Man other than writer's block I got no real excuse, even that's a piss poor one as it was just one paragraph that was preventing me from posting this chapter. Got rid of that guy and low and behold perfect stopping place found…I hate myself sometimes.

That and it's been a little rough lately. Recently a childhood friend of mine passed away, we were good friends during the school years and such but as the years went by, well you know how it goes. Two years after high school he ran into a parked Semi that had its lights off in the middle of the highway, not to the side…..IN THE FUCKING ROAD! And he was paralyzed from the neck down.

And about a month back his breathing equipment failed and he passed.

We all regret things in life, one of mine will be that I wasn't a better friend.

I don't know why I'm typing this up, usually I'm a sort of cold person, and some would say an asshole. Not arguing that. I guess this is my own private way of grieving as all the people I know in real life won't read this.


Anyways let's get to what you came here for.

This will be my first attempt at space combat so if you guys have any advice please let me know.

Also in this chapter will be two Splice classes submitted by people.

One is from Kebarton called Tankers

While the other is the Striker class by Venomous dragons bite


Space above Shanxi

Turian Cruiser-Opportunity

"Captain Felrinus sir, we got 50 unidentified contacts coming into the system." Said a female Turian at a monitoring station console.

"So they're finally here," A Turian captain said with a smile "Isados, Alert the Fleet and tell them to bring themselves to battle ready conditions."

"Yes sir!" responded a Turian named Isados at the communications' console

"Aberrius, once they're here I want a visual scan and a projection of their positioning on the holo display." Captain Felrinus ordered the female Turian.

"Yes sir!" Responded Aberrius.

Once the data was processed and projected the Captain started assessing the placement of the ships and their designs. "Hmm basic positioning. Most of the little ships in front. Big in back. Decent spacing probably to avoid a loss of numbers in case of a massive explosion." He nodded his head in approval. Unlike that upstart, Desolas, he respected his opponents.

"Interesting design." Noted the Turian. The armor was slanted in such a way that the round would roll off. Sure if shot from the sides the round would be deflected to the center towards the gun, but they fix that problem with extra thick armor towards the interior, besides if an enemy is firing at your sides, aft and belly, you're in a bad situation anyways. "The main guns are something we should be wary of." Having seen reports of their firearms he wouldn't really be surprised their ship bound weapons adopted the same philosophy of sacrificing fire rate for firepower. "Assign standard size designations" The Captain said finishing his check list of examination of ships.

"I'm not seeing any Dreadnaughts sir." Said Aberrius at the monitoring station.

"If they're smart I say they're holding them in reserve if the battle goes bad for them," Felrinus said. "They don't know our ship capabilities and they can't risk Dreadnaughts on an unknown when they'll be needed in case of an invasion to protect colonies and their home world. And depending on how confident they are in their ships I say their Commander is one of two types."

"And what would those be sir?" asked a crewman.

"Either a Respected or Controversial leader. It'll depend on which ship retreats first." He said highlighting a Cruiser size ship and a nearby Frigate sized ship.

"Why does that matter?" asked the crewman.

"If they are confident in their commander a Cruiser class will retreat as the loss of an experience leader would be bad for morale but if they are not, a Frigate or a Corvette will retreat with valuable tactical data and you might see a Cruiser fire more erratically and make a final stand so they at least die with honor." The Captain explained. "The same was done with Admiral Cosius Sylnis in the Krogan Rebellions. For our enemy to not to do something similar would be foolish."

The great Admiral Cosius Sylnis, Captain during the Krogan Rebellions, was a troublesome Turian during Pre-Citadel Turian time's always questioning orders and making decisions that made people question his sanity. Well the Primarchs of the time decided to make use of a problem and sent the man to 'assess the enemy' aka send him to his death. To his people's surprise not only did Sylnis come back alive he had given the Korgan their first black eye they had received in a while.

From there the Crazy Captain became the Creative Admiral who was in the running to becoming Primarch if he didn't die a hero's death during the closing years of the Rebellions. The man was still remember for his tactics and his maneuvers were integrated into the Hierarchy's strategies to this day.

"Oh I see." Said the Crewman.

