Alright so another new story, Wolf Faunus Ruby AU, and loads of other things please enjoy.

"You can't patch a wounded soul with a Band-Aid."

― Michael Connelly, The Black Echo

Chapter 1-

Legends. Stories scattered through time. Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, by-products, of a forgotten past.

Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness — creatures of destruction — the creatures of Grimm - set their sights on man and all of his creations. These forces clashed, and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence to the void.

However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named "Dust."

Nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life.

But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone... darkness will return.

So you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called "free world," but take heed... there will be no victory in strength.

But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten. Things that require a smaller, more honest soul.

"He's here, alongside seven guys in black suits and red ties, look like Juniors lot." A voice said into the ear of a short girl wearing a dark red cape with the hood covering her head.

The girl gave no reply as she pretended to read the gun magazine in her hands with headphones over her ears playing nothing.

"Ok they're inside now, arrogant prick." The girl in her ear stated.

Again the girl gave no reply as she heard the entire exchange between the criminals and the shop keeper, as they started to steal the dust she kept quiet until one of them finally noticed her.

The man in the suit with his sword walked up to the girl in the red cloak, pointing his sword at her back saying, "Alright kid, put your hands where I can see 'em." He said, pushing his sword forward slightly.

The girl heard everything but gave no reaction and just as the man was going to speak again she spun around with her leg up.

Her first kick knocked his weapon arm to the side while her second caught him around the face making him stumble back before the girl threw her leg once more into his stomach knocking him back to the front of the shop.

Another man came running towards the girl who, using the man's momentum caught his arm as he moved his sword into a swing, she caught the man's wrist and threw him back the way he came but this time through the window.

Seeing that her options were limited the girl jumped out through the broken window while deploying her large weapon.

All of the remaining henchmen alongside the ringleader all came out to see a girl with a large red cape and massive scythe waiting outside for them.

"Okay. Get her!" The ringleader shouted at the other henchmen.

Then the girl spoke, her voice robotic but held a cheerful tone to it, "Please surrender peacefully or else." The voice stated, sounding cheerful.

"But sir, that's the Red Reaper." Once of the henchmen stated, backing up slightly in fear.

"So? Just get her." The man shouted once more.

The henchmen all ran forward swinging swords towards the girl as they attempted to kill her with the sharp blades.

The girl, Red Reaper just jumped back from the swings while firing a bullet behind her throwing her scythe into a wide arc with the blunt end of the blade hitting it into one of the henchmen's stomach throwing him back against the wall of the shop.

Red reacted quickly as she loaded another round at the same time and fired again, moving her own body in the same time she hit the blade into the next guy's legs before swinging her body around and kicking him in the head.

"Ouch he'll feel that later." The voice in her ear said cheerfully.

The girl landed with her scythe buried into the concrete as she herself had one foot along the rifle with the other in the air as she looked towards the remaining henchmen.

"Last chance." The robotic voice said, all cheerfulness gone from the voice as it was replaced with menace.

The three remaining henchmen looked between themselves as they dropped their weapons and started running away.

"You were worth every cent. Truly, you were." The man said as he dropped his cigar to the ground and crushed it with his cane.

"I've got the runners." The voice in her ear said cheerfully.

"Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around but I know your reputation Red." The man, Roman said as he raised his cane up which the end popped open with a small sight for him.

Firing at the girl she quickly aimed her weapon at the ground and flew up into the air avoiding the blast and she landed next to the front of the shop.

Landing on the ground she looked up to see Roman climbing up a ladder, looking over to the shopkeeper to check he was ok, she fired at the ground once more to launch herself onto the roof.

Roman almost sensing the girl behind her turned to find her still chasing her, "Persistent aren't you Red?" He stated as he climbed into a rising Bullhead that was waiting for him.

Climbing inside he shouted, "End of the line Red." He said while throwing a red dust crystal at her and raised his cane again, firing another blast at her feet.

The girl was about to fire behind her so she could chase after the man but a tall blond woman jumped in front of her with a riding crop in her hand as a purple shield was erected in front of the two of them.

Annoyed the girl was glad her hood hid her face from view as the tall woman started to attack the Bullhead that Roman had gotten into.

"Huntress, suggest you run." The voice in her ear stated, worry evident in her voice.

The girl ignored the comment as she watched the fight play out with the huntress losing the battle as a woman hidden in shadows started to attack back.

Seeing the losing battle she started to fire up at the woman but as she noticed the shots being blocked she changed her aim to the engines as the ground ignited into red circles, she knew she would survive blasts but it was clear the Huntress didn't think that.

She was pulled back by the woman as she jumped back as well, at the same time the Bullhead rose up and shot off into the distance as the roof exploded.

Annoyed the girl recovered quickly and started to walk away when she felt something on the back of her head before darkness rose to meet her.

