A/N: Last chapter. Thanks to everyone who read, favourite-d and left a review. I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I do.

Half an hour later, they pulled up outside a hospital. Callen and Deeks piled out after Sabrina and followed her and their father along the corridors. They had just approached the desk when Kensi came around the corner.

"Deeks?!" She screamed and raced at him. Deeks just managed to open his arms before she crashed into him. She was sobbing and clutching at his hair. "I thought you were dead." She whispered into his ear.

"Takes a hell of a lot more to kill a Reznikov then you think." He said just as quietly and hugged her back just as tightly.

The statement as much as the accent he seemed to have picked up, made Kensi look at him oddly, until she caught sight of Callen, Nikita and Sabrina behind him. She gasped as she saw the resemblance.

Meanwhile, the nurse at the desk gave Sabrina the form she had asked for. She shoved it into Callen's hand as Kensi gasped at them. "Here, you are Sam's partner, you have to sign for him." She said.

Callen looked down at the form in a slight daze. "Why?" He managed to ask.

"Because we are only explaining everything once and I believe we would rather do it at this boatshed then here?" Nikita said, looking at his eldest.

While Callen filled in the form and they waited for Sam to arrive, Sabrina managed to get Nikita to have a doctor look at him. Kensi stood to the side as the three siblings argued with their father about whether to keep the older man in for the night. She let tears of total joy run down her face as she saw Callen smiling, and at the same time scowling at his father. When the nurse arrived with Sam in a wheelchair, she managed to shush him before he said anything, simply pointing out the small family to him.

Sam had been about to ask Kensi what was going on before she put her hand over his mouth. She just pointed and Sam looked. He was shocked to see that a third person had joined the trio of men that he knew about. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she knelt down next to Nikita and he saw the resemblance between her, Deeks, Nikita and Callen. Sam smiled as Nikita waved away the doctor and stood with the help of his sons. He pointed to Sam and Kensi.

"Sam!" Callen cried and hurried over to him. He hugged his best friend, despite the wheelchair then stood back and looked over his shoulder at his family. He paused a moment as he looked at them, the smile fading slightly.

"G? Everything alright?" Sam asked, noticing the smile disappear and a frown replace it.

"Yeah, Sam. Just wondering if this is real, if they are real." He looked back to Sam as his friend put a hand on his arm. He saw a confused expression on his face.

"G? English?" Sam was confused. The man had spoken Russian without seemingly realising it.

Callen looked at his best friend and realising that he had spoken Russian, repeated what he said.

"They're real, although, Deeks being your brother; that's going to take some getting use to." The pair chuckled then Sam asked. "The woman?"

"My sister apparently." When the others joined them, they climbed into the car that Kensi had driven Sam to the hospital in.

They had passed a Chinese take-out on the way and after they had entered the boatshed, they ate. As they sorted out what each person wanted, Sam asked.

"What's your name, G?"

"Callen George Reznikov."

"What about you Deeks? What's your name?" Kensi asked her partner. She had an arm permanently around his waist, a gesture that had not gone unnoticed by the others.

"And how are you here?" Sam asked.

Deeks took a breath and told the story he had wanted to tell for some time. "My birth name is Deacon Martin Resnikov. I was born in in the prison in 1977 to Martina Simons and Nikita Resnikov. I was smuggled into the States in 1983 when I was six, using Nikita's old contacts, one being Arkady Kolcek, although he was using a different name at that time.

The woman who raised me here had run from her husband around the same time I was born. So as far as he knew when he found us a few months later, I was his. She was from Russia and had been one of the people that Arkady had gotten out. The older I got, the less I looked like him, so by the time I reached eleven, he started to beat her a lot."

He took a deep breath then, took a drink and continued. "I became a lawyer to look for my older half-brother and half-sister. All I had to go on was that he was born in 1972 and she in 1968 and the last father had seen of either of them, was when Clara fled to Romania to get extracted back to the States. I couldn't find the man that father told me about who he said would be watching over you. I couldn't even find Kolchek, of course he had changed his name by then." He stopped again and looked at his older brother in front of him. Saw him doing the math in his head and continued, determined to get everything out in one hit. "Until you went to Romania to get Hetty back and we followed you, I had no idea that it was you I was looking for. It was then that I discovered that I … we had a younger sister."

Sabrina took up the story at that point. "My name is Sabrina Clara Resnikov, and I too was born in the prison. I was born in 1987. Mom died in childbirth. Five years later we managed to escape. When I turned sixteen, Dad and I went our separate ways. We couldn't find Deacon and all I knew was that Father had left his old friend Hans Schroba to watch over you. After I escaped, I went to America and managed to track him down and make contact with him. All he knew was that you, Callen were in Los Angeles, but had no idea where. With what he had been able to tell me about you, finding you was going to be pointless. The people that had betrayed Father were still out there so I planned on rounding them up. One of the leads I had come across in the prison led me to Romania the same time as you. I approached Deacon after Miss Blye had left the beach. I couldn't believe it at first when Deacon told me about you." Her English was heavily accented, and she struggled to find the right words on occasion.

