Thor pulls the blade out of his ribcage and throws it on the ground. Why does Loki always stab him there? He should aim for his heart, it would be less cruel somehow. Another giant viper rears up to strike at Thor, venom dripping from its fangs. Thor flings Mjolnir at it and beheads it. The creature' head falls down and in Thor's exhaustion he does not notice the bounce. A fang slices a gash into Thor's thigh and he screams in agony.
Tony hears him and flies to his aid. He pulls out a syringe and stabs Thor in the arm with it. It's the anti-venom. It'll save Thor's life but he's going to feel like shit for a while. Thor sits there in a heap as the battle rages around him. His feverish body begs for rest but Thor cannot. Loki is still a threat. As his friends all fight valiantly against the army of giant serpents Thor spies Loki making his getaway.
"Not this time." Thor forces himself to his feet and takes off after Loki, intent on ending this fight once and for all. He follows Loki to a half-completed skyscraper and knocks Loki to the ground. Loki laughs.
"What's the matter Thor? Feeling a little drained?" Loki says. Thor grabs him by the hair and punches Loki in the face repeatedly. He doesn't hold back, giving Loki every ounce of strength in each blow. Bones break and crack as eyes swell shut and bleed. Thor presses Loki's body against the ground and an evil thought fills and blackens the thunderer's heart.
"My forgiveness has run out." Thor presses his lips to Loki's left ear as his whole body pins Loki to the cement. "Hear me well Loki for this is the last time we will speak. You are not my brother. That bond is dead in me. I am tired of begging you to come home, to stop killing innocent people, to stop trying to kill my friends…and ME. And to prove to you that the love is gone, I am going to hurt you in the most monstrous way I can conceive."
Thor grabs a hold of Loki's leathers and rips them from Loki's body as though it were not more than tissue paper. Loki squeaks in shock as the cool air rushes against his skin. True terror fills Loki's heart. He expected Thor to beat him, kill him even, but not this. Thor does not rape. He would never. Thor is too perfect, too golden, too worthy.
One of Thor's hands rakes down Loki's backside and he growls when he roughly cups Loki's ass. Loki trembles.
"Thor? Thor think about this! You can't! You'll be…AHHH!" Loki cries out as Thor roughly shoves two dry fingers into his ass. Thor growls again.
"Do you know how long I've wanted to do that? Do you have any idea how I've longed to fuck you?" Thor strokes Loki's insides as he stares at the back of Loki's head with hate. "Not last week I fantasized about us being together. That somehow you would come to your senses and stop all of this! That I could finally confess the true nature of my love for you. That I could MAKE LOVE to you. But I can no longer ignore your constant attempts to kill me. You do not love me. You never will, and I have been a fool to hope for anything different!"
Thor pulls his hand out of Loki's ass and unlaces the front of his trousers. His giant red meaty cock springs out, looking just as angry as Thor does.
"I do love you brother! Do not do this!" Loki cries out. Thor bashes Loki's head against the floor.
"LIES!" Thor hisses, and thrusts into Loki without care for his pain. Loki screams as his insides are torn apart. Thor rides him mercilessly, grunting like a furious beast. The smell of copper tinges the air, and Loki knows that it is his blood lubricating his passage. Tears sting his swollen black eyes as Thor sates his lust and wrath on Loki's body. The creamy milky skin he has ached to massage and kiss and caress shines with sweat. Thor howls as his seed pumps deep within Loki.
A quiet moment passes as Thor recovers. His breathing slows and the Thunder God rises and stands above Loki's abused beaten body. Thor's cape begins to dissolve like cotton candy in the wind. His armor disappears and the song of Mjolnir no longer calls to Thor's heart. He cannot hear her.
Thor is unworthy.
Loki twists his head back, peering through the swollen slits of his eyes.
"Finally. Everyone will see you as I do." Loki says.
"Yes Loki. They will see a man pushed to his breaking point. I hope this victory brings you everything you ever hoped for. You have killed my ability to trust and love. I hope you are satisfied at long last. When you are done gloating over my exposed flaws, do the universe a favor, and kill yourself." Thor steps around Mjolnir, unable to move her and leaves her behind. He finds a set of stairs and walks all the way down them to the street before hailing a cab and heading back to the tower.
Loki lies there, resting. The sobs come small at first, but progress to wails of sorrow as the minutes pass. He is alone, with no one else to hear him, for which he is glad. The love is dead. He never imagined it would be so, and yet that is what he's been telling himself all this time.
He doesn't love Thor. Thor is not his brother. Thor would make a terrible King of Asgard. Thor does not deserve the love of the mortals. Thor, Thor, Thor. Thor loves that Jane woman not him! Thor loves Sif not him!
Thor wanted him. Thor begged him to come home. Over and over, but how was Loki to know the inner most secret held desires of his brother's heart?
"I dreamed a dream as well."