Disclaimer: I do not own Castle.
AN: Here you go guys, a new story! This ones AU.
Could one of you tell me what age my characters would be if they are in their last year of high school?
Chapter 1
Alexandria Rogers was now in her last year of high school. It was the first day of a new year, and she had been instructed to help a new student around. There was just one problem. Alexandria was running late.
This was going to be an everyday story now, her elder brother, Alex Rogers had just finished with college and was pursuing a career in writing. Alexandria believed in him, he's always been an ambitious boy, but being the elder brother that he is, he took every chance to make her life difficult, mostly just to get on her nerves.
She loved him dearly, and she was sure he loved her more, she'd missed him quite a bit when he was away for college, and now he was back. And just like he used to when they were younger, he loved pulling her pigtails. He'd call her out on almost anything and everything, and fool around with her at any given point of time. He was a complete prankster.
She would have to get used to him being around again, now that he was back to living in the loft with her and their mother. Only difference was, her brother was all grown up now, and keen on making his dreams come true. He was still a man-child though.
Just this morning, he brought her a cup of coffee in bed. She suspected he was up to something fishy, but then he climbed in beside her and said "can't a brother bring his sister breakfast in bed? I just wanted to let you know I've missed you"
Alexandria smiled and said "Thank you, I missed you too you know" and then she took a sip from her coffee, and immediately spat it out
"EWWW! What did you put into this?"
Alex was standing at the foot of the bed, bending over in mirth, laughing to his heart's content.
"It's a new recipe I learned from a friend in college. It's called 'Salty delight"
Alexandria had set the mug down and got out of bed to chase after her fleeing brother.
"You're going to pay for this Alex!"
Alexandria smiled as she pondered on all of this while rushing to school, and on her way, bumped into her best friend Madison.
"Hey, where are you hurrying off too?"
"Maddie, hi, oh… we've got a new addition to our classes, and Mrs. Matilda has asked me to help her find her way around"
"That's great, I won't keep you, go run, or you'll make a bad first impression"
Alexandria laughed and ran off ahead into the school building. She was told she would meet the new student near the lockers closest to the school office and so she made her way through the corridors, trying to dodge the students in her way, now and then, waving out to her friends as they passed by.
She hardly turned a corner and was hit by a huge force, correction, a huge, tall, very handsome force.
"I'm sorry" he said.
It was Josh Davidson. Only the schools most popular guy ever. Alexandria doesn't remember a time when she'd never felt highly attracted to him. He was a heart-throb and every girl in the school wanted him, and though she hated to admit it, she wanted him too.
"No, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry" she said to him
He moved aside and said "Then I won't be in your way" with that ever charming smile of his.
"No, it's really alright actually"
"May I ask where is it that you have to be?"
"Oh, I'm on my way to meet a new student, got to show her around"
"That sounds exciting, can I walk you there?"
Alexandria felt her heart begin to beat really fast. "Yea, sure, why not"
They began walking to the office together, making small talk. And when they finally reached the lockers, Alexandria looked at her watch. She knew she was late, and she hoped this new girl Kate was still around waiting for her.
Josh however looked distracted, Alexandria tried to look in the direction his eyes were glued to, but couldn't for the life of her see where his eyes were glued.
"uhh… Alexandria, I'll see you later, I got to go meet someone" he wandered away, his eyes still looking in the distance.
Alexandria looked around, and again at her watch, she couldn't see anyone here with signs showing she was new, everyone around was a familiar face.
2 minutes later, she heard Josh's voice calling out her name, and so she looked in the direction that he had disappeared, only to find him, and his pals crowding around a young woman who seemed to look just like the one in the profile Mrs. Matilda had shown her.
"Found your girl!" said Josh
And Kate Beckett smiled shyly and gave her a little wave.
well, what do you guys think of this one? see any potential? :) Leave me a review.