Yo this is curry-llama here. I've got a whole story written on this. Not much romance if that's what you're into. This is heavily plot and feeling driven. The truth is I just can't stand plots where there's a complicated love relationship when the characters could make it easier on themselves if they wanted to. Narue's love relationship with Takuma isn't going to be 'oh I can't date you because you're a vampire' kind of relationship. Narue's kind of a demon so she doesn't have any right to judge :/ I usually don't like the idea of fem Naruto but this crossover is an exception.

Narue's a badass strong kitsune in this. She isn't weak willed… or generally weak like Yuki is in the anime. Yuki's character annoyed me. She had training but she always relied on a man to fight for her. Does that get to any of you other girls out there? Cause it sure does annoy me. What I'm trying to say though is that Narue is a complete badass who could take Kaname on if she wanted to.

Vote if you think I should make her life-span the size of a vampires~


I don't own the anime's or manga's that I write from. If I did Yuki would be a kickass female who wouldn't need a man to protect her sissy ass all the time. Naruto would also have fox ears and tails… we can talk about that later.

On with the story…

Chp 1: Prologue-

Naru knew that whatever semblance of peace she had was done for. The only reason she had survived so far was the fact that she had the Hokage on her side. Now the only person alive that could truly appreciate her was gone. Hiruzen had been a kind grandfather like figure to her and let her stay in his own home after she had been kicked out into the streets. The citizens didn't want her, the orphanage didn't want her, but Hiruzen Sarutobi did. He was the only bit of light she had left in her life and although some other villagers didn't hate her he was the only one that loved her.

As she looked at the lifeless figure of her newly found father on the ground she knew that he was dead and soon she would be too. Slowly the preteen crept to her father and fell on his body. The sobs could be heard through the corridors and the echoes soon bought company… hostile company.

The sneers of anger fuelled by the absurdity of hate had now caused the onlookers to deem the child his cause of death. Kitsunes were evil. Kitsunes were bringers of death and bad luck. Because of the action of one member of the race it bought forth the hate of many others who lived in relative peace.

"Kill the demon child!" yelled out one of the ninjas.

"She was on the body of the Hokage when he died!" justified another.

Naru just ignored the crowd and stared at her father figure in disbelief. Although Sarutobi was old he had never been weak in the mind of his adopted child. In her mind he was the closest thing to an immortal and a constant figure that would be in her life. Her image, yet stupid, was the only thing keeping her from breaking. The sneers of hate and the accusations only brought the broken girl to shatter. She questioned herself and wondered if they were right.

The screaming turned into violence. The small girl held her arms across her head in hope to shield herself from the oncoming kicks and stabs. Her mind screamed in protest. She knew it wasn't her fault. It was that damn Danzo's but who would believe her?

Suddenly all the screaming stopped and she found herself elsewhere. Panic rose as she wondered where her father was. Questions flew in and out as she looked at the sudden change in scenery. The place was an oddly dark and wet sewer. The leaks were broken and the water was pouring out in streams.

Deciding to find a way out, Naru stood up and walked. She hadn't gotten far before the persistent sound of dripping water made her truly feel sad. It was like she saw every single one of her feelings written into this awful place.

"Finally come to see your warden have you, jinchuriki?" came an echoed voice.

"Who's there?" Naru asked caught in surprise.

"No one's told you yet child? I am the great Kyuubi! You are the pathetic human jailing me!"

Naru stood there silently. Her mind connected the dots quickly as she understood the reasons. All the senseless hate started to make sense and some of the theories she made up on her life that she dismissed as stupid became real. The one ninja she admired was the one that placed the very thing in her that ruined her life. The one person she thought didn't keep secrets from her was the one who lied to her, her whole life. Silent tears fell through her eyes as she lost all sense of reality.

"Ok! Kit, don't cry! Don't cry!" the Kyuubi frantically tried.

