` Several years after the last episode aired on television, we find the Teen Titans starting to finally grow up. While still fighting crime and keeping Jump City safe, they realize that part of growing up and becoming an adult is knowing that, sometimes, it isn't super villains that are causing you the most pain, but your teammates.

"Titans, go!" Robin commanded, throwing his hand forward.

"Hive Five, look alive!" Gizmo cackled, his fingers flying across his keyboard. See-More, Mammoth, Billy Numerous, and Kyd Wykkyd shot forward, malicious grins splayed across their faces. Beast Boy warped, and in elephant form, charged Mammoth. As their collision sent a cloud of dust into the air, the battle began. I floated through the smog, searching for a target. A loud trumpeting caught my attention, and I glanced over just in time to see Mammoth hurl the green elephant towards me. Beast Boy's beady, animal eyes widened, and in mid air, he warped back to his humanoid form.

"Raven, look out!" He slammed into me, and we flew back several feet before collapsing onto the cracked pavement. I gasped for breath as I climbed to my feet, my hands pushing on my knees for support. "Raven, I'm sorry," he sputtered beneath me. With a frustrated growl, I briefly turned my gaze onto him.

"Stay out of my way," I growled, before replacing my raven beak hood and levitating into the air. Mammoth eyed me high above, and his hungry mouth warped into a toothy grin. Jumping high in the air, he slammed his fists down on the pavement, and like a rock dropped in water causes a ripple, his impact forced the blacktop to rise to me, a wave of solid rock. I held my splayed hands in front of me, my violet eyes narrowing in the shadow of my cowl.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" The street halted, outlined by my powers of darkness. Twisting my hands and commanding the pavement, it whipped back on its prior master and wrapped around Mammoth several times, encircling him in a black ball of rock. As he began pounding on the inside, trying to break free, I brought my hands closer together slowly, and breathed deeply, focusing my power on his dark prison. Following the command of my hands, the pavement began to shrink around him, the heat and pressure of my ultimatum solidifying his prison to even thicker walls. Slowly, as the orb condensed further, Mammoth's pounding from inside grew duller.

Finally satisfied that he wouldn't be getting out until the police came, I turned my attention to the rest of the battle, searching for where my aid was most dire. Cyborg was mowing down several of Billy's copies, Gizmo's mechanical, spider-like legs were exchanging blows with Robin's staff, and Beast Boy was in the form of a hummingbird, dodging several of See-More's ocular projectiles.

A cry from behind me caused my head to whip around. Starfire was shooting starbolts randomly in panic, but she wasn't as fast as she needed to be; Kyd Wykkyd blinked in and out of existence around her, seemingly being in several places at once. As Starfire turned to light him up with her celestial orbs, he teleported behind her, and with a swiped of his knife-like cape edge, cut her across the back. Starfire screamed again, whirled to punch him, only to see the space behind her was once again empty.

I looked around frantically, and saw not far off a public bus. I zoomed to it, held out my hands, and soon it was willingly following me through the air. "Star, move!" I shouted before hurling the several ton piece of machinery at the battling duo. With a sweet gasp, she flew out of the way, and the bus slammed home into our adversary, burying him beneath it. Starfire flew to my side, a gracious and bubbly thank you spilling from her lips, when a section of the bus began to glow darkly. Kyd Wykkyd seamlessly melted through the crushed metal, and glared up at us silently, looking barely worse for wear.

"I find this villain most frustrating," Starfire sighed glancing over at me. I nodded silently, and the pair of us dove to attack. Her eyes glowed green, and from them a twin laser shot forth. Kyd Wykkyd blinked out of the way and several feet to the right. Starfire landed before him, and as their melee continued, I snuck behind him, a stop sign post held high above my head. Just as he was about of pull his cape over his head and teleport behind my teammate, I slammed the metal prod through the fabric, pinning it to the ground. He yanked on it in surprise, his red eyes wide in disbelief. Starfire giggled with delight before soaring high above us.

"How does one plan to fight if one cannot sneak behind us with his cape?" she taunted from above, her fists glowing green. As she released her volley of fury on him, I glided to the side, letting her take her vengeance on him. After her attack had subsided, and the smoke clearly, we saw our opponent laying on the ground, groaning in pain. I walked up to him slowly, and looked down on him from above.

