Kirsten clicked one open.

"The job is done." Was all it said, and it was a messaged received.

Kirsten glanced at Camille, who was scanning it closely. "Well this can mean only one thing."

"Richard Goodkin had something to do with this." Camille affirmed, looking sympathetic.

Kirsten clicked on another email. "100,000 before, 100,000 after. Two people. Lisa Smith and Jason Sampson." This one was sent from Lee Sampson.

The reply: "You understand why we have to do this? You did the right thing by coming to us."

"Us? So more than one person did this." Kirsten said.

"It looks like it. But why did they have to do this?" Camille asked.

"I'm calling Fisher."

The ride to the lab was silent. Camille drove, and Kirsten thought about what she was going to tell Cameron. His father was involved pretty heavily with the murders of two people, and she knew that it was something that he was not going to take lightly.

Cameron was sitting at his desk when they entered the lab, and he got up immediately to greet them.

"Hey," he said, slightly nervous and she assumed he expected her to yell at him. "What's up?"

"Cameron," Kirsten started, glancing at Camille who then took the hint and walked away. "I hacked into Lee Sampson's computer."

"You know that's illegal, right?"

"I saw his emails," she said, ignoring him. "He had several from your father labeled 'private'."

"They work together, of course they talked. Where are you going with this?"

"Richard Goodkin knew about the murders. He was involved." The words came out in a rush, and his eyes widened.

"No way. My father is a class A douche, but he's not a murderer." Cameron said, taking a step back.

"The emails' made it clear that he was involved somehow. He probably had someone do it for him."

Cameron shook his head. "It has to be something else. That doesn't make any sense."

Kirsten took a step closer and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged it off, surprising her. Slightly hurt by the rejection, she went and sat behind Linus's desk and started typing. It was easier to hack into Lee's computer now than it was earlier; probably something to do with the quantum computer.

"Look." She clicked up several emails, and Cameron came over and leaned over her shoulder, propping himself up on the back of the chair and the table. Kirsten was momentarily distracted by his close proximity, but she pushed it aside.

Cameron scanned the emails, then hung his head. "It does look that way, doesn't it?" he mumbled.

"Cameron…" she turned and caught his eyes. "I already told Fisher. He's going to bring him in."

He sighed, then took a deep breath to collect himself. "Thank you for telling me."

"How could I hide something like this?" she asked.

He smiled slightly. "I know you wouldn't."

Cameron was pacing the observation room, and honestly it was driving Kirsten nuts. They had been waiting on Fisher for 10 minutes according to her phone, and Cameron hadn't stopped moving once.

"I should talk to him." Cameron said for the third time.

"You can't." she told him for the third time.

He lapsed into silence again, resuming his pace. Finally, Fisher came in and Cameron rushed to the window.

"My name's Detective Fisher. Do you know why you are here?"

"Lee Sampson was arrested for murder. I assume this is routine questioning?" Richard sounded bored.

"We found something of interest on his computer." Fisher threw the file onto the table.

Richard glanced at Fisher, then down to the file. He opened it and scanned its contents.

"I'll tell you everything if I can cut a deal."

Kirsten heard a sharp intake of breath next to her. She looked over, and he was as still as a statue, his fists clenched tightly to his side. She slipped her arm around his waist and leaned into him. He softened at her touch, unclenching his fists and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"It was an organization started in the 90's, right after my son was born." Richard said, leaning forward now. Cameron's arm tightened around her shoulders.

"I can't tell you who started it or who is in it, but I can tell you why we started it." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "The poverty rate was increasing, and the upper class was declining. The bloodlines were becoming…diluted. Our children were marrying street rats and prostitutes instead of those that were rich and had good standing."

"So you decided to kill them for not having the right pedigree?" Fisher asked, disgust obvious in his voice.

"At first we didn't. We were a committee, and we called them in to tell them to stop seeing them or else. But after a while we were forced to take more drastic measures. The kids weren't taking us seriously, or just running off and abandoning the family completely."

Cameron was barely breathing beside her. "I can't believe him." He whispered.

Kirsten's chest tightened at the emotion in his voice. She didn't know how to comfort him. She had lived with her own father's betrayal for so long that it no longer affected her like it was obviously affecting him.

"So Lee found out that Jason was seeing Lisa Smith and he contacted you about it?" Fisher asked, scribbling down notes on a legal pad.

Richard nodded. "He did the right thing."

"Are there any future targets?"

Richard scoffed. "Look at any upper class child dating or marrying lower class scum. I can't tell you exactly."

"Who does the killing?"

Richard leaned back in his chair. "I can tell you this: just because I'm gone doesn't mean that the group falls apart. I am but a cog in the machine."

Fisher sighed and stood up. "Call your lawyer."

Cameron was in a quiet rage for the rest of the day. His movements were snappy and unpredictable, and Kirsten decided after a few failed attempts at comforting him that it was better to just give him some space.

When Maggie said they could all go home, Cameron left immediately. He just left; no goodbyes or even a word to anyone else. Kirsten looked after him, a worried feeling growing in her chest.

"He'll be fine, K." Camille said, coming up behind her.

"I know, but…"

"Let's go home. You look exhausted." Camille said, heading towards the elevator.

Kirsten followed her, wondering if she should text Cameron and make sure he was okay. She ultimately decided against it for now. When they got home, she changed and got ready for bed even though it was only 6 o'clock. She really was exhausted.

She fell asleep around 8. It was a deep and dreamless sleep, and she almost didn't hear a person come into her room.

She snapped awake and sat up, glaring at the dark figure standing at her door.

"Easy, tiger. It's just me." Cameron's familiar voice said, and she let out a breath.

"You scared me," she said, relaxing a bit. "What's wrong?"

"I couldn't sleep. Camille let me in." he explained.

Kirsten shifted over and made room for him in the bed. He slid in easily, and she lay back down and snuggled into this side. Her head was lying on the crook of his shoulder with his arm wrapped around her. He was silent, and she almost fell back asleep.

"Kirsten?" he whispered.

She opened her eyes slowly. "What?"

"I was thinking about what Richard said today." His voice was hard, and she noticed that he said "Richard" and not "my father".

"And?" she stifled a yawn.

"I won't let anything happen to you." His arm tightened around her protectively.

"Why do you think that has something to do with what he said?"

"My parents think you work in the IT department, Kirsten. It's not exactly a paying job, even though it's not true."

Kirsten froze. She hadn't considered the fact that now that she and Cameron were together put her in the criteria for the mystery organization his father was part of.

"We'll be okay, Cameron." She whispered, and she desperately wanted to believe it. "Nothing's going to happen to me or you."

He pressed a kiss into her hair. "Life doesn't come with guarantees, princess." He whispered.

Kirsten tilted her head up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "But I do."

His lips curved upward slightly. "Alright," he replied. "Goodnight, Kirsten."

"'Night." She mumbled, already half asleep.

Fisher ended up being able to get Lee Sampson convicted of First Degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and he ended up with a life sentence. They still didn't know who was actually behind the killings, but Lee and Richard were a big part of the mystery organization.

Richard Goodkin was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and accessory to murder. He was sentenced to 25 years with the possibility of parole.

Cameron took Kirsten on their first date to a restaurant downtown, and there were many after that. Kirsten was happier than she ever remembered being. Cameron was a permanent fixture in her life, and she wouldn't have it any other way.