Author's note: This is a NarutoxAsari harem with the 9 bijuu as females in on it. I will be writing how Naruto helps build the Asari empire into what it is, he will of course encounter Protheons since they tampered with the Asari homeworld when they were in their Infant stages. It will end up catching up to mass effect cannon and he will interact with things there. This story with have mature Themes and sexual themes so, if you don't want that don't read. This is not my attempt at my NarutoxSamura pairing that I have been wanting to do, its just a fun easy thing to write that I have been wanting to for a while now.

There is some sexual stuff that happens in this chapter but it's not full blown Lemons.

BTW this Naruto is very unstable, you will see why, but the purpose of the story is him trying to find something to fight for.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or mass effect, those are owned by Masashi Kishimoto and bioware, respectively.

The Day The World Burned

Long ago on a far away planet there was intelligent life that could manipulate their natural energy that ran through the bodies and their world. They were capable of amazing things, they could walk on water, breath fire, some could even fly in the air while others could manipulate the earth to their will. Some could control lightning itself while others bended water and air to their will. It was truly an amazing planet with so much potential.

This world was on fire.

The surface was destroyed and all life killed off, forests burned as did the villages of the people that lived their built. corpses littered battlefield from both the residents on this planet and abominations that used to be them, mere husks of their former selves . Giant metal constructs were also apart of this graveyard of corpses, many of them looking like they could reach the heavens, there were many of them however, that had gigantic pieces of metal missing from their squid like giant bodies. Some were ripped in two while others had holes and dents in them. A few were on fire with black flames that seemed to burn on forever.

Amidst all this destruction was two survivors of this planet. A man that looked to be 21 was on his knees clutching onto a dying woman who he saw as a mother, her beautiful features slowly turning into that of an old woman. Her long blond hair slowly turning grey as she gained wrinkles on her skin and looked to become very frail.

The man holding the old woman in his arms as she layed there in her final moments was currently trembling while leaking tears from his eyes that fell onto this old womans face. He had spiky golden hair that was currently shadowing his eyes as he held his head down and wept. He had tan skin and 3 lines on each cheek, his eyes were currently closed with tears leaking through them. His attire was completely destroyed has he had half a black combat shirt still on his chest, ripped in many places, as well as the cloak that was on his back and the combat pants he wore. One distinguishable feature about him and all the corpses that lay around was that they were all wearing headbands with metal plates on them.

His however was banged up pretty bad with scrapes and dents covering it.

As the woman was taking some of her final breaths she looked up to the crying man. A man who was just a boy in her eyes, especially in this moment.

Reaching her hand up to try and comfort him as she knew why he looked so broken, she cupped his cheek with one hand and her stopped his trembling and froze.

The woman's eyes that were losing light quickly wanted to say a last few words to the brat that she had called the son she never had, at least to herself as she had never told him that. Letting out a few bloodied coughs the old woman finally spoke, straining to make sure she got these words out.

"D-Don't cry...We tried our best...You tried even more than... our best...I'm cough... So proud of you...I never did tell you... But for a brat that always got under my skin cough hack cough... I always thought of you as the son I never had." The man who froze slowly started to tremble even more and gripped onto her tighter while pouring as much of his orangish energy into her as he could. She let out a bloody chuckle at his actions 'I no longer have the lower half of my body gaki' she weakly thought to herself in amusement.

With the last of her energy she grabbed the man's face and pulled him down into her chest. In doing do his damaged headband slipped off his forehead and fell on the ground next to them.

Looking up from the old woman's chest he faced her and then his breath stopped after what she did.


The old woman gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead and whispered out with the last of her breath.

"I love you Naruto, as did all your friends and the villages...Don't you die Soichi"

And with that there was but one life left on this planet.

The man stopped his trembling and sobbing his eyes still shadowed by his hair, he leaned down her kissed her forehead, and whispered out in such a small voice that even in this deadly silent battlefield, could barely be heard.

