Mike rolled over and smacked his alarm clock. He buried his face in the pillow and tried not to scream. He hated his birthday, something bad always happened. His second birthday he fell down a flight of cement stairs and spent the day in the emergency room. On his thirteenth birthday his father abandoned him and his mother. His mind ran through all the other horrible birthdays he had, coming to the conclusion that his birthday sucked.

Mike rolled out of bed, and stopped suddenly. A smile grew on his face. He never told anyone when his birthday was. Maybe he could play it off as any other normal day. With his lightened mood, Mike slipped on some clothes and went for his morning run. He was surprised to see Paige and Jonny in the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing up so early?"

"What are you doing up so early?" Paige eyed him and tried to hide a smile.

"I'm always up this early." Paige turned her attention to her cup of coffee and Jonny slipped some papers under the table and out of Mike's view. Mike rolled his eyes. "Ok, you guys keep acting weird I'm going for a run." Mike stuck his headphones in his ears and walked out the door.

When he got to the waters edge, he took a deep breath and started to jog. His jog slowly turned into a run.

"Ok, we have about 20 minutes until Mike gets back." Johnny put the papers he had back on the table. "This is what I have planned." Paige leaned over and looked at the top paper. Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her face.

"This is going to be great!" Johnny smiled back.

Mike stopped right outside the front door, he was breathing heavy and sweat plastered his hair to his face. He paused his music and removed his headphones and opened the front door. He heard chairs scrapping on the floor and foot steps headed toward the stairs. He saw Paige and Johnny run up the stairs giggling. Mike rolled his eyes and headed to the shower. As he pasted Johnny's room he could hear Paige and Johnny whispering.

"No Paige, this plan is perfect. I'm not changing anything."

"Well, I think you should reconsider."

Mike shook his head and walked into the bathroom. Charlie was brushing her teeth with a robe wrapped around her. She turned when he walked in. Seeing the towel and change of clothes in his hand she motioned for him to get in the shower.

"Don't worry I won't peek."

"Um, it's ok I'll come back."

"No, I'm done." Charlie walked out of the bathroom and disappeared down the hallway. Mike closed the door and locked it.

Charlie walked into Johnny's room.

"He's in the shower, you don't have to whisper anymore." Charlie sat down on the edge of Johnny's bed. "What do you have so far?" Johnny and Paige explained their plan. "Sounds good. Except you are missing an important part." Paige and Johnny looked at Charlie.

"What are we missing?"

"What is Mike going to be doing during the time that you are setting up? Who is going to distract him?"

"Oh, shut we forgot." Charlie smiled.

"Don't worry. I got this."

Mike walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Charlie sat at the table. She got up when she saw Mike.

"Just the man I was looking for.


"Yeah, I need a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"Nothing too demanding." Charlie tried to hide her smile. "I need you to go to the bank for me and then go to the grocery store and grab a few things for dinner."

"Sure. I don't have anything else to do today."

"Thanks Mike. You can even take my car if you want."

"I think I will. I'll waste your gas instead of mine." Charlie chuckled and tossed her keys to Mike.

"I'll text you a list."

Mike parked in front of the bank and climbed out of the car. He walked inside and waited in line. He was zoned out when a group of four men burst through the door of the bank. They wore masks and two held pistols while the other two held shot guns. The man in the front raised his gun and fired a single shot.

"Everyone on the ground!"

To Be Continued