"Learn from history, and it will guide your future" the Captain said getting a nod from the crewman.

"Sir we got 15 more contacts coming in." announced Aberrius at the monitoring station.

"Put them on the display." Order the Captain wondering if maybe a Dreadnaught was showing up, but as he assessed the battlefield he saw none and noted the new ships bore different design from the ones who arrived before. They weren't another species, they still bore the same hints of influence.

He put his hand to the holo display and brought up a real time image. "Appears to be of civilian make but retrofitted for space combat." Felrinus said to himself having been an analysist in the fledgling years of his career. He then examined the outer hauls and saw various patch job repairs, different amounts of graffiti and even a saw a nude Saurian female painted on the side of one of the ships. Definitely civilian, no proper commander would allow that one in his fleet.

"Captain, these ships are different and their IFFs are reading different," a Turian said as the new ships' data was added to the display.

"Every species has some form of outlaws and merchant vessels need to be able to defend themselves as government ships can't be everywhere." Theorized the Captain.

"So civilian volunteers then?" asked one of the crewmen.

"Offering their services so less ships risk themselves so they can protect the colonies." The Captain said zooming on a common symbol. "Or some merchant guild trying to boost their reputation." Seeing the common place Red Hourglass symbol on the 'Civilian' volunteer ships. "Order the fleet to only fire disability shots on these ships" Felrinus ordered admiring the patriotism of his opponents.

"Sir the Saurian ships are advancing." Announced Aberrius at the monitoring station.

"Sylcius, prepare a firing solution" order Felrinus to the weapon's officer. "Tell engineering to get ready."

"Wait they stopped again." Stated Aberrius.

"Out of range I might add." Sylcius said disappointed he wanted to shoot something real bad.

Suddenly Aberrius' head did a double take "Umm sir, their weapons are charging up!" her head then jerked back "They're firing a volley!"

"What at that range?!" shouted the weapons officer.

Felrinus eyes widened. Their guns have superior range! "Brace for impact!" he shouted.

Suddenly a loud BANG resonated throughout the ship and the vessel shook a little.

"Status report!" Felrinus ordered.

"F-forward barriers down to 67% sir!" stuttered a Turian.

"Spirits! That shot moved the ship!" shouted the navigation officer seeing the ship's heading changed by 10 degrees.

Felrinus clicked his teeth in thought, but arched a brow plate as he noticed that Aberrius had yet to report to him. "Aberrius what's the situation?"

"We just lost three corvettes in that volley and one of the frigates lost a port side thruster." She said shocked.

"I've lost communications with Simnius' Spear sir." Isados relayed about the status of a Destroyer named after an ancient Turian hero.

"Spirits damn it!" cursed the Captain, he knew the guns were going to hit hard. He just didn't think that hard!

"Sir one of the Saurian corvettes is rushing towards the planet." Announced Aberrius as a Corvette model moved on the display. "The Simmius is lining up for a shot…..Sir I'm reading zero life signs?" she said confused.

"Drone controlled? Why would they….." Felrinus wonder in confusion before his eyes widen in realization "They're testing our range! Isados are you sure the Simnius can't hear us?!" he shouted. The Saurians ships were testing the range to see how far back they could fire, increasing their accuracy while also not risking themselves.

"There's nothing I can do sir, she's deaf." Isados said in defeat.

"Drone corvette nearing the Simmius's maximum range.." Aberrius said swallowing dryly.

"Please Spirits have them hold their fire till the last minute." Prayed the Captain. If the Simmius held its fire they could bluff the Saurians into moving closer and do a good amount of damage.

"Drone Corvette reaching maximum range in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, …Drone Corvette destroyed," sighed the woman.

"Damn it Gortius" Felrinus growled slamming his hand on the edge of his console and cursing the Simmius' Spear's commander as he saw the Saurian ships comfortable move just outside their firing zone.

"Sir the Civilians ship aren't stopping." Aberrius relayed.

"Their range must be shorter but why would they leave the safety of the fleet?" Felrinus questioned. Doing so made no sense as it was more logical to keep them in reserve when the fleet's numbers were thinned.

"Sir, ships are picking up speed." Aberrius said.

