahon has been cheered like this." King jokes. "Well she has some of Triple H in her to, so."

Alana clears her throat. They all still cheer to a laugh from her.

Nikki shakes her head. "You going to ever talk?"

Alana held up a hand. "Nikki, I wouldn't expect you to know what this reaction is because people really don't like you and your sister." This made the crowd go up and both twins give her looks. "I know this may be hard to hear but this is what it sounds like when you have actual talent and people REALLY like seeing you." People in the crowd 'Ooh', as Alana could only smile at the two. "You all are out here asking my mother why I'm here and I know you both are slow, but she wouldn't really know that answer. But-oh!" Alana waves her fingers. "Me. I would."

Brie glares. "Alana. I like how you think this is funny but to be honest, none of this had anything to do with you." Alana hand went to her chest as she withdrew. "Your mother was supposed to fight me one on one."

"And she didn't." Alana stops her. "So what?" She holds out her arms. "Now I know you guys are pushing your fifties, cause you look like it." People reacted as Stephanie jaw dropped a little. "But do not stand across this ring and treat me like a child because I am not one. You, Mrs. Danielson." Alana points to Brie. "You got in this ring on live television, and not only called my mother out her name...but you put your hands on her. That right there was strike one. Then you continued on. Came back-was in the crowd over there, and you called her out of her name again. Strike two." Alana shows her fingers. "Then after all that, you thought you could get in this ring to try and embarrass her because lord knows you can't beat anybody else. That was strike three." Alana points to Brie. "You and your little side dog over there played this disrespect out way to long, and you did it again today. You walked your annoying butts down here after you interrupted her and continued to disrespect her. Your dishing out all this disrespect, when in reality you should be thanking her."

"Excuse me?" Nikki looks at Alana crazy. "Thank her? You want us to thank Stephanie, for what she did?"

"You should thank her, for stopping me from coming here months ago and putting an end to this crap here." Alana motions up and down to them with a frown. "You two and your pathetic energy that you give. The more I watched you both, the more sick to my stomach I got. I found it laughable that you both are supposed to be MY competition, but now I see why you are. It is because...they had no one else." She laughs with a shrug. "I don't have other female talent and I can't burn out Paige and AJ. Oooh! I know, lets put the Bella's in there. They can't do crap but we can put them in to bring some more viewers."

"At least we can actually bring people in these seats." Nikki points to her. "Me and Brie have been in the WWE for years-"

"And what do you both have to show for it?" Alana raises a brow. "Seven years of being here and all you got is one title reigns each. Then you have your boyfriends-oh wait, wait. Brie I'm sorry." She apologizes and shakes her head. "Yours actually wanted to marry you, and did."

People in the crowd reacted loudly.

"Are you-" Nikki drops her mic to go after but Brie holds her back. "Are you freaking kidding me?!"

Alana laughs. "Yeah, you can bring people in those seats because you name means so much." Her sarcasm leaked. "Nikki, don't you ever get your butt in this ring and throw shade to me by calling me a rookie. You must have lost your damn mind. I can throw low blows just like you do, except mines actually hurt, Nikki."

Brie holds Nikki back. "No, no she is not worth it." Alana jaw drop, fake offended. "Don't you ever disrespect my sister-"

"Disrespect?" Alana chuckles. "It's the truth." She looks back at Stephanie. "For two people that do a lot of it they really don't know the difference."

"Nope." Stephanie agrees.

"No, what you did is disrespectful." Brie points. "Me and my sister have earned everything and we have put our blood, sweat, and tears into this business." Alana pouts with a hand over her chest. "Your coming around when things are getting better but you weren't around when things were hard."

"Things weren't hard, Brie." Alana shakes her head. "You two just weren't good enough." Brie lowers her mic with a glare. "Why do you think I'm here? Because you're still not good enough. We down at NXT have watched and we have watched long enough. Things are changing, but before they do, there are a couple of things that has to go." She points. "You two are the first on my list."

