Chapter 3: Lessons from Ladies

It's been so far a good day. The sun is out shining and everyone is up about doing their own business. Team Natsu and their kids have been happily chatting at some random table. Natsu has been laughing his head off and as usual doing crazy antics while Lucy just face palms at the sight of her husband. The kids are minding their own business as well talking about random topics, from fighting styles to what food to eat later that day. Mirajane is as usual at behind the bar. The normally cheery mage has been checking Gray out of the corner of her eye. The ice mage has been sighing for the past hour, repeatedly. So far it's been his umpteenth sigh.

Gray has been sitting by the bar since early morning. He sat, ordered his usual drink which hasn't been touched for the past hour and he just sat there, lost in his train of thought with his occasional sigh. Mirajane can't help but be concerned with her comrade for he is not his usual self.

Thinking that maybe the apprentice knows something she looks at Uriel who was busy chatting with the other kids. They suddenly make eye contact and Mirajane beckons him closer. She leaves behind the counter but not before sparing a glance at Gray who unsurprisingly sighs yet again.

As the two meet, Mirajane pulls Uriel to the side a bit far away from Gray so he will not hear anything.

"Hey, you know anything about that?" Mirajane says as she subtly points to Gray. Uriel looks at his mentor who is now slouched while sighing occasionally with little bouts of head shaking and whatnot. Uriel shrugs.

"Want me to go talk to him?" Uriel asks. Mirajane shook her head. "I don't think Gray would like to easily talk about his problem. Can you call your Uncle Natsu? I'm sure he would know how to cheer up Gray."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Uriel asks while scratching his head. It's not exactly a good idea and Uncle Natsu would be the last person who you can turn to at times of trouble. Usually he is the CAUSE of trouble.

"I'm sure dear. Now go call him here." Uriel reluctantly complies and goes to call Natsu. After a few minutes Uriel returns to Mirajane with Natsu behind him.

"What's up Mira?" Natsu asks. "That's what's up." Mirajane points at Gray. Natsu stares and witnesses what Gray has been doing for the past hour. The sighs. Natsu promptly thinks and leaves for a while. He returns with Lucy in tow.

"What's with the little meeting here?" asks Lucy clearly puzzled with the seriousness. Natsu points at Gray and she observes. The sigh. Lucy observes. There must be atleast 5 sighs per second. Gray must be thinking really hard about something.

"What do you think we should do?" Mirajane asks.

"What do you mean?" asks Lucy. Mirajane proceeds to explain what has been happening with Gray for the past hour or so.

"Knowing Gray, he wouldn't talk about it. Let's just cheer him up." Lucy says.

"Yo Gray Junior, are you sure that master of yours didn't tell you anything about his shit?" Natsu asks Uriel. The boy just shakes his head.

"Well, know anything that can cheer him up?" Mirajane asks.

"I can! Watch and learn." Natsu says as he bumps his fists together. "I'm getting fired up."

"Idiot! Don't provoke –" Lucy says but she was cut off with Natsu hurling a fireball towards Gray.

"Yo ice princess! Acting like a pansy today aren't ya?"

"What the hell do you mean, fire brain?"

"I mean what I mean you ice cube!"

Natsu begins to tackle Gray on the ground and now a fight ensues. Mirajane and Uriel sweatdrops while Lucy just shakes her head. "So much for warning my husband and so much for cheering Gray up."

"I think Gray is having lady troubles" Mirajane suddenly says. "What makes you say that?" Asks Lucy.

"You know who came back don't you? Gray's The One That Got Away." Mrajane says while giggling. "Oh, I get it." Lucy says while snickering. Uriel looks at them while getting creeped out. Girls are weird.

"Hey Uriel, do you want Gray to be your daddy?" Lucy mischievously asks. Uriel's eyes light up and he nods his head vigorously. Lucy and Mirajane suddenly had these wide scary smiles on their faces. Uriel sweatdrops.

Lucy and Mrajane proceeds to turn their backs on Uriel then a series of whispers and shrieks ensues. What is happening with girls?! They are seriously weird. It's the same look Summer has when she's scheming something bad and it's super scary.

The two females suddenly turn around their eye gleaming with malice. "Oh don't worry Uriel, he will be your daddy very soon." Lucy says. Uriel suddenly gulps hard, regretting saying yes to these two. It's like a deal with Satan. Well, Mirajane is one so…how true is that.

What the fuck is Natsu thinking? Gray thinks as he proceeds to dust himself after his brawl with Natsu. Suddenly he felt people holding his arms on either side.

"Hey Gray." Lucy says while holding his right arm.

"We have a little something to talk about." Mirajane says while holding his left arm. The two ladies proceeded to drag Gray away.

I don't like this. Gray thinks as he was being whisked away.

"We are going to teach you a few things about wooing women." Mirajane says while dragging Gray who was now shuddering with fear.

"We'll teach you everything you need to know." Lucy now cells while laughing maniacally. Girls are fucking scary when it comes to romance and match making.


"I wouldn't want to be in the position. Bye Princess!" Natsu says as he waves at Gray from a safe distance.

Uriel then tugs Natsu's top. Natsu looks at him. "What are they going to do?"

"You don't wanna know Gray Junior." Natsu smiles at Uriel sadly while Uriel just looks up at Natsu confused.

"What happened to Gray-sama?" Juvia asks Uriel while looking at Gray who was as white as a sheet while sitting by the bar.

"I don't know. Aunt Lucy and Aunt Mirajane just dragged Dad somewhere. Women are scary." Uriel says while shuddering.

Juvia just laughs.