"Thank you"

It was such a tiny voice that spoke broken.

He slowly set the old woman on the ground and out of his arms, he then stood up, not bothering to pick up his damaged headband. He then looked around at all the corpses surrounding him, he saw friends among them, comrades in arms, people he thought as a part of his family.

"All dead...All dead......ALL FUCKING DEAD"

Shouting out in anger and sadness Naruto looked up at the descending reinforcement of the giant metal invaders.

Something broke inside Naruto and then just when you thought an epic last stand was going to happen... he vanished.


This is what Naruto felt right now as he was currently in a world of black, but it wasn't all just pitch black, there were dots of light speeding by him, they looked like stars. He looked around and was going to panic as he didn't know what was happening but then a thought popped into his head.

'Who cares... Whats the point of living anymore, there's nothing to fight for, everybody is dead. I was going to make those things that called themselves reapers pay but... Then this happens.' he thought with sadness and a sense of loss. He had dead eyes as he didn't much care for what was now happening and just prayed for death as his one last wish to make the reapers pay was taken from him.

He then closed his eyes and tried to lose himself in dreams, dreams about his life before this all happened. He had by surprise, propose to Mei Terumi and lived out 3 years with her after that, She ended up getting pregnant with their child but...Then the reapers came while she was 9 months pregnant. She was one of the first to die in the attack as they had attacked without warning and targeted her village first, since she was still the Mizukage of her village she lived there with Naruto, whom of which gave up the Hokage position for Sasuke. It may have had been his dream before but he found happiness with Mei and wanted to keep it with her.

When Naruto had learned of his Wife and unborn Daughter's death...He went mad with blood lust on the reapers. He had destroyed 4 out of 6, of the invading giants that were attacking the village, giving enough time for those who were escaping to get out of the war zone.

'Dammit...I don't want to remember these things!' he pleaded to himself,it was to painful to see his wife's corpse completely crushed under debris with dry tears on her face as half her body was crushed.

'Please...sob...I don't want to remember!' Pleading to whatever might stop these horrible memories coming to him.

"SHUT UP GAKI" A loud and thunderous voice boomed through his head and suddenly he was pulled into his minds cape and within seconds was in the middle of all 9 Bijuu.

He was currently facing however, a very pissed off nine tailed fox that had orange fur, while the other 8 Bijuu looked at him in worry and sadness.

"Stop acting like a child that just dropped his ice cream!" The monstrous fox yelled at him in anger with his nine tails angrily flailing behind him. 'Sorry kit but somebody has to snap you out of this' The fox thought to itself.

"So everybody is dead, don't you cry about it like a child forever!, do you think Mei or your daughter would like how you are giving up on life!?"

Suddenly Naruto launched himself at the fox, so hard in fact that when he barreled into the giant foxes chest, he pushed it onto its back. Standing on the foxes chest, he looked him straight in the eye as the fox looked down at him as he began to sit up.

Naruto then clenched his fists so tightly that blood began to come out and shouted at his friend "KURAMA... Don't...Don't you ever say something like that again you fucker"

Naruto fell to his knees on the foxes chest and began punching the fox, to him though it just felt like light pecks.

" . . ." shouting with each hit, his voice full of pain, his punches becoming weaker and weaker till he started sobbing again.

Finally having enough of Kurama trying to fix the situation, Matatabi walked over to Naruto and gave her elder brother a death glare, which he flinched from and looked away from her while whistling.

She then used one of her tails and gently lifted Naruto off of Kurama, she then placed Naruto on her flaming blue back and walked back over to her spot and laid down. She then looked around glaring at everybody as if challenging them to take him away from her, which all her other siblings looked away just like Kurama did. "Honestly, your tough love is not going to help you big furball, he needs affection and thats what im going to give him, if he wants to use my human body to lose himself in sex for a time then I will do so. If he dies we all do as well, so i'm willing to do anything to keep our only friend sane.

