Chapter 15:  Power of the Bracelet

            The group was inside the doors of the history wing at Domino high school, talking about the recent past events.  Joey had his arm around Mai and Tristan went to find a phone so he could talk with Serenity.  Alex and Yugi were sitting against the wall, Alex with her head on his shoulder.

            "Alex, now that you found your mom, you goin' back home?" Joey asked looking down at the two.

"Well, my mom won't be out of the hospital for a while.  After she does she says that we might make a home here in Domino."

"That's good," Mai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why is that?"

"Now I have a perfect girl to model my new styles with," she smiled and winked at Alex, "And besides, I won't be the only girl in the group."

Alex smiled back and held Yugi tighter, "What are we going to do about the rare hunters?"

"We'll figure something out, Alex."

"I will avenge my father's murder and stop this from happening again," Alex started to stare off into space.

"How are you going to do that?" he kissed the top of her head.

"I'll find a way," Alex focused on a far off object, "I'm going to see my mom after school, you want to come?"

"Yeah, I'll come," he caught her gaze and just stared into her eyes.  He smiled and walked with her to class.


"Mai warned you to watch the ball, Alex," Yugi said walking with Alex toward the hospital.  Alex was walking with an ice pack on one eye.

"I know, I know," Alex walked into her mother's room, "Hey mom."

"Alex, were you in another fight?"

"Of course not.  I think the ball started and finished the fight."

"Ball?" she looked over at Yugi for the real answer as to why her daughter had a black eye.

"She's telling the truth.  It just seemed like the ball hit her with everything it had," Yugi smiled.

"Alright, just checking," her mother smiled back.

"Very funny you two," Alex took the ice off her eye, "How are you doing?"

"Good, don't like the food they have here for me.  But that isn't very surprising."

Alex gave her mother a hug and sat down on a chair setting her bag on the floor.  Yugi sat beside her as Neit jumped out of the bag and on the bed.

"Well, who's this?" Neit rubbed against Alex's mother.

"This is Neit.  She's one of my best friends.  I raised her, she was left for dead."

"Oh, poor thing."

"It's strange.  She only likes me, Yugi and apparently you."

"Well, cats have a good judge of characters."

"Told you," Yugi nudged Alex.

"Yeah, yeah," Alex looked at the ground.

"Alex, what's wrong honey?"

"I'm going."

"What? Where?"

"After the rare hunters.  I'm going to end it."

"Alex, you might- you can't.  You'll be killed," her mother grabbed her from her hospital bed.

"They can try.  I won't let them get away wit daddy's murder.  They will pay."

"Honey, I just got you back.  Don't go away . . .  this time you may not come back."

"I will come back, I promise.  But they have to pay."

"Please don't do this, Alex."

"I'm sorry mom," Alex picked up her pack and Neit followed her out.

"Yugi, please talk some sense into her."

"I've tried.  She won't listen.  She's made her choice."

"Then protect her the best you can.  Some times she leaps before she thinks about it."

"For all eternity I will be by her and protect her," Yugi held her hand.

"You truly love her, don't you?"

"With all my heart."

"Kepp her.  Love her.  She'll never need anything more then that."

Yugi nodded and walked out to find Alex.


That night Alex and Yugi sat on the couch in the living room.  Alex snuggled close to him, burying her head into his chest.  "Alex?"


"I'm scared."

"About what?"

"That I'm going to lose you forever.  No matter what I do to try and stop it."

"You'll never lose me, Yugi.  If Amunet and Yami could survive the test of time, then our love can survive the test of impossibility."

He just held her tighter to his chest.

"I'm going to bed," she stepped out of his arms and toward the stairs.

"Alex?" she turned around to see him standing in front of the couch, "Can I-"


"Can I hold you tonight?  Just hold you?"

Alex looked into his eyes and started to tear.  She could now see the fear in his eyes, she could almost feel the yearning for her in his arms.  All he waned was to be with her, because he knew that the night was coming where he has to say good-bye and wait for her to come back.  They day was to come where he couldn't stop them from getting to her.  The day will come when they can't be together, and he didn't want the reality to hit him, and they only way for that to happen was for her to be in his arms.

