Hay every one, here's a new chapter, enjoy.


'Thinking/Communicators '

"Talking telepathically"


I don't own Naruto or X-men

The Third Hokage sighed as he rubbed his temples, while looking at Naruto and the members of team eleven, who had just come by to inform him on their trip to the land of the sea.

While it had been agreed that the four in the leaf and in Suna were allowed to leave the village in order to help new mutants that appeared, or bloodline users who didn't have a clan or any form of training, they were suppose to inform either the Hokage or Kazekage before they left.

"Can you please explain why you brought this man to me," Sarutobi asked glancing at the tied up and unconscious Amachi, they had told him that he had experimented and given the girl Isaribi her powers, but not why they had brought him, or why they had asked for Kakashi, Yugao and Anko to be here as well; though they all noticed Anko staring at the man in shock.

"Well, we brought him here so Anko could take him in," Naruto glanced over at Anko, noticing she was clutching her shoulder before his eye began to glow.

Without warning, Anko clutched her head and screamed as Naruto forced the seal blocking of her memories to break, allowing them all to come rushing back, which also allowed him so see all of them, not that he was intending to.

As Anko began to calm down, she glanced at Naruto, tears in her eyes, before she moved to stand in front of him; once she was in front of him, she punched him, sending him into a wall, getting a shocked look from everyone in the room, minus the Hokage, who was watching with interest.

Crawling out of the wall, Naruto tensed up as Anko appeared in front of him, ready for another blow, before blinking as he felt her pull him into a hug, tears pouring down her cheeks as she thanked him, quietly so the others wouldn't here her.

Once she was done thanking him, she bowed to the Hokage before taking Amachi with her, leaving everyone but Naruto in utter confusion.

"Well, that's something you don't see every day," Kakashi said glancing lazily over his book.

"Yes, though I do have to ask what you did to her Naruto?" Naruto chuckled a little as he sat down, Jean checking him to make sure he was alright.

"Well, I say that she was having some kind of flashback from seeing Amachi, so I looked to see if I could help ease her mind a bit, when I entered her mind, I found a large portion of her memories being blocked by a very powerful seal; since I know what it's like to have a seal placed on your memories I unlocked it for her and all of the memories came flooding out, and I saw all of them," he gave a small hallow smirk as he glanced at the floor. "The reason she hit me was for seeing all of the memories, and the hug was for breaking the seal, by the way she said after a good night's rest she'll report everything she can remember about Orochimaru to you," the old man's eyes widened at that news before he nodded.

"Very well, for bringing in Amachi, who I'm sure has a good deal on Orochimaru, and for getting Anko her memories back, something not even Inoichi could do, I will be classifying both of these things as A-ranked missions, and you will all be receiving payment for these missions," the old man said causing the four genin to blink in surprise. "Also, Naruto, all the information you saw inside Anko's mind is now considered classified, you are not allowed to speak about it to anyone aside from myself, Inoichi, Anko, Ibiki, or Jiraiya, am I understood," Naruto nodded his head in understanding.

"Well now that that's all taken care of, why don't you all take and show miss Isaribi around the village," at the old man's obvious dismissal the four genin left the room with the new mutant in order to show her around.

"So, what are you planning to do now?" Naruto glanced at Emma as they walked down the street, Kitty and Jean were ahead of them pointing out things to Isaribi and explaining things to her. "I mean, we're now officially genin of the hidden leaf village, but what about the mutants we find that don't want to be shinobi, what are you planning to do when you find them?"

"*Sigh* honestly, I don't know, but I do know that I'll help them no matter what, besides it'll be easy with four beautiful women like you at my side," Emma blushed at his words while smirking, shaking her head, he really was an idiot.

"But for now, we should get back to the house, we're going to need to rest since we have our genin test tomorrow," nodding in agreement, they rushed to catch up with the others as they headed back to the house.

