Author's Note: It's Kataang Week! Whoo hoo! Hope you like my little one-shot for the first prompt, Sleep Talking. Please let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar The Last Airbender.

Katara sighed. She had been having some trouble falling asleep lately. "It's probably related to being pregnant," she thought to herself, knowing when women were pregnant, they often experienced some side effects. She unconsciously put her hand to her stomach as she thought about the new life growing inside of her. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about the baby. Katara had always loved kids and now was going to be a mom herself. She wondered what the baby would look like. Would it have her blue eyes? Or would it have Aang's grey eyes. She secretly wanted it to have Aang's eyes. Katara had always liked Aang's stormy grey eyes. Of course, she didn't just like his eyes. She'd always thought all of him was quite handsome. She turned over in bed so that she was facing her husband. Aang had the most peaceful expression on his face as he slept. He had a small smile gracing his face and Katara wondered what he was dreaming about. Aang murmured something incoherent in his sleep and Katara smiled. It'd been a while since she'd heard him talk in his sleep. She listened closer as he mumbled something else.

"Katara…our baby…beautiful…like you…" he mumbled. Katara's smile only grew. He was dreaming about their baby.

"Sweetie...I love you so much," Aang said, continuing to sleep talk. Katara felt heat rise to her cheeks. Even now, in his sleep, Aang could make her blush. As Aang continued to talk in his sleep, Katara remembered first time he talked in his sleep.


The first time Katara had heard Aang sleep talk after they'd run into Bato of the Water Tribe.

Katara rolled out her sleeping bag and climbed in it. She hadn't been tired when everybody else had gone to sleep, so she had gone and practiced waterbending in the river that ran near their campsite. She'd finally gotten tired and headed back to camp. As she now lay down in her sleeping bag, she yawned and closed her eyes. But before she could drift off into a nice and peaceful sleep, she heard Aang's voice.

"Katara?" he said. Katara opened her eyes and looked over at him.

"Yeah Aang?" she said. Aang didn't say anything else.

"Aang?" Katara said a little louder this time. Still no response. Katara frowned. She must've imagined him saying her name. She was about to lay back down, when she heard Aang say her name a second time.

"What is it Aang?" Katara said, sitting up. There was no response once again. Curious, Katara walked over to where the airbender lay. She found him fast asleep on Appa's leg. As she looked at him, she realized he must've been talking in his sleep.

"Katara," Aang said again in his sleep. This time he continued though.

"Please don't leave me," he said. Katara's eyes widened.

"Why would I leave you Aang?" she asked him even though he couldn't necessarily hear her.

"Please! I-I don't want you to leave me…" Aang said. Even asleep, his voice was so full of desperation that Katara felt her breaking.

"I'm not going to leave you Aang," she said firmly, placing a hand on the sleeping boy's shoulder. It was as though Aang had heard her.

"Promise?" he said.

"I promise," Katara answered. Aang then sighed in his sleep and rolled over. He said nothing else and eventually Katara went back to her own sleeping bag.


Katara snuggled closer to her husband.

"I told you I'd never leave you," she murmured placing a kiss on his cheek. Aang sighed in his sleep and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him.