AYEEE! I'm writing again for THE BOND OF LOVE. *Dances* I've added a cute scene into this. Hope you like it. Helia POV. OMG! I was dying to do that.

Himangi Sahni: Thanks for your review and opinion. I tried to do that. Hope it's like that.. HEHEHE

divineicefairy(guest) Thanks for your review, too. And I kind of like your idea and I'll try to do it. However, I'm not sure about the time. I've three stories going on and I'll probably put that up after them...but I can't say...maybe it will come up earlier. You'll see. heeheheeh


"How old were you when you first fall in love, Helia?"

A smile crept up my lips. The thought was so peaceful and delightful that my chest swelled up because of them. I blew out dreamily and looked at the owner of the voice. A very familiar junior sat opposite to me, his eyes trained somewhere other than me, on a certain girl. I looked in his direction, a large grin already plastered on my face.

"Fourteen." I replied to Asher, resting my back against the wall. His head did a double take and finally he was looking away from the door of boys locker room where the girl stood with her friend. I chuckled at his surprise, but then it suddenly changed to disappointment. I quirked a brow. "What is it?".

Asher huffed. "You beat me in that, too."

I ruffled his hair, giving a full blown laugh. "It feels the same, kiddo. Count the feelings not the number."

A smile was passed back to me. "Yeah. It's the love that really matters." He followed my position and looked back at the door. She wasn't there anymore, yet he kept his eyes there. "16 and in love. Don't you think it's crazy?".

The moment I looked back at the door. A familiar person stood there in the doorframe, the world's cutest smile spread across her angelic face and reached into her beautiful jade eyes. My heart melted at the sight and I couldn't help sighing in content. She was the most beautiful person I had ever met. The owner of the kindest heart and a person that loved too much. "Love is crazy, Asher. Sixteen or sixty...it still blows you away." It was ruthless and wild.

And if love made you crazy, I wanted to be the craziest person alive.

Leaving Asher to his own little world, I stood up to my height and made my way towards Flora. She was grinning at me through the door, her little frame leaning against the support. Her eyes brightened as I stopped before her and took her small, soft hands into my own. Pulling them up, I placed a kiss on either of her hands. "What are you doing here, Lora?".

She wrapped her delicate hands around my arm. "Came for some special people." She replied. We were walking down the hallway now. The silent way reminding of our own high school starting days. When in the evening nobody besides the footballers roamed the halls. Everything went by so fast. But, I was happy. I got Flora before time flew by. I earned her before it could get late.

I feigned hurt. "Special? Someone beside me?."

Flora giggled, rolling her eyes at me playfully. "You've a very special place, Helia. Always remember that."I swear, she was going to make my heart burst with happiness. I kissed her hair as she continued. "I just came to meet my favorite staff. I wanted to thank them for all they did for us as friends and teachers." She added, gesturing around with her hands.

We reached the parking lot which was almost deserted. I turned to face her. "How did you come here?".

"On feet."

I winked. "Perfect." I placed an arm around her petite waist and pulled her into me. "You do everything so right, Lora. You are amazing."

She laughed and nudged me. "I never pegged you as a cheesy guy, Helia."

We had just arrived before my car. A sudden thought hit up my mind and sly look covered my face. Grabbing Flora by an arm, I spun her around and caged her between my arms. She was stunned for a moment. Her eyes frozen on mine and I loved it more than anything. All her attention on me and I couldn't be happier. But, soon the look shattered away and replaced by it was her shy look.

Blood rushed to her face and colored it pink. She looked so adorable. I wasn't cheesy. I was smitten with her. "So, what did you peg me for?" I leaned in, my face inches away from her.

She gulped, shyness evident in her eyes. She remained silent and lowered her eyes. I affected her great degree. It was so decipherable. Smirking, I dropped my head lower, and moved slowly and carefully. My skin slightly touched hers as I advanced toward her ear. A tingling sensation erupted in my own skin, but she was visibly fazed more. Her sharp intake of breath said it all. I felt my lips brushing against her warm ear so I stopped. "Flora, I'm waiting."

Her deep breaths turned shorter. She was composing herself and failing miserably at it. At last, she dropped it. She didn't mask her affected breathing. But, she did something unexpected. Placing her face against mine, she raised herself a couple of bit and rested her damp lips on my ear. "I don't know, Helia. What should I peg you for?" Her whisper sent shiver through my spine and I had to clutch the car firmly to hold myself steady, but it couldn't help any longer because she moved an inch and placed a kiss on my sensitive spot.

A jolt of shiver made me lose my sanity and I whimpered in defeat. Taking Flora's face in my hands, I crashed my lips harshly against her. She responded immediately. Her lips moved against mine in pleasure and thirst. Our lips moved in sync and the kiss deepened. I poured every emotion into the kiss, wanting every inch of her soul.

