Steve didn't really like Tony at first, mostly because they had clicked in every way imaginable. Tony was hyper, egotistical, lacked respect and compassion, while Steve valued the exact opposite of that. So it was still a surprise to Steve now that he was going out with said billionaire.

Sure Tony could be a jerk at times but it was usually in self defense of himself. It was his way of protecting himself from being hurt and Steve understood that. But it was the little things that really caught Steves eye and made him love Tony.

Little things like how Tony was always upgrading his suit for him, trying to keep him safe. Or finding things he thought Steve might like, like the record player Tony had installed for him, even though he could just have all the songs he wanted put on to that small metal music device.

Or the real devotion that Tony had to Steve. Steve had to admit that Tony was a real play boy before but even Pepper agreed with Steve that when Tony was in a relationship he didn't falter or take second glances. That really warmed his heart.

"How's it going, cap?" Steve heard tony say as he came up behind him and pecked him on the cheek. It was too early for Tony to be home but he wasn't one to complain, unless Pepper found out.

"Great! Just getting some drawing practice in." came Steve's reply along with his bright smile. Steve could swear that Tony had flushed a little more than his normal shade, but he must be imagining things.

Tony stretched over Steve's shoulder a little more to see what his love was drawing and smiled sweetly as he saw that Steve had been drawing- Tony holding a single flower.

"You and your drawing skills really amaze me sometimes" At that compliment Steve beamed a bright smile, happy that Tony liked his drawing. "But I am shocked you missed so much!"

"Missed so much?" Questioned Steve, smile fading to a small pout at Tony's mischievous look.

"Well, for instance, I would never hold a flower like that and this freckle-" Tony pointed at a part on his face where a freckle lay on the drawing before pointing to said freckle on his face, "Is about ten inches away from where it really is on my face."

"Oh," Was all Steve had to say before looking back at his drawing, slightly saddened at the remark Tony gave. Besides its was a gross overestimation on how far off said freckle was.

"Here," A small glass came around in front of Steve's face and he took it gently, " Brought you your new favorite drink, thought you might be thirsty."

Steve looked to Tony who had a bright smile across his face and it made Steves heart skip a beat to see that crinkled smile that only he ever seemed to receive. He couldn't help but smile back at Tony at the gesture; completely forgetting about the drawing comment.

Taking a sip Steve let out a small sigh in pleasure, Tony had made the tea banner had given him to perfection. A little bit of milk and sugar but not too much, it was times like these he felt much older than his age.

"Oh and-" Tony paused to steal a kiss from Steve's lips, to which Steve generously reciprocated. The kiss lasted longer than usual as they took is slow, just enjoying the feeling of each-others lips until Tony got to winded too continue and pulled away in a small huff, "I figured my love deserved a treat so I booked us one of your favorite restaurants, and before you can say anything I already cleared it with pepper too. No getting into trouble in the middle of this dinner date for missing a meeting."

Steve chuckled at that and nodded excitedly, "That's exciting! But you wouldn't be mad if I called pepper myself would you?'

Tony groaned at that, rolling his eyes in the process, and Steve winked before getting up and wrapping his arms around Tony, hugging him close.

"But we have sometime before the dinner reservation so did you want to do something together?" Tony asked, scratching his head awkwardly.

"I'd like to finish my drawing first," Steve kissed the top of Tony's head, "We can hang out a little later if that's OK?"

Tony looked a little taken aback but only for a quick moment before he responded with a small smile, "Yeah, yeah! No, that's fine, I will just meet up with you before we head out to dinner then."

"Sounds great," Steve smiled and squeezed Tony once more before sitting back down to finish his drawing, humming happily.

A while later Steve came down the stairs from his bedroom, expecting to see Tony waiting for him by the door but he was no where to be found. Steve frowned slightly, their reservation was in less than an hour and it took that long to get there.

"Jarvis?" Steve called awkwardly, still uncomfortable with the whole 'talking to the air business', but he put up with it anyway.

"Yes, Captain Rogers, how can I be of assistance?" Came Jarvis's swift reply to Steves relief. Last thing he needed was for anyone of the other avengers to come down and see him talking to the air, they'd think he'd gone mad.

"Where is Tony at the moment? Is he getting ready still?" Steve asked but he already knew where Tony most likely was.