Alex ran to his open arms and nodded her head.  'The fight is coming, and there is no where else I'd rather be.'

Yugi went with her to bed and just kept her in his grasp.  Before either fell asleep Alex looked at him in the eyes, "I love you."

"I love you, too.  I just wish this moment could last forever."  Alex kissed him softly on the lips and they both closed their eyes for sleep.


Alex woke herself up an slowly got out of bed.  She dressed quickly hoping Yugi wouldn't wake up.  She didn't want him to follow and put himself in danger.  She grabbed her deck and got out as soon as she could without being seen.  As she was walking away she looked back at the house, 'I'm sorry, Yugi.'

'Alex, are you sure you're ready for this?'

'Ready as I'll ever be,' Alex walked up to the old house crawling under the police tape that still hung around the house from the investigation.  She jumped through the window that used to belong to her bed room.  'Amunet, you behind me on this?'

'No matter what, I will be behind your decisions.   I believe in you.  And besides, I have to go with you anyway, we're connected after all.'

'Your confidence overcomes me.'

Alex went to the back bedroom where she saw the outline of two bodies drawn on the ground.  She bent over the bigger drawing and touched where her father's hand laid on the ground.  'I'm so sorry, daddy.  But I'll make it up to you.  I swear it.'

She looked closely at the ground and caught the glimpse of a shadow behind her,  She slowly stood up and waited until she heard the other's breaths behind her.  She turned around and tried to hit the intruder, "Alex!"

"Who are you, and why are you following me?"

"You should know that," Alex put her hands down and lookd closely at the other person.

"Yugi, youshouldn't be here."

"I'm not going to let you do this alone."

"I don't want you hurt.  This is my fight."

"I don't want you hurt.  I'm not going to let you do this without me.  I promised your mother I would protect you.  And that's what I'm going to do," he grabbed her into his arms, "I love you."

"I love you too," Alex hugged him back, "Where's Neit?!"  A sudden wave of panic hi her full force.

"She's back home.  Grandpa will watch her."

"I gotta do this, Yugi.  If I don't, they will never stop."

"I know, but I'm going with you no matter what."

Alex nodded and they both walked down the stairs to the lair.  "No one is here," Yugi looked down the halls.

"Yes they are.  They wouldn't leave their lair.  They're too prideful for that."

"Exactly," both of them turned around to see Bill standing in front of them, "I was wondering when you would come back, Alex."

"Only for one thing, Bill."

"What would that be?"


"Well, here is only one way to fight the battle for revenge.  In our minds.  We will finally find out which one of us does have the stronger will to survive."

"Ah!" Alex heard Yugi behind her.  He was being held by some other rare hunters.

"Let him go!"

"Don't worry, Alex.  He'll be fine as long as you win."

"I'll win alright," she watched as they walked away with Yugi.  He winked at her and looked down at his puzzle.  'Yami will take care of it,' she thought.

"You ready Alex?"

"I was waiting for you to lead the way."

Bill smiled and walked down the hall.  "I heard that you beat Kyle up pretty bad using your millennium piece."

"Oh, he's still kicking, huh?"

"Barely," they turned into an empty room, "This room let's us call monsters straight from the shadow realm without going there.  But don't be fooled, they are as real as you or I."

Alex started to pull out her deck, "No Alex.  I told you we will play this duel with our minds."

Alex put her deck back in her pocket almost dropping her father's compass.  "Ah, your father's item."

"So Kyle's talking too?"

"Well, two millennium items.  You're very prepared and you have saved me the time of going and searching for your father's item."

"What about you, Bill.  You have no items?"

"Is that worry in your voice, Alex?  For me?"

"Hmph!  Far from it.  I was hoping that you would go down easier without an item.  Without a weapon, just like when you people took you mom without a fight."