The room was silent for a moment as Callen, Sam and Kensi took in everything that had just been revealed to them. As Callen looked at Sabrina, something from the day they flew out of Romania flashed in his mind. A young woman was assisting on the plane that Arkady had managed to procure for them.

"You were on the plane that got us out so fast!" Callen suddenly said. When she nodded, Callen rounded on Deeks. "You knew." He said softly, sadly. "You knew about my past and you never said anything!" As the anger started to harden his voice, Nikita stopped him with a touch to his arm.

"You want to blame someone about Deacon not telling you about your past, blame me. I was the one who told Sabrina to not tell him anything." Nikita spoke in Russian, forgetting that his sons partners didn't know it. His words came out fast and hard. "The men who betrayed us were ruthless. We could not take a chance that they would seek you out and kill you to get to me. They were the same ones who leaked the identity of your mother to the Comscues. After you left Romania, Sabrina followed you to America to watch over you while I stayed back in to Russia to find them. I took a huge risk with no way of knowing the ending. You blame me, and leave your brother out of it." Nikita had turned Callen to face him.

Callen could see the fury in his eyes as well as the fear and determination that punctuated his words. He could also see himself in him. His thoughts went back to when he noticed Sabrina's wound and her words that she was fine. The hair, eyes, the way he and Sabrina both took the weight of responsibility. He calmed down and looked at the three of them.

Sabrina took up the story then, explaining the name he grew up with. "When Arkady found you and Amy wandering the streets, he realised that you had forgotten everything. When he brought you here, he only knew you by the initial on the bear you clutched as Amy told him nothing other than the name Callen. It threw off the people trying to find you. They were looking for a boy named Reznikov who knew his past, not one that had forgotten everything before the murder of his mother."

Sam and Kensi sat silently as the story was told. The last few moments, they had looked on in confusion, as neither spoke Russian.

After a few minutes of tension, Deeks asked, "What was the go with killing the guy?"

"And the paper?" Callen questioned.

Sabrina saw the looks of confusion on the faces of Sam and Kensi and delayed answering her brothers by having one of them explain what had transpired in the warehouse and what they had been discussing since Callen realised that she had been on the plane.

Retaking her seat after getting a drink she continued. "I have been with Russian Intelligence since I was seventeen as an administrator. It was mid 2006 when I stumbled across a stack of orders dated from over a decade before. One of them was for Ivan Solskov, the man in the warehouse. Father told me that it was because of him that he was never able to come for you. I checked the records and found no rescinding orders, meaning that the orders were still valid. They had been created at the end of the Cold War to ease Western concerns about Russia. By putting the orders out, it looked like they were complying with the conditions. After a few years, they were hidden away and forgotten, until I stumbled across them. Many of the other orders were also for accomplices, so I tracked them down and started putting them behind bars or if left with no other choice, taking them out. I gathered more information from each one about what others did. By the time I was sent to the prison in 09, I had the names of almost fifty people that had a hand in Father's incarceration and the murder of several dozen people."

"I still can't believe you survived that place." Callen said, shaking his head. When the others questioned him, Callen looked to Sabrina who nodded. When he told them, they gasped. Being agents, they knew of the place, however, they did not know anyone held within its walls.

"When I escaped, I first went to America after hearing about an agent called Callen; once there I found Shribor. Then I followed a lead that took me to Romania, where I discovered you. After getting you all back stateside, I saw Arkady and got the locations of a few more of them. I have been taking them down ever since."

"When word got to me of Comescu's looking for father, I got worried and found him. Once ensuring he was safe, came here. I told Deacon to be on the lookout but I wasn't fast enough. They had Shribor by then and by the time I landed in LA it was over. I knew it was just a matter of time until the others came, so I stayed. Deacon caught me following you one day and asked why."

"The paper I left in his pocket was a copy of the original order. As I am an agent, I have the authority to execute any order issued by the government and any immunity he had was nullified because he was using a false name." She looked over at her father, brothers and their partners.

Callen watched as she looked at him, Deeks, their father and partners. 'We are safe. And we are free." As she hugged him, Callen let out a sob and hugged her back. He felt the arms of Deeks and his father go around him, and he grabbed onto them as well, fearing it was all a dream.

Hetty watched from ops as the story unfolded. She smiled as she watched Callen embrace his family. She had done some digging after Callen's and Sabrina's early morning workout. The tattoo was the clue. She contacted old acquaintances in Russia and they were able to confirm everything she had said. She sent a text to Callen's phone, informing him that after debriefing about the case they had been on before Deeks abducted Callen, the team was off until Sam was able to return to work. The bullet wound to his leg would take him out of action for about six weeks, allowing the team and the newly found family time to relax, heal and get to know each other. Hetty was pleased that her protégée and the man she thought of as a son had found his family at last.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this story. I'm not really pleased with how the last few paragraphs played out, but I've been tinkering with them for weeks and still haven't been able to make them any better. Thanks to all those who have read, favourite-d and reviewed this story. Thank you so much.

A/N2: The paper in the pocket and the reason I've given for it, not entirely sure if that could have happened, but it it called fiction for a reason.