Crisis of Two

"Aww man, I thought we would be the first ones here." Naruto said with a slight huff as he looked over the basketball courtyard. There were already a couple guys playing three on three using one of the full courts.

Sasuke never understood how such a huge University had so few outdoor basketball courts, although the gymnasium itself was huge and equipped with an HVAC* system.

"Man, this is why you should have joined the basketball team. We could just use the gym whenever we wanted instead of having to be out here." Naruto grumbled as he opened the gate and headed towards the far end of one of the vacant court.

"That's called practice and we would have to play together not against." Sasuke pointed out as he removed his hoodie.

"You know what I mean. We could have played one on one before we had practice or something".

Naruto began playing basketball for the sole purpose of competing against Sasuke when he found out they were going to different high schools. He had been hurt at the time but took the opportunity to join the basketball team for the chance to meet Sasuke in practice games or tournaments. Now he was on a full scholarship at Konoha University as a regular. But while Naruto had kept playing, Sasuke stopped, having had enough.

"Just check the ball." Sasuke said as he began to warm up.

Naruto began dribbling the ball as Sasuke eyes locked on for any sudden movements. They were both familiar with their mannerisms and habits when they played so the game became intense right away. They played hard and began to sweat but Sasuke felt that something was off with Naruto. He kept trying to sink the ball without any thought as to where he might be to block him. Something was on his mind and he was letting it get to him. Sasuke started to worry that Naruto really did see him and Hinata walking hand in hand to the station together...maybe he was trying to take most of his anger out through basketball before finally taking it out on him, which Sasuke knew he probably deserved.

Before Naruto could try and steal the ball back from him he faked a jump shot, which he fell for and circled around him so he was behind the basket facing him.

"What's going on?" he asked as they both panted, faces red.

"Huh?" Naruto said taken aback by the sudden break.

"You're playing with your head in your ass." Sasuke said as he tossed the ball back to him and walked towards Naruto's gym bag where he knew he had brought water.

"What did you say! Hey turn around and say that to my face!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke's retreating back.

When Sasuke did finally turn around his face was more somber as he tried to hide the small fear and discomfort he felt.

"Talk." he said feeling unnerved even though he knew, he knew there was no way Naruto was going to say "I know you slept with Hinata last night".

Naruto looks down at his feet, frowning as he searched for the right words.

"Have've been hanging out with Hinata lately right?".

Sasuke nearly choked on his water with how accurate Naruto was on the very topic he wanted to avoid.

"Huh?" he said as he wiped the water that was running down his chin.

Naruto began dribbling the ball absentmindedly before he finally looked up "It's just...I heard from Shikamaru that you and Hinata have been having lunch and meeting at the library together".

Realizing what he was talking about Sasuke felt his heart beat relax before giving what he hoped was a look of contempt. "We're working on a project together for Japanese history. We're in the same class remember? We were assigned as partners." Sasuke said hoping to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

With a small pout on his face, Naruto continued to fidget with the ball "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think you would want to hear it." Sasuke said simply.

It was true that when he first got partnered with Hinata and realized all the time they would be temporary spending together he was honestly thinking of Naruto's best interest and thought it was better not to tell him...worried he would unintentionally rub salt in his wounds or just remind him of the thing he didn't like to think about.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at his silence "Did you wanna hear it?"

"No it's just...I thought you would tell me and...ya know I haven't seen her in months so...I don't know I just thought you would tell me..." Naruto said as he made a jump shot that circled the rim before going in.

"Have you talked to her?" Sasuke asked suddenly wondering if they had any recent exchanges lately.

Naruto said nothing as he went to retrieve the ball, frowning as he remembered the last time they saw each other…

She was already there.

He could see her from across the street inside the coffee shop where they agreed to meet up. He had been standing there for at least 10 minutes just watching her through the window...watching her wait.

She was sitting alone at one of the small tables as she mindlessly stirred a spoon in her small mug. She glanced at her watch for the second time since he got there before she slumped her shoulders. Naruto felt his stomach flip nervously as he checked his own phone for the time. Now it was already 15 minutes past their meet up time and he still can't bring himself to go in. He showed up late on purpose because he had a small fear that she wouldn't come and he didn't want to be the first one there.

After 2 days of waiting for her to answer his calls and texts, she finally agreed to see give him a chance to apologize and explain but…as soon as he saw he was relieved but then he felt irritated with himself, knowing he was only making it worse.

He was a coward.

After not being able to eat or sleep and beating himself up he can't bring himself to face her...what if she didn't accept his apology or worse what if she hates him? The last thing he wanted in the world was for her to hate him.

Trying to control the flood of emotions rushing over him, Naruto takes a deep breath before walking across the street and into the shop.

A tiny bell rings as he opens the door and moves over the threshold. Hinata looks up at the sound and looks steadily into his eyes before looking away. "You're late." she said before busying herself with her mug again.

Naruto felt his heart thump loudly in his ear as he tentatively looked around the small cafe, trying to distract himself even if it was for just a second.

"I..I know, I'm sorry" Naruto said nervously, "This is bad" he tells himself as he slowly takes a seat. "Thanks for meeting me".

Hinata nods stiffly but still doesn't look up.

(*Ba-Bump, Ba-Bump, Ba-Bump)

Naruto tried to keep his breathing even as his heart beat became louder. He had never seen her looks so dispassionate before, whenever he saw her she would always show her bright smile that he came to see as only for him. But today she looked so different like she already knows what's going to happen next before he even came in yet she didn't care...not anymore.

