A/N: We are pretending that the whole Dark swan thing never happened, because I still haven't decided how to deal with that whole mess, so here is some AU to get you through the summer.

He is good

Life in Storybrooke was never normal. How could it be when you are the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, sent through a portal as a baby, now sharing custody of your son with the Evil queen, who is sort of your step-grandmother? Oh, and to top it off you are dating Captain Hook. So, yeah, Emma Swan's life was far from normal, but that didn't mean she wasn't happy.

With the Lily and Queens of Darkness banished to the Bad Lands, and the wicked witch locked up, Emma could finally say that life was good. Not perfect, because she was still dealing with guilt over what happened with Lily, but at least there was no threat hanging over their heads, for now.

She could try to find some normal again, even if it was just ordering pizza and watching Netflix with her boyfriend in their new apartment. There was one good thing that came from sharing custody with Regina. Every other week she and Hook had the place to themselves.

They had bought a little 2 bedroom place by the water. Rumple had given them a pretty good deal, but Emma had a feeling that was because he didn't want to have to deal with collecting rent for Hook every month. The less those two saw of each other the better. Even though Rumple was no longer The Dark One (that curse had fallen to Lily) the two still fought like children whenever they met.

Months passed easily, marked by birthdays and date nights instead of disappearances, kidnappings and battles. Then one night she walked in the door with a pizza in one hand and a six pack in the other, only to find Killian standing in the middle of the apartment, dressed in his best suit, with single rose in his hand.

"I thought we agree to stay in tonight?" She laughed frantically, panic creeping into her voice as she took a step back toward the door.

"Emma, I know you have the urge to run right one but I would appreciate if you would hear me out before you do," he answered in a calm, measured tone.

"Killian," she breathed, chewing her lip as her eyes begged him to just take the pizza from her hand and stop what she knew this was.

"Emma Swan, I love you more than my own life," he began.

She gasped and took another step back, but he didn't move.

"I know that you are scared right now. I know that you hate change. I know that you have every reason to say no to me, but I'm going to ask anyway, because I love you, and I know you love me too. And where I come from when you love someone you marry them."

She flinched at the word, but he plowed on, taking it as a good sign that she was still standing there.

"The thing is, Love, nothing changes if we get married. I am bound to you. It is a physical law of the universe. Where you go, I will ALWAYS follow. Even if you say no, I will never abandon you. Even if you push me away, I will always find you, because you are my happy ever after and…"

"Yes," she whispered.

"I will… wait, what did you just say?" He asked disbelief written all over his face.

"I said, yes pirate. I will marry you," she said. As she spoke her face began to take on a bright glow, and the light above her flickered.

"Don't know if this is a good or bad thing, Love, but you are glowing," he said nervously. Instead of answering, she crossed the room and pulled him in for a kiss that sent shock waves all the way to his toes, and had the whole apartment going haywire.

Several hours later, they were sitting on the couch watching how it's made and enjoying cold pizza and warm beer when he suddenly pulled his hand from where it had been twisting her hair.

"How are we going to tell your mother?" He asked nervously.

Emma turned in his arms and hit him with the pillow she had been using.

"Jesus Killian, you used to be a fearsome pirate and now you are afraid of Snow White?" She asked, laughing at the absurdity.

"Your mother doesn't like me, Love. Your father and I are mates. Your boy tolerates me, though he prefers the thief, but you mother, she does not appreciate me as your suitor."

"Well, I guess it is a good thing she doesn't really have a say in the matter then," Emma shrugged, returning to her previous position as if the discussion was closed.

"I'm serious, Swan. I don't want our union to be marred by anything, least of all the disapproval of your mother."

"Hook, my mom was a bandit, who has made serval truly despicable choices in life. I don't think she is holding the moral high ground," she replied. When he said nothing, she turned to look at again.

"Oh, Killian," she sighed, seeing the deep sadness and shame in his eyes. "I'll talk to her. You have done so much of me, for all of us really. I will make her see that you are my happy ending. She couldn't possibly say no to that."

At her words, his mouth dropped open.

"I… Love… I"

But she cut him off with another kiss, and the rest of the night they spent proving what they meant to each other without words.