Chapter One: Good Mourning

I can see her struggling to breathe. Her breaths are coming in shallow gasps as opposed to their usual silent in an outs. Her dark curls form a perfect frame around her face. She lays in Scott's arms; even on deaths door she still looksbeautiful.

"It doesn't hurt." I can barely hear her and I'm standing so close. Her voice is barely above a whisper. She's heaving now, struggling. I can see Scott straining to hold back his sobs as he continues to try and ease pain that isn't there. She's too far gone. There's nothing he can do. There's nothing any of us can do.

I am not allowed to enjoy her last moments. None of us are. Everything starts to happen all at once, like pressing replay and fast forward at the same time. We aren't given any time to think. The entire world starts to fade out with her, and it's like my senses are no longer working.

It all happened so fast. Too fast.

There's so much noise, and confusion. Someone keeps asking questions. "Do you know what they looked like?" a voice answers no. Was it mine? I can't be sure.

I can still see her face, her lips tainted with her own blood. There's a sob stuck in my throat but it lacks the courage to leave me.

It all happened so fast. Too fast.

The sound of clatter downstairs wakes me and I jolt out of bed. I can hear faint conversation downstairs. Scott's voice gets my attention, and I glance at the digital clock on my night stand. It's four o'clock in the morning and we have school in just a couple of hours. Leave it to my brother to come home from "camping" at this hour when it's a school night. Typical.I roll my eyes at his antics and don't even notice that's he's standing by my door until he speaks.

"Isn't it a little early to be getting ready for school, Dani?" I scoff at his comment and shake my head. "Well you know what they say. Early bird gets the worm, big bother." he chuckles to himself and walks over to me. Scott opens his mouth to say something but seems to decide against. He stays quiet for a moment and finally speaks.

"We found Derek. Sort of, anyways."

At the sound of his name my head lifts from its position on the pillow behind me. "What does 'sort of' mean? You either found him or you didn't, Scott. Which is it?" Questions start spilling past my lips before I can stop them and in the dead of night I notice how loud I've become.

Scott motions for me to keep my voice down as our father is sleeping downstairs. My breathing relaxes a bit and I let him explain the situation to me. Derek? Except he's fifteen for some reason.

"Please just tell me he's okay. That's all I want to know." I plead as my hands ball up the blanket I was using to cover myself moments ago. Scott gives me a quick nod and I can finally feel the rest of my body relax. Derek might have been a huge sour wolf – pun intended – but over the past couple of months he'd been our biggest ally. In some ways he was like another older brother, much like Stiles and my actual brother Scott. Except he was more protective of me than anyone else. I always suspected it was because I was human, but everyone always tried to convince me that it was more than that.

After I found out he'd gone missing I didn't know what to do. He'd gone through so much in such a short amount of time. I couldn't imagine anything else going wrong for him. But he had disappeared and the entire pack, excluding myself, was off south of the border.

I wasn't at all surprised to find out that I wasn't allowed to go, but that didn't stop me from complaining about it. At this point I was more or less used to getting left behind at home. It was never "safe" and there was no way of telling what could "happen" to me. But it still stung that I couldn't go and help find someone who means a lot to me.

After the heads up on Derek's "condition" and an offhand mention of our "family dinner" tomorrow night, Scott excuses himself and goes to bed. But I lay awake thinking about all the things I have just heard. Beacon Hills is now a beacon for supernatural creatures. Especially after the triple sacrifice Scott, Stiles and Allison made.

Allison. I couldn't even say her name without feeling an avalanche of sadness overcome me. It hadn't been that long and everyone kept trying to tell me how it was okay, and that it was all a part of mourning. Hell, she was like a sister to me. Even when she turned into a homicidal freak after her mother's death she was still Allison. She had still helped me with my algebra homework while we waited for Scott to get home from work. I could talk to her about anything. Whether it was boys or whatever supernatural occurrence was happening at the time. She was always there and then one day she just wasn't. That was the hardest part I guess; waking up and for a second it's like you've forgotten. For just a moment you're okay. Then the fog lifts and your heart starts to ache and there's a lump in your throat the size of your fist.

I used to wake up Scott in the middle of the night. He would say my heart was beating so fast that he felt it in his sleep. He'd run into my room ready to face whatever danger there was. But all he would find was me breathing so heavily that it was like I was choking on the air around me. That stopped after a while, and so did the sessions with the grief counselor. Sometimes it comes back and I'm left with these sickening thoughts afterwards.