She snaked her arms around me, moving them into my hair and grabbing a handful of tufts firmly. Needing or want of support made her press herself against me. It surged more satisfaction inside. I protectively held her around the waist. The aching in my heart was so much and it was because of Flora. She was my desire and taking her into my arms made me so vulnerable yet the strongest person alive.

I felt the kiss smoothing up, the movement not so fierce anymore, but it was a fulfilling kiss. It was softer now and more meaningful.

"Hey lovebirds, Get a room!" The sudden voice of a protective brother interrupted our sweet moment and we moved away to look at a very distressed Brandon.

Standing only some steps away from us was Brandon Linphea, looking not very happy at the PDA displayed his baby sister. Close to him was a snickering Riven and it did not do us a favor. Instead, Brandon turned around and elbowed him with a harsh glare in his eyes. Flora blushed beside me, but I found myself laughing at his brother.

"Don't get worked up, bro. We're leaving." I waved him off, opening the car door for Flora who gladly slipped inside. Shutting the door, I moved around to get in the driver seat. Thankfully, Brandon was busy insulting Riven.

However, as soon as I placed a hand on the car door, Brandon realized that I was fleeing and so he dashed like for a dear life. My hands dropped mid-work. A defeated look grazed my face.

"Not so fast, Knightly." Brandon grimaced. Dear brother, get it together. I was dating your sister. I arched a brow, feigning nonchalance. "For heaven's sake, kids are around here, Helia!."

I smirked, hand above eyes, I pretended to look in a distance and then back at him. "But I see no kid besides you and Riven." And honestly, there was nobody in the lot except us. Riven, who had heard his name in the conversation, winked. Not knowing what I had actually commented about him. Idiot.

Brandon glared at me, though it was only mild because we were friends. "Shut up, Helia. Just be careful."

I wasn't in the mood of argument so I nodded. It didn't demand any argument anyway. He was a caring brother and I couldn't fight off his concerned behavior even if we were close friends. "I will be. She's as important to me as she's to you."

The orange colored sky reflected in the water as we watched it from our position on the bridge. Our legs dangled low, my feet completely immersed in water while Flora's feet barely touched the water when she bent her feet in a curve. She sat snuggling her petite frame in my side, her head resting peacefully on my chest. Her calm breathing fanned my chest through the thin cloth and sent my heart onto another level of tranquility. She felt so good like that. Like she belonged there.

We sat in complete silence, none of us speaking anything. It was so calm here. Everything appeared so blissful and complete that I wished for the moment not to end. The Sun might be setting but the new chapter of my life had just started. One of the best chapter one could wish for or maybe the best of all.

Finishing high school and stepping into the college life was an exhilarating event in my life. What added to the joy was Flora's existence in the world. An important place in my heart and life. I couldn't wish for anymore.

"Helia," Flora whispered tenderly, breaking me out of my bubble. "Are you going to miss me?".

I shook my head. She straightened up to look at me and a quizzical expression painted her features. It caused me to smile at her. "I'll never miss you because you're always on my mind. You are on mind when you even sit beside me. So, what are the chances that you'll go away when you are apart." I touched her cheek, giving it a stroke as I talked.

Flora leaned her head into my hand and closed her eyes momentarily. "But, I'll miss your warmth beside me, Helia. I only got you now." When she opened her eyes they shone brightly because of unshed tears.

My heart dropped at the tears in her eyes. Folding my arms around her shoulders, I pulled her in a strong hug. I sighed, placing a kiss in her soft hair. She smiled so nice. "Hey Lora, don't think it that way." I murmured. "View it as a way that will keep our love exciting. It will always give you butterflies in your stomach when we meet." I teased her, pinching her nose.

Shoving me playfully, she broke the hug. She giggled now. "Helia, the philosopher." She shook her head. "I'm impressed."

Bowing down, I accepted the praise. "Thank you, Lora. Anything for you." Then I realized something. "Lora," I started excitedly. "I've something for you." My searching hands finally located the rectangular box in my pocket. It had stayed so long there that it wasn't itching anymore. Plucking it out, I placed it in her lap. "Have a look at it." But she was staring at me, surprised. All of a sudden, a wave of nervousness washed over me.

My throat constricted. What was she thinking?.

I watched her closely and tried to analyze her. But, she was only still. Her eyes were undecipherable and so was her face. I panicked. Had I offended her?.

Fear arose in me, as I desperately gathered my calm together. No she was just surprised. "Flora?" I called out again, concealing the panic in my voice.

She was shaken alive and soon her hands were gripping the box. Relief rushed throw me and I exhaled a large breath. However, a tinge of nervousness was left. I kept my eyes on her as she turned to look at me once again. I ran a tongue on my lower dried lip. "Open it, Flora." I prompted.

She hesitated for a moment before nodding. Then she moved her hand over the box and opened it up. A gasp escaped her mouth and she covered it up with the free hand. "This is so beautiful, Helia." She exclaimed, making my shoulders drop with ease. Phewww! It was close to a mini heart-attack. Flora picked up the locket in her hand and ran her other hand over it delicately.