The girl, Ruby Rose or as she was better known by Vale as the Red Reaper. She was sixteen years old, contrary to what people believed that she was in fact older than this.

For the last seven she had been fighting against the White Fang and partly against humans who would hurt Faunus.

Seven years since her mother died by the hands of the White Fang elite and she had taken up her mother's fight against the violent organisation, she knew some of them were still good and didn't like this new direction, a few ever succeeded in getting out of the organisation but she knew of the few who did succeed and even helped them in finding new lives.

The Vale police while outwardly and publically said that she was a criminal, privately they hailed her as a hero but for the public, especially the humans she stopped from attacking Faunus were people with power normally and would demand her capture, even putting bounties on her but they never succeeded.

It was different for the Hunters and Huntresses, while she did attack the Grimm and help those in need but it wasn't as much a major concern for her, whose focus was on the White Fang and the immediate threat they pose.

She had only had interaction with a few Hunters and Huntresses, and those were limited to only two Hunters who had never seen her face or heard her speak at all.

They had tried to apprehend her which only failed as she knew what was happening and disabled them before they could attack her. As a sort of peace offering to them she had taken out a White Fang lieutenant and gave him to the two Hunters.

After that she was left alone except for when one of the Hunters had woken up and tried to talk to her, which only failed. This had happened three years ago when she was thirteen years old.

She felt the darkness of sleep start to clear up as she slowly woke up to a dull grey room with two chairs, one of which was occupied by Ruby with her hand's handcuffed behind her back and to the chair.

She noticed that her hood was still up meaning that either they didn't know how to take it down or allowed her to leave it up, either way Ruby didn't mind.

Her hands were quick with practised ease as she started to fiddle with the handcuffs on her wrists while she looked around the room.

It didn't take long for a man to enter alongside the same blonde woman from earlier that night, or was it the next day? How long was she asleep? Ruby allowed these thoughts to fly through her mind before focusing on the people in front of her.

"Hello, I believe you met Miss Glynda Goodwitch here, do you know who I am?" The man asked as he sat down opposite Ruby.

Ruby slowly nodded her head, she knew who Ozpin was. He was the headmaster of Beacon Academy but also the Hunter who tried to talk to her three years ago.

"Why are you doing this?" Ozpin asked, his voice full of curiosity.

Ruby turned to look at the man, cocking her head to the side through her hood in confusion how the man was awake, he should be out for hours.

Ruby stood watching the man debating with herself about whether or not to answer his question or not but instead didn't speak deciding it was best to leave it.

"We could help you." Ozpin stated to the cloaked woman.

"How?" A robotic voice asked quietly.

"Publically we can't, but we can offer support and give you equipment when you need it." Ozpin said, trying to get more from the Red Reaper.

"I don't need it." The robotic voice stated firmly.

"What do you need then?" Ozpin asked, trying anything he could think of to learn more about the woman.

Ruby stood their silent as she tried to think through what she could want or would need from him, her mind went back to what she was told when she was younger.

"I don't need support or equipment but I need the ability to provide information I find directly to Hunters instead of leaving the information for them." Ruby's robotic voice informed him.

"I can do that, I can give you a method direct into the Hunters network where information is shared between Hunters and where missions are assigned." Ozpin said, trying to get out of the rope so he could give the information over.

"Don't! I'll leave a method to contact me with the information." The voice said firmly, making Ozpin stop.

"Ok then, but why don't you join my school? I run Beacon Academy and surely someone of your skill would do well." Ozpin asked, almost pleading with the woman.

Ruby just ignored him as she placed a note on his chest before turning around and leaving them, not talking to them again.

She had left the two Hunters tied loosely to a pipe, they could easily get out of there with a more securely tied up White Fang Lieutenant across from them with a small note on the front of him written in elegant writing. 'A present.'

Ruby subtly shook her head as she became lost in the memory, as if it happened mere minutes ago. She had been given access to the network where she was able to inform Hunters of attacks by the White Fang, one's that she couldn't stop.

Now she had chosen to remain silent she waited to hear the next question by the man in front of him.

"I believe you never answered my question that night." Ozpin said, as if he knew where Ruby's mind had gone.

Remaining silent Ruby finally got the handcuffs unlocked but didn't make a move to give away what she was free.

"The grunts are outside the precinct, I can break you out if you wish." The voice in her ear asked, sounding cheerful as if she wanted to break Ruby out.

Cocking her head to the side Ruby thought about what she wanted to do before a silent no was sent through to the woman on the other end.

"Are you talking to someone?" Miss Goodwitch asked harshly.

Ruby turned to look at Glynda, making the older woman slightly uncomfortable as she didn't know what to make of the look.

What surprised both adults in the room was when the Reaper spoke, but instead of hearing a human voice it was a robotic voice that spoke.

