Ever since Dipper could remember this triangle seemed to be a pain in the ass. Now don't get him wrong, the being would sometimes stop the boy from hurting himself. Yet compared to the square that hung around his sister Mabel. The triangle wasn't so good. Luckily Tad the square was around to keep Bill grounded. Example: When Dipper was young he tried teething on Bill. Which wouldn't have ended well if Tad wasn't there.

Bill did not usually keep a close eye on Dipper, which angered him. Plus the fact when Bill did try it was only to prove Tad wrong and it usually ended in something bad happening to Dipper.

Years of this torment passed, and we are taken to Gravity Falls, Oregon. Where our story begins.

The day was young, Bill and Tad were waiting for the two to wake, "So you're not really gaining power... that's okay! You'll do better." Tad patted Bill's arm, continuing to knit for Mabel.

Bill rolled his eyes, "Geez I can't believe what's happened to you, floppy disk. You used to be such a fun guy. Now you're knitting sweaters for a twelve year old?!" He laughed lightly

Tad sighed, "I'm honestly more concerned that you're not making any effort to strengthen your ties with Pine Tree." He raised his eye.

Bill blinked in confusion, "What?"

Tad looked up to him, "Your human.

"What?" Bill chuckled

Tad stops knitting, "... You are aware that he is your human, right?"

Something awoke Dipper in an ache, "What the hell?!" He held his cheek, Bill had slapped him... and he was laughing.

Bill put an arm around him, "Nothing like a refreshing morning right? Water?" He held a glass out to him.

Dipper sighed, taking the water, holding it onto his hot cheek, "What made you think that was a good idea?" He whined, drinking the water and slowly made his way out of bed.

The demon floated behind as Dipper looked at himself in the mirror, "You wouldn't wake up when I shouted at you." He folded his arms and brushed the boys hair.

He swatted his hand away, "You're not my servant you're my guardian. I can brush my own hair." Dipper huffed, taking the brush from him.

"Haha yep I'm your.. guardian." He chuckled

BAM! "Hey bro bro, Billy, Tad, what's up?" Mabel smiled, sitting on her bad, Tad braiding her hair.

Bill raised his eye, "Seriously Tad? Seriously.." If he had a head he would shake it.

Tad gave a look, "Oh like you're doing any bette-"

"Shoosh, no fighting in front of us, remember?" Mabel looked to Tad a second, he sighed.

Dipper took his hat off the stand and put it on, "Another day.." He blinked, semi surprised Bill formed himself onto his hat.

Tad forming himself onto Mabel's head band after finishing her braid. Bill looked down at Dipper, despite only being able to see the bill of his hat, "So Pine tree, what's todays agenda?" Dipper was silent, waltzing out of the Mystery Shack and into the forest, "Pine tree I swear to Satan, where are we going?" He asked, in an angry tone.

Dipper let out an exasperated sigh, "My name's Dipper, okay? And I'm just looking for this thing.." He was too engrossed in the journal to talk.

"So uh... you like creatures and weird things huh?" Bill asked, unforming himself from Dipper's hat. Dipper looked up at him a second, unamused and nodded, "well then watch this. Spiders!" He threw his hands in the air, the arachnids falling on him.

Dipper shrieked, swatting them away, "Fuck! What the hell?!"

Bill blinked, "Do you... not like spiders?"

He whined, "No! Who likes spiders? No one... maybe a few people." He shrugged and stepped on one, shivering as he swatted another away from his face.

Bill cleared his throat, "Sorry about that Pine- Dipper... how comes Tad gets to call you Pine tree?" He put his hands on his hips.

Dipper rolled his eyes, continuing to move on deeper into the forest, "Because he's actually... nice to me." He folded his arms

The triangle scoffed, looking away, "Well... I can be nice to you."

Dipper laughed lightly at him, "You keep telling yourself that Cipher." He shook his head and blinked, grabbing Bill and hiding behind a tree. A creature was walking by, a powerful one.

Bill blinked, pulling his arm away from Dipper, he growled then realized there was a beast. If Bill had a mouth he would've smiled, maybe the boy did sort of care about him. After a minute of waiting and a sigh of relief the creature passed, "What are we looking for anyway?" Bill asked

Dipper looked back up at him, a smug smile on his face, "Nothing really, just going along and seeing what we can find. I made a list of all the creatures and I'm checking off if I see them." He got a list out of his vest and checked the monster off, Chimera.

The demon looked at the list, "Wow. You've got a lot done." Bill was actually a little proud of Dipper for once. Dipper wasn't killing the creatures, but sight-seeing them was pretty dangerous as it was.

Dipper couldn't help but smile lightly at his work, "Mmhmm." He nodded, stuffing the list back in his vest, "we should probably get back." He began walking again, it was near dinner time. Plus Mabel would get worried sick if he was late for the meal.

Bill floated behind, Don't mess this up Cipher... you're doing good so far. He looked behind him, a deer was drinking from a nearby stream. Bill looked to Dipper, then to the deer, then to Dipper. He extracted a tooth from the deer like it was nothing, "Hey Pine tree, I got you a present. It's a deer tooth!" He handed it to him, some blood still on it.

"Bill! That's disgusting! Put. It. Back." He dropped it and cringed, wiping his hands on his pants as if it would get the germs off.

The deer received its' tooth back, Bill huffed, "That was a perfectly good deer tooth." He mumbled under his breath.

Dipper shook his head, trudging ahead in the forest to the Mystery Shack.