Author's note: I know these past few chapters have been really action packed and high stress, but I hope you've enjoyed them! This chapter was a bit of a struggle for me to write, so I would really love to know if it's alright, or if it can be improved. I would really just love to know what you guys think! I hope you enjoy!
I still don't own Chronicles of Narnia, I wish i did but I don't.
Then realization hit me. What if I had to leave now? Would Aslan let me stay in Narnia for longer than the Pevensies, as he did last time? Or was my journey finished? I couldn't leave Narnia now! I just got engaged. Surely, Aslan wouldn't drag me away from the man I loved.
Well, not again. Not after his proposal. Right? He would at least allow us to be wed before I had to be taken back to the miserable place called Earth.
"What of me, Aslan?" I asked, my voice sounded extremely pathetic.
"You have fulfilled your purpose here."
I fell to the sand, on my knees sobbing.
I have to leave. Now.
No, my dear child. Ask, and you shall receive the answer.
"Does that mean I have to leave?"
I couldn't keep my voice from trembling. I had just gotten proposed to not even an hour ago. He wouldn't send me home, permanently, when I was due to marry Caspian. Would he?
"All must leave Narnia when their time comes."
"Damn it, Aslan, has my time come then?"
I couldn't help but snap at him. Here I was, clinging to my last shred of dignity; resisting the urge to bawl and sob and practically give up on the world, and all he was doing was testing my patience.
"No, your time here is not up yet."
I looked up, frozen.
"It's not?" Caspian asked.
"No, your majesty. She has finally done what she was brought here to do. It would be foolish to take her away, and have to find another person to continue doing it."
I quirked an eyebrow.
"Aslan, what was I brought here to do?"
He chuckled, tossing his head towards Caspian nonchalantly.
"Caspian? I was brought here to fulfill a task that has something to do with Caspian?"
"Even a mighty king needs someone to protect them."
"I'm here to protect Caspian? Like a body guard?" Now I was confused. That could not have been the reason I was here. The man was perfectly capable of protecting himself. He had protected me better than I had protected him.
"Not his body. His heart, my child. Every man needs someone to hold his heart, to protect it."
My eyes widened.
"So, from the very beginning. The very first time I was brought to Narnia, I was destined to be the protector of Caspian's heart? Like a soul mate?"
"You possess his heart. And he possesses yours."
"All along…it would've been nice to have known that, sir!" I snapped, glaring.
"It is not my place to interfere with one's path, child," he sighed, smiling nonetheless. "So, long story short, I'm staying in Narnia? With Caspian?"
He nodded.
I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his thick mane. "Thank you Aslan! Thank you!" I repeated that several times before stepping back. "Yes, thank you, Aslan," Caspian said, wrapping a tight arm around my waist.
"Wait, Aslan what about my family?"
Pain racked through my body as I considered my mother and my sister. What would they think, if I never returned home? Would they be in pain? Would they be worried about me or sad that I never came back?
"You must choose, dear one. They were made for that world, and you were made for this," Aslan responded.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and sat down in the sand, beside Caspian.
How could I choose between the people that had raised me and supported me my entire life, and the love of my life. Even more tears leaked out of my eyes as it sunk in that not only was I losing my best friends today, I had to loose another piece of my heart.
Caspian sat beside me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as I began to shake.
"Aslan, what do I do? I don't know what to do."
"Listen to your heart, dear one. It has known the answer all along."
I pinched my eyes shut and just waited. I was happier here, in this world and among these people, I knew that the second I returned home the first time. But how would it affect my mother? My sister? How would my absence be explained to them?
"They won't be sad, will they Aslan?"
"No, child."
Behind my eyelids I could see my sister and my mother gathered around the small table in our New York City apartment. They were drinking tea and laughing about something that I could not quite make out. But as I watched I noticed something was not quite right. There were only 2 chairs at the table, and when I strained my eyes, to try and see the picture of my sister and I dressed in our prom dresses standing in Central park that always sat on the kitchen counter, I instead saw my sister and my mom, smiling brightly. All the pictures around the small apartment began to change. The picture of me on my first day of school shifted into my sister, and her frist day of school. The picture of my mother and I standing in front of Niagra falls slowly morphed into my mother, alone, standing in front of the falls. I even watched as the door to my room faded away into just a part of the wall.
My heart yearned for just one last hug from my mother and one last sarcastic comment from my sister. It hurt, to be forgotten, but I understood that it was for the best.
They were made for that world.
And I was made for this one.
I opened my eyes to find Caspian staring at me, his deep brown eyes showed great pain and concern. I flinched, feeling worse for having made him sad and worried too.
"I choose you, Cas" I told him quietly.
"Christina I could never ask you to do that. I know what it is like to lose a family, and I would never wish it on even my worst enemy," he shook his head, pulling away from me.
A couple tears leaked out of my eyes again as I realized that was exactly what had happened.
I had lost my family.
I shook away the thought and placed my hand on his cheek, waiting until he looked at me again before I spoke.
"It's true Caspian. Losing your family hurts. I lost my father when I was young, I know what it is like to lose. But this is not loss. My mother, and my sister, they are better off without me. And although they may not remember me, I know in my heart and in my soul that they are happy for me. They would want me to choose Narnia."
Caspian stayed quiet a moment, looking between me and the lion, confused about what I meant by "they may not remember me."
"Chris, I-" he still shook his head.
"Caspian. I am not losing a family. I have you. You are my family. And, perhaps one day, we will have a family of our own."
He still looked uneasy, and I silently begged Aslan to ease his mind. With a small ruble, which I could have sworn was a laugh from the great lion, he released a small breath, surrounding Caspian and I in a warm haze of reassurance. I felt the worry and the sadness get lifted from my shoulders, and I could visibly see the shift in emotions on Caspian's face, and I smiled.
"I love you, Cas."
"And I love you, Chris."
"And now, it is time for you to return to your ship, your majesty. You have people to guide and a country to return to." Aslan instructed, quietly.
We both scrambled up from the sand, nodding. I lowered my head in a bow, as did Caspian.
When I looked up, the great lion was gone.
I released a shaky breath and tried to slow my heart rate as the bitter sweet moment began to take it's toll. He, too, looked positively overwhelmed, running his hand through his thick brown hair before looking at me.
Caspian turned to look at me, curious. I knew what he wanted to know.
"I don't know how he did it, Caspian. But he erased me. In the minds of my mother and my sister, I never existed in that world."
He stepped forward, taking both of my hands and kissing them gently.
"Christina, I never knew you lost your father."
I sighed, looking down. I had not thought about the man in years, and I had hoped to never think about him again. But this was my future husband, he deserved the truth.
"He didn't die. I wish he had, that would have been a far more noble way to go. But no, he was a coward, and he left. He and my mother had my sister when they were very young, which is unusual for people in that world. So their marriage was always strained. They were planning to divorce, which basically means nullify their union, when my mother found out she was going to have me. He left a year after I was born. He couldn't handle being a father, or a husband, and he left without a single word. My mother hasn't heard from him since, either."
I gritted my teeth together, and looked up at Caspian.
He looked livid.
"Caspian I'm sorry. I know that you actually lost your family, I should have never said that I lost-"
"I promise, Christina, I will never do that to you. I will never abandon your or forget about you."
I let out another shaky breath and wrapped my arms around his waist, burrowing my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and squeezed me tightly. I wanted to stay like this forever, just holding him, but I knew that wasn't an option. We needed to go back to the ship, we needed to rejoin his people.
Our people.