Author's Note: Yep, I'm finally back, ready to finish up this story, once and for all, with the last chapter that I'm going to post, focusing on the three theatrical films, not only because I haven't done it in this story yet, and thought it would be a great way to end it, but also, because later on this year, will be the twentieth anniversary of the theatrical release, of their first film, The Rugrats Movie. So, with that out of the way, let's get started! It should also be noted, that all bloopers for this chapter, were thought up by user, Boris Yeltsin, and I'd like to thank him one last time, for being such a huge help with this story. Not sure if it would have gotten as far as it did, had it not been for his help. I'll also point out, that I am doing the bloopers in order of movie releases, but within the film, not going in any order, if anything, going in order of what we came up with for the chapter.

Chapter 25, Movie Bloopers

The Rugrats Movie

We cut to when the babies are in the forest, and they've been attacked by the monkeys, after reuniting post their argument, and Angelica finds them. As soon as they fight off the monkeys, Chuckie turns to his friends.

"I'll never say anything bad about monkeys again." Chuckie says, before the screen cuts to black for another take of that scene.

We cut to Rex Pester giving his news report on TV, holding up the pictures of the kids, about to wrap up his news report.

"And there you have it. Two sour pickles and, the kids, young Tommy, baby Dil, the twins, Phil and Lil, little Chuckie, and poor Angelica, all vanished without a trace. I'm Rex Pester, and you've been watching Big, Action News!" Rex says into the camera, smiling big, before a director intervenes.

"Wait a minute, you were suppose to get those kids names wrong!" The director calls from off camera.

Rex briefly turns in the direction of the director's voice, then turns back to the camera, his cheeks, now red with embarrassment, and a huge scowl on his face.

"Oops." Rex mutters under his breath, before the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene when the babies first land in the forest, and Dil needs a diaper change.

"I guess we gotta change his diapie." Tommy says, pulling a diaper out of the diaper bag, and seeing to changing Dil.

"Diapie goes on his bottom Tommy!" Lil screams.

To her surprise, she sees that Dil is lying in the Reptar wagon, being unusually still and calm, as Tommy sees to changing him.

"Don't worry guys, I got it." Tommy says to the rest of the gang, as he finishes putting a fresh diaper on to his little brother, before the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene, where the Reptar wagon, has left Tommy's house, and is driving like crazy, all over the neighborhood.

"Who's driving it?" Phil asks, as the wagon goes wildly down a slide at the park, before the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene at Didi's baby shower, where Susie and Angelica are singing.

"A baby is, really special!" Susie sings.

"A baby is, is, not!" Angelica screams at the top of her lungs.

Just as Didi's water breaks, Angelica's piercing scream causes Boris's accordion, to shatter in several little pieces all over the backyard.

"Oy! My accordion!" Boris cries, bending down to pick up the shattered remains of his instrument.

Didi turns to Betty, with a panicked look on her face.

"Betty, it's time!" Didi whispers in a panic, before the screen cuts to black.

We now cut back to the forest, where Tommy is giving his speech to try to help the others better understand Dil.

"And I mean, I'm sure he was just, trying to help! And, shoo! It's hot! Sploring in the woods all day, and a nice breeze! Just what I needed! Oh thanks Dil." Tommy says, just as Dil let's out a hiccup.

"These hippups are really starting to bug me." Phil mutters in annoyance.

"And that wasn't very funny Dil, look what you did." Lil says accusingly, as everybody turns to stare at her.

Turns out during Tommy's speech, Dil pulled on one of the tabs of Lil's diaper, causing it to fall to the ground.

Chuckie marches up to Dil, and whispers into his ear.

"Uh, Dil, I think you're spose to rip off Tommy's diaper instead." Chuckie whispers into his ear, before the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene in the hospital, where Tommy meets Dil for the very first time.

"Tommy, I'd like for you to meet someone very special. This is your brother Dillon!" Didi says excitedly, as Tommy is placed on to Didi's lap, across from Dil.

The two babies stare at each other, smiling with wide eyes.

"See? They already love each other!" Didi cries excitedly.

Tommy continues to stare at his brand new little brother.

"Hi, I'm Tommy, I'm your brother! Wanna play?" Tommy asks.

Meanwhile, back stage, the crew looks through the pages of script, trying to find where that line is written. Of course, they can't find it, because that line doesn't exist.