"Enough chat!  Let's get this over with.  You can only use the monsters that you would have in your deck.  Any magic will work."

"Alright.  Let's do this."


'Solid doors, barely an light.  How had do you think it will be to get out of here, Yami?'

'Not that hard,' Yugi smiled and felt Yami power up.

'I never knew that you had this power.'

'You never asked,' before he knew it, he was outside the door surrounded with unconscious rare hunters.


"Let's go Alex!"

"I'm ready!" Alex closed her eyes and concentrated hard.  'With my father directing me, my mother trusting in me, my friends supporting me and Yugi's love . . . I can't fail.'

"Let's duel!" they both yelled in unison

"I call the biggest monster my master had ready for me.  Your father's Blue Eyes."  A huge hole appeared in the front of them and a huge beast appaeared from it.  It roared at the sight of Alex.  "And since this isn't a normal duel, I don't have to wait for you to  make a move to attack."  The Blue Eyes lunged at Alex, but she jumped out of the way.

"Swords of revealing light!" swords shot from all sides of the rom, keeping the dragon at bay.  "Now my turn to call forth a monster."  Alex thought through her deck, "I have to get an idea soon."

"You're running out of time, Alex."

"I call Dark Magician Girl!  And help her power up with the Book of Sorcery.  And to protect her I will use Magic Hats."

"Don't hide, Alex.  This is just beginning."


Yugi ran through the countless corridors, "I have been running around for half an hour.  Where is she?"

Follow your heart

Yugi stopped in his tracks, 'Yami was that you?'

'No.' Yugi started to run again, in another direction, 'Where are you going?'

'My heart is pulling me this way.  I got to find Alex,' suddenly Yugi fell to the ground, clutching his arm.

'Yugi!  What happened?'

'My arm hurts,' he stood back up, leaning on the wall for balance, 'I've got to keep going.'

He looked down at his hand he took away from his arm.  "Blood?"


Alex grabbed the side of her arm tightly trying to keep it from bleeding any further.  She gritted her teeth as she tore a piece of her pants off and tied it around the wound tightly.  Her trick on the Blue eyes destroyed it, but a trap was waiting for her Dark Magician Girl and destroyed it.  Being unprotected Bill quickly called another monster and attacked her.  Although she was hurt, Bill was in a worse shape.  "You know in this game, there is only one survivor."

"Yeah, and you're looking at her.  Let me be the first to say that I miss you already," Alex said pitting some blood that started to come from her mouth.

"Don't you see your condition Alex.  You're mortally wounded."

Alex looked at him confused, but then looked down.  In her side there was a huge gash, and she was bleeding profusely.  "Now, my lovely monster attack with white lightning!"

Alex was shocked to the ground and knocked out.  She could still hear the attack continuing, relentlessly.  Causing her body to involuntarily go into convulsions.  Her mind was wrapped with in itself.  She saw herself in a black space, nothing around but her and a faint light.

'Alex, he has way too strong of monsters.  And you are fighting a losing battle,' Amunet appeared before her.

'I will win this, Amunet.  I will not let him do this.'

' There is only one thing to do, if we are to save this world.'

'If it's the only thing, Amunet, then I'll do it.'

'But it is not without a price.  You will be sent to the Shadow realm and may not return.'

'It's a chance at taking him and the rest of the rare hunters out, isn't it?  I have to do it.'

'Another thing, Alex.  I will not be here if you do return.'

'What do you mean that you will not be here?'

'I mean that when we do this, I will be no more.'

'I can't do that, Amunet.  You mean so so much to me.'

'More then thousands of other lives, Alex? Is my being more important than allowing them the freedom to destroy another life?  The life of the five year old girl down the street?  The countless children that haven't even been born yet?  If we don't do this, thousands maybe even millions of lives could be destroyed.  You have to do it!  It's the only way!  You said so yourself, You have to do it!'

'I can't, you're my best friend, Amunet!  I can't let that go!'

'You have to Alex!  Please!'