Suddenly Isados turned in his seat "Sir the Molalin's River reports their picking up signs of high explosives aboard those ships!"

"They're deploying mines!" shouted the Female Turian.

"Have the fleet fire upon them now! They're trying to prevent us from closing the range gap!" the Captain roared.

Doing as order the Turian fleet fired upon the mine dropping ships, destroying seven in the process and crippling five and heavily damaging two more while the largest suffered light damage. But before the accelerated shots reached the destroyed and crippled targets, a good number of escape pods launched from the hauls of the ship.

"Sir the last three are still rushing towards the fleet on a collision course." Stated monitoring officer. "They're headed for the Belladros' Bulwark!" she shouted as the Cartel ships headed for a Cruiser, Baffled were the Turians as the last three ship still on a suicide ran began moving into formation, the two small ships moving on top of the large one blocking the incoming fire from the Turian ships. As they made it into the heart of the fleet taking heavier and heavier fire as they moved deeper no one notice the escape pods' thrusters fire to life and make their way towards the fleet.

And just when it seem the ships were about to slam into the Cruiser they slowed and came to a stop. The Turians didn't even get a chance to say 'What?' when from the large 'Civilian' ship a large metal tube shot out and pierced the side of the Belladros. Then the two smaller ships moved forward protecting the tube from the Belladros' GARDIAN lasers while also producing their own tubes, piercing the Cruiser.

"What in the world?" asked Sylcius

"Sir it's the Bellardos, they report they're being boarded!" Shouted Isados.


Several minutes prior

Bellardos' Bulwark's mess hall.

"Evac the mess and brace for impact!" Shouted the Bellardo's Commander over the comms as the Turian marines scrambled out of the room. They stood right out of the bulkhead door bracing themselves against the wall and waited to be rocked back and forth.

"Huh?" said a Turian in confusion before suddenly a SCREECH and a CLACK was heard from the other side. When they thought it was over they started hearing the sound of rushing air.

"Hey move aside and let me bring up the video feed." Said a Turian stepping forward and typing on a console designed for this very reason. Looking at the Screen the Turian were surprised to see a large segmented spear head about twenty foot in diameter. Then with the sound of grinding metal the spear head split apart first dropping a ring that expanded and draped over the hole it made. Then a load series of CLACKS occurred as the ring bolted itself to the haul then with a loud PUFF! A foam was sprayed sealing the hole and preventing more air from escaping. The grinding started again and this time the spear head opened like a blooming flower.

"Spirits they're boarding the ship!" shouted a Turian as ten Saurians clad in black and blood red armor entered the ship thru the center of the 'flower'.

"All hands repel the boarders at all cost!" order the ship's commander.

Not having to be told twice the Turians open the bulkhead door and fired upon the Saurians catching four by surprise while the others dove for cover.

"We could use some help here!" Shouted a Saurian franticly before he was gun down by the Turians.

"Damn weaklings, send some Tankers." Growled a very deep voice back on the Cartel ship.

From deep inside the tube came a sound that was best describe as tank treads that grew louder and louder until at it apex three large balls, that were tan with red highlights, shot out. The Turians stared at the spheres in confusion until their eyes widen in shock when they unfolded and revealed themselves to be eight foot tall Saurians with massive arms and large tails that hit the ground with a loud THUD!

"Just don't stand there like a bunch of bare faces take them down!" Ordered a Turian Sargent firing his shotgun rapidly at the Saurians.

The lead Tanker brought up his arm and stood there taking the shots until the gun over heated.

"This, hehehe, this going to be fun." lead Tanker turning his arm forward showing a massive double barrel shotgun with a barrel mounted on both sides of the Tanker's forearm.


The resulting blast not only knocked the Turian off his feet but also the Tanker as the gun kicked so hard that the Saurian was 'knocked' off his feet and fell into a roll avoiding the Turian's counter fire. The other two Tankers followed suit falling into a roll moving around the mess hall then unfolding, taking pot shots at the defenders and curling up and repeating the process over and over like a demented form of pinball.

One after another the Turians were eliminated until only the Sargent remained. The Turian eyes fluttered open and then went wide as his armor was grabbed by the neck and he was held up in the air.