All her siblings simply sweat dropped at how far she would go for him, after all she did harbor secret feelings for him. She would never act on her feelings though as she knew his heart still belonged to Mei Terumi, she would however indulge him if he ever needs to get off. To her it was her duty to use both her mind, body and soul in order to help her Jinchuriki keep his head.

"Slutty cat" Kurama grumbled out for her fur ball remark.

"Only for Naruto-sama" she countered with a one eyed glare that she shut after a few seconds to go to sleep.

Naruto was unconscious as the blue fire Matatabi produced engulfed him in a cocoon of fire so Naruto could rest his mind and body.

Kurama sighed and then voiced to his siblings a very important question. "So, what is going on right now?"

All the siblings took a moment to think about where Naruto currently was.

"Are all my siblings bakas...If you were paying attention, you would have noticed Naruto was pulled from his planet and flew past the moon, were in space you fools." Matatabi spoke up in a bored tone.

Shukaku grew a tick mark at her remark for calling him a fool. "I was paying attention dammit, paying attention that the reapers were about to attack us!"

All the other siblings minus Matatabi nodded their heads in agreement with their youngest brother.

Kurama hummed to himself as did the others as they were thinking about what might have done this.

After a few moments they couldn't think of anything, so they just all worked on making sure Naruto stayed alive. As long as whatever it was that was pulling them kept Naruto out of the dangers of the vacuum of space, they could keep him alive. His life force was already immortal because of all their energy flowing through him, he had mastered how to control all their power and achieved immortality, a feat which was very impressive.

(time jump,Unknown amount of time)

There were currently grunts and moans coming from a private part of the mindscape that became a lush green field with a cabin there. Right now Matatabi was in her human form comforting Naruto, however this was all being seen through Kurama's perspective as he was a ways away from the cabin with his siblings as they were currently trying to speak amongst themselves about what to do.

They were trying very hard to talk, however no matter how far they got away from each other they would be able to hear what was said as if they were right next to each other. Sound carried very far in the mindscape, something of which irritated them all when Naruto was being comforted by a certain Bijuu.

"Naruto-sama Naruto-sama!, you're so big~"

"OI, keep it down you slutty cat!" Kurama was very irritated with multiple tick marks on his face.

He then heard his sister's lust filled response that was meant to tease him.

"Just change yourselves into females and get in here~"

Kurama then blushed crimson as did his other siblings and roared back his response."I like being a male you damn cat!" his other siblings all nodded in agreement.

"Oh? I bet you all want to get off, females having better orgasms than a male~" she teased.

It was true, with all the time that has passed which has felt like decades, Naruto and Matatabi had been going at his constantly. Its actually what's kept him somewhat sane, a distraction in this endless black space they were trapped in. More than a few times had they all actually been close to turning into their female opposite selves...It was looking like a better option every second as they needed some distractions also, they were slowly going mad with nothing to do.

Finally Shukaku surprised them all and turned into his female human form, which being the youngest out of all of them was a very young and petite teen (16-18), with short sandy blond hair and freckles on her face, she had her silver eyes that gave her a small crazed look, she looked like a major tom-boy. Her b-cup breasts displayed proudly on her chest as her runners body glistened in the sun, she was naked.

"Fuck it, im going in there!" Shukaku screamed at the top of her lungs and ran into the cabin, closing the door behind her.

Kurama was shocked and started sweating, he then looked around at his other siblings. "Umm... anybody else?"

All at once every single one of hos other siblings went up in puffs of smoke and revealed their female forms for a split second before rushing into the cabin.

A breeze blew across Kurama's body as he stared dumbstruck at the cabin, he then began to grit his teeth at all the moaning coming from the cabin and completely lost his shit.

"Screw it! but i'm not turning back into a male after getting fucked in a woman's body damnit! Its already weird!"

He then quickly went up in a puff of smoke and went into the cabin just as fast as her siblings had, so fast that you couldn't tell what they had looked like after they transformed.

