Warning! Chapter contains sexual content! DO NOT READ if you feel uncomfortable!

The club was packed when they walked in, and the air was hot and thick from the fog machines and the writhing mass of bodies on the dance floor. They looked around for a moment, before moving over to the bar, where the bartender immediately started making their usual drinks.

Jace sat close to his pouting girlfriend, his arms wrapped tightly around her, although her back was to him and she was pretending to ignore him. "Come on, Clary. You can't really be mad at me. What's really the matter, baby?"

She sighed, sinking against him, as he laid sweet kisses across her cheekbone. "I'm not. And I'm not really mad at Izzy either. I've just been really emotional lately, and I don't know why."

Before Jace could respond, another voice cut in. "It's your angel blood. It's affecting you more and more. You're glowing when you fight, your emotions have been heightened, your appetite has increased…".

She looked over at Magnus, where he sat with Alec, SImon and Izzy. "My appetite? What do you mean my appetite has increased?"

"Did you see your plate last night? You ate more than Jace and me combined. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen", Simon said.

Jace made an intrigued face over her shoulder. "Ohhhhhh… I was wondering what that was about…".

Clary was horrified. "Are you serious? I didn't even notice. Did I really eat that much?"

Izzy nodded, with an amused yet saddened expression. "You ate all of your chinese food, two bowls of spaghetti, and one of Simon's vegetarian pizza's. Like the whole thing."


Jace squeezed his girlfriend. "It's not that big of a deal. I, personally, thought it was hot."

Simon nodded. "It was hot. Although, I wish you hadn't eaten my pizza."

Isabelle elbowed him in the stomach and Jace glared at him. "What? She's my best friend? I've seen her naked so many times, calling her hot because she ate a lot s not a big deal."

Jace turned on Clary. "He's seen you naked?"

She rolled her eyes. " Calm down. It wasn't recently. The last time was when Jonathan attacked and I had to change in front of him. There was nothing weird going on."

Jace glared harder. "You changed in front of him."

"Oh please. Simon's like the non-evil/ demon brother I've never had. I'm more comfortable with him than I am with my mom, or my dead brother."

"That doesn't mean anything, since your actual brother was set on having sex with you."

She sighed. "You know what I mean. Simon is like, the absolute last person on earth that I'm sexually attracted to. I'm more attracted to Alec and Magnus than I am to Simon. I'm more attracted to ISABELLE than I am to Simon."

"Wow. That's literally the most offensive thing I've ever heard in my entire life."

Clary turned to her best friend. "Sorry, Si. No offense or anything."

"How the hell am I not supposed to take offense to that?"

Everyone laughed, before Jace turned on Clary again. "Wait a sec, you're sexually attracted to Alec?"

Clary looked at him like he was an idiot. "Have you seen his eyes? Come on now, Jace. You could literally go swimming in them. Alec is hot. Like, really hot. It's not that big of a deal, especially considering the fact that he's gay and in a relationship."

Alec coughed as Isabelle burst out laughing, and Magnus looked at her amused. "You don't seem embarrassed that you think Isabelle is hot. Are you bi, Clary?"

She shrugged. " I don't think so. I've never tried being with a girl, and I've never been SUPER attracted to one before."

He grinned, mischievously. "Well, you never know until you try, right?"

She considered that for a second, as the rest of them looked at her like she was crazy. "I guess you're right."

Before anyone knew what was happening she grabbed the wrist of a girl that was passing by, and pulled her close, attaching their lips. The sound of a glass shattering could be heard, as Clary made out with the stranger for almost two minutes, before pulling away. The girl was dazed, her long blonde hair mussed from Clary's hands, and her light pink lipstick smeared. She pulled her hands off Clary's waist, smiling at her before reaching into her gold clutch. She pulled out a piece of paper out and scribbled her number on it, before tucking it into Clary's cleavage, gripping her ass, and walking off with her giggling friends.

Clary stared after her for a second before turning back towards her friends. "Umm, I don't think so. I never felt that sparky, tingly feeling that I feel when I kiss Jace."

The others were frozen in shock, but Magnus smirked. "Well that doesn't really mean anything, babydoll. You're in love with Jace, so of course you'd feel something when you kiss him. It's not really a fair trial. The only way you'd know for sure was if you tried when you're not in love with him."

"Well than, I guess we'll never know."

Jace's shock morphed into a smile, before turning into disbelief. "Did that really just happen? Did my girlfriend just make out with a girl right in front of me?"

Alec nodded, shock still written on his face. Isabelle burst out laughing again, and Simon continued to stare at her in awe.

