AN: Hope everyone enjoyed the last chapter, Let me know what you think of this one if you get the chance! This chapter is a time skip, so don't panic.-Cora
Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson Series.
~Time skip 3 months from escape~
Thalia runs and ducks below a ladder, thoughts scatter through her head, Hades! Wasn't going under ladders a bad omen or something? Damn, she glances back hurriedly, the guy with the blue sneakers and the black cap and sunglasses has been tailing her since the gas station. She didn't know who he was but he was pretty good. Where the hell was Nico? She was almost to the trip point. She darts left into an alley and gulps a breath as she runs to the dead end and braces her back against the rough brick wall. The man steps into the alley. She watches him with careful wary eyes and gulps deeper breaths. "Who are you?" She asks from across the alley. No expression hints on his face as he speaks, "I've been looking for you for a long time Miss Grace." "That's seriously creepy man." Thalia mutters. Still no emotion flickers on his face, "You need to come with me, someone important needs to speak with you." He advances and Thalia looks around the alley frantically. There's a muffled pop and the man slowly slumps to the ground, Nico lowers the pistol in his hand, "No can do my friend, she otherwise occupied", he shoots Thalia a grin. "Nice job Thals." She frowns at him, teasing, "Aren't you cutting it a little close Death Breath?" He pretends to look offended. "My breath does not smell that bad." Its her turn to grin, "It does in the morning" He rolls his eyes, "C'mon, help me get him into the van." He motions to the black van parked at the end of the alley. Thalia grabs the man's legs and Nico get his arms, together they half carry half drag the man into the van and shut the door. Nico hops into the driver's seat and Thalia scoots next to him, he starts the engine and gives her a lopsided smirk, "Not bad, its actually an advantage that the new clave wants you, The Wraith is enjoying all this bringing in we're doing." Thalia' brow furrows, "Do you think I'll ever be able to meet them? The Wraith I mean?" Nico shakes his head uncertainly as he weaves through New York city traffic, "I don't know Thals, Even I haven't actually met them and I've been working for and known them for years. The Wraith is unpredictable, you never know and can never get any information on whoever it is." Thalia sighs, "I kind of want to go back to Cali Nico." She rushes on before he can speak, "They don't deserve to think I'm dead or being tortured." Nico is silent, Thalia huffs a breath, "It's not that I don't like working with you, it that I feel guilty for leaving them in the dark and-" "Thalia." Nico cuts her off, "Look in the glove compartment." Thalia opens it and pulls out an envelope, hands shaking she opens it carefully and pulls out two tickets. Nico glances over and smiles at her disbelief. "The Wraiths latest gift, they said to go back. That you should contact your friends again." Thalia begins to laugh, then cry, "By the gods Nico! This is amazing! We're going home!"
Percy frowns as he pulls into Jason's garage. More and more shipments from Olympia have been disappearing. More and more drivers are murdered or simply vanishing. Annabeth disappeared four months ago along with Luke, many believe she was the inside man for the new clave. Things have basically gone to hell, but he got a phone call last night from a blocked caller with a mutated voice. Whoever it was promised hope, they promised things would be looking up and they would be able to stop the rival gang soon. Percy would need to expect company, whoever it was had a plan. Percy shuts his car off and swings out "Jason?" he calls as he walks around the strangely quiet shop. "Piper?" He stops abruptly when he hears what sounds like a muffled sob. He walks toward the sound, it sounds like it coming from the break room. He opens the door to see the room in upheaval, chair strew about, lights flickering, things are thrown everywhere, and in the back right corner a figure huddles, sobbing. Percy recognizes the ripped skinny jeans and half braided hair. "Piper?" he asks hesitantly, walking slowly to her. "Piper…Piper, look at me." Slowly she turns her face to look at him and he fights the urge to recoil. Her right eye is swollen shut, purple and oozing, a thick laceration adorns her left cheek bone, bruises cover her body, and her hair is matted with blood. She looks as if she just came from a zombie movie set. "Piper," he takes one of her hands gently in his, "What in hells name happened?" She sucks in a breath and wipes tears from her eyes, "It was around one this morning…"
~Flash back~