If that wasn't enough to ruin the scene in the stage crew's eyes, right after Tommy delivers his improv line, Dil reaches up, and pokes Tommy on the forehead.

"Hey!" Tommy cries, before he and Dil break out into fits of laughter.

Betty, admiring the scene, messes up her line as well, to fit more in with the situation that has conspired, due to everybody messing up at this point.

"Maybe you're right Deed, your pups are gonna get along just fine." Betty comments, just as the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene where the babies are trying to get away from the park ranger and his assistant, touring the park, and we see that brief scene taken as if it came from Bambi. Just as the Reptar wagon is getting away, Phil hits his head on a branch.

"And then I gazed at the stars." Phil comments.

"You hit your head on a branch, Phillip." Lil shouts.

"I don't member hitting my head on any branch." Phil argues.

"Yes you did, on that tall one!" Lil argues.

"No Lillian, it was the low hanging branch." Phil argues.

"High one!" Lil screams.

"Low one!" Phil screams.

"High!" Lil argues.

"Low!" Phil argues.

At this point, the Reptar wagon is now at the edge of the cliff, about to go down into the river into a huge waterfall. Dil reaches up to the levers to pull them.

"No Dil!" Tommy screams, but it is too late.

The wagon plummits into the waterfall, just as the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene, when it's bedtime, and Stu can't get Dil to stop crying.

"I just, had a cough Deed. I tried to stop it, but couldn't help it. So then I coughed, and now he's crying, and now he's got the hiccups!" Stu complains, as he starts to cry, right along with Dil, who's in his arms, crying and hiccupping simultaneously.

"Oh Stu." Didi says, but rather than placing the pacifier into Stu's mouth, like what happens in the original film, she places it in Dil's mouth instead.

He instantly stops crying, as he begins to suck on the pacifier, but Stu, continues to cry uncontrollably. Didi, realizing her mistake, covers her mouth, as her cheeks become flushed red with embarrassment.

"Let's do another take of that scene again." The director says off camera, just as the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene in the basement towards the beginning of the film, during Didi's baby shower, when Stu and Drew are having one of their usual arguments, and Stu is showing off his latest invention.

"This, this, watch." Stu commands, as he goes over to a microphone.

"I am Reptar, hear me roar." Stu says into the microphone.

"I am Reptar! Hear me roar!" The Reptar wagon repeats, in a morphed version of Stu's voice, spraying water out of its eyes, on to Stu, Lou, and Drew.

"Con flabbid, can't a guy work in his basement without drowning?" Lou says, shaking the water off of himself.

"Okay, okay, so maybe water isn't the best idea for a children's toy." Stu comments, splashing water on his brother and father, just as the screen cuts to black.

Rugrats in Paris

We cut to the karaoke bar restaurant place, where we come to a deleted scene, of the adults, trying to order dinner.

"Uh, I can't read this menu." Stu comments.

"Of course you can't read it Stu, everything's in French!" Drew screams.

"I've got this one. Being CEO of a Megacorp, having to travel all around the world, I can speak French quite fluently." Charlotte said, gesturing to the waiter to come over to the table and take their order.

As soon as the waiter arrived, Charlotte cleared her throat.

"Je voudrais acheter un paresseux susan s'il vous plaƮt." Charlotte said.

The waiter just stared at her, looking confused.

A few minutes later, the entire restaurant staff returned, carrying lazy susans. Drew turned to his wife, looking less than amused.

"What did you order Charlotte?" Drew asked angrily.

"Uh, I don't know. I thought I ordered egg rolls." Charlotte admitted, waving her hands around, looking embarrassed, just as the screen cut to black.

We now cut back to that same deleted scene, as another waiter brings out several snails to a nearby table. The snails start crawling slowly off of the platter that's placed down in front of the customer. Howard is admiring this.

"Wow! Look at that es car go." Howard comments, as the rest of the adults at the table, stare at him funny, and the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene, where they're getting ready to go see the princess show, after Chuckie awakens from his Chuckie Chan dream.

"Chuckie wants a princess to be his mom?" Angelica asks in surprise.

"Uh huh." Tommy replies.

"But what about that coconut lady, Mister Chuckie's dad's girlfriend." Angelica comments.

"That's not the princess Angelica." Tommy comments, just as the scene cuts to black.

We now cut to a deleted scene, where Coco sees to firing her employees who aren't doing their job right.

"You're fired! " Coco screams.

Betty turns to the crew, who isn't getting an ounce of work done, but rather, sipping on giant mugs of coffee.

