Here it is! The Sequel to The Gods Must Be Crazy. I hope you enjoy it! = )
Btw, the updates will not be regular. I'll try to keep it weekly, but there is a high chance that you guys will have to wait for the next update longer than usual.
Thank you for you patience!
This chapter is rated T (Bad language)
Chapter 1: I Become Olympian Enemy No. 1
Olympus, Percy's Villa, three day after the battle in Hermes' Villa – Percy's POV
I stopped pacing in my library and turned to stare at Hermes. "What?" He shrugged.
"That's what Zeus said anyway." He raised his hands up in the universal 'don't shoot the messenger' gesture.
Athena shook her head. "I do not believe that Zeus would want to keep his children out of it. He would want everyone on his side. He's playing something."
I nodded. "Artemis, do you have any word from your Hunters?"
She shook her head. "No Percy. They're hiding from Zeus' wrath."
Hephaestus nodded. "All our children are hiding from Zeus and Hera."
I sighed. "I know. I can feel their fear. Not even Camp Half-Blood is safe anymore. The demigods are fighting within themselves. It's like a miniature Olympus battle." I rubbed my head. The headaches were getting worse the angrier the demigods got.
Athena sighed. "Except worse. Your friends are close to you. They follow you, and yet, their siblings follow their parent."
I nodded again. It was only three days after the initial battle at Hermes' villa. So far, all the cabin counselors were on my side. All their siblings were following them. A few of the new kids, though, were thinking that they would get in good with their parents if they betrayed me. I spoke my thoughts aloud. Athena nodded.
"It certainly seems that way. What children are with us?"
Hermes rolled his eyes. "Our own children are with us, of course."
Artemis smiled. "Thalia is first and foremost with me. Zeus wouldn't hurt his own daughter, and even in his craze for power, he understands the situation she is in."
I glared at the ceiling. "We need to bring our own someplace safe. I would suggest Atlantis, but not all your children have gills."
Poseidon frowned. "It could be arranged. A small underwater facility that has air in it. It could be done. I'll inform the Cyclopes." He vanished.
Hestia finished writing down a list of the demigods. "The demigods from the Greek camp are all with Percy. They've known him the longest, and they don't hold much loyalty to their parent."
I smiled sadly. "That is completely the gods' fault." Apollo coughed, and looked sheepish.
There was one good thing about this whole war. It caused all the gods to forget that stupid competition for my hand.
Hestia cleared her throat and looked at us. I murmured an apology, and she started to read. "The demigods from the opposing gods are: From Zeus, Thalia and Jason Grace: Loyal to Percy. From Hades, Nico di Angelo and Hazel Levesque: Loyal to Percy. From Ares, Clarrise La Rue, and the Ares Cabin: Loyal to Percy. From Mars, Frank Zhang: Loyal to Percy. From Aphrodite, Piper McLean and the Aphrodite Cabin: Loyal to Percy, save Drew Tanaka. From Venus: Loyal to Venus. From Demeter, Katie Gardner and the Demeter Cabin: Loyal to Percy. From Ceres: Loyal to Ceres. Those are all the children of the opposing gods." Hestia looked up.
I nodded. "Okay, Drew Tanaka is the only Greek who doesn't follow me. All the Romans, except for Frank Zhang, Jason Grace, Reyna, and Hazel, follow their parent. I honestly don't blame them. They don't know me from Adam and are probably believing whatever lie that they were told." I shook my head. I motioned to Artemis and Dionysus. "Artemis get your Hunters into Camp Half-Blood. Mr. D will help you. I want them out of harms way, but until the underwater facility is complete, I need the Hunters to protect them." They nodded and vanished.
I turned to Hermes. "I want you to contact each and every one of the minor gods. Get them on our side fast. Persuade, bribe, blackmail, anything just keep them away from Zeus." I nodded to Athena. "You should go with him. Wait," they paused and looked at me. I smiled. "Lean on the minor gods and goddesses whose children are already with me. They'll cave first." They nodded and vanished.
I sighed and leaned back. "Hypnos, Nemesis, and Iris. Iris will probably join me. Hecate will too." I shook my head. "I wish I hadn't stumbled."
Apollo rolled his eyes. "Percy, that was completely unavoidable." I nodded my head.