'I . . . I can't . . .'

'Do it!'

Alex closed her eyes tight, 'What do I have to do?'

'When we start we will be bonded into one being.  You'll be in control and I'll be gone, giving you my powers.  You'll have the power of destruction as well as giving life.  But you must destroy this facility and there rare hunters.'

'What will I tell Yami?'

'He will understand.  Tell him I love him . . . and will always and forever.  Now, we got to do this.  He is ready to attack again.'

'I'll miss you, Amunet.'

'Good-by Alex,' Alex let a tear slid down her cheek as she felt herself drift back into reality.

The room began to fill with a bright light and the Egyptian clothes that Alex wore before grew out from her other clothes.  She pushed herself off the ground as she spat the rest of the blood out of her mouth.  She stood tall before Bill, not as Alex, but as the protector of the bracelet.  She stood as who her Egyptian heritage knew she was.

"What the hell?"

"No more of this!" Alex put her hand up to protect against the attack against her and sent the monster back into the shadow realm.  "Now, as for you and your kind."  The whole room began to be engulfed in a black bubble that started to grow from the middle of the room out.

As Yugi reached the room her looked inside, "Alex! NO!  Get out of there!"

'Yugi,' Alex saw him outside the room and focused.  She took her father's glowing item from her robes, 'Father . . . this is the only way Yugi.  I love you.'

"I call upon the spirit of the light inside this item.  Come forth and protect our pharaoh of our time, take him and his light far from here.   Make him safe until this evil dissapeares," a yellow light shot from her hands and engulfed Yugi in a small bubble.

"Alex, no.  I promised that I would protect you.  I don't want to go!  I love you Alex!  I love you!" he he fell to his knees, franticly banging on the walls of the golden bubble.  He looked on the fading scene with tear stained eyes and face.  Then he was in his room in a split second.  "No. . . Alex."

Alex shed yet another tear as she saw Yugi slip away, 'Good-bye.'

"You can't call the shadow realm around us.   You'll die with me," Bill called as the bubble engulfed him with the rest of the room.

"So be it.  Then I die.  I will not let Amunet's sacrifice be in vain!"  Alex put her arms out and the dark bubble grew even larger, covering the whole complex.

"What are you doing?"

"I might as well make sure that you people can never do this again!"  Alex's legs started to give way and her breathing was starting to become harder to control.  She looked over at Bill as she heard a painful cry escape from his lips.  He now laid motionless on the ground.

She tried to stand up, but couldn't find the strength.  She felt her side as the blood started to flow freely from her wound once again.  She looked to her right and saw another body on the ground, "Amunet?"

She crawled over to her and set her in her arms.  "Amunet, we did it.  They're gone.  Your plan worked, now we can go back home," she smiled at her friend, but got no response.  "Please god, Amunet wake up!" she shook her friend, hoping that would do something.  Alex gave up and cried into her friend's shoulder, releasing a fountain of tears down Amunet's face.  "I guess we die together," Alex choked out from underneath her hair.

Alex, get up

"Who- daddy?"

Alex get up.  Yugi is waiting for you.  You can't give up.  Amunet gave her being to save this world and you.  Don't waste her sacrifice.

"But I can't get out . . ."

Get up.  You'll find a way.  Alex struggled to get up.

"Daddy," Alex stood up under the pressure and looked around.

The power of the bracelet destroyed the evil from our world, but has trapped you inside the shadow realm.  But not all hope is lost.  You can find a way.  Believe in the love that the others have shown you.

"How?" Alex looked to her side and saw her father standing tall.  "How can you be here?"

I came to help you and remind you.  There are people who love you and are waiting for you to return.

"Daddy, I'm so sorry.  I don't hate you.  I miss you so much, just wishing I had a chance to know you."

My little girl.  I miss you too.  I am sorry for not being there when you were growing up he pushed some of her hair out of her face

"It wasn't your fault," she hugged him, "I love you daddy."