Nikki snatches up her mic. "You think, you of all people can take the Bella twins out?" She looks to Stephanie. "I'm sorry, maybe you're still nursing her or something." Alana nods with a smile. "That will never happen. Me and my sister are the face of this Diva's Division." Alana shrugs. "We will always be because we have each other. We have the Bella Army, and unlike you Princess we have respect for this business. You don't know anything about fight because I'm sure you have had everything in your little life just handed to you but it doesn't work that way in the real world. In this world, you work hard for what you want."

The crowd cheers in agreement.

Alana double takes. "I'm sorry." She chuckles. "You lost me after saying you were the face of the Diva's division. I zoned out." Nikki lowers her mic with a glare and shakes her head. Alana smiles at her. "You just don't get it, do you? The time for you two is coming to and end and it will because of me. You two are not strong and trust me...all bonds break and everything has weak points." She wags her finger. "I didn't come here to play games with you two. I came here to take over. The future is now and I don't see you two in it anymore. Now it's okay if you don't want to get out of my way because I got no problem running your asses over."

People in the crowd reacts as the three stare each other down.

"Now," Alana scratches her head. "Before I get to anything else. I just want to make sure of something here. D-Did you two tramps really interrupt my mother earlier while she was talking?"

'Yes!' The crowd answered

Nikki glares. "We sure the hell did."

Alana laughs and briefly looks to Stephanie. "Alright, see." She throws a hand up. "I just wanted to make sure before I do this."

Dropping the mic she kicks Nikki away with her heel and spears Brie down to the mat

"It was only a matter of time!" Cole reacts with the crowd at the brawl breaking out. "You knew it was going to come to blows sooner or later!"

Alana and Brie started trading hits as they roll out of the ring and fall to the floor.

"Somebody get them!" King fears.

Stephanie drops the mic and goes over to the ropes.

Brie manages to kick Alana off her.

Nikki jumps off the apron onto Alana as the two of them started fighting with the crowd behind them.

"Now it's Nikki and Alana!" Cole watches. "This is crazy out here!" Stephanie signals for someone. "Stephanie calling for some help. We gotta get this under control out here!" Alana and Nikki get up exchanging rapid blows as the crowd got louder from the hits. Alana pushes Nikki and back-hands her across the face. "Oh!" Nikki fell to the floor.

"What a smack!" JBL was shocked. "Almost slapped another twin out of her!"

"What?" Cole was amused at that. Brie tries to jump on her but Alana used her heel to kick her down in the stomach. "Alana caught Brie!"

Alana jumps on her and starts laying into her with right strikes.

The crowd boos when security ran down with some refs. Kane and Triple H followed behind them in a rush.

Nikki tackles Alana off her sister to cheers as the two of them started fighting.

"Oh, look at Nikki!" King reacts. "Nikki back up!"

"Security coming down here to try and break these girls up!" Cole says. People booed when security started getting involved between the three. Stephanie gets out of the ring to help direct traffic and gets things under control. "Director of Operations, Kane and the COO, Alana's father the Game is out here."

Triple H points. "Get them off now!"

Brie gets up on the apron, she runs off and jumps down into the center of Nikki and Alana to a huge reaction.

"Brie Bella getting back involved!" Cole shouts.

"This is madness!" JBL speaks up. "Get them off of Alana! That's two on one down there!"

"Alana doesn't seem to care about it!" King points out. "She's still swinging! Look out ref!"

Alana had a fistful of both girls hair with one hand and still used the other to hit them as security were dragging the three apart.

"Let her go Alana! Let them go!" A ref shouts to her. "Come on, Alana! Let them go!"

'Let them fight! Let them fight! Let them fight!' The arena started to chant.

"I agree, let them go!" King says. They finally get Alana off and held her back. "This is absolute chaos out here with these three!"