Yugito panted as she stared up at the sky, where a blood red moon hung in the air and a beautiful woman with pale skin, long sweeping white hair, two pearl white eyes, two brown horns and a third eye in the center of her forehead, which was mirrored by the moon.

As Yugito watched the woman float towards her she could see people around her out of the corner of her eyes fighting and dying, there were both mutants and shinobi alike.

Once the woman reached her, Yugito looked up directly into her eyes, her Byakugan, which held a loving warmth in them, as she smiled gently as her.

"You are a holder of my power, there for you shall share my life," the woman bent down and kissed Yugito on the lips; as their lips connected a siring pain shot through Yugito's body as it began to change, she could fell a lot of Nibi's powers leaving her, yet her body seemed to grow stronger, her vision became enhanced as her Byakugan activated and a third eye opened on her forehead, the same eye as the woman before her, though instead of nine tomoes her eye only had three.

As the woman pulled away from the kiss, she smiled before glancing over her shoulder lovingly as three more figures appeared behind her; the first was Jean, she was wearing a red full body suit with the top of her breast revealed, with a tattoo of a Phoenix covered in bright red flames, her eyes were glowing blood red and her hair looked more like fire while a third eye, the same as the woman before her, stared at her with three tomoes; the second person was Emma, she was wearing a white body suit like Jean, the top of her breast revealed with a tattoo of a blue Phoenix surrounded by ice, her eyes were glowing bright blue and her hair resembled fresh snow, she also had a third eye and like Jean's it had three tomoes.

The final person was Naruto; he was wearing a pair of standard ANBU pants, and no shirt, which showed of his chest, which had scares covering it along with a fox tattoo right over his heart, his Byakugan was activated and he had a third eye as well, though instead of three tomoes, he had six.

"You four are mine, now and forever," Naruto said with a small smile at her as he pulled the woman in and captured her lips in a deep kiss.

Yugito's eyes snapped open as she sat up in her bed, sweat dripping down her face, her Byakugan activated; slowly reaching up to her forehead, she let out a sigh of relief since she felt no crease to indicate a third eye.

'What was that… it was too real to be just a dream, and I can tell that at least half of Nibi's chakra is gone,' Yugito thought touching her lips, she could taste the woman, a hint of watermelon still lingering on her tongue. 'I need to talk to Naruto about this right away,' with that she got out of bed and after getting dress headed to the Raikage's office, to let him know she was headed to Konoha before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

Naruto let out a small tiered sigh as he sat on top of the Hokage monument, staring at the full moon hanging up above him.

It had been a little over a week since they had brought Isaribi back to the village and in that time things had been going rather well.

The day after getting Isaribi Naruto and his 'team' had taken their true genin test, which ended badly, neither Sasuke or Sakura wanting to work with him since they considered him the same idiot they had known throughout the academy.

With the test over, Naruto and Kakashi had gone to talk to the old hokage and give him their reports, where Naruto had made the suggestion of placing Isaribi on team seven and placing Sakura into the medical division for training which the old man and Kakashi agreed to after hearing Naruto's report on the mentality of the two.

Once Isaribi was placed onto team seven, much to Sakura's and council woman Haruno's protest, the team had begun working a little better, until the dreams started, which had kept him up the last three nights as he tried to figure out their meaning.

"I take it you couldn't sleep either?" Naruto asked as a puff of smoke appeared behind him and he felt a pair of arms wrap around him neck and a pair of breast pressing into his back.

"No, I've been having this strange dream, and it worries me a little," Yugito said resting her head on Naruto's shoulder.

"This dream, does it have a woman with long white hair, white eyes, two horns and a third eye?" Yugito nodded her head, tightening her grip on him. "So I was right, we've been having some form of premonition dream."

"Premonition dream?" Yugito looked at him curiously as he stood up, his hands cupping her ass to keep her on his back.

"Yeah, there dreams that show a possible future, though the thing that confuses me is that woman, I feel like I've met her before but I can't place where," Yugito smiled gently as Naruto began carrying her down the mountain.