"He is currently working on a project in lab b." Jarvis replied smoothly.

"Argh" Steve groaned and knew that this was going to happen, it always does, Tony gets working on a project and always forgets him.

Walking down the hallway from the elevator to lab b, Steve got ready to usher Tony out the door, no time for Tony to change. Steve walked into lab b and found the messiest Tony he has seen in a while, oil all over the small genius, as he looked baffled at what was now a dismantled bike. His, dismantled bike.

"Tony!" Steve called from across the lab and he was greeted with Tony's surprised glance and then recognition that crossed his face.

"Shit." Tony cursed under his breath and ran his hand through his oil slicked hair.

"Language," Steve chastised, "Now hurry! Or we are going to be late!"

"Yeah, yeah, It's not like they aren't going to hold my reservation! Don't you remember who I am? Don't worry, I'll only be a sec!" With that Tony strutted out of the lab and to the elevator, with the doors just about to shut at the end of the hall Tony mentions that he will meet Steve in the Garage.

Steve just rolls his eyes and makes his way down to the garage once again to wait for Tony.

It was now quarter to 8 and they really weren't going to make the reservation that Tony had planned, Steve sighed. Oh well, Steve was used to this sort of thing. He just hoped that Tony had time to put back his dismantled motor cycle as soon as possible. Tomorrow preferably. It made him uncomfortable to not have his own mode of transportation, not that he didn't appreciate that Tony was working on his motor bike, but it just seemed to be taken apart and redone so often these days.

The elevator opened and out stepped a very well dressed Tony, Smiling from ear to ear that crinkly smile that he loved and it made Steves heart skip a beat.

"Hey!" Steve called to Tony as he walked over, "You look great."

"As opposed to when I don't look great?" Tony mock scoffed and leaned up to steal a kiss from his Captain America. "And I'm not the only one that looks too sexy for his own good."

Steve blushed and scratched the back of his head at the compliment.

"So which car shall we take today?" Tony winked and put his arm around Steve's waist, "Your choice tonight,"

"Oh all mine?" Steve joked, "What's the special occasion?"

'S-special? Nothing! I just love you." Tony Smiled wide, but Steve could tell something was Slightly off.

"Then I want to take the '97 Shelby," Steve chuckled before adding, "AND – I want to drive."

Tony looked at Steve flabbergasted for a moment – about to complain – before shutting his mouth and nodding in agreement like a scorned child.

"OK, OK. Let's just get the show on the road, we're late."

"Because you took too long getting ready!" Steve laughed before grabbing the keys Tony had grabbed from him and unlocking their ride. "Now get in, buttercup."

Tony Rolled his eyes at the and slid into the passenger seat.

Steve was about to slide into the driver's side when he noticed a bundle of flowers on the seat. It was the same flower he had drawn Tony with earlier that day. Picking up the flowers, Steve glanced at Tony, waiting for an explanation.

"I knew you would pick this one, and I said I would never hold flowers like in your picture but that doesn't mean I'd never get you any." Tony said while looking forward, obviously blushing profusely.

Steve chuckled and leaned in to kiss Tony on the cheek, "I love them, Thank you."

Steve was sitting in the restaurant that Tony had chosen, it was indeed his favorite. Slightly more expensive -well to Steve it was- but worth it in his own opinion because It was decorated in 1930's-45's theme. Old artifacts from the war and such hung on the walls and the lights and tables were form the 1930's as well; Originals, not replica's!

"So did I choose right?" Tony asked, Smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, you chose well." Steve chuckled in response. "The food is great too, really tasty this time!"

"T-That's good!" Tony stuttered slightly and Steves smile faded slightly,

"Tony," Steve said softly, "Is everything ok? You have been acting nervous tonight, you can tell me if something is wrong.."

"W-wrong? Pft, nothing is wrong, I'm not nervous, a Stark doesn't get nervous!" Came Tony's reply, Steve wasn't buying it.


"Excuse me," The waitress interrupted before Steve could ask again, "Your bill, Mr. Stark." She motioned with her hand for Tony to take the black envelope, and Steve managed to notice that she didn't even acknowledge his presence. That was fine but it still made him slightly jealous that she would have the nerve to hit on Tony while everyone knew that they were an item.

