Chapter 7: Informing the Boss

"Lady Daimyo, I must ask you for a moment of your time," Naruto said as soon as he walked in to Haruna's throne room.

The woman merely blinked at him, then looked at the long que of people in front of her.

"I'm quite busy at the moment, Naruto. If you'd like, I could schedule..."

"It's about a threat to your life," the blond interrupted, causing murmurs to break out in the crowd as Haruna looked slightly alaramed, but quickly regained her calm appearance.

"Very well, give me a moment, and I shall meet you in the dining room." Naruto bowed, then turned to head to the designated room, giving a nod to Yurinojo on the way. He entered the small(ish) room and began pacing, hearing Haruna graciously apologize to her guests, having her Samurai escort them out of the palace. Moments later, she was in the room, looking at him expectantly.

"Have you heard of Akatsuki?" Naruto asked without preamble. The woman shook her head, and Naruto sighed. "I didn't think so."

"What are they?" Yurinojo asked, looking agitated.

"They're a group of S-class criminals who are quickly gaining influence throughout the nations," Jiraiya expalined, becoming visible after deactivating his hiding jutsu. Both Yurinojo and Haruna tensed up for a moment, then relaxed when they recognized the man as being who they sometimes saw with Naruto.

"Why would they be a threat to my life?" Haruna asked critically. "The Land of Greens is small, and I only just became the Daimyo. I can't see how they'd be very interested in me."

"Oh, they're not," Naruto declared nonchalantly

"But... you said,"

"I said they were a threat to your life, not that they particularly cared about you."

"Then what do they want here?"

"Naruto," Jiraiya said calmly, crossing his arms. "We're not sure why," he lied easily. "but they have an interest in him, and they might be coming for him at any point. And you might get caught in the crossfire when they do."

"When? Not if?"

"No, definitely when," Naruto grumbled. "Pervy sage here was supposed to train me for three years, moving around to avoid them."

"But you have screwed that plan all to hell," Jiraiya bit out, for once not commenting on Naruto's nickname for him. Haruna paled, and looked offended at the same time. "Now, don't get me wrong, I get you wanting the kid around. But at the same time, you pulling that stunt the way you did has all but painted a target on your back, for being associated with him. And now, the Akatsuki will know exactly where to find him."

Yurinojo glared at Haruna for a moment before turning to the massive man before him.

"Is there anything we can do to prepare for their arrival?"

"You could cancel your request for Naruto to guard you," Jiraiya said to Haruna, who looked stricken. "but since I get the feeling you won't do that, if it's because of stubbornness or the hit your reputation would take for backing out of a contract is irrelevant, the only other option I can think of is to buckle down and really train all your shinobi and samurai. I could call in a favor and get a few samurai from Tetsu no Kuni to come down and train your men, while I train your Shinobi, but ultimately, they'd just be trying to distract whoever shows up."

Haruna sat heavily on a cushion, with a deep, long-suffering sigh.

"I really need to start thinking beyond my own desires..."

"Agreed." three voices said simultaneously.

"Very well," she said, straightening, then bowing slightly to Jiraiya, whom she still did not officially know. "I humbly beg your forgiveness, and your assistance." Jiraiya looked at her a moment, before sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'll go write a letter."