"Tell me Skully your kind have a concept of a knuckle sandwich?" the lead Tanker said before upper cutting the alien, pressing a metal bar that went across his knuckles which triggered the double barrel gun to fire. Making the punch rather…..explosive…and gory.

Dropping the headless corpse the Tanker dropped to all fours 'like a gorilla' and headed for one of the entrances to the mess, "You two cover those doors I got this one." He said opening the door shoulder checking a surprise Turian and was immediately greeted by gun fire from the rest of his squad. The Tanker brought his arms back up protecting his face and slammed down his massive tail crushing the down Turian. Now properly rooted by his tail the Tanker pointed one of his arms and proceeded to fire back rapidly at Turians forcing them to take cover.

"Okay Boss we got the doors secured you're clear to send everyone over." The Tanker said on his comms and then firing off five quick shots in anger after blocking a shot that almost hit him in the mouth.

"Great timing, the Jessabelle and the Virgin Taker can't keep up much longer." Said his Boss.

Following his statement two more segmented spears appeared in the room and secured themselves.

"Move your asses the Virgin is about to blow and not in a good way! Go! Go! Go!" Shouted a female Saurian with bright purple plumage as she quickly jumped out of one of the new tubes and was swiftly followed by more Saurians.


The whole of the Belladros shook as the Red Sand Cartel ship the Virgin Taker exploded. "Oh so many beautiful memories I had on that ship, so many Cherry boys made into men in my quarters." The woman said crouching and making a frowning face on the floor in sadness. "Oh well nothing to do but to christen my new room when we take this ship over. Now boys who ever brings me the most…" The woman pause and looked down at a Turian corpse. She blinked once and then ripped off the alien head fringe in one go. "Whoever brings me the most intact fringes I'm taking to bed tonight." She roared holding the Turian carapace high in the air.

"Yes Mistress Sugai!" roared her subordinates heading to one of the entrances using the Tanker there as living cover as he turned his back to let his weapons cool, and started to back up slowly letting the squad advance.

"Oh I love it when my boys give it their all to spend the night with me it makes me feel so special." Giggled Remi Sugai or as she was known on the Alliance's most wanted list 'Succubus'. The woman was infamous for not only seducing many young men into joining the Cartel but for blackmailing various men in power including those in parliament.

"Hmpth that offer on the table for everybody or just your boy toys?" snorted a Goliath who walked out of the other newly arrived tube, his head resembling a Pachyrhinosaurus, who was deck out in heavy armor and welding a massive hammer.

"Why of course I won't say no to a new dish, but Omar, I don't think you're going to get many scalps in these confined spaces." Remi said pointing to Omar's hammer that barely had enough clearance.

"Oh I know, this boy is for any bulkheads these guys close on us. I just want something to motivate my boys, they been lazy fucks lately. Besides you go a round with me, I break you." In her ear said Omar Heckler otherwise known simply by both the Cartel and the Alliance as 'Hammer'. A big time enforcer in the Cartel and a Goliath with the strength capable of fighting a full sized Rex Class Dinosaur one on one.

"Oh you want make a bet on that big boy?" Grinned the Succubus with a hungry glint in her eyes as men poured out of the center tube.

"Sure if I win you become mine," Omar growled in his chest pulling the woman close and caressing her shapely leg that were typical of a female Striker class Splicer.

"Well then if I win I'm the Bosses right hand," Remi said grabbing on to his crotch "Whoever passes out first loses. Deal?"

"Hmpth. Deal" Grunted the Goliath moving his hand from her leg to head pulling the woman's plumage back and forcing her into a kiss which she answered with digging her claws in his neck as she moan in pleasure.

"IF YOU TWO DON'T STOP FUCKING AROUND AND GET TO WORK I'M GOING TO HOSE YOU DOWN WITH NAPALM AND LIGHT YOU AFLAME!" Roared a massive figure stepping out of the center tube. The being was a black and orange skin Tyrant who had a massive gas tank strapped to his back and burners strapped to the side of his face that was marred with severe burns. On his head were a set of horns that curled until they were parallel with his face.

