Note: This is my first Batman piece ever, so go easy on me. I've played the game through completely and I'm pretty sure I have all the character's down. My story uses the Asylum version of the characters. (I preferred these versions of Scarecrow and Killer Croc to the other games and movies.) I hope you enjoy and please give me feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome at the Raven's Writing Desk ;)

Chapter 1

Welcome to Arkham

The day was cold and cloudy. Rain pattered against the visor of Carrie Payne's bike helmet on the dark and foggy road to Arkham Asylum. She chose her crimson red motorcycle as her mode of transportation often, as it was more natural to her than a cramped car. Something about the openness made her feel free. She slowed as she approached a large road sign that read "Arkham Asylum", but what really caught her eye was the yellow sign directly under it that read, "Hitchhikers may be escaping prisoners". Strange. she mused to herself. You would think with all that security, prisoners wouldn't escape so often that they needed a sign like that... She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she returned her focus to the road in front of her. Eventually she came upon a security gate, an officer sitting in a small brick structure with a bullet-proof glass window and a speaker, that was all in front of large iron gates whose bars came to points at the top, most likely to prevent anyone from climbing over.

"Identification, please." The officer instructed as she pulled her bike up to the window. She nodded and reached into her back pocket, pulling out her ID and handing it to the man. She flipped up her visor so he could get a better look at her face to compare her picture to. He took the card and ran her information through the system before smiling and handing it back to her. "Welcome to Arkham, Miss Payne." She smiled before returning her ID to her back pocket and flipping her visor back down in front of her face and driving through the now opening gates of the asylum. The building was large, dark, and intimidating. She swallowed a small lump in her throat before driving her bike to the assigned lot and parking it there. She removed her helmet and placed it on one of the handlebars, letting it hang there until she needed it again. She fastened her keys to her belt loop and began walking to the entrance of the large mental institute, the only sounds being the rhythmic clicking of her heeled boots on the concrete and her keys jingling at her hip. Under her red leather jacket, she tucked her file away to prevent it from getting wet from the drizzle of rain that was lightly falling from the slate grey sky. It contained her resume and a few letters of recommendation.

It seemed like she would never reach the large, heavy front doors to the asylum. But what seemed like an hour was really only about 15 minutes. She tucked one side of her brown hair behind her ear, letting her parted bangs hide her left eye. It was a hairstyle she had adopted as a teenager and never parted with it. She reached the front doors, where two guards stood waiting. One smiled and nodded to her, the other seemed flippant and nodded curtly. She smiled back and nodded, pushing the large door open and stepping inside. What greeted her was a long hallway leading to a security checkpoint, most likely where they checked patients for weapons. She walked up to it and stood on the designated spot and waited for the security scan. A blue light scanned the whole chamber before a voice came over the intercom.

"Clear. Welcome Miss Payne." the officer running the security scan greeted through the speaker. The doors opened and she proceeded to the elevator and walked inside. She pulled out her cell phone and checked the message she had received. Sublevel 1... That must be one floor below ground level. She mused as she pressed the appropriate button and waited for the doors to close. The elevator ride was slow, but that was probably because Carrie's nerves where getting to her. When the elevator reached its destination, the sudden lurch startled her out of her thoughts. She messed with her hair and cleared her throat, thankful no one was there to witness that. When the large iron doors opened, a doctor and a few security guards awaited her.

"Ah, you must be Nurse Payne." Greeted a woman with her dark hair in a bun. "I'm Doctor Penelope Young, chief psychiatrist here at Arkham Asylum." The Doctor extended a hand and Carrie took it, giving it a polite shake.

"That I am, Doctor. I'm here about the case management job." Carrie replied, pulling her file from her jacket and handing it to Doctor Young, who smiled and flipped through it, reading the contents carefully.

"You know, Miss Payne, not many would seek employment at an insane asylum, let alone Arkham Asylum. What brought you to us?" Penelope asked, raising a curious brow to which Carrie shrugged.

"My father was killed when I was young, Doctor, and I have every intention of curing these criminals and making Gotham more safe for everyone. Otherwise, others will suffer the same fate, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone in that city." Except the bastard who murdered my father... a darker part of her conscious added morbidly, to which she didn't argue.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Payne." Penelope responded with regret of asking.

"Please, Doctor, call me Carrie." she added with a polite dismissal of the apology. "And no apology required. You didn't know." She gave a forced smile and brushed her hair behind her right ear again, leaving the left side mostly covered with her bangs. Doctor Young nodded and closed the folder.

"Well, Miss Payne-"

"Carrie, if you please, Doctor."

"Very well then, Carrie. If you'll follow me, I'll introduce you to your patients." Penelope turned and began walking down a hallway, the guards following. Carrie speed-walked to catch up and matched pace with Doctor Young. "You're only being assigned a few cases, but I must warn you that these are some of our most dangerous criminals. Not a lot of people would agree to see these patients." the doctor warned.

"I understand, Doctor Young, but with all due respect, I did come here on my own accord for a reason. I'm extremely passionate about what I do." the young nurse responded with a confident smile.

"Miss Payne, I wonder if you should be admitted here as well." Penelope half-joked, earning a chuckle from both women. They continued down the hallway until they came to an electrified door. "Your first patient is Mister Waylon Jones."

"Killer Croc..." Carrie shivered at his name. He was the one she truly feared the most. She knew what he was capable of, and the thought of her body being brutally ripped in two and eaten shook her to her core.

"Yes. He is one of our more...uncooperative patients. Be assured he wears a high voltage shock collar that keeps him under control, so you're in no immediate danger with him." Doctor Young tried to reassure the shaken nurse. "Your second patient is Pamela Isley, aka Poison Ivy. She has been assigned female staff only due to her...interactions with our male staff. She's quite manageable, I assure you." the Doctor continued while the pair made their way to Penelope's office. "Your third and final patient is Jonathan Crane, or the Scarecrow. He is more dangerous on a psychological scale rather than a physical one. He is a former professor of Psychology and even worked here at the asylum before he was admitted here. And he also knows his way around the field of chemistry." The Doctor finished, taking her seat at her desk. "Any questions?" After a few moments of silence, Penelope Young smiled and held out a long lab coat identical to the one she was wearing. "Then welcome to Arkham Asylum, Miss Payne."