Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.. Kishimoto does.
Also, Naturo seems kind of ooc but I promise you his character will build up as the story goes on :)
Chapter 2
It took a while for Sasuke to finally realize what was happening. First, there was a naked guy right on top of himーwith his ass pressed against his crotch suggestively, and second the guy was acting like he was speaking his first baby words. Plus, he couldn't walk without stumbling around like he was drunk.
Finally, he sat up and placed his hands on the boy's hips. Then he lifted him up and sat him down next to him. "Look, I don't know what the fuck is going on. But I have to go before my brother gives me another damn lecture. If you knew him, you'd understand that it's not what I want."
The boy seemed to be listening to him, meaning that he actually understood what Sasuke was saying. He nodded and smiled at the raven haired boy, slowly talking, "I... I cーcan g..go.. Wit..with yo..you?"
Sasuke sighed and shook his head, "It would be creepy, I can't just bring you in my house without knowing who you are idiot." He pushed a bit of strands of his hair behind his ear, before eyeing the blonde again, "Why? You have no where to go or...?"
Suddenly, the blonde was avoiding his gaze, but Sasuke could see a few tears filling his eyes, "I.. N..no plーplace to...go.. my parents... I don't.. I don't.. k..know w...w...whaー"
Seeing the struggle of his speaking Sasuke rose his hand up to stop him, "It's okay. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. I can see your native language isn't English. You do know and understand what I'm saying though. What's your name, dobe?"
The boy blinked a few times, "D..Dobe?" He looked at him with a pout meaning he knew that it wasn't a nice name for him. "Is.. Naruto. Not...dobe.." He shook his head at Sasuke and tried standing up just as the older boy was also doing. But he ended up stumbling on his feet againーthis time though, Sasuke was prepared and grabbed a hold of his hands, entwining their fingers together to grab onto him easier.
Naruto blinked and smiled gratefully. "TーThank you... So..Sorry for my voice... I...I'm not used to.. to... talking... out of the water."
Sasuke also blinked twice and looked at Naruto, "What the fuck." he mumbled, which made the blonde boy look offended. "Look, I don't want to hear your bullshit anymore, so you can stop." He was still wondering about the colour change in Naruto's hair, which made him wonder how the fuck he could do that. Was it a new advanced hair dye?
"Eto... Eto.." Naruto avoided looking into his eyes and instead pulled his hands away from his, "I," he pointed to himself, "Am not like..." he drifted off until Sasuke said his own name. "I am not like the Sasuke. I don't live land, but water. I don't speak enrish like you, but I can learn it easily."
The raven rolled his eyes but decided to go along with this sort of roleplay, since it seemed the blonde wasn't going to give up, "Alright.. so why aren't you in the water and why are you dry?" he rose an eyebrow in silent of saying, Ha! didnt think of that, did you?
Naruto looked troubled and decided to stay silent without answering him.
"I thought so... You can just say you don't have a home and that you lost your clothes or whatever your cause is. You didn't have to go through all of this, you idiot. If you need a place to stay I can let you stay for a while," he paused and put a hand up to stop the blonde from replying, "Only because you look defenceless, don't think I'm nice like this all the fucking time, okay?"
The younger boy nodded, "Ok." he took a hold of Sasuke's arm like it was so normal.
Sasuke sighed, "Just hope my brother is already in his room. He can't know I'm letting you stay, if he does, he'll flip shit and tell my parents about it." Itachi actually never really told on him, unless it was something that would affect him negatively. This though, was huge, and he would never allow him to do such a thing. Especially when it was someone he didn't know of.
It didn't matter though, he could say that he's a friend of his.
It took Sasuke a while to get Naruto walking normally without having him stumble over his feet. After a few falls, the blonde got a bit used to walking, even if he looked like a penguin moving around other penguins. He had a strong grip on the blonde boy's hand as they walked inside the beach house after sliding the glass door open. Sasuke closed it behind himself carefully while Naruto looked around as if he wanted to touch every single object in the room.
The lights of the kitchen were off, so that meant he wasn't there or in the living room. That also meant that Itachi would probably already be in his room, but he wasn't too sure.
As they tiptoed to the stairs, Naruto looked startled at the amount of steps that there was. He pulled at Sasuke's wrist and shook his head, silently telling him that he didn't want to go. The raven glanced behind himself, "Are you fucking serious?" he whispered harshly, "Do you want me to carry you, princess?"
Naruto looked confused at that but Sasuke didn't wait for a response, he picked the blond boy up bridal style and started walking up the stairs in a fast pace. The blond gripped onto his shirt and pressed his face against Sasuke's chest. A tingle of red crossed the raven's cheeks, and he was hoping that Naruto didn't notice it or else he would be embarrassed for eternity.
When he reached his bedroom door, he set Naruto down before opening the door and shoving him in. Once they were both inside he shut the door behind himself and locked it. If Itachi checked up on him in the morning (which was rare) he would just say that it was probably on accident and that it was none of his business on what he did anyway.
The older Uchiha was busy in the morning to rush to his job, he mostly didn't have time to say anything to Sasuke. Except to knock on his door and say that he was leaving. His parents were usually never there, which was odd, they trusted him too much to leave him on his own. Of course, they'd drop by to say a few things and to have dinner, but it was rare for them to do so.
Overall, he had a lot of time by himself. So it wouldn't be so bad to have the blond boy around for a little while.
Naruto's curious eyes looked around Sasuke's neat room, along with all the things that decorated it. He stumbled a bit as he walked, seeming as if it was something he's never done before until now. Sasuke seemed a bit skeptical about the boy, and oh god–he needed to put some clothes on before he started having pervert-ish thoughts again.
The raven rummaged through his clothes to find some that would fit the petite boy, who was way smaller than him. Once he found some, he shoved them on the blonde boy's hands telling him to change in the closet. Pointing to it so he would know what Sasuke was talking about.
Naruto didn't cause any trouble for the rest of the night, he seemed to be deep in thought as Sasuke pulled out a sleeping bag for him to sleep in. It wasn't like he was going to let a random stranger sleep in his bed, you know? The older boy chuckled a bit, as Naruto crawled into the sleeping bag and curled himself into a ball, closing his eyes as he did. It was sort of adorable, but he would never say it out loud.
As Sasuke lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, he hoped for tomorrow not to go wrong and he hoped that Itachi avoided trying to walk into his room. Because if he did, he wasn't so sure on what he would say. So he decided right then, to kick the blonde boy out as soon as possible.
kind of short sorry~ i hope there's still people who are reading this