"Yes Sir/Boss!" shouted the two Cartel Captians and running off down separate halls else they suffer the wrath of their easily angered Tyrant boss, Jace Umber number one on the Alliance's most wanted list, a man's whose rage burned hot as the fires of hell, a man who killed his way to the top of the Cartel. And brunt the old leaders alive along with their families. He was a man who fit the nickname he had infamously earn well, Balrog.

"Mathers report" barked Jace cooling his anger a little.

"That's the last of them boss!" said a Cartel soldier help another out of the tube and type on his Omni tool causing the shutters to close.

"And the hounds?" Jace asked growling relaying what answered he wanted, or else.

"First thing I sent over once we controlled this room" Mathers said pointing to a large dented cage which had barking and snarling coming from it.

"Good, now disengage the Hourglass and the Jessabelle, if possible we'll recover them later and either get them repaired or sell them for scrape." Jace said.

"Gotcha boss!" Mathers said disengaging the locks on the ships which resulted in two loud 'THUNKS' and letting them drift in space.

"Now that we're all settle let's get down to business, you two!" Jace said pointing at two Goliaths wielding large riot style shields and extremely heavy pistols.

"Hmm/Yes?" asked the Goliaths in a simple matter.

"I need you two to escort Mathers and the other engineers to this ship's engine core, no doubt these bastard might try to self-destruct this vessel." The Tyrant ordered.

"Ok/Gotcha" responded the Goliaths as they gathered with the engineers and heading down the hall, back handing any Turians who got in their way without a bat of their eyes.

Seeing another issue taken care of, Jace turned to the middle tunnel where the lead Tanker was peppering the hall with shotgun pellets. "How is it going here Travis?" he asked stepping behind the squatted Saurian.

"It's a god damn pain already lost twelve men trying to take this hall." Grunted the Tanker "Bastards must have sent their best men to cover this hole. If they keep this intensity up it'll take us another thirty minutes to clear the hall."

"Grrr fine I guess I'll just light them up," growled the Tyrant, they were on the clock they couldn't afford any delays otherwise his deal with the Alliance could be jeopardized.

"Shit! You boys better move he's spitting!" shouted Travis down the hall making the Cartel soldiers to yell in fear and hug the walls.

Jace flicked his tongue hitting a button implanted in the roof of his mouth turning on the burners strapped to his head while his sucked on a tube collecting a mixture in his mouth. With a nasty gurgle he reared his head back and then lurched forward and spat an actual fireball down the hall into a group of wide eyed Turians. The poor aliens screamed in pain as the napalm like mixture melted them to slag.

"BURN HAHAHA!" roared the Tyrant with his mouth aflame, the burns not bothering him as his face was layered in scar tissue harden by years of setting himself on fire. Still it was best to extinguish the flames to limit any damage. With that in mind Jace flicked a large claw out and cut the palm of his other hand reopening a freshly healed scar. He flex his hand getting the blood to flow before wiping his face snuffing the flames and painting his face red. As the blood clear from his eyes he turned towards the snarling cage, he put his hand on it and released a low growl that immediately calm the beasts inside.

The Tyrant undid the lock and opened up the cage allowing two massive dogs that stood roughly four feet tall at the shoulders. The dogs were what the Cartel called Ripper Hounds, genetically engineered dogs that were a perfect combination of various dog breeds with none of the health issues. The hounds looked up at their master and wagged their docked tails in excitement, they heard the gunfire, the screams of pain and most importantly, the blood. They knew what they were about to do, they just needed permission.

"You two ready to get to work." Jace asked getting the dogs to bark in excitement as one hopped and the other spin in a circle. "Hahaha of course you blood thirsty bitches are." He laugh scratching their heads before leaning down grabbing a Turian corpse and shoving in front of their faces. "Look at it! See it!?" he shouted riling the dogs up so much that he had to pull the corpse back else it the hound grasp it in their jaws. "Good now sic'em!" he roared slapping the dogs on the behinds.

"BAROOO!" howled the hound running down the hallway jumping over flames and then making a hard right going further into the ship mauling and shredding every Turian in sight with surgically implanted titanium teeth.