You could've done something. Your brother is a true alpha and what are you? Useless.

My voice rings through my head with such intensity I have to shut my eyes tight to make it go away. This makes me glad none of my friends can read minds. For the time being my thoughts consume me alone. The trouble with that is that I'm still trying to figure out if that's a good thing.

I glance at the clock one last time before I envelop myself in the warmth of my blanket and somehow find sleep again.

The alarm blares from beside me and I groan loudly as I shut it off. Someone has taken the liberty of opening up my blinds for me, and the morning light floods my room far too harshly for my eyes. Nonetheless, I get up and out of bed before I take a quick shower and get dressed. As per usual, I walk down the hall to Scott's room. He's hardly ever awake before I am and its usually up to me to coax him out of bed, especially after the late night he's had. I'm sure I have my work cut out for me but I turn in to find his room completely void of him. Blowing the hair out of my face in frustration, I make my way downstairs to find something to eat. I'm hardly off the last step when I get rushed outside by the insurmountable force that is Scott McCall. He says something about being late for school and ushers me onto his bike placing a helmet haphazardly over my head before speeding off barely giving my time to strap it in.

Once at the schools parking lot, he gives me a quick hug and runs off to do god knows what. I place my bag over my shoulder and straighten out my jeans as I make my way to no place in particular. Scott said we were running late, but there's still at least 30 minutes before the morning bell. I plug my earphones into my phone and click shuffle, shoving it back in my back pocket as I start for the lacrosse field out of habit.

Usually the field is empty at this time but today is different. I can hear the sound of a ball slapping the net on a long stick before my shoes even reach the grass. Once I'm there I finally see who would be so demented as to practice so early, especially since morning practice doesn't start until next week. I'm met with two boys; one I've never seen before and Mason Hewitt. The latter is in some of my classes and so far, is the only person I've met at this school that isn't either supernaturally inclined or an immense pain in the ass.

Mason sees me almost immediately and drops his lacrosse stick as he jogs over to me a smile plastered on his face. "Danielita! Great to see you." I smile at him and wave a hello before looking behind him to his friend. He's putting all his gear back into a duffel bag on the grass. I raise my brow in question, and Mason follows my gaze and immediately calls him over.

"Liam! Come meet Dan the Man."

A small smile makes its way onto my lips as Liam starts toward us, duffel now securely strapped over his chest. He grins at me and I find myself giving him the once over as Mason introduces us. He's tall, but then again, I'm only five feet three inches so just about anyone is taller than me. He has a strong athletic build, probably from playing lacrosse. My eyes continue to move up until they stop once I meet his gaze. His eyes are a striking shade of blue that makes me think someone took the "Battery Charge Blue" out of a sixty-four pack of Crayolas and filled in his irises with it. I shake my head to get my thoughts in check before I extend a hand towards Liam.

"Hey." I smile and wait for him to grab my hand before continuing. "Dani McCall-Delgado." He pauses for a second before reaching for my hand.

"I'm guessing it's safe to assume that you're the best friend I've heard so much about?" His smile widens a little and he gives my hand a gentle squeeze as he lets go. "I see my reputation precedes me then?" Liam offers, giving me a small smile. I give Mason a sideways glance before giving Liam an answer.

"Are you kidding me? I've literally spent the last semester hearing all about you. Liam this and Liam that. I think it would be a safe bet to say I know your blood type by now."

We all laugh at this and I find myself looking over at Liam to find his eyes set on me. Our eyes meet and I can just barely pick up on the blood rush that creeps up his neck. I offer him a smile and then motion for the boys to follow as we make our way to the main building.

"You weren't here last semester right?" I ask hoping my memory isn't that bad that I've been ignoring him this whole time.

"Yeah, I wasn't here. I just transferred from Devenfort Prep." his voice rises a couple octaves when he says the word transfer and I can't help but find that a bit strange. I laugh it off and continue speaking.

"Ah. A prep school boy. So what happened? The sweater vests were too much?" I ask half joking and not expecting a serious response.

Liam smiles at the floor before saying, "You could say that."

The more I ask about his old school, the more he seems to retreat into himself. So, I move on to less invasive topics to try ease him back into the conversation.

"So, do you have your schedule yet?" I ask, and Liam holds up his finger as he rummages through one of the pockets in his duffel. After several seconds, he pulls out a slip of paper and hands it to Mason and me. We spend some time talking about classes and whether Liam lucked out with his teachers. I mention that fact that all three of us have English together and that seems to erase whatever tension was left over from the Devenfort talk. We make plans to meet up during lunch and Liam and I exchange numbers.

