A/N: Hello again! First I want to say a special thank you to all those who read my first completed fanfiction in many years "Because I Was Bored" you guys have given me something I've been needing, some confidence in myself. I've gone through quite a bit since I started this account and for a long time all I did was fall deeper into the black hole my accident created. Though I'm still in that hole I'm beginning to see the light and you guys are helping with that. So I hope ya'll enjoy this new fiction and if you feel moved weather good or bad please leave me a review I want to get better so you can enjoy my stories more. Sorry this chapter is really short I just wanted to get the first chapter up so you guys knew what to look forward to.

I want to say a special thanks to Foxluna for leaving a review on Because I Was Bored giving me inspiration for this fic.

As usual a short disclaimer, I do not own any Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha characters though a few oc characters may show up later. Who knows my fingers kind of just do what fate demands :) Though I'm thinking I may try and work Sensui into this somewhere, he is such an amazing villain.

One last note, I think I'm going to try and use more Japanese terms this time I just think it flows a bit better so let me know what ya'll think!



A Little Love Goes A Long Way Chapter One: The Well

The young girl walked through the dark city cursing the new tutor her mother hired to help her, he kept her late knowing she didn't quite understand the subject they were studying. Math, the subject that literally gave her nightmares. She grumbled her complaints to the abandoned street.

"Fuck you Shuichi…" She mumbled giggling to herself at the verbal curse, knowing her mother would give her a good smack if she ever heard made it even better. She always was the good girl, she sighed her shoulders dropping her responsibilities coming back to mind. Her name was Kagome Higurashi and she had been given a destiny that for anyone would feel like too much at times.

Red eyes watched the girl from the rooftop his nose twitching at her scent. A few hours earlier the yokai had shown up outside the window of the fox looking for a good fight to sooth his boredom only to be met with a dismissive gesture and wide green eyes. He harrumphed but did as the fox willed, though curiosity kept the yokai close. He could smell power on the girl as she rambled questions about the thing called math, it flared painfully whenever she became frustrated with a question.

"Come in Hiei." The calm voice of the fox brought the small apparition out of his musings and he jumped through the open window.

"What is she Kurama?" He asked getting to the point, he never was one to waste time on words.

"I do not know." The fox replied closing his bright emerald eyes in contemplation. "I even tried slipping her some of my truth leaves in a tea. She continued to chatter on like nothing happened only hiccupping every few moments. I couldn't even scent the plant on her skin." His brows furrowed the puzzle greatly annoying his yokai side.

"Hn." Hiei replied simply and took off out the same open window, and there he found himself following this grumbling girl. She had been in the house of one of his allies, he did not let an enemy go unknown for long. He cocked his head hearing her whispered curse and soft giggle, her voice reminding him of soft chimes. Opening his third eye he pushed his way into the girls mind.

'I wonder what kind of ramen I should bring…How has Shippo been…I wonder if Inuyasha will be mad that I took so long…stupid math…ow, what is that?' He watched as she grabbed her head in pain and suddenly his probing was forced out physically knocking him down. He landed with thud on the rooftop he watched her from his eyes wide. The girl looked around concern in her bright blue eyes suddenly looking directly at him. He stilled thankful he wore his usual outfit of all black, though his friends continued to tease him begging for him to change outfits he simply ignored them for just an occasion like this. When her blue orbs met nothing she took off running at a speed even Hiei found surprising. Without hesitation he followed the large yellow bag on her back a perfect beacon to keep his focus.

"What the heck was that?" Kagome asked herself under her breath. "My head started hurting then I could have sworn I felt a yokai watching me." Her legs burned begging for her to stop but her heart wouldn't stop racing and so she continued up the seemingly endless steps to her family shrine. The fire yokai followed silently jumping into the branches of a large tree being sure to suppress his yokai energy in her presence this time. He was shocked again when instead of heading for the door to her home she hurriedly shoved open the door to the run down well house sitting beside the tree. After a great swell of magic he could no longer feel her, brow knit together his red eyes narrowed he appeared in the small building. He looked around then bent over to sniff the old wood, her scent was on it but she was nowhere to be found.

"Damn woman, you will not escape." Hiei growled in confusion punching the doorframe as he left the building. Jumping into the large tree he crossed his arms his eyes trained on the well house. The swell of magic woke him making him nearly fall from the tree, he cursed the woman for almost making him the fool twice in one day.

"Stupid Inuyasha, stupid selfish IDIOT!" Kagome yelled to the sky a beaded necklace in her hand, she gripped the beads so tightly to her chest her knuckles were white.

"You, woman. What are you planning to do with the fox?" Kagome screamed stumbling back tripping over her small feet to land hard on her rear. "Quit that screaming it makes my ears bleed." Hiei growled his hand on the hilt of his blade.

"Who the heck are you and where did you come from!" She yelled pointing an accusing finger in his direction.

"I am Hiei and you would be wise to answer my questions." He pulled the blade from its sheath pointing the tip to her throat. The yokai felt the woman's reiki spike, and he could see her lips moving but could hear no words. Black beads flew from the ground to surround Hiei's neck he looked wide eyed at Kagome. "What the hell did you do?" The smirk she gave him made even his spine shiver, he mentally scoffed at his reaction. "You think this will do anything wench?" He chuckled reaching his hand to pull at the necklace confusion evident on his face.

"SIT BOY." Hiei slammed into the ground with a yelp. He growled through a mouthful of dirt making the woman laugh. She could tell the kind of yokai he was just by looking at him, angry, arrogant, and powerful. This dominance over him would haunt him for the rest of this life and his next, and she could not stop laughing.

"I would advise that you stop laughing woman unless you want to lose your head." She laughed harder in response making the yokai growl furiously.

"Sit…boy…" She gasped out through her cackling making him crash into the ground again.

"What have you done to me woman?" He mumbled into the dirt.

"I'm sorry I can't hear yooouuu!" Kagome sang wrapping her delecate hand around her ear.

"My god, you're a miko…" The deep breathy voice came from behind her almost making her jump out of her skin. She swung around her wide blue eyes meeting green eyes flecks of gold dancing in them.

"Shuichi?" Before she could utter another word the red head that now stood nearly nose to nose with her began to blur, then her world went black.