It was then that for hundreds of years, this would be what was going on in Naruto's mind scape. The bijuu would never enter a romantical relationship with him, however they were stuck with him for the rest of their lives, so living as a female would be more beneficial for them as they could be bedded by Naruto, there was after all nothing to do while you're in the vacuum of space.

(Hundreds of years later)

Naruto was asleep on a large bed and was currently surrounded by sleeping female bijuu, all naked with satisfied smiles while they slept.

Being together for this long, they had all become lovers some what, they however could never fill the void that was left by the loss of Mei and his daughter, he needed to find something or someone to devote himself fully to. He then looked through his eyes on the outside world and saw a dot in the distance that wasn't a star but a planet.

'Oh a planet... well back to sleep with the girl-WAIT A FUCKING PLANET' he sat up fast on the bed and this made a dark skinned beauty that he was currently still inside of, wake up and moan as he moved around inside her. She had long brownish/pinkish hair and a busty body that rivaled Tsunade, she had pink eyes.

Noticing she was awake her turned her head to the screen like image in front of them that was playing from Naruto's eyes on the outside world.

"Gyūki look its a planet!" he shouted to her, waking up the other bijuu sisters.

They all slowly got up but then what Naruto finally processed in their minds.

"A planet!?" They all said in unison with excited expressions.

Naruto then shouted in joy "Finally, we can get back onto solid ground and do something other than fucking"

All the bijuu then gave him teasing looks and glomped onto him and all said at once.

"Oh~ tired of us already?"

Naruto just let out a light laugh and brought his arms around what he could as their bodies were currently smooshed against each other, and gave them a warm look.

"Thanks for making sure I didn't go crazy...I really needed what you guys gave me" he told them with a hint of love in his voice but it was still to small, they realized that all they could do was keep him from going mad but never fully help him recover. They needed to find anything to do what they couldn't.

Kurama who was the spitting image of Mito Uzumaki, as she at least respected at how strong of a woman she was and took the Uzumakis form for her female form. However Kurama didn't copy her personality and still had the male one as it was Kurama's original one. So she was still cocky and rude, but a loyal friend none the less.

She blushed at what Naruto said, even though it was a small amount of love it made her happy. Also after hundreds of years (they don't know how much time has passed but they know it's a lot) they fully accepted their female forms and never thought about going back to their male ones.


Kurama gave him a light peck on the lips which in turn, every one of her sisters copied her. Naruto looked at them all with an apologetic look as he could see both the happiness but also disappointment in their eyes.

Biting his lip in frustration he just turned his gaze back to the fast approaching planet. It had a lot of landmass on it with oceans here and there, it looked like it could have life on it.

After a little while he started entering the atmosphere of the planet and was unsurprised that he wasnt getting hurt from the entry, he had survived in space for a long time.

'I wonder what will happen when I hit the ground' he thought with some worry, but then just trusted that the force that pulled him here would protect him, he hoped.'

As he approached land faster and faster he prepared himself to hit the ground as he noticed he wasn't slowing down at all. He closed his eyes and braced himself as he expected the impact. After a couple seconds of nothing happening her opened his eyes and noticed he was levitating off the ground, his face by inches from hitting the ground beneath him, and then all of a sudden his face hit the ground.



He got up and rubbed his face that he landed on. After a few seconds of doing that he looked around and noticed he was in a jungle.

Not wanting to stand around and do nothing, he just started walking forward. He was hoping to find some intelligent life on this planet.

'Maybe I can get some new clothes from here once I find some people' he thought to himself as he looked down at his shredded clothing while he walked.

He then heard Kurama speak up in his mind "Why not go into sage mode and feel out if there is any life around"

'Hm good Idea Kurama' he praised her which earned her glares from her sisters. 'Why didn't I think if that though?' he wondered.

"Because you're you" was her reply.

'Haha' he gave a fake laugh.

He sat down in a meditative pose and concentrated with is eyes closed, after a few moments he started drawing in the nature energy around him, he felt though that the energy wasn't Chakra but something else, it didn't seem to matter though as he bended it to his will and absorbed the energy, with some help from the bijuu.

