"Mom, slow down," Henry laughed, Emma relented only slightly as she eased on the gas pedal. "What's the rush?"

Emma swallowed hard, she knew exactly why she was rushing to get back to Storybrooke, the issue was that her explanation would only cause her amnesiac son to have her committed.

"The boy is right, love, I believe I read about something called the highway code," the pirate said, his hand clutching the dashboard with white knuckles.

"What is with this guy?" Henry whispered, though Hook heard him and replied with a scowl.

"He's...not from around here," Emma supplied, to be fair she wasn't lying, the boy just huffed and fell back, returning to his game.

Having heeded the passengers complaints, Emma brought the bug down to the speed limit, though she could feel her anxiety rise with each passing minute: she just wanted to be back home.

Eventually she relaxed as the 'Welcome to Storybrooke' sign came into view. Uncontrollably, she pressed down on the pedal slightly, wanting to get to Main Street as quickly as possible.

"Why are we here? Henry asked with a furrowed brow, he had lived in a city all his life, he thought that his mother would be allergic to a small town. It was for this reason that he felt extreme confusion as he saw a spark of happy recognition while the blonde inspected the buildings.

"I told you, I have an assignment," Emma replied absentmindedly. "Ho...Killian...can you take Henry to the B&B, I have something I need to take care of."

Hook looked longingly at the blonde, knowing exactly who she wanted to see, he just gritted his teeth and muttered his consent.

Pulling up to Milfin Street, Emma ran up to her former home.

Running through the door, she called, "Regina!"

The blonde furrowed her brow as she got no reply, she was sure that the brunette would be here at this time.

Taking the steps two at a time, she burst through the bedroom door. Everything looked like the day she had been forced to leave, everything except for the presence of her girlfriend.

With a watery smile, she walked over to the closet to find her red jacket. She had looked for it everywhere once she got her memory back, but now she realised that it couldn't be anywhere but in her real home.

Running a hand over a picture of their first date, she sat heavily on the bed, and pulled out her phone.

Dialling the familiar number, she instantly got a message that the number had been disconnected.

Swallowing, she tried another number, hoping that for some reason the new curse came with new phones.

"Hello?" her mother's voice asked, and though she was pleased to hear it, Emma's chest tightened as she realised that there must be something wrong with the mayor.

"Snow," Emma breathed.

"EMMA!" Snow shouted excitedly, and a moment later, she heard her father's voice came over the cackling loud speaker.

"When did you get here?" he asked with a cheerful voice.

"About fifteen minutes ago, is Regina with you?"

Emma heard Snow's breath hitch and she felt a pang in her stomach.

"What is it?" Emma urged, desperately trying to not allow tears to spring forth without permission, she's fine, she told herself.

"You should come to the hospital sweetheart?"


"Just come and-"

"Why?" Emma demanded again.

"Emma honey, you don't want to hear this over the phone. Your father and I are already here, do you want us to come and pick you up?" Snow asked kindly.

The possible scenarios of what had happened began to run through Emma's mind, and she knew that she couldn't waste time in a car, and she knew that she probably didn't want to hear bad news over the phone. Thinking back to the various magic lessons Regina had given her, though most had been very informal, she managed to allow her light magic to spring forward. A moment later, she materialised in a hospital room, with her parents standing in front of the bed, completely obscuring her view.

The first thing she noticed was her mother's swollen stomach, after looking at it for a few moments, she decided that file that away for later.

"Tell me, what happened" she insisted.

Her parents each took a moment, they honestly weren't used to Emma having magic yet, especially considering the blonde only usually used it for cheap parlour tricks that her girlfriend admonished her for.

"We don't remember," Snow sighed.

Emma closed her eyes in frustration and asked through gritted teeth, "what?"

"Everyone in town seems to have a year's worth of missing memories," Charming explained, "it was like you left and we woke up in any other day in Storybrooke, except..."

When the prince trailed off, Emma just kept telling herself that Regina was fine, "except?"

Charming and Snow exchanged a look before they each stepped away to reveal the hospital bed.

Emma let out a ragged breath as she was proven wrong, Regina was very much not alright.

Physically she looked fine, there was not even a scratch on her beautiful olive skin.

However the queen did have a tube running down her throat that the blonde vaguely recognised as life support.

Emma fell into the plastic chair next to the bed, and brought a shaky hand to rest on the sleeping woman's arm.

"Whale now is not the best time," Charming whispered behind the blonde, though she turned sharply to see the clearly terrified doctor.

"Now is the best time," she corrected, which caused her father to deflate. "What's wrong with her?"

"That I'm afraid I can't answer that."

"Then why are you here?" Emma asked sharply.

"Emma..." Snow said weakly, though she totally understood her reaction, Charming just put a supportive hand on his wife's shoulder.

Whale swallowed hard, and continued, "I don't know the cause, but my scans have revealed that..." Emma nodded in encouragement and the doctor said as gently as he was capable of, "the scans showed minimal brain activity."

"Meaning?" Snow asked.

Emma fell back in her seat, feeling her happy mood had been completely destroyed, she answered the question directed at the doctor, "it means that she's brain dead."

A/N So this is just something I randomly dreamed up, please feel free to let me know what you think.

Continuation will be based on reviews :)