It was an average day in Fairy Tail. Which basically means everyone in the guild (with the exception of the slightly less crazy folks) were in a fight that was threatening to destroy the guild. Well that was until Erza put a stop to it, causing Lucy a release a sigh of relief. That sigh was soon wasted when Erza left.

As soon as said requip Mage left on a mission another brawl broke out by none other than a battle hungry fire dragon slayer and an upset ice Mage. The fight went on for a grand total of 5 minutes before a certain blonde decided she had had enough. "NATSUUUUU," she yelled causing the fire mage to immediately stop what he was doing (by holding onto Grays neck) and looking over.

"Yeah Luce?" He questioned, giving we her his undivided attention.

"Let's go on a mission. Now." She said as she stood up from her place at the bar.

"Okay." The famed salamander immediately agreed with the excitement of a puppy causing him to drop the suffocating ice wizard.

Gray stood up shakily as he regained the ability to breath. "You -cough- are -cough- so whipped," he finished with a smirk. Natsu quickly turned to glare at the ice mage.

"I'm what?" He shouted as he punched Gray in the face, only to be yelled at by Lucy to hurry the hell up or get left. So of course he yelled for Happy, who quickly declined saying something about fish and Carla and Wendy's mission. It wasn't important it just meant that Natsu could have all of Lucy's attention so he quickly ran after her.

Normally Natsu was against silence. It creeped him out and felt lonely with other people, but if he was with Lucy it was a different thing. With Lucy he didn't mind walking quietly with her or sitting in her room as she wrote. He actually kinda liked it because whenever they were quite he could look at her and she wouldn't even notice half the time. And he want sure why but he really liked looking at her. And he loved her scent. To him she smelled of everything good. She smelled warm like a sunny day but sweet like a flower. Some days she smelt a bit spicy like cinnamon and it was almost like he could smell his fire on her and he loved that for some reason.

"You're awfully quiet right now Natsu. Is there something wrong?" Lucy pulled him from his thoughts. And he didn't know why but for some reason he felt his cheeks heat up as he took in the little tilt of her head and wide concerned eyes.

"Uhh n-no. I-I'm fine." Why did he just stutter? That's something only weirdos like Lucy do. Suddenly a thought struck him. What if her weirdness rubbed off on him. "Oh no. Lucy I think I'm sick."

"What?! You just said you were fine! We aren't even near a train. What's wrong?"

"I think you gave me your weird ness." He announced, which resulted in his face being smashed into a tree by a Lucy kick and a screech of "I was worried about you!"

When they were finally back to walking (Natsu rubbing his sore cheek) Natsu thought of something and before he knew what he was doing he was asking Lucy about it.

"Hey Luce."

"Yeah Natsu," she looked up at him with a calm expression.

"What does whipped mean?" He asked innocently. As Lucy looked at him with wide eyes before she broke into a nervous smile.

"Haha what do you mean? Like when you whip a bad guy," she said hesitantly as she gestured to the whip on her hip.

"Well I don't think that's what Gray meant. It seemed like something only an asshole stripper would say," he pouted.

"Wait how did the conversation go?"

"Well we were fighting and then you called me and I stopped to talk to you and he was like you are so whipped." Natsu explained as the blonde covered her face with her hand in exasperation.

"Ugh stupid Gray," she murmured just loud enough that Natsu was able to make it out. "Well it kinda depends on how you take it if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Well what does it mean?" He said a bit more aggressively. It was really annoying him because it felt as if Gray had somehow insulted his relationship with Lucy and that just made him want to destroy everything.

"Calm down," Lucy sweat dropped, "it's usually referred to when a man is controlled by a woman. But usually the two are in a relationship."

"What the hell! I ain't controlled by nobody. And I ain't in a relationship! Who the hell was he saying could control me?"

"First Natsu it's am not not ain't and anybody not nobody. And I believe Gray was suggesting that I had you 'whipped'. Which is crazy because we aren't even dating and there is no way we would because we don't even like each other. Plus you don't listen to me most of the time." She said with a tick mark. Here she was for the last month trying to repress her feelings for the idiot (in a loving way) dragon slayer and right when she gets a decent control over them Gray had to say something like that.

"That's just dumb," Natsu said with his brow furrowed, "we like each other." He didn't know why but her words really hurt. They were best friends of course they liked each other how could she say that.

"No Natsu not in the friend way. Of course I like you like a friend we are best friends. I meant like boyfriend and girlfriend." Why did he have to be asking her these questions?

"Lucy. What how do you know if you like someone in that way?"

Thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think and I'll update. I don't own fairytail clearly but I do own this story.