He then opened his eyes and his eyes became that of a toad's, with orange paint around his eyes. He then felt out with his sage scenes and felt the signatures of intelligent life forms, they didn't feel like they had Chakra but that same strange energy, he would have to find out what this was later.

Walking towards where he felt the signatures, he could feel that their was a group of them, like the amount of a small village. He felt himself getting closer and closer and finally he reached a blockade of vines that blocked his way.

Taking out one of the few Kunai he had left, he began hacking away at the vines. After a few moments he cleared the last of the vines and stepped out of what appeared to be the end of the jungle. And there was the village. It was small and primitive looking with huts made of straw and dirt.

That wasn't the strange thing though, no the strange thing he saw was.

'Their all blue, they seem to also all be female and... are those tentacles on their head their hair?' he observed the villagers of this tribe like village. Some of them had cloth covers their body, while some didn't even cover their breasts.

He noticed that the villagers started to recognize his presence and started giving worried looks as they had never seen his kind before, hell he wasn't an Asari.

He noticed that they had recognized him and noticed some warrior looking females gather up in a group in front of him, there were 10 of them and they all wore either cloth covering themselves, or were completely naked with warpaint on themselves, or a mixture of both. They all had primitive wooden and stone weapons, they looked though to be well made.

The warriors circled him and were giving him hostile looks.

Wondering how to get himself out of this situation without having to kill a primitive tribe...he went along with trying to show them he meant no harm, and assuming they couldn't speak the same language as him he had to do this with body language.

He got down on his knees and put his hands in the air in a surrendering fashion, he stayed there completely still and calm.

He then heard Kurama speak up "Looks like this planet is still in its infant stages, be careful Naruto we don't know if they are capable of peaceful actions"

'I know...I would rather not kill off an entire tribe of people if I can help it' he didn't want to be like the reapers and destroy an entire race of people.

He then noticed that they started to talk amongst themselves and then start speaking to him, he noticed that they were speaking a language he did not understand. 'I knew it' he thought with a sigh.

Deciding to talk back to them to show he didn't understand, he spoke up. "I don't understand you...but I come in peace and mean you no harm...please don't attack me" he said very calmly in a powerful voice, showing that he didn't mean any harm but would defend himself if he had to.

They must have noticed his tone of voice and nodded to each other, they then began to close the circle they had around him with their weapons pointed at him. Once they were close enough to where all 10 surrounded him shoulder to shoulder with their weapons pointed right at him, spears,axes, bows and such. The warrior in front of him came closer and knelt down in front of him. She looked him right in the eyes and slowly moved her hands to his head.

The warriors being ready incase he tries anything, readied their weapons even more. He just calmly sat there not moving a muscle while staring her in the eye, so calmly in fact that it unnerved the warriors.

Placing her hands on either side of his head she then said something then closed her eyes, she then spoke again and opened them. All of a sudden the world around him darkened and the warrior's eyes turned black. He then felt a rush of information enter his mind, then it stopped as quick as it came.

"So can you understand me now stanger?" the warrior asked.

"Um yeah...Don't bother telling me what you did, I'm pretty sure I can guess what it was" he did after all know about mind techniques because of Ino and her father.

"Impressive, but do tell me, who are you? you are not Asari" the warrior questioned.

"Well... First off I mean you no harm, honestly I really don't. As for who I am...I'm just a lonely warrior from another planet whose entire people got massacred, and then well, I was pulled to this planet through space." he honestly told her.

"You...Came from beyond the heavens?" she said with some wonder in her voice.

He simply gave an honest nodd and she eyed him hard for a couple of seconds. "If you would allow me I would like to look through your mind to see if what you're telling me is true or not, I did not do so before as it is considered extremely rude and I did not want to start hostilities with a stranger."

