Chapter Sixty-four
Two weeks later...
After the police arrived to take Cameron away, Rose gave her statement to the police about what he had tried to do to her. At first he had denied everything, but finally he slipped and ended up confessing everything. Jack and Rose hadn't wanted to return to the mansion, but James had talked them into it, stating that it made no sense for them to move out when there was plenty of room and Cameron wouldn't be there. Rose did end up avoiding the sitting room.
During the past two weeks, Jack began tying up loose edges and signed his shares of the family business over to James. The rich life just wasn't for him. He didn't like what it did to his family. He wanted the freedom to do his art and to be by his Rose's side when she needed him. He never wanted what happened with Cameron to happen again, especially when he could have stopped it.
Despite Jack not wanting any part of the family business, James insisted on giving Jack a bank account so he could have a back up of funds if the family should need it. One never knew what could come up, and as a Dawson, Jack was due some of the profits. Whether he worked for them or not.
Once everything was signed over and arranged, Jack, Rose, and their twins were ready to start off for New York City to start their life anew. They stood on the doorstep of the mansion with James, who had tears in his eyes. He hated goodbyes.
"We'll come to visit and you can visit us whenever you're in New York," Jack reassured his cousin. The rich life may not be for him, but he did treasure the family he had left, which was James and Kathy. They were the only ones that counted.
"You better believe I will. I'm not going to let you just disappear," James hugged his cousin tightly, hating that it was time to say goodbye. "Take care of Rose and the kids."
"I will. Take care," Jack hugged him back and wiped away his own tears, also hating to say goodbye, but it was necessary.
James gave Rose a sad smile as he turned to her. "I am so sorry for the time you had here. Cameron was a monster to you and...I feel like I should have done more to protect you from him..."
Rose hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Don't be sorry. Like I told Jack, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing that you could have done. He would have tried it eventually. Just take care. And do try to find a girl. A handsome man like you shouldn't be single for so long."
James and kissed the palm of her hand. "Good bye Rose. Take care."
The car that was to take them to the train station pulled up. They each hugged James one last time before piling their children and belongings inside.
They waved to James as the car pulled off, leaving their life of luxury behind. It was a new chapter of their lives. A new chapter that did not contain ex-girlfriends and rich cousins. A life that would contain family and lots and lots of love and joy to go around. It was the kind of life after Titanic that they had always dreamed of.
(A/N: Well, that is it for the rewriting of After Titanic. I must say that I am really satisfied with the story now and feel like it's better than the first version. Of course, I had cut out some story lines and scenes and added some to make it a more cohesive story. I thank you for reading and hope that you enjoyed this journey of rewriting my first ever Titanic story:) I hope that you stay and enjoy the other stories that I am in process of writing. I also plan to rewrite some of the other stories that I had written years ago as well. Stay tuned :))