The chain held a delicate butterfly in it. The wings going about it constructed detailed in Emerald and gold. The golden frame of the wings held Emerald in different shapes and sizes in the open space. Then there was the central body of the butterfly that was made of ruby. But, the most attractive thing that I found in the necklace was...

"Right there." Flora said, her voice cracked up. She smiled at me through her glassy eyes. She was pressing my words under her thumb.

I grinned and took the locket out of her hands. "Here. Let me do it for you." Getting up, I went to crouch down behind Flora. Her hair was already closed in a bun, so I had to only place it around her neck and fix it there. Permanently. "Done." I announced.

Flora laughed, touching the locket. I helped her to get to her feet. "Thank you so much, Helia. It means so much to me." She took me by surprise and tiptoed to kiss me on the nose.

I chuckled. We didn't speak further. Standing there on the bridge, we only gazed at each other. Our eyes were locked on each other and honestly, I couldn't get enough of the moment.

She was everything that I needed and everything I wanted. She was the missing piece to my heart and hence she completed my heart. She completed me. Flora was someone that kept me glued together. I wanted to be strong for her even when I felt weak. I wanted to be there for her even when I wasn't enough. I had kept myself away from her for so long that now leaving her was an aching thought. But I was happy that she belonged to me now as I belonged to her.

"Oiii, Here are the lovebirds!" The teasing voice of Riven cut through the air around us and traveled into our ears. We turned at once to greet the official bad-timers of my life.

Riven walked toward us, wearing a smug expression. Brandon closely followed but they had another person in tow with them. Stella Solaria was chirpily striding towards her. Despite all the displeasure that I felt, I still genuinely appreciated Stella for literally running on the uneven ground in high-heels. Massive respect she deserved, yet I only offered her a feeble smile because of her bad timing.

Flora groaned next to me. "Do you always have to ruin the cute moments?" She huffed, crossing her arm beneath her chest.

Couldn't agree more.

How were they reaching us on their perfect time anyways?

Brandon rolled his eyes, standing before us. "I wouldn't call the earlier one cute." Stella came around him, engulfing his arm in her hands. Brandon gave her a disapproving look. Flora, however, ignored him.

"Why are you here?" I turned to the slightly sane one.

Riven threw me a mocking sad look. "Say goodbye, Lover boy. We are leaving."

My heart sank at his words. All the mustered up strength draining away. How hardly I had prepared myself and built up all the strength. It was gone away so easily in the moment.

I looked at Flora, who held my hand and gave it a light squeeze. "Right there." She repeated my words with a sad smile. I gave her hand a squeeze back, unable to hide my own sadness.

The moment had come when we departed. It was an incomprehensible moment for me. I was excited and happy, yet a little sorrowful for leaving Flora behind. But we had our own journeys to take, too. It was hard but the only right thing to do.

"We are leaving too, Flo. Let's get going." Stella was about to burst with excitement.

"Looks like the blondie is quite happy." Riven commented, pinching her cheek.

Stella's face turned red and I could literally imagine the steam blowing out of her ears. Nevertheless, Flora, Brandon and I chuckled. The moments weren't going to come very often now. As Stella opened to comeback with a pretty nasty reply, the voice of a newcomer joined us.

"But, your dear girlfriend is really not." Musa hollered, coming next to Riven. She twisted her ear and narrowed her eyes. "I can't believe you left me alone on our last day here!."

And she wasn't alone. The rest of our gang joined us with cheers in Musa's favor and Boo's for Riven. Flora wrapped her arms around my torso, looking genuinely happy at the sight of our friends.

"I'm really going to miss this all." Flora remarked, laughing hard as Sky leaped at Riven and grabbed his other ear, twisting it as hard.

"Me too. But we'll always come together and be there for each other. I promise that on everyone's behalf." I finished and the whole gang erupted into an 'Aye' at something Timmy had said.

His words or mine, we will always agree.

Flora and I moved forward to take part in the public chiding of Riven by Musa. Passing comments here and there, my attention was all focused on the perfect being wrapped around me who was laughing uncontrollably at comments that Stella and Musa both were throwing the poor Riven's way.

Sneaking a glance at Brandon, I leaned down to steal a kiss from Flora as he was busy making his own statements.


Thank you everyone who took the time to give it a view. I'm genuinely thankful to all the people who had followed this story till the very end. I had so much fun writing this story and this chapter that I can't really explain. I miss all those people who were always eager for the next chapter and really I wanted to do something for them.

I'm sorry that I went MIA for long long time and I regret it a lot. I lost so many of my precious cupcakes and I feel so bad for that.

I want you all guys back and if you're reading this I want to thank you once again with all my heart.

I'm currently writing another Helia/Flora story (LOVE OR LOYALTY?) and you can catch me there if you want. Or PM me, I'll be happy to talk with you guys.

- Hugs and kisses.
