Sitting on a wooden, possibly unstable, stool behind the counter of an empty bakery, Tris Prior thought to herself if the day could get any slower. She only has the ten to two shift but when a customer only comes in once in a blue moon, it's hard to refrain yourself from looking at the frozen clock on the wall. She's the only one working in the small, local, business and rain falls onto the windows softly, making the only noise in the vacant place besides the frequent sighs coming from the blonde.

What's the point of making us work till two if people stop coming in at 12? She thinks to herself with her chin in her hand. She checks the inventory to see that most of the pastries still have a considerable amount left, and she doubts anyone will come in and order three dozen donuts anyway within the twenty minutes she has left. Either way, Tris decides to go to the back of the shop to get some extra apple turnovers just in case a customer comes in and wants more than the three they currently have left.

All of the baker boys have gone home for the day and left the extra pans of food on the racks. She grabs the turnover pan, but not before she reads the note next to them.

Try not to eat them all. XX -Charlie

Last time she worked alone she had ate five turnovers in twenty minutes. No one would have found out if her boss didn't check the surveillance cameras everyday, which she didn't know until he called her out on in front of everyone. Asshole.

Tris rolls her eyes at how he signed "Charlie" with a smiley face next to it and thinks for the billionth time about how to lead him to not like her. It was flattering to have someone express an attraction towards her, rare even. Plus, Charlie was arguably cute with blonde hair and dark brown eyes with freckles peppering his face. Tris could just not bring herself to like him, despite trying to give him a chance.

She can't help but feel like he actually doesn't like her and he is just messing with her. Tris has been called beautiful her whole life with her "golden blonde hair, perfect body, and sparkling eyes". Tris doesn't see any of those traits when she looks at herself in the mirror, in truth, she sees the opposite. She notices dull, blonde hair, a long nose, a body that should belong to a fifteen year old, not a twenty-one year old, and lifeless eyes.

After hearing the bell above the door ring, she realizes that she has been standing there longer than she should be considering she's the only one working. Rushing to the front with the turnover pan, she places the turnovers on the counter before looking up the face the customer. Her heart stops right then when she sees the customer has a mask on and is holding a gun, which is directly pointed to the center of her forehead.

"You know what to do," the man speaks in a deep, rumbling voice.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, she utters silently. Tris could feel herself breathing heavily and close to hyperventilation. She stood there, struck in fear, begging any God she could think of to not let this man shoot her. She has so much to live for, so many places to see, so many people to meet. She never even said goodbye to anyone she knew. She never will get to say goodbye if the man decides to shoot her.

"Are you stupid?" the man shouts, waving the gun in her face, as if to remind her what he could use against her. She turns around partially, making sure not to fully have her back to him in case he tries to shoot her. She grabs every twenty, ten, five, or one she can find and hands it to him. She can't help but imagine her boss seeing all the money gone, despite having a gun in her direct vision as a threat.

The man shoves the money into his black hoodie and stares at her once again. She can see through the holes cut out for eyes in his mask that he had dark, ocean blue eyes. Could that help with identification for the police? The man continues to stare until Tris starts to silently cry, and try to sneakily slip away into the back. She had to get away, before he thinks of shooting her or even raping her. She thinks about if she runs quick enough, she can go through the back door and run into a nearby business for safety.

Without thinking of the possibility of him catching her, she sprints out from behind the counter and into the back. She can hear heavy footsteps behind her and she starts to sob. She can't get away. She feels strong arms around her yanking her away from her escape. Tris thrashes around wildly, trying to kick and bite anything in sight. She manages to kick his thigh, but he does not even flinch. She stops moving when she feels cold metal against her temple.

"Don't make me shoot," he says, not even out of breath. She starts crying wildly now and he just continues to stare at her. He pushes her against the wall and presses their bodies together. She stops her crying when she feels his hands on her hips and his breath against her neck. He runs his nose along her jaw and inhales her scent at her neck.

"You're coming with me," he whispers, sending tingles down her spine. She resumes crying and he lifts her over his shoulders. She screams and violently starts shaking with her sobs ]as he is carrying her away. She tries her hardest to at least injure him, but every time she gets close to hurting him, he rotates her another way that prevents her from repeating the same move against him. He carries her out of the store and leads her into a black van with black, tinted windows.

Of course it's a van, Tris amuses, but quickly stops when she realizes she shouldn't be amusing over anything in this situation and how she needs to think of a way to escape. She tries to find anyone walking by or nearby to help save her, but, of course, she finds not another soul in any direction. Great.

Her tears are coming even faster now that she realizes this man could kill her easily with either his gun or his strength. He pulls open the van door and throws her in the back seat forcefully. She cries out in pain when her head hits the window, and starts frantically looking around for a witness, a person, an anything that could save her. While she is seeking a hero, the villain begins to tie her hands together with a beige, thick piece of rope that digs into her wrist. She squirms while he does this to shake him off, but to no avail. She tries kicking him, but his knees are on her struggling feet. The man rises from the floor of the car and slides out of the back seat.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening," Tris muttered as if she was searching for her car keys that she lost.

The man climbs into the front seat and slams the door behind him. With ease, he starts up the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Help! Somebody please!" Tris screams, throwing her conjoined fists at the window. The driver doesn't seem fazed by her desperate cries for help. He continues to drive as if this happens everyday to him, and it has started to become a routine.

"What is wrong with you? Are you sick in the head?" Tris yells and tries to get closer so she can hit him. The man laughs, shakes his head, and looks back at her. She hasn't even realized that he took his mask off, until there was a full face rather than eyes looking at her.

She couldn't help but almost gape when she saw her kidnapper. When you think of kidnappers, you think of old, scary, weird, pedophiles. What was staring with a smirk on his face at Tris right now was none of those things.

He has dark brown hair that is short and messed up slightly due to the mask that is now laying in the passenger seat. His eyes are dark blue and look cold, like he has seen too many bad things in his life. He has a strong jaw that is blanketed by a thin layer of stubble. His lips are plump and pink with a full bottom lip and a lean upper lip. His tan skin is covered with thin scars that aren't noticeable unless you look closely. With his neck twisted, she can see a black line emerging from the black shirt he is wearing. A tattoo. Overall, despite the situation, she couldn't help but think he is the most handsome person she has ever seen in her life.

That was her last thought before she blacked out.

Hope you like it so far. Next chapter will be better. Review, Favorite, & Follow.