"Why does it matter to you who we talk to?" The voice spoke harshly.

"We?" Glynda asked, confused at the statement while Ozpin looked at Ruby with interest.

"Doesn't matter about that you stupid woman, you better let us go or else." The robotic voice said as it grew threatening.

"Or what?" Glynda asked as she brought her riding crop into her hands.

"We'll show you what was going to happen to Roman before you got in the way." The voice stated.

Glynda started to rise up as she approached towards Ruby as a purple glyph started to form around the woman.

"Miss Goodwitch." Ozpin said, relaxed as if the two women were about to fight.

Glynda backed down and sat down while the robotic voice started to have a conversation with seemingly herself.

"Jump." Ruby whispered softly but knew she had heard her.

"Are you sure?" The robotic voice asked out loud so everyone could hear.

"Yes, I'll be fine." Ruby whispered once more.

"If you're sure, I'll be back if something happens." The voice said before it seemingly stopped speaking.

They heard an unfamiliar but human voice whisper with a raspy sound, a voice that sounded as if it hadn't been used in years.

"I'm sorry for Aria, she gets protective over me." Ruby spoke, her voice unfamiliar.

"Aria?" Glynda asked, but she got no answer to her question as Ozpin started to speak.

"What is your name? We can't keep calling you Red Reaper." He said, his voice soft and comforting.

"Ruby, my name is Ruby." Ruby stated, watching as Ozpin's seemed to have a flash of recognition go across it.

The woman, Glynda seemed to write that down on the tablet in her arms while she left Ozpin to do the talking.

"Well then Ruby, do you know who I am?" Ozpin asked once more, his voice kind and gentle.

"Of course, you are Ozpin a Hunter but also the headmaster of Beacon Academy where you train Hunters and Huntresses." Ruby said, with textbook accuracy.

"That I am, do you know why you are here?" Ozpin asked.

"Because I am believed to be a criminal and as such I was rendered unconscious and brought here to be locked up." Ruby stated, almost tiredly.

"That is the reason Miss Goodwitch brought you here but that is incorrect." Ozpin stated, "Do you remember what I asked you three years ago?" He asked the girl, curious if she remembered.

"You asked me why I was doing this, fighting the White Fang. I assume that is what you are referring to." Ruby stated.

"Yes it is, you didn't answer my question that night will you now?" Ozpin asked the girl.

Ruby paused for a minute as she contemplated answering the question, "I'm guessing if I said I had no reason you wouldn't believe me?" Ruby asked.

"You're right, we wouldn't." Glynda stated plainly.

"If you don't wish to answer then I won't pressure you but I should tell you why we're having this conversation." Ozpin stated while Glynda started to type on her scroll.

"What do you think of Huntresses?" He asked the younger girl.

"They are highly trained warriors who work at pushing back the Grimm and are also known to stop White Fang attacks when they can stop them with enough warning of the attack." Ruby stated, again almost reading from a textbook as she spoke.

"That is true, but what do you think of them yourself Ruby? Not what a textbook tells you." Ozpin asked once more, trying to get an insight into the girls mind.

"They allow me to complete my mission against the White Fang without having to worry as much about the Grimm, they help the people as a whole and I look up to them in a way because my mother was a Huntress but I know that I can't become one." Ruby said, her voice almost sad as she spoke the first hint of any emotion during the whole conversation.

"Why can't you become a Huntress? It is clear you already have a large amount of training so what is stopping you?" Ozpin asked, getting more interest into Ruby's responses.

Ruby tilted her head to the side slightly and looked down towards the table, "I have no formal training except for my mother and uncle who trained me in hand to hand combat and using my scythe respectively. I have never been to school either so no matter how much I would want to become one, I simply cannot." Ruby stated, her entire voice and body language showed her sadness at the news.

Ozpin felt sympathy for the girl in front of her as he heard the story while his mind mentally clicked about who could have taught Ruby what she knew, "You are already better trained than almost any Huntress out there, I would be happy to offer you a place at Beacon." Ozpin stated.

"Why would I need to go to a school if I'm better the most out there?" Ruby asked, curious as to why he said that.

"There are always things you can learn but wouldn't you prefer to be officially recognised as a Huntress instead of being looked at as a criminal." Ozpin said to the girl.

"But how would that even work as I'm seen as a criminal by most people, it would be counterproductive for you to do this." Ruby stated, confused.

"Do not worry about this Ruby, I am well aware of what the police believe of you and I share their view, especially after our run in a few years ago. Why else do you think no more Hunters have gone after you?" Ozpin asked.

"I guessed they heard what happened to you and decided they didn't want to risk a run in with me." Ruby said playfully although she knew the answer.