By the time they reached the bottem Yugito had fallen asleep on Naruto's back, getting a small smile from the boy as he carried her through the deserted village.

Naruto preferred the village at night, seeing as there were no villagers to glare at him even though things had gotten a lot better since his return; after the meeting with the council he had meet with Hiashi, who was interested in the fact that the four of them had the Byakugan, because of that, Hiashi had named him as a friend to the Hyuga, claiming he had their backing in anything he did and even offered to personally train Naruto in the Hyuga style taijutsu.

After he was named as a friend of the Hyuga clan, everything had gotten a little better, since no one wanted to offend the Hyuga clan; a number of shops had been more willing to take his business and few people glared at him.

'Um, maybe I should talk with Inoichi, he is an expert when it comes to the mind, he might be able to help us figure out what that dream means,' nodding his head at his decision, Naruto changed his heading and began moving towards the home of the Yamanaka clan head.

Jean sighed as she sat on a log on the edge of a lake, looking at the moon hanging in the air above her.

"You have the dream again?" Jean glanced over her shoulder to see Emma walking over to her.

"Yeah, and it felt real this time," Emma nodded in understanding, having had the same dream as the holder of the Phoenix.

After bringing Isaribi back to the village, the three mutants began doing missions with Yugao; after a few missions the older kunoichi had decided to take them on their first c-rank mission which was to clear out a bandit camp, which they did, each of the three mutants making their first kills as well.

"I know, I could literally fill that woman's breath as she kissed me, and look at this," Emma held out her hand as a snowflake took form above her out stretched palm. "I haven't used the serum from the hellfire club yet I can do this," Jeans eye widened in shock, Emma had never shown any aptitude or interest in gaining other powers using the serum, and now she was creating ice just like Bobby and Naruto.

"What do you think it mean?" Jean asked as she held up her hand, which was engulfed in flames. "I mean my own powers are growing and I have a feeling what we've been seeing will come to pass sooner than we think."

"You're right, I just hope Naruto has a plan for when whatever happens, happens," Jean nodded in agreement, neither mutant noticing that their sensei was listening into their conversation with a small smile on her face, she was glad that Naruto had found these girls, he needed someone to depend on and love him like these girls did.

Inoichi let out a tiered sigh as he sat in his living room, rubbing his temples and trying to make sense of the dream Naruto had just told him about, which had apparently been reoccurring for the last few days.

Half an hour ago Naruto had arrived on his door step and requested his help deciphering a dream that him and Yugito had both been having; nodding in agreement both had moved to the Hokage's office, since Inoichi had a feeling the Hokage would need to know as well.

"Well, this is troubling," Inoichi said getting an agreeing nod from the Hokage, who seemed really interested in the dream.

"Yes, though what caught my attention was this woman and her third eye, for some reason she seems familiar, like I've read about her before, but I can't place where," the old man said getting a surprised look from Naruto.

"Yes, well, this woman aside I would have to say that you're right in your assessment, this does sound like a premonition dream, and if that's the case, it means we could have a war on our hands," Inoichi said seriously, getting wide eyes from Naruto who was sitting on a couch with Yugito's head in his lap.

"Are you serious?" Naruto asked hoping the older man was just being paranoid.

"Unfortunately not, if I'm right in this, and I really hope I'm not, your powers are evolving and allowing you to peer into the future as a way to protect yourself, from what I can't say, but you're body and powers seem to know somethings coming and are trying to get you ready for it," Inoichi said as Naruto's eyes widened, he had heard Professor Xavier mention things like that happening before but didn't think it would happen to him or the others.

"What I would like to find out is what could be bad enough that Naruto's powers would mutate like this," Naruto's took on a thinking pose before his eyes widened, there was one thing he could think of, but that was imposable, he was still asleep when they left that dimension, and that idiot he had working for him was no closer to getting the three key's then they had been.

