

Life Is Strange fanfiction - Ship: Jefferfield (Mark Jefferson/Max Caulfield)

Hope you enjoy the first chapter of: How Time Changes

Set after episode 1 (Alternate Universe, nothing that happened in episode 2 and onwards has happened, but everything in episode 1 has.)

Max's POV

I walked into Mr. Jefferson's class room, ten minutes before class started. Most of the class were already in the room, including Kate and the devil herself, Victoria. Nathan was also in the room, like he is every morning, sitting with Victoria. I shoved both of my hands in my pockets as I headed towards my desk at the back of the room, I sat down in the chair and took my camera out of my bag and placed it on the desk.

"Hey, Kate." I said over to her. She was drawing something on a small piece of paper, she looked up at me and replied,

"Hey, Max."

"What are you drawing?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair.

"Oh it's- er- nothing." She stuttered. I decided not to ask again, considering that she is quite a shy person who doesn't like to share a lot of things. I sighed as I looked at the clock, 8 minutes before class starts. I do like photography but I have to admit, the last few classes have been a bit boring. I heard Victoria and Nathan whispering to each other, god knows what about, some crazy scheme for the Vortex club no doubt. Just then, the familiar blue-haired girl walked into the class room, I wonder why she's here.

"Yo, Max!" Chloe said as she set on the edge of my desk. I looked at her and she was glaring at Nathan, I mean... Nathan DID almost shoot her in a bathroom. Nathan glared back, luckily he couldn't do anything because of all the people who would witness his acts. I coughed,

"Er hey. Why exactly are you here?" I asked.

"What? Can't I come visit once in a while?" She replied.

"No. No you can't. How did you even get in the building? You don't even go to this school!" I questioned.

"It's not like this school has any high end security. The ONLY security I've seen around here is my step-douche." I smiled at her and then I looked up at the clock once more, 2 minutes until class. That's when Victoria spoke up,

"Who the hell let 'that' in the building." She said, directed at Chloe. Chloe stood up and said,


"Chloe... Don't-" I was cut off by the bell ringing and Mr. Jefferson walking in with the rest of the class. Chloe seemed to completely forget about what Victoria said as she smiled at me and said,

"Woah. Hot teacher alert." Chloe waggled are eyebrows at me.

"Shut up, Chloe." I said as I ran my hand over my face. I feel like Chloe has a crush on Jefferson...

"Everyone who isn't in my class. Get out." Mr. Jefferson said as he started to flick through some papers. Nathan and a few others started to leave the class. "And that INCLUDES people who don't even go to this school." He said as he glared at Chloe.

"Whatever, man." Chloe said as she started to walk out, "Catch ya later, Max. Have fun in your nerd class." She said to me as bounced out of the room. Once everyone who wasn't apart of this class left, Mr. Jefferson walked over to the door and shut it. He then walked into the middle of the room and did the normal routine of making sure everyone was here, and of course everyone was. He started the lesson by talking about the Vortex party,

"Now. As you all know, the Vortex Party is in two days and I will be announcing the winner of the Everday Hero contest. You all until tomorrow to submit a photo... Now, onto the lesson." I kinda zoned out about 30 minutes in, he was talking about how different angles affect the picture and how the lighting can bring a whole new life into the image. Same old same old.

2 hour later

Finally. The bell went off. Everyone instantly stood up and started to flood out of the classroom. Except for Victoria who was talking to Mr. Jefferson and Kate who was still drawing at her desk. As I was about to leave the room Mr. Jefferson called to me,

"Max! Before you go, I want to talk to you about your... friend." He said, referring to Chloe. As I walked towards Victoria and Jefferson, Victoria scoffed before leaving the classroom.

"What about her Mr. Jefferson?" I asked. He sighed before saying,

"Who is she for a start?" He questioned.

"She's a former student, you may have heard of her, Chloe Price?"

"Hmm. I remember reading a file with that name name on. What happened? She seemed like she was doing well in school."

"To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe it was because of stress." I replied whilst folding my arms. Mr. Jefferson also folded his arms as he glared at something out the window. I turned my head to look at what he was looking at. It was Chloe standing outside the window. Mr. Jefferson looked at me and all I did was shrug. He unfolded his arms with a loud sigh before placing a hand on my shoulder and saying,

"I'll let it go this time. But she can't be in the building during school time." He said with a softened voice.

"Um, okay." I said as he removed his hand from my shoulder. "I'll see you later, Mr. Jefferson."

"See you later, Max." He replied. I walked out of the classroom and shut the door, only to be met with Victoria.

"Stay away from Mark." She said to me. "He's mine." She said with an aggressive tone. I rolled my eyes before saying,

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You KNOW what I'm talking about. If anyone's gonna get with Mr. Jefferson, it's gonna be me."

"Or is it gonna be me?" Chloe said jokingly as she walked towards us. "And don't think I forgot about what you said earlier." Chloe stated as she looked at Victoria.

"God. Whatever." Victoria simply said before walking towards Nathan, Courtney and Taylor. The 'cool' kids, as some would call them. I just call them a bunch of assholes.

"I'm SO gonna kick that bitch's ass." Chloe said, smirking.

"Chloe you can't BE here." I sighed as I started to drag her down the hallways towards the exit.

"And why not?" She asked as we reached the exit. "You and Jefferson wanna be aloooone?" She said as she poked my side.

"What? No! That's just gross..." I trailed off. "It's like most schools. You can't just walk into a school you don't go to."

"Whatever. This place hella sucks anyways. I'm only here for the 'hot' teachers." Chloe said smiling, as she opened the door and left the building. I rolled my eyes before leaving aswell. Right outside the exit, Warren stood there looking down at his phone.

"Oh. Hey Max." Warren said as he put his phone in his back pocket.

"Hey Warrren." I replied.

"Woah Max. You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." Chloe said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"What?" I questioned. "He's not my boyfriend." I said seriously.

"Whatever you say." She said with a small laugh.

"Who's your friend Max?" Warren said, trying to change the subject.

"Chloe. Chloe Price." Chloe said as she patted Warren's shoulder.

"Um okay. I'm just a good friend of Max's." Warren corrected her. After introductions, we started to walk around the site.