Hi guys! Long-time no update! I'm sorry about that, I really do need to find more time to work on this because I enjoy writing it and I know it's not fair on you guys to have to wait ages for me to update this story in fact now that I think about it this is my first time updating this year and it's June! Where does the time go? Anyway thanks for reading – reviews are always welcome; it's the reviews from people that enjoy my story who keep me writing! Without further ado enjoy:

Maya walked down the sidewalk alone with her thoughts, the sun was beginning to set and she could feel a bit of a chill in the air but it was nothing compared to the coldness she felt about Riley.

She'd screwed up with style and this time she'd brought Riley down with her, she didn't even know who Riley was anymore – not after her angry outburst in the Matthews' apartment. All she knew was that it was her fault for making her like that, the real Riley never cursed and she never got angry unless she was really hurt. She must have been hurt bad, and given the current situation Maya couldn't blame her.

Having said that, Lucas wasn't Riley's property and if Maya backed down now it would mean giving up any chance of happiness she had with him as well as practically admitting that Riley was right. Maya would never allow herself to be called a 'trashy' best friend even if deep down she wondered if maybe she was, giving up Lucas wouldn't repair their friendship -Riley would still know she had feelings for him and if he was telling her the truth then he also had feelings for her. If that was the case Riley and Lucas's relationship can't have been all that 'perfect' after all.

And now that everything had fallen to pieces (or perhaps into place if those were Riley's true colours) there was only one person she could talk to about this.



She knocked on his door and waited.

Oh shit how was she going to explain all this, if she hadn't gone on that dumb 'fake date' to make Josh jealous would she be here right now?


But fate worked in mysterious ways and one day she may realise it was just as well she had.


"Hey Huckleberry"

"Come to kick my ass again?"

She laughed because much as she may tease him she knew she could never.

"No actually I wanted to talk to you… you said something to me last time before I left"

"Oh… yeah I remember saying something"

"Well are you gonna invite me in to talk about it or will I have to tell your momma about your poor manners?... I mean leaving a guest on the doorstep really is–"

"Come on in Maya"


She perched on the edge of the brown leather couch in his living room

"Can I get you a drink Maya?"

Her throat felt like it was closing up. She nodded.

"So have you seen Riley at all? She was pretty upset the last time I spoke to her…"

"Yeah, actually I was just at the Matthews' apartment now but I don't think she was too glad to see me "

"Oh Maya I'm sorry –"

"No it's ok Lucas it was my fault, I did something no best friend should ever do"

He paused at her using his real name "… and what's that?"

"…I fell in love with her boyfriend"


"Listen I'm sorry Lucas I shut you down last time before you got to finish talking I just panicked, I didn't know what to say – no boys ever said… well you know to me before and I mean I'd had it so built up in my head how you loved Riley and you'd never feel the same way about me that –"


He took her face in his hands

"Uh huh..?"

And then he kissed her.

She threaded her fingers through his hair

"Looks like you're third time lucky cowboy, I like you, you like me – what does that make us now?"

"Well if you're not too embarrassed to be seen with New York City's finest hillbilly I was hoping it made us… boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Great, well as your girlfriend I demand you take me for ice cream"

"Maya I said boyfriend not servant – "

But she'd already grabbed his hand