The fox didn't know how to comfort a human before, but he sure was trying his best. To the fox only his existence mattered and he sure as hell wasn't letting a brat end him. The truth was his container was broken right now and although many would assume he could use this to his advantage he truly couldn't. The fox needed hate and rage to escape. For him petty emotions such as sorrow and pain were not something he could muster to escape. Right now his survival instincts kicked in and he would even lose his pride and help a human.

"Where's the hard headed brat I knew before? Come on don't break on me now!" he pleaded.

The girl continued to stare ahead of her in pain. Kyuubi knew that the fact that she was in her mindscape was only contributing to her emotions right now. The fox knew that it was a defence mechanism of a jinchuriki to come into their mindscape when something horrible was going to happen to them on the outside. This defence mechanism was created to help notify the danger to their tailed beasts. The girl seemed too far off for the fox to try and bring her back so he did the only thing he could think of.

"I can take you away! I can take you away from all your pain!" the fox quickly said without adding his trade mark insults for once.

Naru looked up with a tinge of hope for a second. Hope quickly turned into suspicion as she knew no reason for the fox to help her. The Kyuubi was a creature even Sarutobi didn't mention without the malice behind his voice. Everything she knew about the fox was bad. Even the insults thrown towards her were always perceived by the young children as comparing her to that demon.

The demon fox knew what she was thinking. It was something he had grown accustomed to during his many stay times with his jinchurikis. They could never truly trust a demon who had no heart and that was one of the things he didn't mind about jinchurikis. They weren't dumb enough to just trust everybody and because of their experiences they trusted even less then the most guarded person. It was an acceptable trait in his eyes and one of the few he liked about humans.

"Tell me child what more do you have to live for here? Can you escape their clutches all by yourself with the limited training from Sarutobi and the even more mediocre training from the academy? I am the only way." The Kyuubi reasoned.

"Do not play with me demon! Just because I have lost my heart does not mean I will lose my dignity and jump into your trap. I may be called an idiot but I sure as hell am not dumb!" the jinchuriki croaked in a failed attempt at yelling.

"Listen child! Your mind is on the verge of breaking and this distrust is going to break it even more. I can give you hope! Hope is the only thing that can stabilise us right now!"

Naru did not understand what Kyuubi was trying to tell her but she did recognise the creeping urgency in his voice. He was afraid… almost like he was afraid for her. The fox growled in annoyance because he knew exactly what his container was thinking. Kyuubi decided to ignore the utterly ridiculous thought from his jailor and play along with it so he could get out of this alive.

"We do not have much time!" he growled.

Naru resolved herself to her fate. The fox was not playing with her on this. There was also no escape for her back in the real world and nothing could be worse than being alone. Even if the fox managed to do something that would kill her or reverse their roles at least she would have a companion to talk to without the hate in his eyes.

"What do I have to do?"





"Kyuubi, was this meant to happen?!"

"Dammit! Your mother altered the seal without me knowing. How did she even do that?"

"Now is not the time! I feel like I'm being stabbed for god's sake!"

Naru was flung into a dimension unknown to her as she felt her insides topple painfully. The physical pain was so much that for a second she even forgot about her life and what had just happened. Kyuubi would have been glad that his container had found some other sort of disturbance to take her mind away from her father's death if it wasn't for the fact that he felt his chakra being taken.

"This isn't good! Calm down Naru! Focus your chakra into your tenketsu and release as much as you possibly can!" the fox ordered.

Naru decided to release her mental link and focused. It wasn't as easy as it sounded. She ignored the painful stabs at her body and focused all her chakra into her tenketsu. Naru noticed how there was some sort of foreign chakra in her body that seemed to keep coming. Finally after the painful minute of concentration she finally let her chakra explode from her system.

Ohhh cliff hanger time! Sorry guys. Next chp Narue's going to go to cross or at least end up dropping with a flash of light mysteriously right into Takuma's arms… lol jks. It's going to go somewhat like that though. First few chaps don't have Takuma in it for all of you love junkies. Their relationship doesn't grow until very later on but for now it's more family love.

Llama out~