"I'm sure you already know that I had to do with that, but at the time you never answered me when I asked about becoming a Huntress and joining my school. So I'll ask again, do you wish to join my school?" He asked.

"Do I have a choice? I highly doubt you would let me go." Ruby stated plainly.

"If you do not wish to join, we shall leave you and I'm sure you will break out on your own but I highly doubt you are going to turn down the offer." Ozpin said, sure of himself.

"How would you know that?" Ruby asked, curious as to how he would know that.

"I have a feeling that you won't turn down my offer, let's leave it at that." Ozpin said with a slight smile.

"There was a reason I couldn't accept your offer three years ago, although it would still look suspicious now it is less so the before." Ruby said cryptically.

"Suspicious? How so?" Glynda asked.

"How old am I Miss Goodwitch?" Ruby asked the older woman.

"Well you appeared seven years ago but judging by the way you fight and the fact Ozpin is offering you a place in the school I would assume you are in your early to mid twenties." Glynda guessed.

Ruby almost laughed at the comment, she silently wished she was that age but sadly she wasn't. Checking with Aria that all the cameras were disabled she raised her hands up to her hood and pulled it down.

Ruby had soft but defined facial features, with sharp cheekbones with a small nose and pale pink lips shut tightly closed. Her hair was long and reached her shoulders but tied back into a loose ponytail with the dark red tips mixing with her natural black hair with headphones on her head but away from her ears so she could hear people.

What the most striking features to the two adults in the room were the cold, calculating silver eyes staring back at them.

Glynda was stunned by the fact that the girl in front of them looked so young in everything except her eyes which looked much older than the rest of her body by many years.

Ozpin stared at Ruby seemingly lost as he looked at Ruby, lost in a memory until he finally snapped out of his thoughts, "How old are you Ruby?" He asked.

"I am sixteen years old, I will be turning seventeen in two months." Ruby stated clearly.

"Then that means you were only thirteen when you met Ozpin and only nine years old when you started becoming the Red Reaper." Glynda said, stunned at a girl so young fighting against the White Fang.

"I was only publically attacking them for seven years, I was working with my mother in a more private war against them for almost ten years now." Ruby informed the two of them.

"Ten years? But you were still a child." Glynda said, stunned at the information.

"It was either fight and protect myself or I would end up dead, they tried to kill me before but I was able to stop them so I didn't want to be defenceless and begged my mother, she agreed." Ruby informed them.

"But why were the White Fang attacking you?" Glynda asked while Ozpin remained silent.

"Because my mother and I were different, we were the last of our kind and it looked weak to the White Fang so they moved to have us killed." Ruby said emotionless.

"Last of your kind?" Glynda asked once more.

Thinking for a minute Ruby reached up once more and removed her headphones from her head to lay them on the table as two wolf ears popped up from her head after being hidden by the headphones.

She wiggled her ears a bit as they were allowed their freedom, they matched her hair colour almost exactly with the tips of the ears being red.

"You're a wolf Faunus." Ozpin stated, which Glynda only echoed.

"I am, and the last of my kind." Ruby said sadly.

"What about your mother?" Glynda asked.

"She was killed by the White Fang, they overwhelmed her while I was with my uncle training. I returned home to discover that she was dead on the floor." Ruby said, fury entering her voice as she spoke with her fists tightening.

"How do you know it was the White Fang?" Glynda asked, curious as to the evidence.

"I found almost a hundred dead White Fang soldiers, if that's not proof enough then I don't know what is." Ruby said calmly.

"When did this happen?" Ozpin asked.

"Six years ago." Ruby stated, showing when she became a more dominant figure in the public eye.

"The same time as Summer." Ozpin mumbled to himself, "Ruby may I ask what your last name is?" Ozpin asked.

"You may ask but why do you want to know?" Ruby asked, defensive.

"So we can put this information into the school network." Ozpin said, not giving away what he thought.

"It's Rose, my full name is Ruby Rose." Ruby gave the two adults.

"You are the daughter of Summer Rose aren't you?" Ozpin asked, finally giving away what he knew.

"How do you know that name?" Ruby asked, tense as she heard the man say his mother's name.

"I knew Summer, we were on a team together a long time ago. About twenty years ago she vanished and we didn't know where she had gone." Ozpin said, his voice taking a slightly sad tone.

"She never told me who my father was, but she spoke about when she was a Huntress working with a team before she had to leave that team however she never told me why she had to leave, do you know?" Ruby asked, hopeful in finding out more about her mother.

"I am afraid I do not, but I could try and look into it for you." Ozpin suggested.

"Really?" Ruby asked, hopeful at the news.

"Yes, I am not sure what I would find by I could look into it for you." Ozpin said.

"Thank you." Ruby breathed out with a small smile on her face. Finally, maybe I can get some answers. Ruby thought to herself.