"I guess." I looked at him sharply. "How's your Oracle?"
He grinned. "Camping out at Camp Half-Blood. Don't worry, she's safe."
I sighed. I could tell that Annabeth had safely made it to the Camp. My father flashed back in front of me.
"It's done, Percy, the facility will be finished by the end of the month, which will be twenty days. They're working double time." He looked around my library. "Where are the others?"
"Out doing things. Lady Hestia, please bring my father up to speed of what's going on."
She nodded and began reading the list to him. I turned to Apollo and Hephaestus.
"Hephaestus, can you plant bugs in the Throne Room, all the other gods' villas, and at Camp Jupiter?"
Hephaestus grinned. "Of course!" He vanished to his workshop. Apollo shuffled.
"Do you have anything for me to do, Perce?" I smirked.
"Yeah, actually I do. I want you to take back, forcibly if necessary, your old position as sun god. It's a beautiful vantage point." I grinned. Apollo smiled. He was about to leave when I put a hand on his arm. "Oh, and Apollo, if you find any opposing gods, don't attack them. Make them come to you. Try, if at all possible, to sway them to our side. I don't want war. That's what Kronos wants." I grimaced. "I try to do the exact opposite of whatever he wants."
Apollo grinned and vanished. I walked out to my garden. "Mom?"
"Over here sweetheart." I turned to the right and saw her with Paul. She was blushing and staring at her statue. "Percy, honestly! A statue of me?" She hugged me tightly.
Poseidon had smuggled her in before the Council meeting. Honestly, because of Hermes, I had completely forgotten about my mom until that morning. I was thankful of my father's foresight. Zeus would have definitely stooped to hurting her.
Dionysus appeared. "Hestia told me you were here. Percy, the Hephaestus Cabin has gone and built a fleet! All the ships are exactly like the Argo II, except larger, sturdier, and more deadly. They can also go under water!"
I tilted my head towards the sky and laughed. I laughed until I felt tears prick my eyes. "Leo, Leo, Leo, I swear on the Styx I will repay you for your foresight!" Thunder split the air. "Excellent. Tell them to get all their stuff inside those ships. Tell them they might not come back to the camp for a long while, and if they do, the camp might not be there."
I turned to Mom and Paul. "Get inside. I want you two to be as safe as possible." They nodded. I turned to Dionysus. "Tell Leo to standby, I'm going to talk to him." The god nodded and vanished. I walked quickly inside. Waving to my father, I pass the library and took the stairs two at a time. I slipped inside the Comm. Room. Making some Mist I said, "Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show me yourself, and let me talk to you."
The mist shimmered and the goddess appeared. She looked nervous. "Percy? Is this rumor of war true? What's happening? All I'm getting is bias, bias, more bias, rumors, and lies." She glared at where her ceiling obviously was.
I chuckled. "Okay, so there is a war brewing between the gods of Olympus, and consequently between the children of gods. You're in for one nasty headache again, sorry dear."
She sighed. "Let me guess, the Greeks are siding with you, and the Romans are siding with the gods?"
I shook my head. "Not exactly. The Greeks are siding with me and other gods of the Council. The Romans are siding with the remaining gods of the Council. Zeus is opposing me, and leading a few other gods with him. He wants my power without my consent, and I don't want to be enslaved. It's as simple as that, really…"
She cocked her head. "Power?"
I nodded. "Kronos gave me his power just before Luke destroyed him. He knew that the gods would tear themselves apart from the inside out just to get more power. That, in turn, would create enough chaos for him to gain strength and arise."
She gasped. "Does Zeus know this?"
I shrugged. "I tried to tell him. Apollo, Athena, and Hestia tried too. He wasn't very receptive though. He was stuck on his lust for power."
She shook her head. "Zeus is going to try to sway me to his side."
I gave a mocking laugh. "Of course. He needs communication."
She gave me a look. "Don't you?"
I shrugged. "Honestly, I wouldn't use you like that. I have other means. I just wanted you to know the truth, before Zeus tries to tell you that I've gone rogue or something."
She nodded. "Fair enough. I'll hear what he has to say, and then I'll get back to you."
I nodded and cut the contact. I then turned to my altar.