Do I deliver or do I deliver? Finally I have started on the Sequel for Warmth of Their Wings!

Sorry to cut that story short. There was just nothing I could think of to make a final chapter for. Meanwhile this story has so many ideas behind it. I may not be able to fit them all! It's crazy man.

After three tedious hours this chapter is finally finished. Hope you all enjoy it. It's only the beginning of a very bumpy ride. I am just so evil to the characters I love!

Don't forget to leave those amazing reviews! I enjoy reading them. Oh and favorite as well as follow for more!

I do not own DC at all. If I did, Jason would be getting a lot more attention, Dick would be a showgirl, and Damian would get thrown around a lot more. Enjoy!

Finally after months of bitter cold winds, heavy snowfall, and eventful holidays the snow had melted away to allow spring to take over. Though in Gotham spring was mostly considered cloudy skies and smog filled nights. It beat out the winter any day. No one in Gotham was as happy to have the snow gone as Jason Todd. After the fiasco of him getting sick, and all the drama that ensued after, he had allowed Bruce and the others to help get him back to full health. Yet once he was better they didn't allow him to leave the manor to go back to his shitty apartment.

Instead he had been under careful watch while being forced to stay within the confines of the manor. Even if they let him go out on his own it was either the replacement or the golden boy who went with him to make sure he didn't scamper off. All of that was no longer needed now that the weather was warmer.

Which is why Jason was within his old room packing up what little he had brought over from his home during those months. A few spare changes of clothes, bathroom essentials, and of course his beloved weapons. Bruce had thrown a fit when he returned with them on his person. He only dropped the subject when Jason stormed from the room and ignored him for a week after the incident. No one made a move to comment on the weapons after that. For the wayward Robin this was a happy day. He would be heading back out to his safe house and he could continue his nightly job as Red Hood.

Jason was rather lucky no one made a move on his territory during the cold months. It was most likely chalked up to the fact that it was colder than Mr. Freeze himself. As he finished putting everything into the small, worn down pack back he always used he allowed his teal gaze to rake around the room. Memorizing what he could before he left. Sure he enjoyed his time with his 'family' and all, but he didn't want to be in their hair any longer. All he had needed from them was help getting better. He was better than ever and raring to go.

With a low sigh he turned on his heel and began to make his way out of his room. Closing the door silently behind him before trekking down the hall. The more volatile vigilante was able to keep his steps silent as he moved towards the stair case. He had come to memorize all the creaky floorboards within the mansion and where best to creep out without being seen or heard. Most of that knowledge came from his older brother during his time as Robin. A flashback consumed the man as he continued walking.

"Oh come on Jaybird. Bruce is out of town and Alfred is down in the kitchen cleaning up. No harm in doing a small patrol." Dick said from where he was laying sprawled out on his little brother's bed. He had come into Gotham to help Alfred watch Jason while Bruce was gone on a business trip. The younger of the two was at his desk trying his best to write some stupid report on some stupid book he didn't care to remember.

"Alfred has a sixth sense, dickhead. He will hear us heading down the hall easily. Believe me, I have tried." Jason rolled his eyes at the older and his idiotic plan. He was already in deep with Bruce for a mishap the week before involving him and a thug with a now unrecognizable face. If he was to get caught sneaking out then Bruce would most likely suspend him from being Robin. Which wouldn't be the first time that has happened.

"There are ways of getting out of here without making a sound." Dick said as he suddenly materialized beside his brother and closed his laptop when he was about to finish the third paragraph in his report. An annoyed sigh left the younger as he turned around and stared impatiently at his brother. When the younger said nothing he continued.

"I have been living in this house since I was a kid. I have come to know the ins and outs almost as well as Bruce." A sly grin crossed his face. "Especially when it comes to which floorboards creek." Instantly he had his brother's full attention. Like that of a cat being offered a delicious treat.

"Really?" Teal eyes widened slightly as they met the blue orbs, so familiar to Bruce yet so different. Where one was full of strength, power, and determination about everything the other was full of child-like hope, joy, and a playful glint.

"Really little wing. How else do you think I have gone to so many parties and not been caught?" Dick said playfully pushing his brother's shoulder. "Come on young grasshopper. I have much to teach you." He bowed his head before he rushed to the door and waited for the other to join him.

