Hi, this is Waffle! I have written the original 'Harry Potter and The Elemental' that I wrote earlier because it was horrifyingly badly written. Also, Sam is a year older than Natasha bc reasons. I also got a plot this time ( ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ ° )

A shadow crept through the house. The lights were off, and the object the shadow held provided an eerie glow. He reached a room containing two, small infants who clung onto each other as though the world depended on it. They were the Potter twins – Argie and Harold Potter. One had bright red hair that looked like flames while the other had inky black hair.

"Your parents are already contained under the imperious. It would be a shame if the boy-who-lived turned out to be dark, don't you think Harold? And you would become so by the neglect of your parents." The shadow said with a laugh that reverberated throughout the room. It pushed the hood down to reveal long, flowing grey hair. It was Dumbledore.

Flashback to last week

Dumbledore walked up to his office, holding a small and battered notebook in his hands. His smile was almost eerily familiar yet none of the paintings could place it. He twirled and landed in his chair.

"Oh my sweet little boys. One shall become the destruction of the wizarding world while the other will just sit there, unable to do anything due to the fact his magic was bound. BY ME! Finally, the world that has done so much evil shall be finally put in its place! And no one will suspect me!" he exclaimed. The paintings could only stare on. They were bound to their place by the one and only Dumbledore, the so called 'savior' of the wizarding world.


His long flowing mane was supposed to create the grandfather effect yet at the current moment; it created the effect of a madman. He laughed and created a hallucination of Voldemort, who he had based off Tom Riddle; an innocent child who just wanted to be happy. Dumbledore disillusioned himself as the hologram attacked the two twins with the curse. Of course, Harold was completely unharmed while Argie had a small scar in the shape of a 'V' on his cheekbone. The Potter parents came rushing in just as the illusion lifted and the cape fell into the ground. The rest of the Marauders rushed into the room and Dumbledore seemingly 'poofed' out of thin air. There was a lot of crying and cheering.

"Well it seems to me, my dear Potters, that Argie is truly the chosen one! We must begin his training immediately!" Dumbledore stated with a clap of his hands. Everyone under the curse nodded and poor little Harold's cried were ignored.

-five years pass and now the both of them are 6-

Harold sat in the library, quietly reading; the library was the only place he preferred apart from his room. He had been ignored by his parents for a long time so as they passed by and never talked to him, he ignored it. He had learnt languages and had taught himself to read; along with the help of the oldest elf in the household. He was never bothered by any of the adults in the house; only his brother. Even the Weasleys never said anything, probably pitying the boy who lived in the shadow of his younger twin. He sighed and continued reading. He had learnt the art of occulemency after feeling Dumbledore's vicious tendrils slip into his mind. He was protected against another mind attack. He sighed and shut the book. He walked back to the attic, which was also his room. It was bare, apart from the basic items that every room had. He hadn't felt the need to personalize this room. He ate for a while and decided to go study a bit more.

-another five years later-

Harry rolled his eyes as there were shouts downstairs. How could he forget? He looked at the breakfast and smiled when he thought of how grateful he was to the elves. They always remembered his birthday; no matter how busy they were with the decorations for the annual party. He got up and went to eat and get ready. He slowly walked down to the kitchen and helped the elves; since he thought of how over worked they might have been. He slowly walked out into the lobby and shrugged when he saw how intricately decorated it was. He sighed and walked up to one of the boards put up to see the guest list. He was surprised to see the Malfoys on the list and a new name-the Nights. He rushed to the library to do some research. Around an hour later, he heard shouts of 'Happy Birthday', of course not directed at him but at Argie. He rolled his eyes and continued reading. The Nights seemed to be a very secure family as he couldn't find information on them anywhere; except in a family history book. They had a long line and were said to be the protégés of Merlin and Morgana. He understood why his parents would invite them. The Nights seemed to be very… important. He shrugged and decided it was time to dress up. He was supposed to show up for the good publicity. He was wearing a simple tuxedo and his hair was brushed back yet it was still messy. He shrugged and walked out. He greeted some of the guests that were already there. A lot of them were dressed in rich wizarding robes, obviously trying to one up each other. The Weaselys weren't that overdressed but still had put on some nice clothes. He greeted them and they smiled at him. He saw Dumbledore and glared at the old man. He never liked him. He shrugged and continued to the kitchens. The food was already done and now just had to be served. He was helping out with the charms and hid when he saw his brother in the hallway. Thankfully, Argie just walked past. He sighed and continued helping out. He exited around half an hour later. He saw the Malfoys conversing with another family and he went up to them.

"Good Afternoon! Welcome to the Potter Manor for Argie's birthday party" He stated.

"Argie and yours, Harold. You know that as well as I do." Draco stated. The two smiled at each other and shook hands.

"An enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine. Wow." The younger female stated.

"Oh please Natasha. You know it as well as I do that none of us like Argie here. Especially after last month" Draco answered. Natasha rolled her eyes. The older male glared at Argie and continued eating the puff pastry.

"If I may ask, what happened last month that made you hate Argie Potter?" Harold asked politely.

"Yes you may. Well, you see, the idiot that is known as Argie thought it be funny to pull up a betrothal contract with my younger sister here. Of course, we plowed him through the dust since we didn't think it was funny." The male who identified as Natasha's older brother answered.

"Yeah that happened. Pleasure to meet you Harold Potter, I'm Natasha Night and this is my brother Sam Night. My parents are talking to the Potter parents and Argie Potter currently" stated Natasha as striking amber eyes met green.

The rest of the party went without any mishaps as Draco, Natasha, Harold and Sam became good friends.

~the next day~

"Argie! Come downstairs! We're going to get your supplies today!" James Potter's voice reverberated through the walls. There was a timid knock and Harry's door as he went through the gift that the Malfoys and Nights had given him. He even had a letter from Remus and Padfoot, which was new and exciting. He looked up to see his mother walk through the door.

"Harold, we're going to go get supplies today. You and I are going separately. There is something important I must tell you." Lily Potter stated. Harry nodded slowly and thanked her before she walked out. One of the gifts given to him was a notebook from Natasha and Sam. It was supposed to help him keep in touch with them. He shrugged and opened it.