'Wow they are more intelligent than I thought they would be' he thought with some amazement

"Thats fine, but I will only let you see the things that will answer your questions, as I do have some secrets I want to keep of course. Anything irrelevent to answering your questions is a no, and I will know if you look further than I will allow" he bluffed lightly as he himself couldn't control this but the bijuu could.

"That is acceptable" she agreed and went to touch his head again, and when she spoke he could understand what she said before.

"Prepare yourself... And embrace eternity!"

His world darkened again and her eyes became black. He then felt the information being looking through in his head, with the bijuu showering her bits and pieces of the battle with the reapers, getting pulled into space and surviving their for a while, and then landing on this planet.

When she was done getting what she needed his world slowly returned to the normal color and her eyes returned to normal. She then took her hands away from his head and gave a shocked expression. She then did something that surprised him and every other Asari there. She bowed before him while on her knees, so slow that her head was touching the ground with her hands extended forward, like she was worshiping a god.

"All of you bow down quickly! he is far more powerful than anything we have ever dreamed of. He could kill us all right now with ease!" the warrior commander, everybody seemed shocked initially but listened to the head warrior as she was the most trusted person in the village besides the healer.

All the warriors and villagers bowed like her. The whole village was there bowing to him.

Naruto then heard Kurama speak "We showed her what you could do at full power, have fun naru~" she teased him.

'I swear Kurama...I really hate you sometimes' he thought with a twitching eyebrow as he heard all the bijuu laughing their asses off, they just turned him into a god! HAH

"You-" he was about to tell them that they didn't have to bow to him but was cut off as the head warrior spoke up loud enough for all to hear.

"If you would do us the kindness of taking us all as your mates we would all serve you faithfully. Having stronger children is what our way of life is about and with you we can have the strongest children to help protect the village!, you may use us whenever you want to please yourself if you so wish to, please we beg of you we are a dying village!" She begged him, as who better to get stronger children from that a god.

'Sigh...Kurama seriously what the fuck' the bijuu only said one thing though and they all said it in unison.




"Thank you! you have saved our village, every one of us can bear a child, you may do whatever you wish with our bodies, my mate!" she shouted out with joy as she stayed bowed.

"Um.. you can get up now, you don't all have to keep bowing to me." he said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head.

The head warrior apologized and commander everybody to rise, Naruto rose with them. He looked around to see the reactions of the villagers. And he was surprised, this sudden announcement that he was going to impregnate every single one of them for their villages future didn't seem to make them worried. They eyed him with smiles.

"They must really trust your word to go along with this..." he said is disbelief

"But of course, this village has only survived because of me and the other warriors risking our lives so that we can all survive... how ever we are coming to the end of our days as we won't last much longer without help." she stated in sadness.

"How many of you... Asari are there in this village? And you said every one of you was ready to mate" he wondered as he expected their to be old people and children, but she said every single one of them could carry a child so that must have meant there was none.

"There are 70 Asari in the village, we only have 20 warriors left, the other group is out hunting while we were protecting the village...We used to have so much more but...Our village is dying." she gave a downcast look as did every other Asari there, he then noticed their eyes turned to him in hope.

"As for all of us being able to bear your children, you are correct, our youngest here is 60 and our oldest is 550, I myself am 520. You may not know this but Asari and are below 200 are considered nothing more than a child, however they are sexually mature and can bear children, it is not uncommon for them to mate." she informed him.

'Well 60 is a lot older than I was when me and Mei did it, so she's an adult to me' he thought to himself. "So how long can Asari love for" he questioned as he was happy they didn't have human life spans since he was Immortal he could spend more time with them.

"The oldest Asari have ever gotten is 1000" the warrior stated.

"Two questions, what's your name and what do we do now? Oh and my name is Naruto Uzumaki."

"I apologize for not announcing my name, it is Tel'notea M'taala and I would suggest that you bed us all right away so we may give birth quicker. I will tell the other warriors that are out hunting about what happened when they come back."