Despite having just met him only moments ago, talking to Liam seems almost natural. I have known him for a total of two minutes and it is as if I have known him my whole life. A feeling that's probably due in no small part to the fact that Mason has been talking my ear off about him for a whole semester at this point, but regardless I revel in how easily the conversation seems to flow after the initial awkwardness wears off.

The conversation veers off to other topics – namely lacrosse – and I'm in the middle of asking Liam if he's going to try out for the team as we turn our heads to the main building where the bell has just rung. I get just enough time to fix my bag's angle on my shoulder before we start for the main building. This time with a little more urgency than before.

The school day goes on as expected. Uneventful for the most part. Mason, Liam and I have lunch together as planned and most of the time is spent grilling Liam on how his first day is going and whether he likes his classes so far.

"Honestly just be happy you haven't got Econ. Coach is great but trust me, I could go without the headache some days. I swear that man does not have the slightest idea of what an inside voice is."

The table erupts into a flurry of laughter at my comment before I turn my attention to Liam once again.

"Hey, speaking of Coach I meant to ask this morning but are you trying out for the team? I mean I figure you play seeing as you were practicing bright and early, but tryouts are next week right? You think I'll see you there in all your LAX glory?"

Liam smiles and takes a sip of his before answering. "I was thinking about it, but I heard you guys are supposed to be super good so I'm not even sure I'll cut it."

Mason laughs from across the table and this catches my attention.

"What's funny?" I ask in mild confusion.

"Don't listen to a word he says, Dani. This guy made the Devenfort without so much as lifting a finger! His place with the Cyclones is all but secured." Mason finishes off with a scoff as he picks up his scraps and waves a goodbye just as the bell rings.

"Okay so then I guess I'll see you both there then?" I yell after him and he gives me an okay over his shoulder as I turn to Liam who now wears a sheepish smile on his face. "Okay so how good are you?"

His face erupts into a smirk I can only describe as devilish as he moves to pick up both my tray and his.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

"You're no fun. You know that right?" I say through a playful glare. "Okay well come on I know you have a free period and I do to. So, I'm making it my good Samaritan duty to show you ins and outs of Beacon High."

Liam smiles politely and follows a few steps behind me as I do my best impression of your typical annoying tour guide.

"And we're walking and walking and this…" my presentation of the library is cut short as a hum breaks through the air. I hold up my finger and slip my phone out of my pocket to find messages from Lydia, Scott and Stiles all flooding into my inbox. I thank my lucky stars that no one has decided to make some sort of pack group chat because with half the shit that goes on in this town my phone would never catch a break.

"Jesus. Where's the fire? That's a lot of messages." Liam's voice rings through my thoughts but I ignore it, too caught up with the text on my screen.

Scott: Derek escaped Deaton's. Going to look for him.

I'm about to offer my help when more texts come through and I roll my eyes as I read them through.

Scott: Stay in school.

Scott: Please

"Figures. Every time" I groan inwardly and lock my phone, placing it back in my pocket before looking up at a clearly confused Liam. "Sorry, just my brother and his friends. They're always getting into something and they never let me help. It's kind of exhausting always getting left behind."

Liam stares on at me, obviously confused with why that would make me so upset, but after a few seconds his face softens and he smiles. " I believe you were introducing me to this fine building right here."

I laugh at his attempt to return to our interrupted tour as if nothing has happened and continue with my explanation of the library that is currently under construction.

The rest of the day goes on without so much as a peep from either my brother or his twitchy best friend. The whole thing makes me pretty anxious, but in all honesty, I'm more concerned with how I'm going to get home. Both my brother and Stiles had taken their respective vehicles and gone on the hunt for a teenaged Hale. So, I'm pretty much marooned on campus once the final bell rings.

I consider getting a ride from Lydia along with Kira, but quickly decide against it. Kira would most likely fill the ride with relationship talk and I am not up for that. As much as I love her, listening to her talk about her issues with Scott isn't exactly something I thoroughly enjoy.

I ultimately decide that a walk might do me some good and the weather is agreeable so I figure why not and pick my hair up.