"No, no, no." he thought to himself quickly. What was he thinking? That wasn't what this was about..that's not why he asked her to come!

The words came out before he could stop himself.

"I'm sorry….I never meant for any of this to happen…. it was a mistake….. an accident… feel guilty… I really do love you… I just cared too much about you… about us… two years together…. I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…".

In all that time Hinata still didn't move. When she finally did look up her expression was totally blank.

"Please say something." Naruto pleaded.

"There's really nothing left to say Naruto-kun. I don't need anything anymore… I … I'm strong enough now and… I think I can move on." Hinata said, her voice quiet and strained.


"Move on?" Naruto thought fearfully. "Hina-

"I need some distance from you" she said quickly, cutting him off.

"Distance?" Naruto said running his hands through his short hair, feeling like he got sucker punched.

Hinata bit her lip as she feels her resolve almost fade at the sad look in his blue eyes that had always brought her such joy. She offers him a small smile wanting this to end on the best terms possible. "If your in my life right now… I won't let myself get over you." she said knowing full it sounded like she was contradicting her words when only a minute ago she told him she was strong.

Even if it didn't make any sense, she told herself it was all true.

" we really have to break up?" Naruto asked as he looked down at his hands clenched in his lap. He felt so low, asking her something so selfish but he didn't want to lose her.

"Naruto-kun, I think we both know I haven't been your girlfriend for a long time".

Naruto opened his mouth to say something but felt the words stuck in his throat.

"So when you told me to meet you today I thought "'s really over. Except now I won't see you and I'm not gonna call… I'm gonna do everything I can to stop thinking of you".

"It's not what you think! I didn't ask you here so we could break up, I wanted us to talk." Naruto said quickly "I know it's a lot to ask and I know it'll be hard but I want us to try and work through it." he said trying to grab her hand from across the table but she pulled away.

A heavy silence falls on them as they looked at each, both wondering if they were thinking the same thing. All the hours they spent together, what they meant to each other...

"I'm sorry Naruto… I-I've already made up my mind." she said as she rose from her chair.

"Hinata please, this isn't how I want this to end." Naruto said, desperate to get her to stay.

Hinata gathered her bag and sweater slowly, feeling like her arms were made of lead. "Don't think of it as ending Naruto-kun, think of it as me...letting you go". She said smiling sadly but sweetly at him, one last time before walking out.

"No" he said coming back to the present as he took the water bottle from Sasuke's hand and taking a drink. "We haven't seen each other since we broke up".

"Officially broke up" Sasuke thought to himself. "Do you want to talk to her?" he asked.

"Well...yeah I mean...I just wanna know how she's doing. I see her around campus and stuff from afar but..."


"Hinata...even though she was shy, she always wore her emotions on her sleeve ya know? Her eyes always had this warmth and sparkle to her and it made her whole face light up when she was happy." Naruto said smiling.

"Uh huh" Sasuke said knowing all that to be true but wondering what Naruto meant by it. Was he regretful? Did he want her back?

"But every time I see her lately she looks so...emotionless and stiff...less and less like her and more like Neji" Naruto said sitting on the ground as he propped himself on the gate.

Sasuke didn't say anything as he thought of what to say next. He decided that in order for him and Hinata to figure out what last night meant and what they both wanted to do next, without looking over their shoulders for Naruto every second he would give him a small constructed version of the truth.

"She seems fine." Sasuke said looking up at the now blue sky, the sun having risen a while ago.

"Really!? Fine like there was nothing new going on fine? Or fine like she had to drag herself out of bed and face the day fine?" Naruto said, his blue eyes wide and desperate for information.

Sasuke looked at him like he was speaking a foreign language. "I said she was fine you idiot." taking the water bottle back for a drink. When Naruto kept looking at him expectantly Sasuke sighed knowing he wasn't going to stop bugging him, "She was acting normal ok? Sometimes she smiles, sometimes she doesn't. She's not big on conversation so it's mostly quiet when we work." he finished before grabbing his hoodie and putting it back on.

"Oh...ok" Naruto said, his dampened mood lifting a bit. "You think you can keep me posted?".

"I'm not spying on her for you." Sasuke said blandly.

"Come on dude, I'm not asking you to spy! I just wanna know how she's doing alright."

"I thought you said you were going to respect what she wanted and give her space?" Sasuke asked as he remembered the drunk call he got from him the night they ended it.

"I know's just that I really hurt her and I need to know if she's ok." Naruto said as he packed up the ball and they headed out of the gate.

Sasuke wondered if her well-being was the only thing he wanted to know about but decided not to push it since it was getting harder and harder to act normal around him when only hours ago his hands were roaming all over his best friend ex's naked body…

Sasuke grit his teeth as the wave of betrayal finally hits him, "I'm not promising anything but I'll let you know if anything happens".

Naruto grinned brightly at him, "Really!? Thanks Sasuke, I owe you one" he said as he lightly punched his arm.

"Hn" Sasuke muttered before punching him back.

"I know I'm a douche for asking you this, so seriously...thank you," Naruto said as sincerely as he could.

'Yeah...your the douchebag.' he thought sarcastically as they walked on.

AN: Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it might have given you more questions than answers but that's why it's a flashback story. I have to place the information at the right time as I slowly reveal all. Lol sorry if that's frustrating. I'm also sorry to those who say I don't update fast enough and you guys forget what happened in the last chapters but I really can't promise an update on a specific date, I haven't even updated my other story that I'm still working on! So sorry again and hope you liked this chapter. Let me know what you think! Reviews always make me so happy :)