"You heard the man." Betty comments, just as the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene where Angelica and the babies are locked away in the warehouse, and Angelica has finished telling the gang, how she tricked Coco into marrying Chas.

"Bad Yucky! Bad!" Dil cries.

Just then, Angelica reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a pacifier, which she sticks into Dil's mouth.

"Sh'sh'sh'sh'sh, she'll hear us." Angelica whispers, placing a finger to her lips, just as the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to the scene, where the babies are rushing through Paris inside the Reptar robot, and John Claud, is working a Robosnails robot.

"Ha ha ha, you babies will never make it now." John Claud says, making his Robosnails robot knock the babies out of the Reptar robot.

Angelica glares angrily at him.

"How dare you bully the babies? Only I get to do that!" Angelica snaps angrily, just as the screen cuts to black.

Rugrats go Wild

We cut to the scene where a coconut hits Nigel's head. When he regains consciousness, he looks at the small children with a worried look.

"Where did you smashing young ones come from?" Nigel asks.

Susie approaches Nigel.

"Hello Mister Strawberry, I'm Susie Carmichael, and we were wondering if you could help us?" Susie asks.

"Why of course! Come on young chaps, let's find your parents." Nigel says, picking up the babies and carrying them down the hill.

"Oh my! That coconut really hit me hard on the head!" Nigel comments, pointing towards the huge lump on the top of his head.

Phil stares at the bump.

"That's one huge lump." Phil mutters, just as the scene cuts to black.

We now cut to a deleted scene, where Spike and Fifi both, are trying to find the babies, after getting lost on the island, and they run into Eliza, their puppies, Pepper and Spiffy, following close behind.

"AAAHHH!" Spike and Eliza scream, staring at one another.

"Wow! You sure are cute." Eliza comments, petting Spike.

Fifi walks up to Eliza.

"Ravi de vous rencontrer!" Fifi says, sticking out her right front paw for Eliza to shake.

"Huh?" Eliza says, raising an eyebrow.

"I think my wife said, let me sniff your butt." Spike replies, trying to translate for his wife.

Fifi just stares at Spike in disgust, just as the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to later on in that same deleted scene, when Pepper approaches her mother.

"Crazy American humans." Pepper whispers into Fifi's ear, just as the scene cuts to black.

We now cut to a deleted scene, where Spiffy and Darwin meet up on the island.

"Out of my way, monkey." Spiffy says, when he is stopped in his tracks, by Darwin towering over him.

"Monkey? Why I'll have you know, I am not a monkey! I'm a rare and unusual chimpanzee!" Darwin comments in irritation, just as he lays his hands a top Spiffy's head.

"Hey! Get your stinking paws off me, you dirty ape!" Spifffy cries, just as Darwin, angrier than ever, starts running through the island.

Spiffy starts chasing after him, just as the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to a deleted scene, towards the beginning of the movie, when Stu rents a rowboat instead of a motorboat, like he does in the original film. While out on the water, Stu instructs everybody to paddle.

"Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!" All of the adults say in unison, as they sail across the ocean.

"Stroke!" Drew shouts, before the adults start paddling again.

"Uh, Drew, I think you're suppose to say that when we're suppose to start paddling." Betty comments.

"No, I mean, I think I'm having a stroke!" Drew comments, as the rowboat continues to paddle out into the middle of the deserted ocean, and the screen cuts to black.

We now cut to one last deleted scene, this time, the gang is in the motorboat, only now, they're lost at sea. Drew turns angrily to his younger brother.

"Of all the dumb things to do, this has to be the dumbest." Drew comments angrily.

"Excuse me?" Stu asks.

Didi intervenes.

"Boys!" Didi shouts, trying to get her husband and brother-in-law to stop arguing.

However, as usual, her comment goes unnoticed, as the arguing continues.

"What you did was just plain stupid!" Drew shouts, before a stage crew member, cuts him off.

Back stage, the crew members are flipping through pages of script, unable to find these lines anywhere.

"Cut cut cut! These lines aren't anywhere in the script! Let's do another take of that scene, and this time, say! Your! Lines! As! Written! I surely hope this movie bombs at the box office, so our series is canceled, because I'm sick and tired of all of these messups during our rehearsals!" The director said off stage, covering his head with his hands, looking about ready to cry.

Everybody though, reluctantly, gets back into their positions, to reshoot that scene, one more time, just as the screen cuts to black.

The End