Disclaimer: I do not own Pitch Perfect or any of their characters. And if somehow this is realistic, I apologize in advance. This is purely a work of fiction.


Chapter 1: Stacie

The first person to notice that something was up between their co-captains was Stacie. She overheard some people talking in the kitchen, and went to check it out. She peered over the edge of the wall and saw Chloe and Beca. Baking.

Now Stacie isn't always a judgy person, but the sight of her badass friend making brownies, seems so funny to her. So she snickered and watched the two interact closely.

"Chloe! Stop!" Beca pled with her arms out.

"You're the one that started in the first place! Look at all the chocolate on me, it's only fair I get to put a moustache on you." Chloe replied trying to lean in closer to Beca. Then Beca went to the other side of the kitchen island and Chloe lent over it, so her arms were barely reaching Beca's face.

"Beca! Come on. You can wash it off or lick it off your face, it's just chocolate!" Chloe says as she put her arms down dramatically, careful not to get the chocolate on her fingers onto her clothes.

"If it's just chocolate, why don't you do it to yourself instead?" Beca countered, unable to get rid of the smile on her face.

"I would. But you already did it for me," Chloe pointed out, gesturing to the chocolate on her hands, face and shirt. "Now come on Beca. Once."


Chloe huffs out a breath of air and rolled her eyes. "Fine then." Chloe then proceeds to lick the chocolate off of her fingers. She sucks off the chocolate looking directly at Beca. She smirked mischievously, and there's a hint of predatory look in her eyes. She pulled out her fingers with a 'bhap' sound. Chloe then moved towards where Beca was standing, and licked her lips. Beca gulped and froze in place.

Stacie decided that this would be a fun time to intervene, "If that doesn't scream 'fuck me', I don't know what does." Beca and Chloe jumped at the sound, then Stacie walked into the kitchen taking some of the chocolate and tasting it.

"Mmm. Great job guys. Now instead of putting it on your bodies, why don't you put more in the oven? So that the Bellas actually get to eat some of it later." She smirked.

Chloe and Beca stare at each other before scrambling and moving away from each other as far as possible. Chloe put more of the chocolate on the plate, and Beca went to get the already made ones out of the oven.

"Yep. Yep. You're right, I'm going to take out some of these from the oven. It's already done right, so I'm just gonna-"

"Beca wait!"

Before Beca could react she put her whole hand on the burning hot oven, without using oven mitts.

"FUCK!" Beca screamed as her whole hand comes in contact with the hot tray. Chloe moves over to her, while Stacie laughed.

"Ohh... Well when you guys are done, tell me. I would love to try some." Stacie chuckled, while Beca gave her the middle finger with her unburnt hand. Then Stacie left the kitchen with a grin plastered on her face. But she stopped in the living room, where she can still see them clearly without them seeing her. She decided to spy on them, because there was no way Chloe did the chocolate thing, with them being just friends.

Stacie watched as Chloe buttered Beca's hand, which is really weird, but Chloe insisted that it will heal better when they put butter on it. Stacie watched as Chloe took Beca's hand so delicately placing it on her lap as she did what she had to do with it. Stacie watched Beca's eyes roam over Chloe's focused face, and smiling, despite having a burnt hand. Stacie notices that there's something growing between the two, and she thinks that it's lust. She also thinks she might just die watching them, who were now cleaning up the utensils, stealing glances at each other. Then proceeded to decorate the brownies with toppings while speaking in hushed whispers. Stacie listened intently and watched again as the two seemed to be done with their brownies.

"You're such a mess Beale. You're practically covered in chocolate." Beca says as she pulled Chloe closer to her by her shirt, with her right hand. Chloe makes a noise of surprise then scoffed.

"Says the one who got their hand burnt." Chloe picked up Beca's left hand and Beca pouted.

"Shut up. I wasn't thinking straight." Beca replied stealing back her hand. "And here let me…" Beca trailed off and wiped the chocolate off of Chloe's face with a washcloth, then Beca stared at Chloe's eyes when she was wiping the edges of her mouth. Chloe gave a small smile as she moved her hands to Beca's waist. Their eyes lost in each others, and Stacie grinned.