With one last glance at his now closed computer, and paused report, he moved from his chair to follow after his brother. Before he took a step out the door the older man put a hand to his chest to stop him. Jason shot him a curious glance but Dick just smiled.

Then with the grace that only Dick Grayson could pull off he began to slip from one board to the next. Silence filled the air as he made his way half way down the hall. Jason had been watching the entire time and made sure to memorize which boards his older brother had stepped on. Carefully he made his way down the hallway after his brother having a few close calls along the way. Now both brothers moved in sync silently till they reached the stairs.

Dick led his little brother down the stairs easily and both crept pass the entrance to the kitchen where Alfred was on the far end of the kitchen moving dishes around to clean the inside of the cabinets. The second Robin had to admit that his persistence to clean up this entire house was unmatched by anyone he has ever seen. Alfred always found new ways to impress him. Within no time they reached the grandfather clock that led down to the Batcave where their costumes would be waiting for them. Dick easily slid open the contraption and both boys descended down into the dark depths.

Eagerly Jason raced past his predecessor to grab his suit from the case it usually sat when he did not need it. While the older grabbed the bag that held his signature Nightwing suit in it, chuckling from the excitement that his brother was showing at being able to go out. "Hurry up before Alfred goes to check on us!" He said as he headed for the changing area. A whirl of red, green, and black brushed past him as the younger boy reached one of the stalls first. Dick had seen the wide smile on his brothers face as he disappeared to get changed.

"Score one for me." Dick mumbled happily under his breath with a gentle smile as he went to change himself. Tonight was going to be a good night.

Jason shook his head as he reached the bottom of the stairs with the bag slung over his shoulder. The memory had been one of the few good memories he had before his untimely death and his resurrection. One that was stored deep within his mind and had been buried underneath all the hate and anger he had previously felt towards his family. Sure he still wasn't fully used to being with them yet but he was getting better.

Before him stood the front door and his ticket to freedom. Just outside would be his trusty motorcycle he had brought around ready for him to hop on and leave. Voices from the kitchen were what grounded him momentarily. His family were all sitting around enjoying breakfast at the time he was packing his clothes up. They all knew he would have wanted to leave as soon as he was able. Yet did they know that he chose to leave that very day? For a moment he wondered if he should just sneak by now and leave without a word to any of them. Just slip off and go back to the life he was living before he had fallen sick.

It was a very tempting thought that he had considered filling out. Then he thought about all the things they had done for him during his stay there and guilt suddenly hit him. Which was unusual since he normally didn't feel guilt in anything. Fuck, I am going soft. He thought with a grimace as he tightened his hold on the bag and strode towards the kitchen doorway.

A doorway he remembered entering so many times before as his time as Robin. How it always smelled wonderful thanks to Alfreds cooking and had minimum chatting from Bruce and the Englishman. Sometimes Dick would have been over causing quite a scene, talking loudly, eating quickly, and just making a general mess while he gushed about how happy he was to be over visiting.

Though there was still the lovely smell of the food that he absolutely loved, the sounds were much different as was the scene that greeted him.

"How you can eat that baffles me Grayson." Damian young voice filtered through the doorway as the youngest Wayne boy stared in disgust as Dick was stuffing his face with freshly made bacon and eggs. Being the vegetarian he was, the fifth Robin was always disgusted when the others ate meat around him. While his oldest brother was eating bacon and eggs, he had pancakes spread out before him. Blueberries. Damians favorite kind.

"Oh come on Dami! You have your food and I have mine." Dick said with a wide smile to the younger as he took a sip of orange juice happily. The youngest rolled his eyes at his brothers antics. Beside Damian sat Bruce who was silently reading the newspaper with a single cup of coffee placed on the table before him. Though his eyes were focused on the words of the paper he had a slight smile on his face as he listened to his family interact.

"Just because you don't like meat doesn't mean the rest of us don't." Tim added as he ate a piece of sausage with a smirk to the younger bird. "Because the rest of us aren't pansies about eating things that were once living." Instantly Damian shot him a glare.

"It is not that I fear eating meat, Drake, but because unlike you I respect animals." He spat but didn't do much more than that. A fight was the last thing father or Alfred had needed so he stayed sitting even with Tim grinning at him.

