Steven took a deep breath. He had fought Gem Monsters, faced Homeworld Gems that wanted to take him away from Earth, and has nearly died more times than a normal person should.

However he was more scared than ever.

Today was Valentine's Day.

On any other year Steven would just ask all the Gems to be his Valentine, but this year was different. He wanted to ask Connie to be his Valentine.

Steven had no idea why he was so nervous. Connie was his best friend and it should be easy to ask Connie to be his Valentine. However, his stomach felt like a herd of butterflies were fighting a pack of wolverines.

"Steven?" Pearl asked Steven, breaking his train of thought.

"Oh, hey Pearl, what's up?" Steven said, much quicker than he had intended.

"Is everything alright, Steven?" Pearl asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, everything's fine, why do you ask?" Steven said, trying to get Pearl's attention away from him.

"Well one, your shirt is soaked in sweat," Pearl said, Steven just noticing that Pearl was right.

"Aww man! I can't ask Connie to be my Valentine like this!" Steven said, before quickly covering his mouth. The damage was done, Pearl had heard what Steven had said and beamed brighter than usual.

"HAH! I knew it had something to do with Valentine's Day. It was odd not to get the cards that you give us every year, but now it all makes sense!" Pearl exclaimed in joy.

Steven sighed. This brought Pearl's smile to a frown almost instantly and Pearl asked, "Is everything fine between you and Connie?"

"Yeah, but…" Steven hesitantly began, "I feel so nervous asking Connie to be my Valentine for some reason. Is that weird?"

Pearl pondered the thought for a moment before she snapped her fingers, "Well I may not know how to answer that, but I think I know just the Gem for this job!"

In a mere matter of seconds Pearl had managed to convince Garnet to talk to Steven over doing an important mission. Pearl had taken much longer to convince Amethyst to go along with her for the mission instead, but the two were off doing the mission instead.

Garnet sat next to Steven on his bed and the two sat in silence for a few minutes. Steven took a deep breath and asked, "Garnet, why do I feel weird about asking Connie to be my Valentine?"

Garnet took a moment to think until she came with an answer, "You feel weird about it because you don't know if Connie will feel the same way."

Steven looked at the floor. The thought had crossed his mind.

"Do you think Connie feels the same for me like I feel for her?" Steven asked, keeping his eyes on the floor.

Garnet adjusted her glasses and had an answer almost instantly, "I can tell with utmost certainty that Connie feels the same way you do."

Steven looked up, "Really?"

Garnet smirked, "Absolutely. She cares for you Steven. When you two are together you are almost inseparable."

Steven blushed a little at this comment. Garnet placed her left hand on Steven's shoulder, "Steven, don't worry about it. Be confident. Invite Connie over and ask her to be your Valentine."

Steven smiled and nodded fiercely. Garnet smiled as well and said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make sure Pearl and Amethyst are handling the mission well."

Garnet went to the warp pad and teleported away. Steven took out his phone and called Connie's house phone.

The phone started to ring. Connie was pacing around her room thinking about today, so she paid no mind to the ringing phone.

Today was Valentine's Day.

Usually she would stay at home, since she didn't really have anyone ask her to be their Valentine. This year was different.

She had wanted to ask Steven to be her Valentine, but she had no idea on how to go about it. Was it weird for the girl to ask the guy to be their Valentine? Did Steven even know what Valentine's Day was? Did Steven feel the same way she did?

Before she could continue questioning herself, she heard her mother call for her downstairs.

"Connie, Steven Universe is on the phone," her mother said, causing Connie to run to the phone in excitement. She grabbed the phone from her mother and began to talk, "Hi Steven, what's up?"

Connie sounded more excited than usual.

"Hi Connie! I was wondering if you could come by the Temple today." Steven said, in his usual excited tone.

"Oh, um let me ask my mom first," Connie said, placing the phone down for a moment, "Hey mom, can I go over to Steven's place?"

"You're father's not here, so you'll have to take the bus!" her mother said while she pored over some official looking paperwork.

Connie smiled and picked the phone back up, "Steven! Are you still there?"

"Yeah! So can you come over?" Steven answered.

"My mom said I can go, but I'll need to take the bus so it will take a while," Connie said.

"Why can't I just pick you up with Lion? Or my dad?" Steven asked.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to trouble you!" Connie said, trying to keep composed, but doing a bad job of it. She needed some time to think of what she was going to say to Steven.

"It wouldn't be any trouble," Steven said.

"No, don't worry about it! I'll be over in about an hour, I'll meet you at the temple!" Connie said, nearly hyperventilating when she said it.

"Oh…ok, I'll see you at the temple then!" Steven replied, sounding slightly saddened, but still trying to sound cheerful.

Connie felt bad, "I'll get some doughnuts on the way!"

"Really? Thanks Connie!" Steven said, a bit happier sounding.

"I'll be there soon! Bye!" Connie said.

"Bye!" Steven replied.

The two hung up the phone and Connie ran upstairs to change and put on her shoes. She grabbed the card that she made earlier that day and was about to leave the house, her mother said, "Connie."

Connie froze, scared that her mother changed her mind, "Y-y-yes mom?"

Dr. Maheswaren looked at her daughter sternly before her face dropped into a soft smile, "Have fun."

Connie beamed and nodded her head as she ran off.

Connie neared the temple with a box of doughnuts in hand. She didn't know what kind of doughnuts to get, so she asked for a variety pack.

She looked around and saw that Steven was running towards her.

"Hi Connie!" Steven yelled while waving.

Connie would have waved, but holding the card under the box of doughnuts she just said, "Hi Steven!"

Steven stood around, shifting his feet, rubbing the back of his hand holding his card behind his back, "So uh, do you want to come inside or…"

"How about the beach?" Connie said, trying to sound nonchalantly, but pretty much blowing her cover with the blood rushing to her cheeks.

"That's fine," Steven said, who began to blush as well.

The walked to the beach and when they found a good spot, they sat down and stared at the ocean for quite a while.

The two were holding their cards and were trying to find a way to give it to the other. They both turned to each other and asked simultaneously.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

The two began blushing and Steven said, "You can go first."

"No, you go first," Connie said, trying to buy some time.

Steven thought for a moment, "How about we go at the same time?"

Connie replied, "Ok, how about we go on three?"

Steven nodded on his head.

"1," Connie started.

"2," Steven said, joining in.

"3!" the two said together.

"Will you be my Valentine!" the two said holding the cards out, eyes closed.

The two opened their eyes and looked at each other in silence.

CLIFFHANGER! Yes this will be a Two Shot because I felt that this story would work best that way. The second part will be up either later today or tomorrow, because while I may be cruel, I am not that cruel.

I know it's not even close to Valentine's Day, but this idea popped into my head and thought it would be pretty neat to experiment with what would happen in a situation like this.

Plus if you are reading this on Valentine's Day, which is odd since this was written and released in July, happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you for reading, review if you like it!