"Ha such good dogs, they're so cute when they work," He cooed stunning the grunts who were doing weapon checks nearby. Feeling the stares turn towards the men and growl. "What are you doing gawking? Get to clearing my ship!" he barked.

"Yes sir!" yelled the Cartel soldiers running down the hall and spreading further throughout the ship.

"Damn lemmings" Jace grumbled as he moved forwards toward the bridge of the ship, right hand outstretched pressed against the wall leaving a trail of his blood. To the Turians it would appeared that the Tyrant was slightly unhinged. But to Saurians, especially those who knew of the Cartels inner working, they knew what he was doing. The Balrog was leaving a message, wherever he goes, blood and fire will follow.

Minutes later on the Bellardos' bridge. "Spirits they're like a swarm!" shouted a Turian as he saw the Saurian borders on the security cameras cut down his crewmates.

The Captain of the ship, Horamius could only sigh as he pulled up a video feed of the entrance to the bridge where a group of Saurian soldiers had gathered.

Tick! Tick! Tick! "Hey Skully you there," said a female's voice making the Turian eye twitch as he turned toward another video feed where a purple feathered Saurian female was poking the camera with her nails. "Hey Takeda, you sure this is a camera?" the female asked turning to a male that was plugged into a console.

"Yeah, currently active, audio and visual running strong." The Male said going back to trying to open the door.

"Oh good, okay Skully listen up as I'm only going to say this once. Surrender. Now. Doing so is the best thing to do for your personal health. Trust me on this." The woman said seriously.

"Just die in a pit you deformed whore." Horamius spat. He didn't know if it was because she was a female or if she was a 'Splicer' but for some reason the woman's legs were extremely shapely with hips typical of a Turian whore.

Like hell he was going to surrender to such a harlot, no honorable Turian ever would. Besides he saw the fate of some of his crew. What those Varren like creatures did to his men, poor Caellio had his genitals torn from him while he was still alive, at least the Saurians had the decency to put a bullet in his head once they saw what was happening. Even they were disturbed at the sight.

The Captain sighed again these were their finally moments, the boarders had control of engineering so he couldn't initiate self-destruct, bastards had scrambled his comms so he couldn't have the rest of the fleet shoot him down.

The Saurian female's face contorted in anger, seems she didn't take kindly to being called a whore, or was it being called deformed? "Alright whatever, no skin off my back, now those Blue Ally boys can't say we didn't try!" Remi snarled walking away hands on her hips. "Omar you're up!" she shouted down the hall.

"YEAH! HAMMER TIME!" Cheered a random Cartel solider.

"HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER!" Chanted the Saurians over and over again sending a chill up Horamius' spine.

The Turian's eyes fell to another video feed and saw a large figure down the hall. He knew instantly it was a Goliath, with that size it couldn't be anything else. In his hands was a massive hammer the likes he had never seen. The mountain of a man walked forward dragging the weapon behind him making a horrid screeching sound as it scraped against the floor. When he got to the door he ran his hand along the surface. Reports said the Goliath 'Big Earl' had done the same before freeing his fellow Saurians. Was it a cultural thing? A prayer to a god of strength?

"Move." Omar ordered swinging his hammer back.


Horamius jumped in his seat as he was interrupted in his thoughts when Omar's hammer slammed into the maglock door. He turned around and his jaw dropped in horror when he saw a portion of the metal was now bulging outwards.


Another portion of the door had jutted forward. Again and again the metal gave in to the force of the Goliath's hammer. The Turians on the bridge knew it was only a matter of time.

Horamius drew his pistol and turned to his crew "Men it's been an honor to serve with you."

"And it's an honor to die with you sir." Said his crew.

"Thank you, I wish it didn't have to be this way but this is what the Spirits deemed to be our fate, if this is so then these are my last orders." Said their Captain turning to face the door with his pistol held up. "Show the Spirits and these savages our courage!"

"YES SIR!" shouted the Turians bringing their arms to bare as the Clangs got more intense.

And then finally with one last 'CLANG!' the door was ripped open and the lights overhead flickered rapidly.

"FIRE!" shouted Horamius. All the Turians fired their weapons until they blared red. A grin of satisfaction when heard a few howls of pain.