"Whatever you say, Dami."

At the stove Alfred was cooking up more breakfast for the small family. Being that the house was full of males, all who worked out daily and took nightly personas, food was always a must in that house. Especially when some of them ate like they were starved for a weak. Jason's eyes turned specifically to Dick when he thought that. A sly smile spreading across his face at that thought. The family butler had an exasperated look on his face as he listened to the bickering birds. But Jason knew better than to think that Alfred was tired of any of them. He loved each and everyone one of them like his own. Jason had to admit that the older man was like a grandfather to him and he was thankful for that.

Thinking that the family moment had gone on long enough, he finally stepped thru the doorway and cleared his throat to try and get his families attention. Five pairs of eyes turned to look at the second Robin.

"Hey Jaybird! Want some breakfast?" Dick asked with a wide smile as he held up his plate invitingly.

"No thanks Dickie." Jason said shaking his head back and forth slowly. The elder pouted slightly and set the plate back down. "I actually came to say goodbye." He said while shifting the bag on his shoulders. Everyone in the kitchen shared looks with one another at that and it kind of unnerved Jason how in sync his family truly was. Years of experience. He thought in the back of his mind. Bruce was the first one to do anything. He set the newspaper down and stared at the wayward bird.

"You don't have to leave Jason. You are always welcome to stay here." The older man said calmly. Eyes not giving anything away to how he was truly feeling.

"Yeah little wing. Stay here. Save you the trouble of coming to visit us every once and a while." Dick tried with a wide hopeful smile to his younger brother.

"Dick's right." Tim piped up from where he sat awkwardly shifting when Jason's blue eyes focused on him. "I mean, you wouldn't want to constantly waste all that gas to head out here." There was a smile that quirked on Jason's lips at that. He always liked how Tim always had some reason behind getting what he wanted. Something that was smart and could convince most anyone.

"As much as I would love that, because I am just jumping at the chance to live back here, I can't accept." Tim and Dick seemed to be the only ones to visibly show their disappointment that Jason didn't accept. Damian just snorted and turned back to his food though he seemed a little off for some reason. It couldn't have been that he actually cared for Jason. Just a few short months ago he saw him as a common criminal who should be locked up in Arkham for all his crimes. Not the big brother he was supposed to be.

Bruce was silent as the anti-hero met his eyes. Both stared at one another for a long moment before the older nodded his head in resignation. "We understand Jason." He said softly as he slowly stood up and came forward. The older man only stood a few inches taller than Jason. While Jason towered over the rest of the family like a giant. It was funny because his father was a scrawny, small man who didn't have much muscle and wasn't very tall. Weird how his son turned out to be a massive man who was practically a wall of muscle. "Just come and visit when you can." Bruce said with a quirk of a smile on his lips. Confident that the younger would do just that.

"Course old man. This place wouldn't be exciting without me around." A sly smirk spread across Jason's face as he said that. There was a laugh from Bruce which quickly spread to the rest of the family. Hell even Jason joined in. After the moment passed everyone sobered up.

"You can call any time as well…. Stay safe Jason. Alright?"

Blue eyes met and a silent agreement passed between them that only the two of them would understand. "I will make sure to do just that." With that he turned and began to head for the front door. He was keenly aware of his family slowly following behind him with vein hopes that he wouldn't leave and just stay there. Thing was, he just couldn't bring himself to stay with them any longer than he needed. He had stayed long enough as it was. Within moments he was out the door and getting on his bike. Pulling on a black and red motorcycle helmet Dick had gotten him for Christmas. Black to represent him being a part of the Batclan and the red for his nightly persona.

Both of them had a good laugh at that while Bruce just rolled his eyes at their antics. That had been a fun time he had to admit. Now he had to leave.

He turned his head to see his family all staring at him. Jason was grateful for the visor that hid his eyes from view. "Make sure to keep them in check Alf." He called and gained a small nod from the butler who had sad brown eyes trained on the younger man.

"You better visit Jaybird." Dick said as he started up his motorcycle. There was a grin on Jason's face at that and he nodded.

"Course Dickiebird."

With that he was off, heading past the gates that opened during his departure and racing off towards the city. To head back to the life he had been living before all of this happened.