"Am I supposed to be mad? I feel like i should be angry at you for making out with someone other than me, but I feel more turned on than anything."

Isabelle continued to laugh. "Wow, Clary. Now that was awesome. I didn't think you had it in you."

Jace scoffed. "Awesome? That was hot as hell! Still feel like I should be mad, though."

Clary wrapped her arms around her waist. "You don't have to be mad. I'm in love with you. You don't ever have to worry about me liking anybody else."

He smiled, leaning to peck her lips, and turning her in his arms so she faced the others, although she was still wrapped in his arms. " Anyway, didn't we come here to hunt? Iz, are you getting anything?"

She pulled her ruby out of her pocket. "No, it doesn't seem like there's any activity yet."

Magnus nodded. "I already did a sweep of the place. Nothing."

Jace sighed, tightening his arms around his girlfriend's neck. "That's disappointing. I guess today is a fun day then." He pulled Clary with him towards a booth in the back, ignoring all the eyes on them, as the others followed behind them.

When they were all settled and had ordered drinks, they sat back, relaxing a bit.

"So, Clary. When are you going to tell us what's been bothering you."

Her head snapped towards Simon, accusingly, as Jace looked between the two of them. "What's he talking about, Clary?"

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it, it's not a big deal."

"What's not a big deal? What's the matter?"

She sighed heavily, leaning her head back against the arm. "It's really nothing. Just a bad feeling I've been getting. It's probably nothing. I'm just being paranoid."

Magnus leaned towards her. "What do you mean? What kind of bad feeling?"

"I don't know. Lately I've felt like someone's ALWAYS watching me, and then there's just this really bad feeling I've got. Like something's bad about to happen."

It was silent for a moment, before Isabelle groaned. "NO! We just got a break! Come on!"

Clary laughed. "It's probably nothing, Iz. I told you I was just being paranoid."

It was silent again, and as Clary opened her mouth to reassure them again, the waiter came with their drinks. "You know what, we can talk about this tomorrow. Tonight, let's get drunk and let loose."

Isabelle laughed, high-fiving her parabatai. "Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Let's get wasted!"

The tension in the air lifted as everyone drank, and they soon forgot their troubles. Isabelle pulled Clary to the dance floor, where the grinded against each other and bounced around. Jace was content just watching for a while, but the sight of other boys slowly closing in on them, made him abandon his seat, and kidnap his girlfriend from his sister.

As if on cue, a slow dance came on, and he pulled her close, and wrapped his arms around her waist, as hers looped around his neck. In her heels, she was tall enough to rest her chin on his shoulder as they swayed to the music. Jace laid soft kisses over her ear and temple. "You're incredible. I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend", he whispered sweetly into her ear.

She smiled against his collarbone. "So I take it you're not mad about earlier?"

He chuckled. " No, I'm not mad. It was really hot. Just as long as you know that I'm the only one able to give you any real pleasure. Nobody knows you're body the way I do."

As he spoke, his fingers trailed down her bare back, so lightly it raised goosebumps. They froze at the very bottom of her her dress, at the small of her back, tracing patterns slowly, as his lips skimmed the shell of her ear.

" This dress has been driving me crazy all evening." As proof, he pressed his hips against hers, and she whined quietly at the feeling of his bulge in the apex of her thighs. She clung to him, her arms tight around his neck, and her face pressed into the crook of his neck.

When she glanced up, she noticed that he had strategically moved them to a dark corner as they danced. She gasped when her back hit a wall. By this time, they were completely covered in shadows. Her vision tried to adjust, but she remained blinded by darkness.

She gasped again when Jace flipped her around so her torso was flush with the wall. One hand skimmed along the V of her chest, as the other slid to the front of her right thigh. His teeth nipped the skin beneath her ear, and she suddenly had trouble breathing correctly. "You know, Clary, while I may not be mad about what happened earlier, I won't forgive it. You let someone other than me touch you, and you did it without my permission."

His fingers scratched up her inner thigh, dangerously close to her core, but avoiding it altogether. Her breath caught when his other hand pulled down the top of her dress, exposing her nipples to the cold wall in front of her. His fingers traced circles around her left breast, as his other moved to her core, lightly tracing her slit. Clary's head fell back on his shoulder, and he took that opportunity to run his tongue down the length of her neck. She whispered his name when his fingers finally found her nipple, tugging on it harshly and rolling it between his fingers as she moaned quietly.

One of Clary's hands went up into his hair, and the other rested atop the one currently inching it's way slowly into her panties. "You're so wet, Clary. Did kissing that girl earlier turn you on? Or was it me? Do you like what I'm doing to you, Clary? Or should I stop?"