Then the lights stabilized revealing a few dead Saurians making the grin widen but it drop as a pair of Goliaths with large shields stepped forward. The Saurians who they had killed were simply peons, fodder too stupid to follow orders. Horamius only got to curse once before a figure jumped over the Goliaths and kicked him in the chest sending him across the room and crashing into the wall. He looked and saw the same Saurian female from before crouched where he was once standing. One of his men acting quickly fired at her only for Remi to dodge by jump straight up with a flip, kicking the ceiling redirecting her flight at the man and kicking his feet out from underneath him, and snapping them with so much force, bone was sticking out of his armor. She then launched herself at another Turian connecting a sweeping kick to his head, not only leaving a foot sized indention in his plates but snapping his neck at a sickening ninety degree angle.

Her legs weren't deformed they were specialized.

The woman then moved again this times towards Horamius. The Turian only got the chance to grunt before Remi was behind him. The Saurian slipped her arms under his and put her hands on his neck, holding him in a full nelson. Her legs then snake around his legs, his spurs betraying him as it gave the woman's very muscular legs a better grip.

He tried to move but the woman put pressure on his neck causing pain to spike in his body. His species had it drill into from a young age to never show their back to the enemy, this was a reason why. And worse of all this was a hold they had never encountered before. He was stuck and the woman had all the control.

"You were the Captain right?" Remi said from behind keeping his body between her and his men.

Horamius didn't answer at first only to gasp in pain when she push on his neck. "Yes I'm the Captain of this vessel!" he grunted

"No, you were." Growled the woman. "This ship is ours now don't you understand, it was ours as soon as we boarded. As soon as you came into our territory."

"You can't stand up to the might of the Hierarchy!" Horamius growled. "We will make you submit."

"Ha! Such arrogance, if the rest of your species is like this then it will cost them, just like it cost you here." Remi said forcing him to his knee. "I gave you the chance to surrender remember, yet due to your arrogance, your pride, you spat in my face. Called me a whore, called me deformed! You know how many women would kill to have legs and an ass like mine!" Growl the Striker "As punishment for such a slight, you get to watch what happens next." She hissed pointing his head towards his crew just in time to see a Turian get flatten by Omar's hammer. Another was double teamed by the Varren creatures and ripped in halves.

"NO!" Horamius screamed as the last of his crew was massacred by a combination of bullets, fist, claw and fang. He tired with all his might to wrestle free to save his men but it was futile.

"Aw poor baby looks like he's about to cry…Do you guys even have tear ducts?" Remi mocked with a half serious tone.

"Enough of the mockery Remi and let him go." Commanded a rough voice that sent a chill into the Turian's very soul.

Remi complied but snapped his spur, obviously still mad from the previous insult.

"ARGH!" Horamius screamed holding his leg in pain before looking up and his eyes and mandibles widen in horror. In the doorway stood what might as well had been a demon from the void with all the blue Turian mixed with Saurian red blood painted upon his armor. The demon leaned down to the Turian's level and grasps the man's head in-between two of his claws, and Horamius went stiff as he stared into its ember colored eyes. "I still need him."

And with those words Horamius knew that his living nightmare was far from over.



Class name: Tanker (credited to Kebarton)

Appearance: Physically they look like Saurians with armadillo shells, crocodile skin, and a long beaver like tail. They have wide shield-like protrusions on the forearms and calves these are formed from the merging of several sub-dermal spikes. Their heads are armored, they have short necks and plate like crest with a very shallow sub-dermal shells that are flexible for mobility and heavily armored, to add further protection to them, plate-like skin forms over their shells once the splicing is complete. A tankers shell covered back is bullet proof. Like every Saurians they possess sharp claws. Tankers have fewer but sharper teeth.

Combative feature: As a class they move fast, hit hard and have a hell of a defense. What's makes it different from Goliaths' all around defense is that they trade a weaker but more specialized defense for a much higher mobility. Tankers heads and stomach are weak spots but not great ones, pistols lack power to penetrate their skin, a rifle is strong enough to break their skin but not the facial plates on their heads in a single hit, which means sniper rifles are the best weapon against them.