Beca was closing in the gap and shutting her eyes, and Stacie was biting her hand in anticipatience. They were only centimeters apart when,

"I'm back bitches!" Amy's voice bellowed through the house. And Stacie groaned when the two pulled back from each other.

"Ooh do I smell brownies?" Amy asked Stacie as she came in to the living room. Stacie just pointed to the kitchen and moved out of the way. Chloe immediately moved away from their position and began washing the dishes. While Beca helped Amy to get the finished brownies out.

With one last glance at the kitchen, which is now being occupied by Amy eating the brownies, Stacie left to go to her shared room. Wondering what might've happened if Amy didn't barge in that exact moment.


The next night was movie night for the Bellas, and when Beca didn't want to participate. They turned on a Disney movie, which were the only kind of movies Beca was willing to watch (because who doesn't like Disney). After much debate and threats, they decided on watching Pinocchio, and queued up at last 5 more movies to play.

After Lilly put on the movie, everyone got situated on the couch. They had 3 big bowls of popcorn, that were meant to split between amongst them. But in reality, Amy got one of the bowls, Beca and Chloe got their own bowl, while Cynthia-Rose held the other one for all the others to share. This time they also invited Emily around to stay the night and the legacy excitedly agreed.

Their seating arrangements were always the same. Beca and Chloe shares the loveseat, CR and Stacie will get one couch, Amy had the whole long couch, while Flo and Lilly were on the floor next to her, and Ashley was with Jessica on the floor too leaning back on the space between CR and Stacie, while Emily - who was a new addition - sat on the floor her back on Chloe and Beca's couch.

15 minutes into the movie Stacie noticed Beca leaning more towards Chloe, but shrugged it off. When she looked back at the both of them 10 minutes later, Beca's head was now on Chloe's shoulder as Chloe ran her arms up and down the DJ's arms. Stacie grinned and grabbed some popcorn from CR. When the movie ended, Stacie stretched as she looked over towards Beca and Chloe. They still haven't moved from their position, if they did, they only moved closer.

They were halfway into Tangled when Stacie decided to look at Beca and Chloe again, Chloe's hand was now on Beca's waist and the other one intertwined with each others. Stacie might be wrong, but maybe, just maybe, there was something going on with the two. And she's determined if she's right or not.

They ended up watching all 5 movies, but Emily didn't make it through the last two. Stacie started to notice her eyes drooping from the third movie and watched as Chloe and Beca made space for her on the couch. Since then Emily has been asleep on Chloe's lap while her legs are sprawled on Beca. And Stacie thinks it's pretty effin cute when they're in that position. So she secretly smiles.

After that all the Bellas filed out of the room and left Chloe, Beca, Stacie and Emily in the living room. They tossed a blanket over Emily and turned off the TV.

"Good night guys. See you in the room Chlo." Stacie said as she waved goodbye and mock yawned. She made an attempt to look like she's climbing up the stairs, but in reality she was behind the thin wall, watching the two. Again.

They were behind the couch where Emily was sleeping in and was whispering, so Stacie couldn't hear them. But she could see what they were doing. Chloe was up all in Beca's front while their hands were together. Chloe then whispered something in Beca's ear causing the younger girl to giggle. Then Chloe kissed Beca's cheek and winked before walking away towards the stairs. Which means Stacie has about 1.7 seconds to move before getting caught.

Thankfully, with her long legs, she climbed the stairs swiftly without sound and made it to her bed and leant on her side facing the wall so Chloe would think she's asleep. Stacie heard the door of the room shut and saw Chloe's bedside light turn off.

Stacie spent a lot of time thinking that night. Could it be possible that Chloe and Beca are dating? The Bellas, of course, all thought that it would happen. So it's not that bad. She also secretly felt proud of Beca for finally asking Chloe out, she knew she'd been meaning to for a long time. Stacie looked over at Chloe who was under her covers sleeping. 'Beca and Chloe huh? I could get used to it.' Stacie thought as she finally rested. Reminding herself to tell the other Bellas what she experienced the past two days.

A/N: This short fic is probably going to have like 4-5 chapters. Explaining each of the Bellas POV. So yea. :) Thoughts? Feelings? Constructive criticism? Leave all of them in the review thing below. Or in my tumblr, it's the same thing as my username.