His index finger pressed lightly against her clit, as his middle finger traveled further down and circled her entrance. She had to stop herself from screaming when he pinched her clit, hard. "NO! No, don't stop."

His feeling of his finger thrusting hard into her, had her clasping the hand that was gripping his hair over her mouth. He stroked her walls slowly, his teeth releasing the grip it held on her earlobe. "What's the matter, baby? You don't have to hold back. I love hearing the sounds you make. When you moan as I suck your nipples. How you whimper when I thrust my fingers in your tight little body. And I especially love when you scream as my tongue flicks over your clit. But my overall favorite is the way you scream my name when my cock milks your slick walls as you orgasm."

Clary couldn't help the sob that escaped her as he added a finger, moving way too slowly for her liking. "Jace."

He chuckled, his fingers moving away from her nipple for a second to tilt her chin towards him, before returning. His mouth devoured hers, his tongue tracing every part of hers. His eyes remained open, loving the sight of her writhing against him.

Clary's body was screaming, every sensitive part of her in overdrive. She had long lost all sense of reason, the heat growing in her stomach quickly becoming a raging inferno. He added a third finger, thrusting harshly into her.

Jace couldn't help the satisfaction that flowed through him, as she sucked frantically on his tongue. Her arousal dripped down his fingers, spurring him on. By now, Clary was moaning out, loud enough to almost be heard over the pounding music. He released her breast to pull out his stele and draw a barrier rune that Clary had created around them so no one could see or hear them.

"Jace." Clary whined beneath her hand, and Jace was quick to remove it.

"It's ok. I put a barrier up. No one can see or hear us. You can be as loud as you want." As he spoke, his fingers thrust further into her heat, scratching lightly against her walls. She cried out, and he smiled against her neck.

His unoccupied hand went back to her nipple, switching back and forth between the two. Clary's hand that had been covering her mouth went back into his hair, tugging when he did something she liked.

Jace smirked when he felt her walls begin to suck his fingers in, knowing she was close. His hand slowed, and he chuckled when she sobbed quietly. "You didn't think I'd let you cum so easily, now did you? This is punishment, Clary. You have to beg me."

Now normally, Clary would have snorted or laughed in his face, but her body needed release so badly , and she thought she would go crazy if it didn't. The thought of him leaving her hanging was enough for her to give in. "Please. Please, Jace. Please. Please. Please."

Jace's digits resumed their previous speed as she begged, his thumb rubbing slowly over her bundle of nerves. When he found her g-spot, he made sure to hit it with every thrust. It wasn't long before Clary convulsed in his arms, crying out loudly. He held her body up against the wall as her legs gave out, peppering kisses against her cheek.

When she had gathered her bearings a bit, he pulled his fingers out, wiping them on his pants. She turned towards him, kissing him slowly. When she pulled back, she laughed. "I love you so much."

He kissed her again. Once. Twice. Three times. "I love you too, but we should probably find the others before they come looking for us."

He helped her fix her dress and hair, before taking her hand and dragging them back to the booth they had been sitting in before.

Magnus and Alec were almost exactly where they had left them, except now their heads were together as they talked quietly. Jace pulled Clary next to him. " We're gonna head home."

They looked up at them, and stood up. "We're coming. Just let us find Iz and Simon before we go."

When they were all together, they paid the bill and left, all eager to get in bed after such a long day. Clary leaned heavily against Jace, the activities of the day beginning to weigh down on her body.

"Jaaaaaaaaccccceeeee! I'm tired!", she whined.

He laughed, tightening the arm he had around her waist. "We're almost home. Stay awake just a bit longer."

She whined again, jumping onto his back. "Carry me."

He laughed again, grasping the back of her thighs to keep her up. She rested her head on his shoulder, his arms wrapping lightly around his neck.

Simon and Clary began talking about random mundane things as they walked, while Magnus, Alec and Jace conversed about hunting. They were passing an alley about a block away from the institute, when a voice called Clary's name.

Everyone froze. That voice was way too familiar, and one that they weren't ever supposed to hear again. Clary let go of Jace, facing the figure still veiled by shadows. Jace pushed her behind him, his seraph blades out and glowing in the darkness. The mixing of his, and his siblings weapons, as well as the glowing of Magnus's hands was enough light to show the face of the person no one wanted to ever see again.

Clary's heart was beating so hard, she thought it might burst. Any feeling of fatigue or drunkenness was long gone. She should have listened to herself. She knew something felt off. She knew this day wasn't going to end well. And now, standing in front of her was the very last person she ever wanted to see again.

Clary's voice shook. "Jonathan."