I love you too.  Now he held her away from him you have to go before it is too late.  You'll find a way.  Follow your heart.  Alex watched as her father disappeared.  She looked beyond his fading form at an object lying on the ground.  She gathered her strength and walked toward the object.

'I will find a way home to you all,' just as she grabbed the object she looked back, "Thank you daddy.  Thank you Amunet."


Yugi sat on the window sill in his bedroom looking over trees and smaller homes.  He saw the dark bubble recede, but couldn't get back.  When ever he tried a golden light surrounded him, preventing him from going any further.  "Alex," he stared out the window with Neit on his lap, "Come back."

He stood up and decided to try and go back again to the house.  The dark bubble had long but vanished.  As he tried the door, the gold light didn't stop him.  He ran out of the house and toward the home.

He reached the house and saw that the starwell was caved in and he couldn't get back to the lair.  He sat outside the window, underneath the fame to her room.  Neit jumped up on the window and started to meow to be let in.  "Neit, the window is open."  Neit didn't stop yelling.  Yugi just closed  his eyes, 'Why Yami, why?'

No one answeres his questions, "Yami?"  He held the puzzle in his hands, he could no longer feel the second presence any longer.  Yami was gone . . . just gone.

He stood up and ylled up at the sky, "WHY?!  Why them?  Why are you taking everything from me?  Everyone . . ."  He fell on the soft grass beneath his feet.

"Yami, Amunet . . . Alex, All gone.  Alex. I love you.  Why did you leave?"

"Who said I went anywhere?"

Yugi's tear filled eyes shot open and looked behind him.

"You can't get rid of me that easy, Yugi Motu."  He juped up from where he was sitting and grabbed her in a hug.

"Alex, I lost you.  How?"

"I felt everyone's love.  And I found a way . . . this of all things," she held out a rope.

"A rope?"

"Half of it was in the shadow realm.  I held on to it and made it home.  I don't understand how it even got there."

"You found a way back.  That's all that I'm happy about.  That's all I need to understand," he held her tighter and gave her a kiss of a lifetime.


Later that week they were both watching a movie in Alex's new home that her mother recently bought.  "Have you felt any trace of Yami?"

"Not for a while.  I truly believe that he is gone," she hugged him from the side, "I can't believe we lost both of them."

The doorbell rang, interrupting their thoughts.  "I'll get it," Yugi stood up.

"I'll go with you, it is my house afterall."  As they made their way to the door they passed by a small table in the hall.  On the table Alex placed a portrat of her father and his compass with a few candles surrouding them.

Yugi reached for the door and opened it.

"Hey you two.  Did you miss us?"  Standing outside the door was Amunet and Yami dressed in normal clothes.  They looked like copies of Alex and Yugi, but with a few differences.


"As you said before Alex," Amunet brought up, "Love can overcome impossibility."


"I told you.  The bracelet has the power to give life as well as take it away.  When you held me in your arms, your tears gave the energy to give both me and Yami our own bodies.  Your love in our friendship gave us life.  Now we can live our lives without borrowing your bodies."

"This is great!" Alex hugged Amunet.

"We thought that we would never get to talk with you guys again," Yugi shook Yami's hand.

'Like we would let that happen," he smiled.

"Amunet, this is yours," Alex started to take off the bracelet.

"No, Alex.  You are next to guard the bracelet."

"Same goes for you and the puzzle, Yugi," Yami stated.

"Anyway, all I want to do is spend the rest of my life with Yami."

They all came in the house and watched the movies, and met Alex's mom.  Yami and Amunet became students at Domino High, as they were only around sixteen when they were caught in the millennium items, and grew up with Alex and Yugi.


A/N:  I know, I know.  Kind of a weird/ bad ending I'm sorry.  That deserves half flames (DON'T HURT ME!!!!!).  But don't worry, I'm starting to cook up a sequel to this, but I might not start it for a while.  Please be patient.  I hope you enjoyed my fic (if not the last chapter, the rest of it) and review.  PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!!????????