Chapter one: A Birthday Bash
"Star!" A boy calls out. "Keep the blindfold on!" Marco is leading her downstairs.
"This better not be another prank, Diaz." The blonde retorts. "You don't do that to a girl on her birthday!"
"It's not." He reassures her. "You can take it off now."
She takes off the blindfold.
"SURPRISE!" The crowd shouts. "Happy eighteenth birthday, Star!"
Star is so excited she hugs Marco. "Star, Do you like the party?"
"Of course I do, Marco!" She hugs him tighter.
"Good, but can you let go of me?" he asks. "I kinda need to breathe."
"Oh, sorry." She looks around at the guests. "Oskar!" She squees and runs over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
"Not bad, Diaz." Marco turns to see Jackie behind him. "I expect the same when I turn eighteen."
She kisses him. Marco turns as red as his hoodie.
"Uh, Yeah." He babbles. "No Problem, Jackie!" She laughs and walks off, Star sees Marco and runs over to him.
"This is the best party ever!" she tells him. "You even got Pony Head to come."
"Hey B-Fly, Hey Marco." They look up and see Pony Head. Star hugs her and laughs.
"What are you doing here?" Star asked. "I thought you were in St. Olga's?"
"I was." She informed her. "But your bestie broke out for a few minutes."
"Aw, Pony Head!" Star looks at her. "You broke out of St. Olga's just for me?"
"Yeah, well," Pony Head looks at her and Marco. "That's what besties do, right earth turd?" she
"Yeah, Yeah." Marco laughs and noticed the St O's guards. "You better get going, Pony Head!"
"You're right Marco!" Star gives her a Pair of Dimensional scissors. "Thanks for coming!"
"No Problem, B-Fly." She turns to Marco. "Look out for my- I mean our bestie!" Marco nods and
she leaves.
"I wonder how she escaped?" Star asked.
"Bleh" Marco sticks his tongue out and shows her another pair of scissors. Star looks at him weird for a minute until she realized what he had done.
"Aw, Marco." She punches his arm. "You've done too much."
"Nah," He tells her. "this is what people do for the ones we love."
A few hours later, the party was over and Star was cleaning up and was thinking about her and Marco. she is so lost in thought she doesn't notice him running towards her.
"It's six o'clock!" he grabs Star and drags her outside.
"What is it, Marco?"
"We have some late party guest arriving." He informs her, just as a portal opens behind him.
"Star Butterfly!" Ludo yells, as a group of monsters follows him. "Surrender the wand, or else your party gue-" He looks around, noting the lack of people. "Where are all the party guests?" He demands.
"Dude, the party ended at four." Star informs him.
"But this Invitation said it starts at six! SIX!" He cries.
"Opps, my bad." Marco "Oh, well, Wanna beat these guys up?"
"Gladly!" Star shouts. she grabs her wand and shouts "MEGA NARWHAL BLAST!"
Star and Marco are seen standing over Ludo as he walks off into the portal swearing his vengeance. They laugh and walk inside the house.
"So, hows your birthday been so far?" He asks her as she lies down on the coach.
"Great, I couldn't ask for more!"
"Well, There is still more!" he grabs his apron and chef hat. "Because I'm making Nachos!"
"Yay." Star squeals. If there is one thing she loves, It's Marcos Super Awesome Nachos.
They sat down and ate on the couch, watching a new episode of Steven's Universe the laser puppies are upstairs and Mr and Mrs Diaz had turned in early, So Star and Marco had the house to themselves.
"Hey, Marco, How are you and Jackie doing?" Star asks Marco.
"Uh, fine." He answered, a little thrown off by the question. "What brought that up?"
"Oh, nothing." Star blushes a little "Just curious."
Now Marco was wondering something. "How are you and Oskar?"
"Ok, I think," She says with a little frown. Her cheeks hearts have a crack in them."I just see him playing his keyboard. I don't know if I even like him anymore."
"Are you ok, Star?" Marco comforts her as best he can. "It's ok, Star, There are plenty of guys out there for you."
"But how do I know if I like them?" She asks him.
"I don't know, but I know someone who does."
"Who?" Star looks up and sees Marco change.
"Glasses! Paper! Clothes! Book!" He strikes a pose. "Dr. Marco, Ph.D!"
"Ok, Dr. Marco," She tells him. "Ready to ask me the questions?" Marco nods and looks in his book.
"Are you happy around him?" He asks her
"Yeah, I guess."
"Is he happy around you?"
"I don't know."
"Does he make you feel like nothing is impossible for him to do?"
"Would you give up everything for him, and would he do the same?"
"Star, you'll know when you meet him, and all the answers will be 'Yes ' if it is meant to-" Star leaned over and kissed his cheek. They both turn red from embarrassment.
"I'm sorry." she whispers. The awkward silence is broken by the doorbell ringing.
"I'll get it." Marco goes to the door to answer. "Hello?" Marco opens the door and sees King and Queen Butterfly at the door.
"Is Star here?" The queen asks.
"Yeah." Marco turns to the couch and Star gets up and sees her parents.
"Mom, Dad." She is in shock in why they are here. "Is everything ok?"
"Yes, dear, Everything's fine." The king tells her. "But we have an important matter to attend to."
"What is it?" The princess asked.
"Well, since you are now eightteen, it's time you found a suitor." The queen tells her daughter.
Marco is surprised to hear this. but decides to leave them be.
"A suit, Mom?" Star laughs. "I'm a princess, I don't wear suits!"
"Not a suit, a Suitor. a partner, a king, A husband!" The queen tells her.
"So, I'm going to get wed off?" Star says, confused "But I'll still be on Earth, right?"
"Honey, you're going to live with your husband, wherever that may be." The king tells her.
"No 'buts' Star!" the queen tells her. "You'll leave for Mewni in a few days, Say goodbye to everyone you know." she looks at her daughter, tears are beginning to run down her face.
"I'm sorry, dear, but you had to have known this day would come." Her and King Butterfly step through the portal back to Mewni.
"I know…" Star cries. "But it doesn't make it easier."