Hey guys! So this story is taken from my other account. Really it's all just insanely confusing at this point, but follow or favorite it here if you're going to because this is the one I'm going to be updating on when I do so. So anyway, I hope you like it and read on. :)


I had an obsession, an addiction. It was completely inappropriate, wrong, but I couldn't shake it. I think it started out as a simple bit of curiosity. I'd been sent to the guild to unearth secrets, to find out anything that could potentially disband them. I didn't feel guilty at first. It was just my job.

But after I'd spend a couple weeks in their guildhall, silently watching them in disguise, high above their heads, I grew to know them. I knew their names, their faces, their magic, and their secrets. The sheer amount of information I overheard just by listening closely in the guildhall was alarming. I wished I didn't have it. It was getting tough to keep lying to my employer, telling him I hadn't found anything out about them.

I didn't want to betray Fairy Tail. There wasn't a member who wasn't a good person, and that made my heart knot up inside. I wanted to protect them, but who knows what my employer would do if he knew I'd lied. I wished that I could be with them, walk with them and do jobs with them…join them.

Most of all, I wished I could join him. He was different from the rest. He was strong, stronger than most of the others. This wasn't the only thing that set him apart from the others, though. He took part in the drinking, but never in the laughing and festivities. After observing him for only a few days, I could tell there was something he didn't like about himself.

I only knew this because I sort of felt the same. Actually, not even sort of…completely. Here I was, sitting in the rafters of his guildhall, cloaking my magical presence and watching him at the bar, listening intently to the whispers and chatter of the guildhall. I was watching over him while simultaneously gathering evidence to destroy him. It was disgraceful.

I sighed and stood up where I'd been lounging, walking along one of the high rafters until I was right above him. He looked more tired than usual now, closing his eyes and rubbing them over his beer. I wanted to know why, know his stories and his secrets. He was one of the few I couldn't quite understand. I watched him run his fingers through his spikey blond hair, leaning back against his chair.

"Laxus, are you alright?" His teammate came up to join him, Ever. I didn't like her. She seemed too proud of herself, immodest.

"Fine," he said, resting his arms behind his head. I narrowed my eyes when his muscles tightened and rippled visibly, inching a little lower and a little closer.

"Of course, like always," she said, leaning against the bar, but from her tone it was clear to me that she didn't believe him. She stared at him, waiting for some sort of explanation.

Laxus frowned and let his arms fall to his sides, "I was attacked today."

"What?!" Ever practically shouted, suddenly tensed and angry, "By who? Where?"

"By females…outside the guildhall," Laxus drawled. Ever visibly relaxed.

"And?" she asked.

"And what?"

"What did you think?"

"I thought that they were annoying," he replied, looking at her. I smirked a little. As opposed to Ever, Laxus never really reveled in the glory that came with being a member of Fairy Tail or the attention that came with being one of the strongest in the guild, not to mention his handsome face and ripped body. I guess I sort of liked that.

"You're just not used to the attention after the Grand Magic Games. I'm sure you'll find someone soon enough," she said, nodding resolutely.

Laxus shook his head and stood up, taking one last swig of his beer, "See you tomorrow."

"I'm right, you know!" Ever called after him as he headed for the door.

He just coolly waved over his shoulder and left. I glanced back at the rest of the guild, but it seemed like most of them had left by now and so I decided to indulge myself. I deftly ran across the rafter and headed out the window on the second floor. I carefully made my way to the ground and unmasked my presence, pulling my long, pitch black hair over to one shoulder and out of my eyes. I leaned against the alley wall, gliding my fingers through my stick straight, soft locks and waiting.

"Find someone…yeah, right," he mumbled. I heard his footsteps as he approached. I stared at the opening of the alleyway, waiting in anticipation for him to stride past. Moments later, he came into view, his hands shoved into his pockets and his coat hanging around his shoulders like usual. I turned to watch him, enjoying the few seconds of proximity.

I smiled, taking him all in as quickly as I could. I loved the feeling of his magical energy, like it buzzed around him and sent waves of static through the air. I liked how the tingling felt against my skin, but it was a rare occasion that I actually got a chance to feel it. I tended to keep my distance, the only chance I got to being close to him being the few moments he passed by the alleyway on the way out of the guild. It was starting to become a daily necessity.

I slumped against the alleyway and sighed as he disappeared from view along with that signature electric sensation. I twisted my hair around my finger, holding it there and then letting it unravel itself and fall away. I waited a few minutes until I figured he was gone and headed towards the entrance of the alley unnoticed.

I wished tomorrow would hurry up and come, because I wasn't a patient creature.