It was a beautiful night. The air was cool and breezy, but not too frigid. The moon shone brightly and stars sparkled. It was very late at night, or very early in the morning. Aang couldn't tell. All he knew was that it was impossible to sleep. What happened earlier in the night replayed in his head hundreds of times until it was unbearable. Aang just needed some time to think. Outside. Alone. But when he walked out into the courtyard, he realized that that wasn't going to happen.

"Katara?" Aang said, pacing to the steps where she was sitting. She turned her head to look at him but looked away when she met his eyes.

He sat down next to her. "Couldn't sleep either?" Aang asked, less as a question and more as a statement of knowing.

Katara said nothing. Aang looked up at the moon and thought of Yue.

"It's such a nice night." He said shakily, unsure what to say.

Katara remained silent. "You look beautiful in the moonlight?" Aang tried. Katara snorted.

"Look, Katara. I feel terrible about what happened. You said you were confused and it wasn't a great time and I went an kissed you. It was such a stupid move. I'm so sorry." Aang babbled.

Katara didn't reply, but she finally looked at Aang.

"It was stupid of me to think you'd ever be interested. Like you said, I'm just a kid. And you think of me like a brother."

"But Aang, it was—"

"I know. An actor. But I know it's true. I'm too immature for you. You deserve someone better. Older. Like Zuko."

Katara frowned. "Aang, I'm not interested in Zuko."

"Okay. Sure." Aang was unconvinced.

Katara placed her fingers under Aang's chin and pulled his head to face hers.

"I'm not, Aang. I never was. I'm interested in you."

Aang's eyes widened. A million thoughts flashed through his brain as his heart pumped.

"Katara…I don't know what to say. I'm confused. You implied earlier today that you didn't like me and you didn't need me and it was a bad time and you made it clear that you weren't interested in me at all and —"

Katara cut him off pressing her lips to his. He was shocked, but softened at the sweet taste of her lips. He pulled back reluctantly.

"I just said I was confused, Katara." Aang said, echoing her words from earlier in the night. "I'm going back inside."

"Oh, no you aren't." Katara pulled him back in.

Aang smiled through the kiss. A lot had changed since earlier that night. And he certainly liked it.