"Sorry, Kyd, there can only be one real master of darkness, and that's me," my dry voice said as he passed out. Feeling rather proud of myself, I closed my eyes, hoping to get the chance to revel in my victory, when I was suddenly ambushed with affection.

"Oh, thank you thank you, dear Raven! You were most helpful in defeating him!"Starfire cheered, her alien strength making her innocent hug a vice grip of death.

"No problem, Starfire," I said, painfully extracting myself from her embrace. We looked about, and saw that the other part of our team had succeeded in beating the Hive Five. In the distance, sirens wailed. After the culprits were loaded into the police wagon, the five of us began heading to the T-car.

"Great job, team," Robin praised, a large, proud smile on his masked face. "They didn't stand a chance."

"When will they learn to give up? We're UNSTOPPABLE!" Beast Boy cheered, pumping his fists into the air. I gritted my teeth and floated along quietly, trying to drone out his jarring voice. As we piled into the car, I purposely chose to sit beside the car door and Starfire, as far from the transfigurist as possible.

"Next stop: the T Tower, for some well earned victory hot dogs!" Cyborg whooped as he revved the engine. As we tore off down the street towards home, and the others began to chatter lively about the victory, I closed y eyes and tried to find some peace in the crowded vehicle.

When we got home, I was the first out of the car, the first in the door, and the first in the living room. As the other fell in behind me, laughing loudly and acting out the highlights of the evening's battle, I walked over to the coffee table and grabbed my book. I enjoyed hanging out with my teammates, I really did, but I didn't enjoy taking part in their shenanigans. Simply being near them, and watching from afar and chuckling silently as Beast Boy does another foolish activity, was enough for me to feel content. As they all crowded the kitchen, each preparing their own feast for the team, I smiled ever so slightly, careful to hide it from the others. After watching the chaos for some time, I began reading my book as I floated in the far corner of the room, loosing myself in its pages.

After some time, I was brought out of my reverie by a rather putrid smell that assaulted me. As I blinked and looked up before me, I saw Beast Boy dangling a pale log of meat in front of me. "Want a tofu dog?" he said, giving it a small wiggle. I glared at him, closed my book, and let my feet down to the ground below me.

"Not with your infested fingers touching it," I said dryly. His long ears fell a little at my insult. "I think I will just have a bowl of soup," I continued, walking by him briskly. Some moments later, time found me sitting on the counter, my finger making small circles above the pot, and the wooden spoon, highlighted black, inside of it, following my nail. I hummed tunelessly as I watched Starfire's animated retelling of our duo encounter with Kyd Wykkyd, and smiled at the way she praised my battle skills.

"Raven was amazing! There was nothing that I could do that would rival her speed or cunning!" She glowed, smiling over at me from her seat on the couch.

"Thank you, Starfire," I said, nodding my head slightly.

"Yeah, she was pretty cool, but was she sonic-plasma-cannon-right-into-Billy-Numerous'-face cool?" Cyborg boomed, his cannon slid out of his arm as he struck rather masculine and heroic poses on top of the dinner table. I rolled my eyes and began eating my soup quietly, savoring it's thick, heady taste. After some time, Robin looked over at me, and offered for me to join the other's in a bout of card games, but I shake my head.

"I'm tired, I think I'll retire for the evening." I turned on my heel and walked away, and as the door slid open at my approach, a chorus of farewells followed me. After a few moments of only the sound of my footsteps on the carpet, I heard the door slid open again, and the quick tapping of someone jogging to catch up to me.

"Wow, from the way Starfire was talking about you, you must've been great out there today," Beast Boy chuckled, showing a toothy grin.

"She was exaggerating. I did no better than usual," I said plainly, my honest personality ignoring any social requirements of expansion on the statement. Beast Boy cleared his throat, and glanced over at me again.

"Well, then you were better than the rest of us," he said. Ignoring the compliment, I walked into my dark room without glancing at him. "Mind if I come in?" he called after me.

"Yes." I responded coldly, turning around and staring at him blankly from under my hood.

"Why?" he sighed, his ears lowering again in disappointment.

"Because, I didn't sign up for babysitting." With that, the door slid closed on him, and after a few moments, I heard him return to the living room. I began stripping off my cape, belt, and leather leotard, and slipped into my ankle length, midnight satin night gown. As the soft fabric caressed my skin, I crawled into bed and beneath my thick covers. I closed my eyes slowly, and after what felt like only a few seconds, I fell asleep.