Warning: Slash, potential swearing

A/N: I had this fic just sitting in my notes and I thought, "Hey, why not post it?" Kind of shitty, but this was old me. I have an excuse.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls and Disney's Beauty and the Beast. What the characters are doing are all me.

Chapter 1

Gideon Gleeful was persistent. Dipper had no other words for the baby faced male who has been pining over him for the longest time. He was famous, and everyone is in love with him. Yet he chooses Dipper instead of a pretty female. It unnerves him to no end. Mabel is simply ecstatic to have her "baby" brother, even though they were twins, to have a suitor. But the only problem was, is that Gideon was a jerk.

When spring finally fell on the small village of Gravity Falls. It was late mid morning when Dipper decided to borrow a book from the bookstore. It was a normal practice since their Grunkle Stan, a famous conman, wont give them the money to purchase what they want. The man at the bookshop is a kind old fellow who let's Dipper have his fun.

"Another book, Dipper?" the kind man asked. Dipper nodded, examining the bookshelves for the book he wanted to read. His eyes landed on a cover, leather bound. It was slightly tattered and wondered why it was here in the first place.

"This one." Dipper decided. He pulled the book from its spot on the shelf and went to the counter. The man looked at the cover. Despite it's ragged self, it was embroidered with gold. No one dare touch it the contents were what they say "unholy". But he paid no heed and insisted that this was the book he wanted. The bookshop owner, knowing how much Dipper loves books and the supernatural such as this very book, decided to give it to him.

"Oh, that one! Not many people want that book. Since it's not like anyone else would want it. You could keep it." the moment the words left the old man's mouth. Dipper's face turned from polite to completely ecstatic. He was bouncing off his heels at this point. He looked inside, flipping through the slightly yellowing pages. He closed the book.

"Thank you so much, sir." he thanked the old man. His expression was bright with joy and was simply radiating it. The old man smiled.

"No need. I am very pleased that you enjoy books so well." he said. Dipper bade the old man farewell.

He walked out of the store, his nose buried in the book. His primary focus was the words on the yellowing pages rather than the whispers and gossip from other townsfolk. The butcher, a burly man with a sarcastic attitude, whispered to a barmaid, a pretty thing with a sweet demeanor.

"Have you heard?" the butcher's voice was gravelly and slightly detestable. "Gideon is planning to propose!"

"To who?" the other whispered back, shock written on her face.

"To him!" he pointed towards Dipper, who has now decided to sit down on the fountain's edge.

"Him?" the barmaid sounded disbelieving. She was new so it was not a surprise.

"Of course! Who else?" the butcher voiced out, sounding aghast. The barmaid shrugged. She looked at the reading boy once more. He was not a looker but compared to most of the males there. He was a lot better looking.

Dipper hummed softly, pretending to not have heard the painstakingly obvious conversation about him only a few feet away. It was normal now since everyone in the town seemed to disapprove of him. His likes, such as reading, and dislikes, such as Gideon. What caught his attention was the news of Gideon planning to propose to him. He would rather marry a demon, honestly. What he did not notice though was shuffling and soft footsteps towards his way.

"Oh, Dipper!" a voice, sickeningly sweet with an annoying foreign accent, made itself heard next to him. It was obviously Gideon. Dipper sighed in irritation, not bothering anymore to look up from his reading. "Hun, whatcha readin'?"

"None of your business." he grumbled, making sure the other townsfolk did not hear him. If they did, there would be a riot. An angry mob ready to bust down his door.

Gideon giggled sickeningly and Dipper had to gag in his mouth. "Of course it's my business." he cooed. He snatched the book he was holding and looked through it. Dipper protested, jumping to his feet. "Who reads this stuff anyways?" Gideon remarked, seemingly bored of the piece of literature.

"A lot of people, as a matter of fact!" Dipper scowled while snatching the book from the other's slightly chubbier hands.

"By the look of it. I'm not so sure, hun." Gideon replied. Dipper narrowed his eyes at him. His scowl deepened and his eyebrows furrowed. How do people put with this guy? Honestly! "Why not put that book down and hang out with me?"

Dipper was beyond disgusted at this point. "No thanks!" he snapped, turning on his heel to leave. But he was grabbed by Gideon and pulled to his arms. "Let me go!"

"Not until you spend some time with lil ol' me." Gideon smirked. Dipper was so frustrated at this point that he used most of his strength to break free, from the surprisingly iron grip the other had, and stormed off.

"Not a chance!" he replied.

He arrived home in a terrible mood. He walked inside, slamming the door closed behind him. He heard shuffling down steps and he looked up to see his sister, bedazzled in her own unique way. She was older by five minutes so she has the "right" to call herself the alpha twin.

"Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed. She jumped the last step and ran towards him. Flinging her arms around her brother. She seemed extra giddy today. With her loop earrings and her extra sparkly choice of clothes. "Grunkle Stan went out of town. He'll be back by tomorrow evening." Dipper nodded.

"Oh, and where are you going?" He saw her face brightened instantly.

"Nowhere! I just felt like it." Mabel explained. "So how's your day?"

"Fine." he dismissed her.


Grunkle Stan was not dumb. But he was definitely not wise. He was considered a cheap schemer who's money is in their top priority by most of the town and his relatives. But in reality he has a dark secret. Currently he was lost. He forgot his map at home and now he was stuck in the middle of a dark, forsaken forest at the edge of town. It was cold and the animals looked unforgiving in anyway. He did not seem fazed. His only means of direction are his hunches and some signs that seemed to have been there for quite a while.