The house is a way away. But it was either a calm stroll through the streets of Beacon Hills or a jumpy ride on a district bus. The bus would most likely be filled with hyperactive jerks and I get enough of that from Stiles. Before leaving, I go back into the building and head towards my locker. The idea of walking is okay, but the idea of walking with a backpack filled with heavy books strapped to my back? Not so good. I also switch out my shoes and clothes for more suitable garments.

I replace my ratty converse with a sleek pair of my running shoes – I picked up the habit of stashing running gear in my locker just in case something crazy happens. I also upgrade my outfit with some running shorts and one of Scott's track jackets that I may or may not have stolen from his locker.

By now, the campus has cleared. Only a few stray cars sit in the parking lot. Most likely belonging to teachers and students administering – and attending – after school detention. The building itself is now enveloped in a sweet silence. It is so foreign to its usual loud rustle and bustle of high school students and staff alike. It's as if it is an entirely different place from the one I have grown accustomed to. The streets mirror the school in many ways. It is not quite rush hour yet, so only a few cars pass by me on my run. Yet, the familiarity of the town grows old quickly and soon enough I find myself on a trail in the woods.

The trees are thicker here, offering shade from the setting sun and a crisp breeze. Especially during this part of the year. The actual trail itself isn't as worn as the one most people use. It makes me feel like I'm just running in the wild. No trail or guide, just me and the open air.

For the first time in months I feel like my breathing is not forced. Instead things are how they should be and I hold on to that feeling as if the world might fall apart again if I don't.

The run does me well. It's been a while since I came out and enjoyed the things I used to like. It's also been a while since I had the chance to do normal things. Living in a town that's constantly being rampaged by one supernatural entity or another really takes its toll on the normality of the place.

I arrive home later than expected. But then again, I wasn't exactly trying all that much to get there too soon. I notice the blue Jeep before anything else, and mutter obscenities under my breath. I curse out both Scott and Stiles for leaving me stranded at school.

"I'm home!" I yell as I drop my jacket by the door next to my recently removed shoes. No answer comes from any direction. This strikes me as strange seeing as Stile's car was outside, and if I'm not mistaken so was my dad's.

I'm suddenly aware of the delicious scent that permeates the air around me. I close my eyes and breathe in the beautiful aroma of egg rolls and special fried rice. I make my way to the kitchen to find a messy dining room table and a lone egg roll in a box of takeout.

If there was any hesitation in grabbing it I didn't notice. As soon as my fingertips reach it it's as if star-crossed lovers have finally come together.

Look at you. Untouched and innocent, my dear sweet egg roll.

Despite being a little cold, it was still pretty good. Perhaps not the best choice for a cool down food. But I'll be damned if after everything I have been through I am denied the simple pleasure of an egg roll.

I'm just outside Scott's room when Stiles head slams into the wall. I jump back, not having expected that, and a small squeal manages to leave my mouth before Derek speaks.

"Where's the alpha? I want to talk to the alpha and no one else. Now!" Stiles, clearly not happy with getting mushed into Scott's wall, looks over at me. Derek follows his gaze and soon his eyes land on me.

"Derek?" there is a look of confusion spread across his face, but he still releases Stiles' head at the sound of my voice. I look over to Stiles and give him a quick nod to let him know it is okay to leave the room. He hurries out of the room furiously dialing Scott's number on his keypad and I am left behind to watch Baby Derek.

I turn around to find his intense gaze still set on me. But it is different somehow. As if he's seeing an old friend for the first time in years.

"What are you?" my eyebrow furrows at his question, but he doesn't bother explaining himself.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're not a werewolf, you don't smell like one. But you are something." his response offers no insight whatsoever and I stare at him unsure of what to say.

"I'm not anything, Derek. You know that." He closes the space between us and grabs one of my wrists tightly. His face is a breath away from mine and his expression has changed into one of pure rage.

"Don't lie to me. I can smell it on you. You're something and…". A noise from outside puts a pause to the conversation and he releases my hand, motioning for me to check it out.

Everything happens so fast. One moment I'm leaning over the window sill trying to see what made that noise. My head is still reeling from Derek's words. Then, I'm on the floor with my left temple throbbing and black spots in my vision. An incredibly surprised Stiles is now kneeling by my side. He's staring at the window as Kate climbs out taking Derek with her.

Okay! This one is a little different. If this is your first time reading this story disregard all of what I'm saying but I added some bits for those of you that read the older version. Nothing too major, just a little interaction between the children that wasn't there before. Enjoy and don't forget to leave reviews and comments so I know if you guys like it