"I think I might have a guess as to why our powers are evolving like this," the two older shinobi glanced at him curiously while Naruto ran his fingers through Yugito's hair. "Back in the other world, after leaving H.Y.D.R.A. we were trying out Cerebro, the machine professor x used to track mutants; with it we found a cave that housed a powerful mutant, Apocalypse; we learnt that he was using another psychic to gather three key's; he use the X-men to gather the first one, and after some trouble with the X-men's enemy Magneto, we managed to capture and lock away the guardian for the second key; I thought we had managed to hide the key securely, but if our powers are growing like you said, I think it might mean that the second key has been destroyed and Apocalypse is either free or closer to freedom," the three fell silent as the two older shinobi tried to absorb everything Naruto had just told them.

"I see, but how does this connect to this dream?" Inoichi asked, he didn't see the connection.

"After we found his location, me and Yugito went to investigate his tomb, while there, he tried to get us to work for him and open the door, which we refused," the two older men were impressed that they had managed to refuse a power such as that, seeing as anything that made Naruto nervous must be powerful. "Even though we did refuse him, he was smug enough to show us his plans, after getting out, he planned to use his power's to turn everyone on the planet into mutants, though that would kill a lot of people, since most of them would die from the strain of having their bodies mutated like that."

"I see, so you think this Apocalypse is the reason your powers are growing," Naruto looked down at Yugito again and nodded.

"Yeah, if he's free, and as powerful as he claims, he might be trying to find a way to come here, and if that's the case then he just might bring an army and try to mutate the people of this world," the older men's eyes widened at that.

"So this Apocalypse, is basically out to destroy the world?" Inoichi asked hoping he was wrong, letting out a relieved sigh when Naruto shook his head.

"No, in all honesty he's trying to do something good for all mutants, he wants to make a world where everyone is the same in a sense, that way the mutants who's mutation affects them physically don't have to hide; it's just the way he plans to do this is wrong," the old man nodded, he could understand, in a way it was like the creation of the five hidden villages, his sensei had made the hidden leaf as a way for everyone to live together in harmony whether they had bloodline or not.

"I see, this is indeed troubling," the old man let out a long tiered sigh as he leaned back in his chair, this theory was not a comforting one. "For now I want you to keep this information under wraps, we will talk about it more when team eleven gets back from their mission; after that we will try to figure out where to go from there."

Nodding in understanding Naruto bowed his head to both the older shinobi in the room, picked up Yugito bridal style and left, he would need his rest for the coming day's.

Thanks for reading, I hope you all like it

Mutations: all four Jinchurikki have the same mutations

Wolverines Claws: unlike Wolverine they all have a single blade that grows and retracts from their wrist like a hidden blade, it's arms length but can be short in size.

Colossus Organic Steel Transformation: unlike Colossus their transformation is Adamantium instead of steel.

Magnetos Magnetism: unlike Magneto, they can only control the metal in their body, which allows them to fly, but this prevents Magneto from being able to control them or stop them like he does with Wolverine.

Azazel's Teleportation: I chose Azazel's teleportation since they didn't know about Kurt at the time.

Sabertooth: from Sabertooth I gave them his superhuman abilities, such as his senses, strangth, speed, durability, and stamina.

Quicksilver: his super speed, though only when running.

Jean: her telekenesis and yes this includes her telepathy.

Shadowcat: her intangibility, always a good power to have for when they return to the shinobi world.

Scarlet Witch: Chaos Magic (Note: they will have the reality warping part of her power, but will only be able to use it in certain moments, such as if the were about to die, kind of like the Sharingans Izanagi, though they can also use it on other people.)

Kekkei Genkai: All the Jinchurikki had a bloodline or bloodlines in them and will all get the same kekkei genkai thanks to HYDRA's experiments

Naruto: Byakugan, Ice release.

Yugito: Scorch Release

Fu: Dead Bone Pulse

Gaara: ?

Naruto: Yugito, Jean, Kitty, Emma, Temari

Gaara: Fu, Rouge, Wanda, Tabitha.