Close combat- In a fist fight a Tanker's plan is to outlast his foe. Because they are literally walking tanks, damage from fist, claws or non-firearm weapons is nonexistent or negligible. Tankers also have bone breaking bites, and are very strong.

Deployment-This is by far their defining trait. Tankers by biting their tail can roll themselves into a ball and will roll themselves towards enemy fortifications at speeds of 40-50 mph. This is where the name Tanker comes from, for the sound of their scales rolling against the ground sounds like tank trends moving on the ground.

Battlefield Role-Tankers are known for their shock & awe/hit-and-run tactics. A squad of tankers can assault an enemy base, kill everyone inside and leave within 60-90 minutes. They are also used for defensive fortifications either for fellow squad members or bases. Tankers will often use themselves as living shields to protect non taker squad mates.

Weaponry - Tankers are armed with the S-88 Double Barrel Shotgun, AKA, Dual Blast Cannon. The S-88 is a double barrel weapon with a barrel mounted on both sides of a Tanker's forearm. The S-88 is unique in design as it was made specifically for Tankers. (Although if modified can be used by Goliaths and Tyrants, and other beings with strong enough muscles.) Due to their method of locomotion a Tanker is incapable of carrying weapons on their back as the equipment would be crushed. So the Dual Blast Cannon was made as an arm mounted weapon. Being the only standardized weapon (excluding pistols) available to a Tanker the S-88 has multiple firing modes, each set to a specific finger movement or button. One such example is the 'Knuckle Buster' a solid bar that goes across the knuckles that is actually a button that a Tanker activates with a punch, making an uppercut from a tanker rather…explosive.

Splice Special-Recoil Movement

Being an arm mounted weapon the Dual Blast Cannon gives a hell of a kick back. This is done on purpose. The Tanker uses the recoil of the Blast Cannon to its advantage to keep themselves constantly moving. Becoming the very definition of hit and run the Tanker will roll into a fight, fire off a blast and roll out of combat. In fact sometimes while in fight a Tanker will suddenly 'trip' over nothing and go back into a roll. "Fall in style brother!" is a common saying amongst Tankers.

Genetic makeup: Tankers have only two splices that belong to Kaprosuchus, and Armadillo Girdled Lizard.

Size: Tankers stand upright at average 10 feet but they prefer to have a hunchback posture leaving them at roughly at 8 feet high. While walking Tankers will disengage their armaments and walk on their knuckles like a Gorilla dropping the height even further.


Ripper Hounds:

Due to the lack of access to decent samples of Dinosaur DNA at the beginning of their ventures in genetic engineering, but needing countermeasures to Raptors in service to the Pre-Alliance Governments, the Red Sand Cartel Scientists used the most available source, canis lupus familiaris aka Dogs.

Rottweiler, Pit-bull, German shepherd, Doberman, Great Dane, all dogs even the small breeds, if it had four legs and barked its DNA was incorporated into the genetic make-up of what would become known as Ripper Hounds. Ripper Hounds are bigger, stronger, faster, and even smarter than the 'Pure' breeds of Dog. Resulting in a beast of war capable of going toe to toe with Raptors.

And due to the mixture of DNA, Ripper Hounds had none of the Health problems that would often manifest in the dogs of the past.

Once created the Hounds were sent to throughout the whole Cartel network and years later it wasn't uncommon to see a Ripper in the 'Hoods'.

A common practice is once fully grown a Ripper will be sedated and have their teeth surgically replace with titanium. While at first consider unethical by many animal activist, later studies revealed that is in fact unethical to not have the teeth replace as Ripper Hounds' bite forces are so strong that their teeth will sometimes shatter in their mouths, resulting in those same activist starting charities to raise money for the breed's teeth surgeries.

While originating from the Cartel, over the years Ripper Hounds have been incorporated into use by law enforcement, private corporations and even the Alliance itself, particularly in Hunter Squads that operate in cold weather environments which resulted in the incorporation of Wolf DNA making the Alliance Variant, dubbed Noble Hounds which surprisingly had milder temperaments making the presence of these genetically engineered canines to become common among the Saurian populous.


Again sorry for the wait.

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And don't be afraid to post animals or Splices, heck even Ocs

Until next time..