"Ah, no." Tony nervously smirked, "I don't like, ah, being handed things, it's a quirk. Just, um, put it on the table or something."

"I'll take it from you," Steve tapped on her forearm, slightly giddy at Tony's reply and the look on her face when he said it. I am really a horrible person, Steve thought to himself.

"Sure.." Came her disappointed reply as she handed Steve the black envelope, and walked away, dejected.

Steve opened the envelope and gasped too quickly because he started coughing at what he saw.

"What too pricy or something, you don't have to worry about that. "Tony joked.

Steve just shook his head and cleared his throat a bit after he finished coughing. "No, this."

Tony took the envelope and looked inside, making the most upset face Steve has seen on Tony in a long time. It actually made Steve slightly worried..

"I guess there won't be a tip for her." Came the cold statement from Tony.

"Tony!" Scolded Steve, "It's bound to happen sometimes, I just wasn't expecting it! That doesn't mean you shouldn't leave a tip."

"But she ruined it-" Tony Started and then shut his mouth, looking back at the receipt. It had 'XXX Gwen" and a phone number on it in big black letters.

"Ruined what Tony," Steve sighed, "It's just a receipt, you usually never keep them anyway."

Tony sighed and ran his hand though his neatly done hair, "Steve, ah, Can we talk about something?"

Steve felt his heart jump into his throat, he hated that phrase more than anything, "Y-yeah, what about?"

Tony looked everywhere but in Steves eyes at the moment and tried to start a sentence more that once, failing and making Steve more worried in the process,

"Steve, ah, you know I love you, ah, a lot right?" Tony finally whispered, all the while fidgeting with something on the table.

"Yeah, I do, I love you too, Tony." Steve replied cautiously.

"Well, ah, I just wanted to-"

"Hey" Came a voice from beside them, startling them out of what was a very tense moment, Even Steve felt a moment of relief until he saw it was that flirting waitress again. "I just wanted you to know that I am really glad your back on the strait side,"

There was a pause, Steve looked at her, slightly taken aback. Yeah, no tip.

"The.. wha?" Tony gagged out, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Language." Came the automatic reply from Steve, but Tony ignored him.

"I saw it, the tabloid from Paris!" This 'Gwen' Stated excitedly, "Oh! Maybe you didn't see it yet?"

"See what, exactly?" Questioned Steve,

"This!" She pulled a magazine from her waitress apron pocket and Steve froze. He felt the blood drain from his face as he felt a mixture of embarrassment and betrayal. There on the front page was his Tony kissing another girl with his arm around another one; the Eiffel tower just behind the trio, in all its wicked glory.

"What is it!?" Tony snatched the magazine from Steve's hands and when he saw the cover Tony covered his mouth and swallowed. Hard.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about Tony?" Steve half shouted. "Well don't worry about breaking up with me, because I'm done with you!"

"W-Wait! Steve! I swear this isn't me!"

"Isn't you Tony!? It's A picture of you when you were in Paris last week, apparently enjoying more that the view!"

"It was a set up, or something, I promise you this isn't me!" Tony begged as Steve fled from the restaurant.

Steve made sure he fled fast enough that Tony couldn't see the tears that were starting to fall from his eyes.

"Shitshitshit." Tony swore as he place the necessary bills on the table and no more, and ran after Steve. But by the time Tony made it to the street Steve was no where to be seen.

Tony flipped his cell phone opened and speed dialed Steve's number hoping that he would answer but Tony new that he wouldn't. Crushing the magazine in his hands Tony vowed that he would find who ever did that and make sure they regretted it – thoroughly.

Walking up to the Vehicle Tony reached in his pockets to take out the car keys but remembered something – Steve had the keys. Shit. Tony thought as he pulled out his phone to call a taxi, but that's when his phone decided to run out of battery. Sigh, it's going to be a long walk home...

When Tony got home the first thing he did was run to the phone to try calling Steve again, but Steve still wasn't picking up. Tony slammed the phone against the wall and let a few tears roll down his cheek, this wasn't how the night was supposed to go... The fact remains that Steve won't listen to him without proof.

"Jarvis," Tony called, his heart set on what he had to do.

"Yes Master Stark?"

"Get Pepper to come over, I have something to discuss with her."