Author's note: I'm really sorry about not updating in a long time, I've been really busy lately. I had a lot of help from the user Uzumaki7, so please check him out when you get the time. I'm going to try to update more frequently now, but as I said, I've been very busy.

Once they all arrived back at the temple the boy they called Steven rushed under a set of wooden stairs leading up to a small house.

"Come here, Lion!" He said in the direction of a pink creature resting under the house.

Slowly, the Pink mass got up and stretched it's legs, it gave a small roar and walked out from under it's resting space. Once it was out, Rick could see that it actually was a Lion (albeit a Pink Lion).

Once it had fully stepped out and was standing up straight, the boy turned to Rick and Morty and politely said "One moment please!" Before jumping into the lion's mane and disappearing.

"Hmm… I remember when I thought that kind of thing was weird, those were good times." Morty thought to himself.

After about thirty awkward seconds of silence and gazing at everything except another individual, Steven emerged from the Lion's mane with a sword that looked just like the one Rick held, except it wasn't broken and covered in dirt.

"So… I guess he was telling the truth!" Amethyst said.

"Well I don't claim to understand it, it seems Amethyst is correct." Pearl said to Garnet.

Garnet stood there in thought for a moment, readjusted her sunglasses, and then faced Rick and Morty. "I see no reason to keep you detained here, so… You may go, provided that you stay out of trouble." Garnet said with no more emotion than usual.

"Yeah, it's about time you left us alone." said Rick in his usual annoyed tone of voice.

"A- alright, thanks I guess." Said Rick in a somewhat confused yet relieved manner. The gems watched as Rick and Morty turned and began walking the other direction.

Steven gave the gems a confused look. "We came all this way to our house and we're not even gonna invite them in!?"

"Of course not Steven" Pearl yelled in with shock. "But why not, it's rude to treat our guests that way." Steven replied. In response, Pearl said "Those men were strangers! And not to mention all of those swords they pulled out of those portals! Garnet, are we really going to just let them go, they could be very dangerous."

"I know they may pose a threat, that's why we're not going to let them go just yet. We're going to follow them to wherever they're going, but we're going to be discreet about it." Explained Garnet.

"How are we gonna do that!?" Amethyst said abruptly.

"...Here's the plan" Garnet began.

"Well that took a lot longer than we expected, huh Rick? I- it's a good thing we can get going now, right?" Morty said in a stressed but relieved voice. Morty noticed Rick was busy looking at the screen of a device he held. " Hey wha- what's that Rick?"

"I'm afraid we can't leave yet Morty, it took me a while to find those swords. Between that and trying to find the right dimensions, It took me so long that it used up all the charge in the Portal gun. I can recharge it though, but I need to find a certain material. If you see anything that looks like shattered gem stones, let me know. I'll only need about a chunk to get a good charge." Rick Explained.

"Huh, why gemstones Rick? How are rocks gonna power that?" asked Morty.

"Well I'm not looking for just any gems Morty. I said I don't know much about this dimension, but I do know that certain types of gems in this universe have special properties to them, we can use those properties to power the gun." Rick said.

"What sort of special properties are we talking here Rick? Are they magic or something" Morty (yet again) asked.

"Of course they're not magic Morty, there's no such thing as magic! To quote a scientist I once met who was made entirely of bubblegum, there's no such thing as magic, some people just call it magic because they don't know what they're doing. The point is, it's not magic, but explaining it to you would just raise more questions than answers." Rick answered.

"O- Okay Rick, as long as it gets us home, I guess!" Morty said as they continued their journey to wherever the device told them they were going.

Meanwhile about fifteen yards behind them there was a fairly large rock, and behind that rock were the crystal gems watching them go to their yet unknown destination.

*A half- hour later*

Rick and Morty arrived at what the device told them was their destination, a seemingly insignificant grassy field surrounded by a thick wooded area not to far from the town. The crystal gems weren't far behind them as they were currently in the forest hiding behind the foliage.

"Here we are, if this thing is correct then all we have to do is dig." Rick said before reaching into his coat and pulling out what appeared to be two laser pointers, he pressed a button on each of them and said "Shovel" into a small microphone both of them had on their sides. Suddenly a burst of blue light extended from them and formed two hard light shovels, He handed one to Morty.

"You start digging around here Morty, I'll dig over there." Rick said making an "x" on the ground with his shovel near Morty to indicate where to dig. Morty obliged. After about two minutes of digging Morty saw a shining blue object through the now spread dirt.

"Hey Rick, I- I think I found what you're looking for." Morty said as he picked up the blue gem shard.

"Yes! Excellent Morty!" Rick exclaimed as he took the shard into his hand and held it up to examine it closely. "With this we can finally *burrrrrp* get out of this place!"

Meanwhile, in the foliage. "Garnet! Is that a gem shard!?" Pearl whispered to Garnet. Garnet said nothing, she just looked forward in concentration on the object in Rick's hand.

"We're gonna find out. Gems, let's go!" Garnet shouted to the rest of the gems, signaling them to come out of hiding.

Rick reached into his coat in order to get something, but stopped when he heard Morty speak. "Uhh… Rick!?" Morty said. Rick replied "Yeah, what is it Morty?" He said turning to face the direction Morty was looking off into, only to see the approaching familiar figures. Rick sighed deeply and said "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."