"Chaos that Brie and Nikki Bella started!" JBL adds on. Nikki gets loose and runs to jump on her. She was met with Alana's heel but she grabs it and still manages to take her down to cheers. "You see what I mean! These Bellas have no control!"

"Alana is no better, John!" Cole defends.

"Get her off my daughter, right now! Right now!" Stephanie demands them. "Do your jobs!"

They dragged Nikki off Alana as Nikki had the heel of Alana in her hand and raises it in the air. They fought to take her and Brie up the ramp.

Kane helps Alana up off the floor.

"Is that-did the tramp take my freaking shoe?!" Alana eyes widened at the shoe Nikki waved.

"Easy, easy." Kane tries to talk to her.

"Hell-no! Get out my way!" Alana snatches off her other shoe and runs up the ramp.

"Security taking the Bell-wait, wait!" Cole was stopped when Alana took a large leap and landed on Nikki and the security, taking them down. "Whoa!"

"Flying McMahon!" King says.

"Alana just flew!" JBL laughs. Snatching her shoe back, Alana starts whacking and punching Nikki with it. "Oh!"

Brie gets loose and runs down.

"Brie Bella coming to help out her sister!" King saw her.

Alana threw her shoe as it hit Brie in her face; she ran and spears Brie down on the ramp to cheers.

"No she isn't!" JBL corrects. "What a throw! Alana has an arm on her."

Both girls were trading hits on the ramp.

The refs and security were back to their feet and trying to get the two apart.

"The Authority is trying to get things straight but these girls won't quit!" Cole shouts. "It's two on one but you can't even tell with this madness!"

'This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!' Clapping chants broke out.

"I agree!" King mentions the crowd. "Alana is still going!"

Kane pulls a kicking Alana off of Brie. The security grab a fighting Brie and Nikki.

"No! Let me go!" Alana had her heel in hand, fighting to get loose. "You two will never be on my level! I don't care if you bring your whole family, they still don't measure up!"

The crowd was on their feet as the refs and security fight, taking the Bella's up the ramp.

"Get them out of here!" Triple H points to the back. "I want them out of my building!"

"Your a little rip off Alana!" Nikki yells back.

"I got your rip off!" Alana shouts. "Come down to my face and say that! I will kick both your freaking lights out!" She fights to get loose.

Triple H goes to Alana and took her from Kane as she was still trying to get loose. "Relax, relax." He holds her tight. "You'll have your time. Just calm down." Alana glares a she heavily breathes in the direction they left in.

"That's right save all that for another time." Stephanie comes over to them. "This isn't over." She frowns up the ramp, watching the twins get dragged away. "I want the Bella's escorted out. Kane."

"Yes, ma'am." Kane nods his head to the ref who got the word and went up the ramp.

Brie and Nikki were still arguing being pulled away.

"Guys, I gotta feeling this is just beginning between the Bella's and Alana." King said. "I don't know if I should be excited or afraid for this!"

JBL scoffed. "Nikki and Brie should have known better from last night. You don't come out here and continue to disrespect Stephanie McMahon. You don't ever piss off a McMahon. Alana is livid and to me has every right to be!"

"Stephanie started all this John." Cole said.

"Oh please, and Brie wanted to be the one that finish it but lost to her at SummerSlam." JBL fired back. "The two of them had the number advantage and still did not win. Brie and Nikki better know what they are getting themselves into with Alana. You do not take her lightly, at all. The woman fought half of this in heels!"

"She beat Nikki with one." King snorts. Alana flips her hair back to show her frown, as her father lets her go. "That girl is a different kind of princess."

"She is the, WWE Princess king." JBL corrects him.

Alana puts her shoe on with a mumble. "Tramps, touching my shoe, like it doesn't cost more than her. Where is my other shoe?!" A ref brought it to her and she snatches it from him. "Give me that." Alana uses Kane to hold herself up as she puts it on, and fixes herself.

"You good?" Triple H rests a hand on her back.

