Hay every one, here's a new story that's been running around inside my head, I've been wondering why no one's ever done anything like this so I thought I'd give it a whirl.



"Talking telepathically"


I don't own Naruto or X-men

It was a calm cool night in the village of Konohagakure no Sato, the village hidden in the leaf's, and all the civilians were sound asleep, despite the number of chunin and jonin running around the village.

Deep in a forest clearing, not far away from the village was a boy wearing a kill me orange jumpsuit reading out of a large scroll; the boy was about twelve years old with spiky blonde hair and bright cauldron blue eyes.

This boy was one Naruto Uzumaki, the Jinchurikki of the fearsome Kyubi no Kitsune, and he had just finished learning the shadow clone jutsu from the forbidden scroll of sealing and was currently looking for a new jutsu to learn.

"Let's see, the Edo Tensei, no sounds horrible, Chidori, save that for later," Naruto muttered to himself as he copied down the instructions for the jutsu. "Next is the Rasengan, save that for later, water dragon jutsu, save for later, what's this?"

Naruto paused as he came across a strange looking seal, which took up a good amount of the page before giving instructions on what it did.

"Uzumaki seal: the seal will send the one to activate it and a number of other's to another world for five year's worth of training, cool, five years of training, I'm in," Naruto said activating the seal.

The seal spread out underneath him, for a good few feet, before glowing a bright red, as three tendrils branched off from the seal, heading in different directions at blinding speeds.

"Naruto what are you doing?" Naruto looked up to see his academy teacher, Iruka, arrive in the clearing, before the seal, turned a bright gold, before a flash of light knocked Naruto and the three other's that had been chosen by the seal, to fall into unconsciousness.

Viper, or lady Hydra as she was known, was in a very good mood, her scientist had just finished improving the weapon X project by making it so that the Adamantium grow with the person they inject it into, and they had just finished cloning the original project X, though it had to grow and age like a normal child but that would give them time to train it into the ultimate weapon.

"Well, this will give us time to test and perfect the weapon X project, making it better than that fool Striker ever dreamed," she chuckled as she read the note's on the original weapon X, before looking up in alert, as a bright flash of light appeared in her office.

Once the light died down Viper stared with wide eyes at the appearance of four twelve year old children, two boys and two girls.

"Well now, this could be the answer, to my problem," a small sinister smirk spread across her lips as she watched the four, all of whom were injured and healing at an increasable rate, even faster than what weapon X was reported to be able to heal.

Naruto panted as he dodged a slash from his opponent, one of the two girls he had arrived in this world with; the girl had long blonde hair and dark eyes, she was wearing the cloths they had been given to train in, a pair of black sweats and a black muscle shirt.

She was Yugito Nii the Jinchurikki on the Nibi, and she was currently aiming at him with fire in her eyes, the reason, during their spar Naruto had accidently grabbed her breast when he went to throw her.

"Stand still and take your punishment like a man," she yelled as Naruto blocked her attack, his entire body becoming encased in steel.

It had been three years since Naruto had activated the seal which had brought him and three other's to this other world and in that time a lot had happened, mainly them being trained as weapons and given new powers in order to make them stronger.

After their arrival, the person that had found them, Viper, had a number of scientists run a lot of test on them; it was theorized that thanks to their healing ability that they would be able to absorb and adapt to any mutation injected into them.

After being put through the weapon X project, which they all survived, they were injected with the blood of the original weapon X, which gave them the bone claws like him, though instead of three blades on the hand, they all had a single blade the length of their arm, which grew and retracted from above their wrist.

Over the following year, they were injected with the mutation of other mutant's that they had managed to get samples of: the organic steel transformation from a mutant calling himself Colossus, which became adamantium steel; the teleportation powers of a mutant known as Azazel, which was almost imposable for them to get; the superhuman abilities of the mutant Sabertooth; and the magnetokinesis from Magneto, though it only really allowed them to fly thanks to the adamantium in their body and prevented Magneto from controlling them, which he tried to do during one of their training excersices.