"Goddamn- I mean, uh, never mind." he muttered to himself, his eyebrows furrowed in irritation. He turned his head to two directions. The sign was slightly faded and was otherwise, not helpful. He sighed, dragging his hands down in an act of frustration. He looked over at the stuff that was supposed to be given to Mabel and the seemingly lack of stuff supposed to be given to Dipper. Dipper wanted a book. Stan could not find one that he did not think was too boring. But all was boring so it did not really matter.

He moved right, trusting his instincts to do the right thing. He did not read the slightly faded sign's warning. It could still be read, if only slightly. it said: "Trust no one."

The day grew darker, with the sun setting in an unnerving way. With the temperature growing lower and lower in each passing hour, he was now desperately just trying to find his way or an inn at least. The howls of night wolves filled the steady night silence, breaking it. Stan urged his horse to go faster, feeling the impending jaws of late night predators. With a loud neigh, the horse dashed unexpectedly. Barely dodging a wolf's hungry pounce. The cart at the back was rumbling dangerously behind him, hitting rocks and roots on his way to nowhere. The creatures were moving towards them, gaining speed and ripping the wooden hinges of his ride.

"Scram you stupid pooches!" Stan roared, making a left turn. It caused major damage on the already slightly broken cart. He growled and urged his panicking horse to pick up the pace. He heard the terrible howl of ravenous wolves in the night. Growling and the obvious sound of running filled the distressed man's ears.

"Shit!" he cursed, his cart making an unexpected left turn and colliding with a nearby tree. He groaned, shaking his head. He looked up, his cart in a wreck and his horse has dashed. He cursed again, this time louder and more colorful. Hope filled his chest though when his eyes landed on a source of light only a meter away. Stan dashed, desperately trying to get away from the bloodthirsty hounds coming for his skin. Once he reached the front gates of rather magnificent yet slowly decomposing castle. Oddly enough, it was made of stone and hard to believe it would decompose. Opening the door with little difficult, he rushed inside. He caught sight of teeth and ravenous eyes. He slammed door shut on the wolves, making sure his skin wont come in contact with their teeth and locked it, deeming him "safe".

Stan sighed, relieved beyond words. He looked up at the place he found. It was eerie, presumably abandoned, and cold. There was a front door, two oak double doors lavishly decorated with triangles, Stan pushed it, letting himself in. Such as the door, there were generous sprinkles of triangles all around the house. 'What an eccentric weirdo..' flashed in Stan's mind.

"Oh, hello dude!" a voice chimed out of nowhere. Stan glanced over at the sound's supposed location. Eyebrows furrowed slightly and his defenses never faltering. "You lost or something?"

"Yeah, so what?" Stan said. The owner of the voice appeared itself to him. A clock. Stan's jaw went slack at that moment.

"You can stay here if you want, dude." the clock offered. Stan narrowed his eyes, suspicious.

"Is it free?" Stan asked.

"Yup!" the clock confirmed.

"I'm in! So where's your food?"

"Oh, it's—" the clock was interrupted by another piece of furniture. A candlestick this time.

"Yo Soos." she hopped towards them. She then noticed Stan and her eyebrows rose. "Who's that?"

"Some dude who's going to be staying with us for the night." he explained. She nodded.

"But what about you know who?" she sounded worried. Stan narrowed his eyes suspiciously at them, bringing his guard back up. Soos dismissed her.

"It'll be fine, dude."

"If you say so."

"The food is this way, dude!" Soos hopped over to the entrance of a grand dining hall. It was large with a long table in the middle. Cushioned chairs fashionably decorated with triangles was tucked under the table.

When the meal was finished, Stan was already ready to retire at this point. He decided to retire in a big armchair over a roaring flame. It was serene. Until something caught his eye. Over by a shelf of books was a single solitary rose. He decided to give this to Mabel. And maybe a book for Dipper since he lost all his stuff. He hid both items in his clothes for safe keeping.

When morning finally came to the eerie castle, Stan woke up as usual when he sleeps on a chair and not a bed. In pain. He groaned, stretching his limps and cracking the joints in his body some more. Until he heard a cough in front of him.

"Uh," Stan said looking up. He saw a top hat adorning, cane twirling, bow tie wearing triangle with a single eye with eyelashes that Stan was sure was fake. Yellow like a pyramid and triangle like everything else in the house, he assumed he was the master of this abode.

"Hello!" the triangle greeted rather cheerfully. Stab raised his eyebrows, suspicious of this unexpected . . . shape to appear before him. He was absolutely speechless. "It's rude to not answer, you know. It's also rude to steal my stuff right after I let you stay in my amazing home." the triangle flaunted his home like it was his most prized possession. Stan choked at how eccentric and slightly flamboyant this guy was.

"Are you laughing at me?!" his yellowish color turned a dark red and his cat like eye narrowed.

"What? No!" Stan tried to defend himself of the accuse, but the guy was already too riled up. Blinded by his fury, his mystery host sent him down to the dungeon. A musty and dark place, it looked cruel. "I'm not going back to prison!" he struggled.

The triangle chuckled, a sadistic edge to his voice. "Well too bad."