I want to sincerely apologize for the delay in getting this Chapter posted. I have had a lot going on with 4 kids and all that. I have a feeling it's only going to get crazier with the holidays approaching so I wanted to get this chapter out there for all of you faithful readers. With that being said let's find out what Finn put in his pocket and what he plans to do with it. There will also be an unexpected visitor in this chapter so let's find out what our favorite couple does with that as well. Enjoy!

As always I do not own Glee or its characters, just this story and some original characters that may be added as the story progresses.

Later that afternoon Finn and Rachel were cuddled on the couch watching Funny Girl for probably the millionth time in their relationship. Finn laying lengthwise and Rachel basically on his lap with her back to his chest and he had his hands wrapped securely around her his hands laying on her still flat stomach. Rachel couldn't help but think what a wonderful father he was going to be as he already seemed to be protecting their unborn child. Kurt and Santana were out for the day and so they were enjoying the quiet and peaceful alone time. About halfway through the movie Finn had fallen asleep when suddenly there was knock at the loft door.
Rachel carefully and quietly maneuvered herself out of Finns grasp and proceeded to find out who was at the door. Rachel not realizing that she hadn't succeeded in not waking the sleeping giant. She opened the door and their standing on the other side was none other than Brody. Rachel was shocked and she could feel herself getting nauseous and she was turning pale. She stuttered and said "Br-Brody what are you doing here?" Brody replied "well I haven't heard from you and days and I wanted to see your beautiful face." Rachel could feel herself getting sicker so she did the only thing her little body could let her do at that moment and blurted out "Brody I'm pregnant." Brody could feel himself getting angry and said "That's impossible we never." With that she gave him that knowing look and suddenly Finn came from around the corner having heard her talking to someone at the door. At that moment Brody let his temper out and said "I knew it you slept with him at that wedding." Then he shouted "You little slut." Finn was not happy with those words and his anger exploded. He cocked his fist and decked Brody right in the face with so much force it landed Brody on the floor. Finn then knelt down grabbed Brody's shirt collar and looked him in the eye and said "Stay away from my future wife." With that Finn shut the loft door leaving Brody lying on the hallway floor.
Rachel couldn't hold back the nausea any longer and ran to the bathroom with her hand covering her mouth, Finn following her. He knelt down beside her in the bathroom and held her hair back and rubbed her back gently. Whispering to her "Its ok baby, it's over, he's gone, I'm sorry you had to see me do that" When Rachel was done being sick Finn helped her to her feet and let her brush her teeth and rinse her mouth and then helped her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, him lying next to her holding her close. They laid in silence for a few minutes when she finally spoke "Finn did you mean what you said to him." With that Finn took a deep breath moved his arm from around her and sat up looking her straight in the eye and spoke. "Rach, I have loved you since the first time I saw you and our first kiss in the auditorium sealed it for me that there would be no other women for me but you. Let me tell you a story. You remember after Karofsky attempted suicide and we were all in the auditorium with Mr. Schue. After he gave Rory peanut butter he told us a story about how when he was younger he had cheated on a test and it drove him to the ledge. He went on to say that everyone has that one trigger that could lead them to feel the way his younger self felt. Well, when I woke up that morning alone in the hotel room after the wedding I was feeling so alone. I struggled with everything after that throwing myself into every little thing I could find just to keep my mind off it. I felt that trigger. To me losing you is that trigger. My life is nothing without you in it and I can't lose you again, and now losing you would also mean losing our baby. It may not seem like it at the moment but I truly believe what happened between us that night was meant to be. Our love created something very special and it helped bring us back together. I can't promise you that everything will always be easy and we will have our moments. I can promise you though that I will love you and our baby with everything in me and take care of you both the best that I can. This isn't the way I wanted this to happen, but with us nothing ever seems to go as planned (as he reaches in his pocket pulling out her old engagement ring he had given her the previous year and then taking a deep breathe) Rachel Berry will you marry me?" Tears begin to fall down Rachel's face and she lunges herself into Finn's arms whispering the word "yes" in his ear giving him the one answer he so desired. They then kissed passionately until they had to come up for air and Finn finally was able to put the ring back on her finger where it belonged. The couple then spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening basking in their love and showing each other just how much they meant to each other.