Alana hands went to her hip with a head shake as she tries to calm down.

"I agree with you, King. This thing between the Authority and the Bella's is not over." Cole says. "Alana saw to that tonight."

Fan tweets

That was INSANE! #RAW

Alana threw shade back and forth! #RAW

The Bella's have worked pretty hard but I can't deny that Alana made some points #RAW

Can we praise Alana for just doing that in heels. Me and JBL are on the same page here, like do you know how hard that is #RAW

When Alana found out Nikki had her shoe, I lost it! ROFL, that girl went for her damn shoe #RAW

Note to self. Do not take Alana's shoe #RAW

Alana really flew! #RAW

Don't mess with Alana's mommy #RAW

The Authority or not I like her #RAW

'Then you have your boyfriends-oh wait, Brie I'm sorry. Yours actually wanted to marry you and did.' THE SHADE! #RAW

Nikki was mad when Alana threw that marriage out there #RAW

That brawl is what I'm talking about #RAW

Alana first day and I listening to another women's promo, other than AJ Lee and Paige. I love it #RAW

Now this is the Diva division I want to see #RAW

Alana is a QUEEN, you hear me, lol! #RAW

The Bella Army will always have their back #RAW

That girl is FARRR from a rookie Nikki, you might want to do your homework there before you get in the ring #RAW

I love Nikki and Brie but Alana is a little funny to me #RAW

Alana got a good arm on her! Brie was not ready for that shoe, omg! Lol #RAW

AJ Lee tweets- That has got to be the best thing I watched. Did Nikki get beat with a shoe? #RAW

BeckyLynch tweets- Ahhh, Alana. Nobody fights with heels on the way you do #RAW #RespectTheArt

Charlotte tweets- This is why me and AlanaMcMahon are friends #RAW #HEELSisters

Paige tweets- Other than the heels...I like that woman #RAW

BellaTwins tweet - We don't know who you think you are AlanaMcMahon but you're going to see why #TwinMagic always wins in the end. #Brie

BellaTwins tweet- This is far from over and if you think you're going to hide behind your mommy and daddy, you better think again. I will be happy to teach you a lesson they forgot. Respect your grown ups and keep my business out your mouth #Nikki #IllSmackAnyPrincess

AlanaMcMahon replies - Twin Magic is only a real thing because you guys don't have any actual wrestling moves that really do show out, lets be honest here. You use your husbands chant and submission to get a pop #LetsAdressIt And the only thing you win is a first class ticket back home to broken husband and that cute Bella shack you call a home #BellaShackSister

AlanaMcMahon replies- I didn't hide behind them when I knocked my shoe across your head. You can take me lightly if you want to #GrandmaBella but I will get the last laugh when this is ALL OVER. I don't start wars I can't finish. #HelpfulTip You can smack any princess, just be prepared to loose your arm when you hit this one #ThatsAllIGottaSay

AlanaMcMahon tweets- You got one that needs her husbands moves and chant to get excitement in her matches and the other who can't get married and has a finisher literally named 'Rack Attack', both have been there for seven years and only two title reigns in there name combined...I rest my case here #BellaJokes

Later, backstage

Renee was showed backstage in the interview area as she got a loud pop.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome the woman that will go one on one with the new Divas champion, Paige. Natalya." Renee smiles. Natalya comes into view with Rosa Mendes as the crowd cheers a little from them. "Natalya. You go one one with Paige tonight, are you ready?"

"I'm always ready for a challenge Renee." Natalya smiles. "Paige beat AJ last night but I'm not AJ, and I'm going to show her that. A win over Paige will put me right where I need to be."

Renee nods. "It will, and I know you saw what happened tonight with your friends the Bella twins and the Authority's new member, Alana McMahon." Natalya frowns and shakes her head in disappointment. "What are your reactions to that?"