Piper laughs as Jason flips on the radio, "C'mon baby, dance with me." He smiles wickedly and spins her in a circle which sends her slamming into his chest and he allows them both to hit the couch. She lands on top of him and he raises an eyebrow, "Well this is better than dancing." She laughs again and he takes her face in his hands and kisses her, Piper squirms on top of him to get closer as he teases her bottom lip with his teeth. Her hands grip his forearms as he moves his to her shoulders to crush her against him. Her breath catches in her throat as he breaks from her lips to trail hot kisses down her neck, she can feel his teeth graze her skin and she moans as he stops under her jaw and begin to pay special attention to her pulse. He sucks and teases the skin and her back arches as she ripples with pleasure. He grins against her skin, "You like that?" he mutters as he returns to her mouth. "Yes," another kiss, "I," another kiss, "Do" she manages to say somehow. He grins and flips her over so she lays under him, he stops and studies her, "I love you Piper." He says as he stares straight into her eyes, all the way down to her soul. Her breathing almost stops, she smiles, "And I love you Mr. Jason Grace." He smiles and leans closer to her, the doorbell rings. They both freeze, then Piper laughs, "Go on! Go get the door, make it quick," she smirks, "and we can pick off where we left off." Jason chuckles and pulls himself off the couch and walks out of the breakroom to the door. Piper lays there, fingers resting on her lips, grinning. That's when she hears the crash. Bolting up she grabs the handgun laying on the table and darts out the door. She stops in shock when she beholds the sight before her. Jason lays on the ground unconscious and the remnants of a glass bottle lay like a halo around his head. A man with bright green eyes and pale blonde hair stands over him, chest heaving, Piper doesn't waste another second, she fires and the man moves. He's fast, But Piper fires in quick secession and manages to hit him in the shoulder, he doesn't even recoil, he lunges for her, taking her to the ground and knocking the gun from her hands. She slams a fist into his gut and another to his nose, then she brings her feet under his body to her chest and kicks. He flies of off her as if thrown by jet pack and the movement propels her into standing position, she races for the breakroom. Frantically, she scrabbles for the knife taped beneath the table, something hard strikes her ribs and she rolls. The strange man is over her, a knife in his hand as well, he stabs downward at her and she scrambles to her feet and ducks under the blade, but he is there in an instant, the blade catches on her cheekbone and she shrieks. Pain and rage flash through her and she attacks in a frenzy. Her knife catches him in the arm and draws a bloody line through his stomach. He gasps as blood flows from the wound and she takes the opportunity to chop the blade from his hands, he recovers faster than she expected and throws a stiff hook toward her nose, she shifts, but not fast enough, it catches her right eye and she reels, feeling as if she was struck with an iron bar. She realizes with a flash that she is back by the couch, swiftly, she pulls a gun from underneath the right side, and flips over pointing the gun at the blond man. Or at least it would be, but he's vanished. Fear and exhaustion over take her and she collapses in the corner.
~Present time~
Percy gapes, "Where's Jace?" She shakes her head, "I don't know Perce, I don't know." Tears leak from /her eyes and Percy puts his arms around her gently and lifts her up carefully. He carries the sobbing girl to his car and slips into the driver's seat. Halfway to his house Piper falls asleep, he glances at her in the rearview mirror, then slowly, as if dreading it, he pulls out his phone and dials a number his wishes sometimes he could forget.
The dark figure jumps from one roof, to the other, to the next, coming up from a roll on the fifth landing; they watch the white utility van pull into the older parking garage. Quick and quiet they slink down the side of the building and race up the stairs of the garage. Sliding up behind a pillar they watch, eyes darting cautiously. The tall blonde man known as Griffon limps out of the van and another one of the clave's thugs, a short well-muscled man named Raizel opens the back and pull out an unconscious boy. The shadow shakes its head. The clave makes it too easy. Smooth and silent the shadow slips down to stand behind the two conversing men. "Good day boys, what in hells name do you think you're doing?" The shadow speaks in a low, calm voice. The men turn, faces paling. "Wraith." Raizel mutters, as if the word is a curse. The shadow grins, flashing white teeth beneath its hood, "Nice job Raizel! Now you can either leave the boy with me and run off, or die, so what'll it be?" The Wraith twirls some silver stiletto knives idly. Raizel pales, and Griffon backs away, slowly they back to the end of the row and then take off running. The Wraith smiles and looks down at the boy on the ground, sighing, the Wraith lifts him over their shoulders and carries him out the street to a waiting black GRT 2017. Sliding the boy in the back seat the Wraith climbs into the driver's seat and removes their hood. Long blonde streaked caramel colored hair spills from the hood. Sighing the Wraith turns the key and flips the radio on while swerving into traffic. Something in the console beeps frantically. Frowning, the Wraith opens it and removes the phone, glancing at the phone they smile. Clicking the answer button the Wraith greets the caller. "Percy Jackson. I thought you never wanted to speak to me again." She says, grinning from ear to ear.