He looked at them all and saw hope in their eyes that he could give them strong offspring. 'Well... I guess it might be nice to actually be able to experience raising a child, after what happened with Mei... I hope this can help fill the void in my heart.' Naruto thought with sadness as his daughter wasn't even brought into the world.

He looked at them all again and decided he would try and start a family here to see if that would help him have less hurt in his heart.

"Ok then, lets start" he said as she took his shirt off, while the all 60 of the Asari started undressing right there, this was their land so they were going to do it right out in the open. When he took his shirt off every Asari blushed purple, they don't know why but they felt very attracted to his muscled body that was well cut. Even though they had never seen this before their bodies all began to warm up and were quickly warming up to the idea of taking him as a mate even more.

'Well things moved pretty fast because of the 9 little bitches that love to torment me...' He said as he heard them laughing their asses off this whole time, they knew this would annoy him but they also did it to try and find anything to try and fix his broken heart and soul.

Many of the Asari started walking to him, swaying their hips and licking their lips with an air of lust about them. He removed his pants and out stood a 14 inch pole of muscle as hard as diamond.

Tel'notea simply eyed it with curiosity as they had never seen one before, she grabbed it with both hands and started sliding them up and down his length, enjoying the feeling between her hands, she had totally forgotten her surroundings and if this might be a rude thing to do to her mate but she was completely lost in curiosity, as were many of the Asari that started touching it.

Naruto enjoyed their naive hands and eyed them with curiosity, he then noticed that maybe their race was all female and they some how had children with the same gender? the bijuu said this was the most likely thing.

"My mate, what is this?" Tel'notea asked for all that were wanting to ask.

"Well its what I use to give females children" he said simply

"How do you give children with this?" confused as to how this could do that.

Eyeing her curiously he took his hand and put it in between her crotch and stuck his finger in a hole. 'Well she has a vagina' he thought. He noticed the purple blush that spread across her blue cheeks.

"It goes in here and I just keep thrusting until I feel good and then boom you have a baby"

"I-I see that different than how we do it, we link our minds with our bond mates and create a baby that way." she stuttered out as she was surprised he was fingering the hole which they gave birth from, and it was starting to feel pretty good.

"So you can have a baby with two females?" he questioned

"Our whole race is the same gender, what are females?" she asked in confusion.

"Hmm interesting, so im the first male you have ever encountered, your species is mono-gendered, their are people like you who have bodies similar to you and your biology. then the same goes for me." he said with some brain power, it helped that Mei didn't want him to stay a complete idiot for life.

"I see AHN~" she responded but was panting heavily and ended up having the first orgasm in her life caused by fingers in her vagina.

"Wow, your pussy is really clamping down on my fingers" he teased her while the other Asari were wanting their turn with him.

"P-Pussy? my birthing hole?"

"Never call it that again please, it kills the mood, just call it a pussy for right now ok?" he told her with a sigh.

She simply nodded and so did every other Asari.

"Before I start this, you will have to make my penis wet, by the way you can call it that, or dick or cock, those two words end up coming out when your um mating.

"Wet? how?"

"Get on your knees and put it in your mouth" he told her with a smile.

Listening to her mate she did as she was told and took it in her mouth. Finding herself enjoying having it in her mouth, she swirled her tongue around it and experimented by sucking, she felt it throb in her mouth and Naruto groan. This only spurred her on to make him feel better and began swallowing his entire dick till it all in her mouth. Many of the Asari gasped and giggled at the sight, Naruto's face was filled with pleasure.

The Asari began rubbing their bodies on him and trying to please him in any possible.

"This is getting good! OI Shikaku told hord the popcorn you pig!" Kurama shouted in his mind.

Naruto sighed at both the bickering voices in this head and the extreme pleasure he was getting from Tel'notea bobbing her head back and forth, she was a fast learner.

'Well I'm just going to enjoy it and make a big family, I hope this will be worth living for' he gave one final thought before the giant mating session began.

Authors note: Constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged! Flames how ever will be completely ignored and removed.