"My reactions?" Natalya sighs heavily. "Renee, you and I both know that was horrible." Renee nods in agreement. "I have known Nikki and Brie for a long time and Alana has just started this year. How rude can you be? I respect Stephanie McMahon but she isn't a saint either in this situation. I know that is their daughter but for Alana McMahon to get in that ring a disrespect two people who helped pioneer the Diva's division like the Bella's, it is not right." She sternly says.

Alana comes into view to a loud reaction and looks from the three women.

"I couldn't help but hear my name as I was walking." Alana glares at the two women. "Did you have something you wanted to say to me Natalya?" She gets closer and gently pushes Renee back. "You can say it to my face, now."

"I have no problem doing that." Natalya didn't back down. "Alana, listen. I was one of the people happy to have you down in NXT, but how you came here and what you did to Brie and Nikki isn't right. You should know better." The crowd gives this a reaction from the way Alana looked at her. "You don't come into this business like that. This business was built on respect."

"And you, and this sad pathetic career was built on your family's name and it still hasn't lived up. Shall we go deeper?" Alana asks to a shocked reaction from the crowd. Rosa and Renee eyes widened in shock as Natalya couldn't believe what she said. "Also, this business was built on wrestling and money sweetheart because without them. All that crap of resepct goes out the door. You want to talk, talk on something you know. Telling me I should know better? You can take your ticket with the Bella's right to hell."

Rosa holds Natalya back who looked ready to lunge. "You should not talk to her like that, she was trying to give you some advice. Natalya is one of the most-"

"Irrelevant person back here." Alana finishes.

"Oh, yeah!" Natalya went to get her but Rosa holds her back. "Really, Alana?"

"No, Nattie no." Rosa stops her.

"Wow, you guys really hate the truth around here." Alana chuckles. "I knew this was going to be fun."

Rosa points. "You better watch yourself and the bridges you burn."

Alana head tilts to her. "I do that the best." Her eyes flutter. "Who are you?" The crowd reacts and Renee puts her head down. Alana looks back to Natalya who glared a hole through her. "You see what I mean? You get resorted to being just a chaperone for people until they move on and the next new pretty face comes in to take a spot, that your not getting." Her smile drops into a frown. "You better focus on Paige and keep my name out your mouth. Or the next time you see my face, you'll be lying on that mat with teeth knocked up in your skull." Alana backs up, she shoots a dirty look to Renee before smiling. "Enjoy the rest of your night, ladies, and whoever the heck that is next to Natalya."

They watch her go as the crowd was still going.

Rosa hugs Natalya. "You okay?"

Natalya nods her head and glares back in the direction Alana left in with a head shake.

Fan tweets

Oh that was freaking COLD! #RAW

The Stephanie in her shows #RAW

Okay, but the way she just dissed Rosa. Can we talk about this? Ouch, lol! #RAW

I respect Natalya for trying but she walked right into that #RAW

Alana just throws it out so smoothly, that's what makes it funny #RAW

Dang Rosa...that was DISSED! #RAW

That was just downright disrespectful! Somebody needs to smack that chick #RAW

Natalya crawled so she could walk, Alana better get some respect #RAW

Alexa Bliss tweets- Alana is becoming my spirit animal #RAW

Alana McMahon tweets- O.M.G. that was Rosa Mendes?!...Yeah-no, I still don't remember who she is #SorryNotSorry

Alana second tweet- NattyByNature better mind her business with her damn cats, Two Chains, and MackyDonald...is that their names? #OhWhoCares! Play with your cats Natalya, do not play with me

That was the first part of RAW. Part 2 coming later this week.

I hope people enjoyed my first rewrite to the RAW, I do hope I kept Alana the same as people remember her to be. I was trying for the longest figure out a theme but I think the one I used before 'Killa Queen' is the best fit for her to this day. If you don't know, it is Madison Rayne old theme song from TNA.

Leave me a review for me if you enjoyed it. If you have a favorite part and hashtag!

What was your Fav Hashtag for this chapter?











