Painted Red

"Are you sure?"

"...Hmm" she said softly nodding her head

"Are you scared?" he asked

"N-No. I'm not."

Sasuke said nothing as silence filled the dark room that was lit only by a few candles. He hovered over her knowing she wouldn't stop him if he continued but felt a bit conflicted wondering if this was really ok...

"She's never done this kind of thing and there's no way she isn't a little scared. For a girl to be doing it for the first time has to be really scary. On top of that I'm not even the one she really wants to be with right now, compared to him I'm just..." he thought feeling somewhat bitter.

"Don't cry if you regret this later." he said resting up on his forearms and looking straight into her eyes. Eyes that looked beautiful and shining in the candlelight.

Hinata bit her lip nervously as she felt his hand roam over her hip and tugged at her panties, the last piece of clothing she had on.

"I-I won't" she said trying to convince herself. "I won't regret it".

Sasuke could only assume that it was either the scar in her heart or the part of her that was always too considerate towards others that forced her to lie through her teeth. Even though the thought made him angry, it wasn't enough to stop him. After all this time he had waited long enough. With somewhat unsteady hands he tore off her cute white panties followed by his own black underwear. He tossed them across the room and they landed by the entrance step by his door. He brushed his nose against hers and interlaced her fingers with his. Both of their hearts were pounding into overdrive and were beating so loudly against their ears that Sasuke wasn't sure if she heard the three little words he whispered before his body instinctively moved to take her.

Even if she didn't hear him when he said it, he had hoped she at least felt it.

Maybe he would be the one to regret doing this kind of thing with her later...with the way they were now it wasn't right. She deserved so much more than what he was giving her because in the end the only one gaining something would be him.

It was his own fault that things had turned out this way, if only he had realized what his feelings had meant sooner and hadn't been so scared of losing her, he would have confessed sooner and might have been able to make her fall in love with him...

He always beat around the bush when it came to his feelings. Because he didn't know what to do he always acted so cold which he knew had only scared her and confused her. Back then he had always convinced himself that it was because she always saw through him to look lovingly at his best friend that it wasn't worth the fight. As the years passed he felt masochistically content with the idea that she loved someone else. Maybe it was because he didn't want to destroy a love that was so beautiful, to taint someone so pure...but he knew it better than anyone that he was just too scared to show her how much she meant to him.

But now they were in his room, doing the thing that was so nerve racking and exciting for the first time together. Sasuke couldn't believe that he was losing his virginity to the most beautiful girl to ever live, he was so glad he waited for this moment because nothing in the world could ever beat this feeling. He loved her so much he thought he was going to explode from trying to contain it.

"Ah!" Hinata cried out suddenly grabbing his shoulder with her free hand and piercing him with her nails.

Sasuke lightly jolted up looking down at her "What's the matter?" he asked completely serious.

"I-It hurts Sasuke-kun" squeezing his hand tightly to try and relieve some tension.

Ah right. The pain. For one mili-second he had forgotten about that. Of course there would be pain since it was her first time but Sasuke was hoping she wouldn't feel any with him. He didn't want it to hurt. He kissed her lips and her cheeks every time she flinched, hoping he could make the pain away.

"Ah! Ow, Ouch! S-Sasuke I...I can't!...I can't do this!" Hinata cried trying to push him off of her "It hurts too much" she cried.

"Hold on" Sasuke growled "Do you really thing I can stop like this? Even if you tell me to stop, it's impossible for me." he said grabbing on to her chin so she would look him straight in the eye. " I promise you that today is the only time that it will hurt, I won't ever let you feel pain after this. So just this once, be wounded by me." he said wiping away the tear that was running down her face.

Sasuke kissed her softly as they continued, doing his best to be gentle as Hinata whimpered small cries of discomfort. After a while they just held each other, feeling an awe and disbelief that neither had never experienced before. She never imagined that she could feel this close to someone in such a way and she never thought it would have been with Sasuke Uchiha.

At the same time he never imagined she would do this with him.

He thought at some point in his life he would give up on her and move on. He never imagined the universe giving him the one person he always thought was out of reach to him. It was strange how fate likes to play around with people and at the end of the day you think theres nothing you can do to go against that fate. As they both dozed off Sasuke couldn't help but think back to what started all this and wondered what exactly was it that lead to this perfectly, imperfect night...

AN: I know, I know I shouldn't even think of starting a new story when I haven't updated Our Casual Encounter but I just couldn't get this other idea out of my head. As you know I tend to start off a new story with a short first chapter but I thought it wouldn't be fair to go no more than 2 pages at the most until I update my other story. But to those who have been following my story and took a quick read of this- what do you think? Does this also sound like something you wanna read? Let me know and I promise I will have a new chapter for our casual encounter soon. Spoiler alert: both Kiba and Sasuke will be in the next chapter, in the same scene. There's a little taste since I kept waiting so long :)