"Come on Yugito, you know it was an accident and I said I was sorry," he dodged another slash, which tore his shirt revealing the seal on his stomach which held Kyubi as well as a two on his chest over his heart, which was the timer that told them how many years they had left.

"I don't care, that's the fifth time this month," she vanished in a puff of smoke before reappearing behind him, kicking him into the far wall.

"This is annoying," Naruto and Yugito glanced over at the speaker, the other boy that had come with them; the boy had russet red hair and two dark rings under his green eye, he was wearing the same uniform as Naruto and Yugito and was glaring at both of them.

"He's right, you two are always fighting like this, why don't you just admit you like each other already?" asked the last member and female of their group; she had shoulder length lime green hair and orange eye.

These were Gaara the Jinchurikki of the Ichibi and Fu the Jinchurikki of the Nanabi, both had been watching the spar, which had been intense until Naruto had grabbed Yugito's breast, again.

"I do not like this idiot," Yugito hissed, her eyes becoming blue with slits for pupils; one thing they had learnt over the years was that when they came to this world, they had absorbed all of their Bijuu's chakra, allowing them all to take on a full chakra cloak which Yugito informed them was only possible if they beat the bijuu in a fight; though they couldn't preform a full release since the bijuu themselves were in a sort of stasis inside their seals.

"I'm not an idiot you stupide cat, in case you forgot, when we came here all those seals that made me an idiot broke, allowing all of the knowledge I gained over the years to return, making me smarter then you," Naruto snapped; it was true, apparently someone in Konoha had placed a number of seals on him that made it hard to remember or understand anything he had learnt; though the seals broke when he arrived in this world.

"Doesn't mean you're not still an idiot you stupide fox," Gaara and Fu let out a long exasperated sigh as the two began butting heads again.

"Alright you two that's enough," the four glanced over as the door to the training room opened and Viper walked in with a serious expression on her face. "I have an assignment for all of you, now follow me."

"So, this is where we need to go, a school?" Naruto asked as him and Yugito ran through the forest surrounding a private school owned by one Charles Xavier.

"Yes, apparently he has a number of mutants in the school now and Viper thinks a few of their abilities may benefit us, she wants to see if any of them will adapt to us," Yugito said as they landed just outside the boundary of the school, Gaara and Fu had been sent to collect samples from a group calling themselves the brotherhood.

"Alright, so we basically go in and get a sample from everyone in the house?" Yugito shook her head, wondering how he was planning to become a shinobi if he couldn't listen to orders.

"*Sigh* no, we're only going after a few students, Jean Grey, Katherine Pryde, Evan Daniels, and the teacher Ororo Munroe," with a nod of understanding from Naruto the two sprinted across the yard and quietly snuck into the house, quietly collecting the samples they were ordered to get.

"So, how are they?" Viper asked as she entered the lab where Naruto, Yugito, Fu and Gaara were all having the samples they gathered injected into them, hoping that they would adapt.

"We have injected all the samples the managed to get into them, however only a select few seem to be taking," one of the scientist said as she typed away on the computer, tracking their mutation.

"Which one's exactly?" Viper asked watching as they each twitched, as their bodies adapted to their new powers.

"The telekinesis of Jean Grey, the Intangibility of Katherine Pryde aka Shadowcat, and the super speed of Pietro Maximoff aka quicksilver," she said as she brought up a screen showing the mutant power's they had adapted to and how they had got them from. "They should be fully stabilized in two hours."

"Good, then we can begin training them as quickly as…" Viper was cut off as an explosion shook the building and the alarms went off. "What's going on?"

"Ma'am, it appears that Charles Xavier and the X-men along with the brotherhood have tracked them here," the scientist said pulling up some security footage of Wolverine cutting through some walls while the other X-men and Brotherhood charged through, taking out guard as they went, though none of the kids were killing any of the soldiers.
